(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

Your EDD is 11Feb and mine is 10Feb,so it's either that i pop out first or u first..that's why we feelin the same symptoms.
Anyway, all the best to us..speedy and safe deliveries

Bulma,ur a supermum..that's why i think u lost a lot of weight oredi..i think u really enjoy being a mum..

me also no more space in tummy and when baby move is like elbowing me like that a bump will pop out i also opening eyes big big to notice the signs ha ha :p

same to you. May all mummies who haven't pop have a short, smooth and safe delivery
Hi all,

My EDD is 25 Feb and i heard 1st baby will delivery around 36-38 weeks izzit? I'm having stomach pain now and then. contraction getting more often, do u think this is the sign?
Hi Lim
Eh baby can be delivered anytime from 36 wks onwards...not necessray ti would be within 36-38 wks ha ha
i am 38 wks and 3 days liaoz still no sign of popping leh....well i also have stomach aching a bit here and there...contraction maybe i still don;t know how to distinguish
Hi Etelle,

So worry but excited to see my baby.... I do have bleeding on my 34weeks and 35weeks. I tot baby going to pop..hehe.. Now i start to scare dun noe is it very pain when baby pop... I everyday talk to my baby to ask her to come out ASAP. Bcos very tried n heavy now... walking sometime also got problem.
morning eveyrone

wah, back to work after a long break. Brought my laptop back with the intention to do some work on chu 3 but as usual, didnt do anything. hardly at home lah.

nowadays always feeling sleepy. dunno whether it's because cannot sleep well at night. sleep left or right or flat on back all uncomfortable, and sleep too long in one posn, half the body start to ache. Still not going to the toilet too often at night, probably coz i'm not taking enuff water.

gong xi fa cai to u too
a bit late liao, think already overindulged by chu 1...this friday go gynae and see if bb/mummy put on a lot of wt.

u'r officially out of confinement today! Happy 1 mth to your darling Caeden. btw, meant to ask you if c-section will take a longer time to recover? did u do with epi or GA? asking coz i might have to go c
yeah me too leh hoping bb will come out soonz...dun worry and be happy
enjoy pregnancy

i also indulge in the cookies like nobody's biz leh ha ha ha :p but got control alittle bit lah hee hee :p

i think Mashy went c section with epidural
And yah like u i also don't get to sleep well at night. Lie right, left or on my back all not comfortable. And i dun actually get sound sleep leh it's internitten sleep. Cuz i have to wake up to go toilet 2-3 times a night. Sigh.....I also don't drink a lot of water ha ha .....
Hi Claire,

Why you might go C? I ask cos my gynae also warned me that I might go C cos my pelvic bone is tight and narrow though my bb is in a good position... But my gynae says he will let me try normal delivery first if cannot then go C.. he will decide for me during my labour...
hi claire /fan,
not sure if it takes a longer time, but my c-section wound heal after two weeks? now waiting for this week to be over then I can do the massage liao.
but was advised not to carry heavy stuff for the next two months. think the wound inside cannot see so dunno how is the healing, but taking care of the wound easier than natural as I compare with bulma. cause my wound initially is plastered with a waterproof plaster for two weeks, so can bathe, no problem.
but need to learn how to get off and on bed for the first week, cause the wound hurts as you move. need to be careful that time.
forget to add, usually gynae will recommend epi unless you do not respond well to it as it affects baby less than GA. or in emerengcy, then GA is used. actaully not that scary, if you are worried, just focus on the clock in the OT and listern for baby's cry.
Hi gals,

i also cant sleep well during the nite. But i can have good sleep during the afternoon time. These few days stay at home keep sleeping in the afternoon. This evening going for my checkup see wat did the gynae say.

I am currently in my wks 39 liao. This coming sun is my due date..
Ah May
are they sleeping in the cot? How come like a bit squeezy ah? Or is this in a car? Wow so identical hee hee :p so cute...which one is the younger one? the one on the right???

ur due date is this sunday ah wow!!!! ha ha for me now is 38 weeks and 4 days and still waiting to pop. LIke very gan cheong like that ha ha ha :p
Bbcutie cervix has dilated 4 cm and she is going to hospital. Received her sms at 1046am....keep her in prayers....another baby adding to our list!!!
ah may
good to have u back online
your boys look sweet sleeping. do u BF straight after or had to wait for your wound to heal?

this sun! and etelle u're also within the next 2 wks? so exciting. you girls must be looking forward to edd

mine is coz girl girl still head up. well, may makes it sound a lot less scary than what i expected.

jia you jia you!
no, they are on my sofa in my living room, purposely put them close together to take photo mah.

I din bf directly till now, cause they cannot suck properly.
actually on the second day when you can get out of bed can bf baby. for my case, my boys in SCU, cannot even come to my room even though I stay in single bed room, so I have to express out and bring to them. they also have poor sucking skill that time.
Aiyo u go shen liao ah! Jus read your message above asking me abt the breathing method...
Actually the same as wat we learnt from annatel class loh. Except, breath in n out using tummy... instead of chest/ lung. So can take in more air.

Hehe full "tank" ah... meaning feel like engorgement loh. Ususally will happen at nite, 2 times, almost same times as BB's feeding time. Now with the CL, I jus express out BM, let her feed at nite loh... so at nite, I jus need to wake up to express milk (hmm, feel like I am a milk production machine now!)

I pumped 1 hour still most 70ml... sometimes only 30 ml... sigh

My girl, 2nd week only, oredi increased her intake from 30ml to 80ml liao... I hardly can cope... sigh! But due to bb's weight drop (more than 10 %), I told my CL to feed her FM if EBM not enough. So far, my girl only got 3X FM!

My girl has slim down from wat u saw on the pic liao! Sigh.

Thank you ah! hehe!
Jappooh: wow.. tis sun due liao.. how u feeling??
me also like u leh... feel very sleepy always but at nite no matter how sleepy sure cannot sleep well one... then keepin turnin left and right... haizzz
tonight u goin see gynae ah.. possibility of going shen tonight.. hehe... waiting for ur good news ya..

etelle: i also waiting for sign leh.. hehe a bit KC liao le... sikali like venus like tat no contractions no pain then dilated.. haha.. :p
tis few days also feelin pain at vaginal there when my gal turn or move.. i feel the rib cage pain again leh.. dunno is it my gal tryin to get engaged.... then when tat happen my vaginal feel uncomfortable liao...

fan: me also leh.. got possibility of c-section but hope i can dun wan... haizz cause gynae say when contraction, the cyst might twist or brust.. so got chances of c-section.. my mom keep tellin me to go for c-section then at the same time remove the cyst.. lucky my hubby on my side.. if not i will be 'blow' to go for c-section liao... :p

bbcutie: u go shen liao ah.. hehe jia you!!!

Ah may: ur boys so many hair leh.. and tanned tanned one... so cute....
think for us so reverse liaoz hor...mid day can sleep at night cannot probably training us to like stay awake in the night to take care of baby hor hee hee :p

u sound like one happy mama leh...hee hee i think everyone who has popped enjoy the joy of motherhood hor while those who have not popped are waiting for the enjoyment to come hee hee :p

let's keep one another in prayer for a short, smooth, safe and painless dleiveyr
hi all,

aiyo everyone popping liao... i think hor my bb dun wan to come out like that.. she wans to hibernate as long as possible in her mummy s tummy and grow mushroom...

sleeping: i can t sleep at nyte.. but sleep in the afternoon is a must.. even if i sleep at nyte still have to get up to pee a few times, by then cannot sleep then eyes will be big big..

pelvic pain: aiyo this one, always pain one la.. so heavy.. my legs not that swollen but my hands re and it get numb easily..

discharge: mine is not much ley.. but wet and clear that kind no longer yellow and sticky..

stomach: my tummy hor also like no space wan to burst liao.. nowadays, whenever she move, i can literally see her elbow la, bum la, and also her knees.. scary man..

contractions: i still dunno what the real one feel like.. still figuring that one out.. hahaha!!

bbcutie, yr edd and mine nearby ley but you going to pop liao.. when will it be my turn?? anyway, good luck..
Hi all,

All of u like going to pop soon... Do you all start don't feel like eating ?
I start to eat only 1 to 2 meals everyday only... don't feel like eating liao... sometime force myself to take some foods but end up vomiting... Do anyone have this feeling?
I'm 37 weeks now....
Sleeping : same as u all, can't sleep well keep going to pee at night & baby very active moving here n there.
Stomach getting bigger n bigger but bully button still hidding inside. always can c my baby moving like waves....
I can't walk much , everytime walk about 30mins or more feeling sharp pain like baby coming out.. so scarly .
I also dun noe wat is contraction ??? Still figuring ..hehe

Good Luck to everybody and smooth delivery... no pain and a healthy baby...
feza and lim
i'm in the same boat, no idea what a contraction feels like. Actually, still not sure what BH feels like. sekali contraction come also dunno...but gynae said it'll be so pain until cannot sleep one. asked me to look out for 2 signs, tummy pain for an hour or water bag burst. was saying if show or bb not moving as much just call in to the clinic and check. If former 2 signs, straight away admit to hospital. talking abt tt, still havent faxed the preadmission to mt A yet. must ask hb to do it otherwise go hospital no rm
Hi Lim,
I also can't eat much now. Eat little bit at a time, otherwise I will feel sick and throw up everything. Unlike you, my belly button flipped out, very obvious. They said stick out belly button means boys, but mine is a girl leh.
Get breathless very readily too.
Me 37wk liao. My gynae said might induce at 38wk. Don't feel like doing that. I don't think it's for medical reason. More so that he can plan his time better. Anyone of you got the same "prob" as me?
Hi Amanda,
i am back from my check up. Crevix is 1cm dilated only. Gynae day that wait for baby to see he wan to come out anot in this few days but he say unlikely loh. Gynae say can wait till next wed to induce but i choose to induce on sun nite. Will admit to hospital at 930pm if baby didnt come natural by then.

But hor i forget to tell the gynae that i have alot of discharge today lei. It those sticky and in 1 lump one. Any one also encounter that?

I hope i can pop on Mon.
hi all... aiyo i no enjoy lah v tiring... gg to peng san liao but no choice... my bb got colic.. so v tough tk care of him. my mum and hb both give up on him.. now left w his "ah bu" (which is ME) to "ren" him and tk care of him lor... so i no choice, i also wanna lk my hb scold bb or lk my mum leave bb on platform to cry but i cant cos alr no one wanna tk care of him, i m his mum i how to also dun tk care lei... it's v tiring to tk care of colic bb. gotto super patient and endure their screaming and crying. luckily today my mum is bk so she offload me fr boiling bathing herbs and my longan red dates drink hehe and sm x help me feed bb when he behave....

today bring him see doc for his jaundice and great news! it's down to safe level. dun nd to go bk review again... then i also ask doc for medic for colic.. hope he will fl better after drinking the medi. pray for me and bb!

bbcutie, jia you jia you jia youuuuuuuuuu

i lost 10kg liao.. stil got 7kg to my pre-preg weight lor.. actually quite slow hor... though i so tiring and everyday sweat lk a pig hehe
Hi girls,

I went for check up today, placenta got holes and aging quite bad. Did VE again. Cervix has softened so gynae says it is a matter of days so might as well induce. So I am going to shen tomorrow morning. So keep me in your prayers.
BBCUTIE has given birth at 5pm today natural w/out epidural but she took the thigh jab. 2.81kg and length 49cm.

considered good liaoz leh lost 10kg...only 7 kg more to go....way to go
Did the massage help ah?? How's Susie would u recommend her????

okie keep us informed k. God bless ya....everyhting be alright.

1 cm dilated also good mah at least dilated liaoz right....all the best ah....

I think all of us want to shen naturally and not through inducing hor......
<font color="ff0000">Jasmine</font>

Good luck to you!

<font color="ff0000">BBcutie</font>

Wonder how you are now. So far still no news about you after more than 12 hrs leh.

As for me.. I still have alot of work undone so hoping to deliver only after next week when I start my maternity leave. Even then, I am sure I will be working from home.. Sigh. No peace at all. But as long as my little gal is happily kicking inside me, she can choose her day to come out lah..
<font color="ff0000">Bbcutie</font>

Congrats!!! Thanks to Etelle for spreading the good news to us! Wow.. no epidural... so good. And considering she is so early, can't imagine her bb's weight at full term.
i think we worry about the health of the baby most important of all ah. if everything is alright then when bb's due come out also fine right. I do hope bb come out soonz...cnanot wait to embrace my own baby
Hi etelle,

i also hope baby come out soon....


i'm also carry a girl, but dun noe y belly button still hidding ..
Me going see doc on friday , dun noe will induce or not.... Bcos got bleeding 2 times at 34wk &amp; 35wk Doc also tell me that this time check up c how, bcos i got bleeding from start till now...

Let u know if i know wat is contraction pain

Any of the ladies here stay bukit batok? maybe can meet after confinement...
congrats! hope to see ur bb photos soon, and you v gd, manage to go wo epi. do share your birth story with us

take care and hope you have a smooth and safe delivery.

u are our msg ctr
when u shen must keep us informed
Msg centre go deliver will broadcast to let you girls know that msg ctr will not be able to transmit msg ha ha ha :p

Think ur gynae is the expert so see what he says lor whether need to induce or not.

I did not manage to catch a wink the whole of the night. So terribles.....cannot sleep...keep gng toilet....and then i can feel that the heatiness is building up leh. How then shall i cool it down can feel the sore throat also coming leh....gosh cna i take sugar cane?? orange juice?? i dun want to take coconut juice cuz i dun like seeking alternative...
hi etelle,

take LI (yellow colour fruit) it help... or u can take gui ling hao.... when i got heatiness the chinese doc ask me to take this n it help... don't take barley will give u more contraction...this was advise by chinese doc
Yong Jing and Lim,
I also eat a bit bit only or else I will vomit, but my doc told me to eat a bit but as often as i can since i hv history of gastric..he dun want me to suffer

I also was 1cm dilated last week, but until now still pregnant..i tried walking but dun feel any contractions, my doc told me that we will try if bb wan to come out naturally until tomorrow, if not will be induced since bb is big oredi(3.1kg at 37weeks), i'll choose to be induced tomorrow also..he he cannot wait leh

I hav sorethroat and colds now..what are u taking? I only take lots of water and lozenges and gargle salt water..if too painful, i take half tablet panadol...wah really so tired oredi..cannot eat..cannot sleep..got backpain..swollen feet and hands..then now sorethroat and colds..

sorry, i complain a lot..but i know all these are worth it once bb come out
hi girls,


last nyte when i get up to pee i found that i m spotting brown discharge.. not thick but those watery kind.. but very little la.. so still keeping a look out.. will ask gynae when i see him on sat morning..

lim, as discussed with the other girls, we are gonna have a gathering as soon as everyone finish their confinement which is probably gonna be in march.. i think the last time we plan this we are suppose to head to ivory's place for seafood.. then we can have bb show liao..maybe then you can join us??

one more thing, i dunno whether this is the 'nesting instinct' but i have been trying to get cleaning done.. i feel that my house is always in a mess..
bbcutie, congratsssss hehe u so brave... natural w/o epi meh

marcia, u stil ard not pop yet ah haha.... nvm that u complain a lot, i also alway complain a lot haha dun worry lah just vent out here in the forum. so u gg to induce tml liao ah? good luck to u... keep us posted ah

but u sick go deliver not "xin ku" meh?

i dat time preg sorethroat and running nose n cough also no tk medi, just eat lozenges and drink a lot a lot water... u tk care ah

lim, u wanna b induced or not lor... if u dun wan and gyn fl stil not nec to induce then dun lor... but i fl if preg til v "xin ku", i encourage induce one hehe actually i suppose to go induce one but bb decide to cm out earlier himself b4 the induce date
it's okie to vent your frustrations here we all understand....we are all going through what you are going through. I think its best that we take the natural way hor maybe drink more more more water dun eat heaty food. For me i indulge in a lot of new year goodies so probably that;s one of the cause hee hee :p have to cut cut cut liaoz...hee hee :p

i dun wish to induce leh. This saturday i am 39 wks liaoz....now still no sign of popping yet...Hmmmmmmi was wondering if home alone then water bag burst got time to wait for hubby and rush to hospital or not ah. Anyone?

oooh your delivery date sounds near to me hee hee :p cuz once there is show ah then think should be soonz liaoz...for me no sign yet leh ha ha ha
Hi Marcia

For cold, you can take piriton ( can get from GP or pharmacy, small round yellow tablet ) and the other name for piriton is chlorophneramine. Do check with the GP if you need to as that was what GP prescribed for me some time ago. For sorethroat, it depends on the severity , if it's really bad as in throat infection you prob need a course of antibiotics prescribed from the doctor.
Take care !

My baby's head is engaged at 37 weeks, est weight 3 kg, doc say it would be soon ..
OSCAR is in labour ward now. She said she is going to deliver today. Will update mroe when she update me......
went for my gynae checkup yesterday, he did a VE and said confidently "not this week". BB is not engaged yet, scheduled to see him in 1 week's time. Weight at 38 weeks is about 3kg, dr ask me to cut down on my carbo intake (again!). Can't wait for my maternity leave to start next week. Kinda regret not taking the leave starting from today onwards. 1st day of work after the CNY hols... feels kinda lazy...
i also have same thoughts as u that's why i took ML from 1 Feb onwards leh. I dun want to be like working after this long festive holiday ha ha still mood mood....oooh 3kg at 38 wks sounds alright lah...there are some i think venus hers deliveed 3.3kg at erm....38 wks or so leh...baby girl.....dun worry about the food intake thing lah...relax just dun overeat lor...
My company shut down on 1st Feb, so today is my 1st day of work after CNY... hai... now i regret. Think i have reached the stage whereby i hv no more energy for work. So tempted to 'give' them MC today and go do some shopping... haha!

My gynae is esp. concerned about bb's weight. Coz i have 2 more weeks to go and bb has gained 300g in 10 days so i cannot imagine how much more she will gain in 2 weeks time. *sign*... blame it on my sweet tooth.
hello all... me so sian at home leh... now downloadin msn in the laptop then can chit chat liao.. hehe nothin to do at home.. so later gonna sweep the floor... hehe exercise.... :p
hehe seems like most of the first time mummy not very sure of what contractions feel like... me also... :p very hard to differentiate.. lately i always feel pain down there... like pulli like tat... then when my gal move i feel so painful..tat time tell my gynae but he din say anything... haizz gotta tell him again tis sat... me tis sat 38 weeks liao leh.. but like no sound no colour leh... scare later got to deliver 'unnaturally'...

jappooh: 1 cm dilated liao ah... hmmm so is if tis few days baby not comin out then u admiting on sunday ah.. hmmm keep us informed ya and take care... Jia You k... tell ur baby to come out.. hehe i been tellin my gal 'baobao, new year over liao, can come out liao ok...' hehe

jas: u go shen today liao ah... keep us informed and take care ya....
waiting for ur news....

feza: u also wan to shen liao ah... hehe... i also dunno i havin the nestin instinct a not leh.. hehe been wanting to clean up the house and keep checkin on bb stuff see everything ok a not... hehe :p

etelle: heard from the rest tat if brust rite, within 24 hours to go to hospital... i also like tat leh.. now alone at home.. then if anything i will go bath then take bag and go.. hehe...
Oscar go shen liao ah... hmmm looks like tis 2 weeks, there will be a lot of update..

Lenny: wow u also gonna shen soon ah... hmm so many.. hehe u also take care and update us ya...
Hi ladies

Me went for gynae checkup yesterday evening too. Has performed a VE too but no sign of engagement yet. Gynae said if by due date 11 Feb next Sat, still no sign of birth, he will have to induce.

Hope my baby will cooperate with me and come out before due date. Scared of the idea of inducing.
BTW my baby is 2.8kg at 38 weeks 5 days
Hi Summer

My gynae didn't say anything when my baby gains 0.5 Kg every 2 weeks. In fact, now is the time baby will put on weight rapidly in the last few weeks. Am going to be 38 weeks tomorrow.

Hi Amanda

Hopefully I can come back and update this thread after I shen :p

Hi all,

So many go "shen" or going to "shen". Me still no signs....feeling a bit sian liao. Hope bb can come out earlier.

Keep telling bb can come out after 37wks. Everyday also tell him that come out on/after 4 Feb if wants to be born in the year of doggy...hehehhe.

Kind of hoping that bb will come out this sat but think he's still very comfy in my tummy, dun want to come out yet.

Now got to rush my appraisal report before I go &amp; "shen"......so sian.
