(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

My baby photo finally...

so small the picture hee hee but babies are all so adorable hor hee hee
sweetie pies...

I went for my gynae visit today. Did the CTG scan. Gynae no say anything. Bb still in sideway position. Then gynae said everything is alright and will see me next week lor...hee hee HUbby said ask baby to come out after CNY hee hee be a doggie year baby.....

Had my reunion dinner with my family today ...hee hee scared i go deliver early ha ha ha.
I am due to see Dr Ho next week too. He may induce me cos my baby too big causing me to have hormones complications.

Comgratulations to all mummies who have given birth to rooster babies. Now we shall see we deliver the first dog babies....

Wish everyone a happy and prosperous new year. Hope we have smooth delivery and our bundles of joy will be healthy and easy to care for.
Yr bb looks chubby but hor too small to hv a clear view leh...hehehhee.... Next time post a bigger and clearer one for us to see....

Sometimes the sound from the heart is caused by flowing of blood into the heart. May not be hole in the heart. If yr bb is drinking, sleeping, peeing and pooing well, there is nothing to be worry abt.

My girl also had this problem when our PD told us there is an extra sound in her heartbeat during one of her checkup. Thk she was around 6-9mths old then. After having 3D heart scan at KKH, everything is fine, it is only a heart murmur. She has been drinking, sleeping, peeing and pooing well since birth.

So look at the bright side. Just monitor her everyday routine can liao.
U really "pampered" yr boy hor... Yr nipples become his pacifier liao....hahahahhaa.....

But really admire yr persistence in getting BM lor. I gave up after trying for 2 weeks and still no milk....
What kinda hormones implications u talking about???

Siewlng/ BBcutie
how to hear the extra sound?? If there is something wrong gynae will let us know right? Can thi s"hole" in the heart be detetced before baby is born????

yeah all of us should control our intake of new year goodies ha ha my gyane was tleling me dun over indulge in bah kwa bah kwa ah hee hee he said mine is a chubby baby form the face lah hee hee cuz the scan showed the baby's face hee hee :p
the weather so hot, u still have to wear long pants and tshirt with sleeves? omg!! so are you allowed to bath?

ur bb is so cute! ur bb is the 1st ger among the feb babies.. da jie da.. hehehe...

u can enjoy cny liao coz cny is jus a day away.. hahaha..
I have a fren whose son have 2 small holes in the heart.. she said her gynae never detected anything wrong before her bb was born.. it was after the bb was born den they realised the bb gt 2 holes in his heart.. my fren onli found out after her son was grasping for air when she fed him milk..and her bb seem breathless always.. the PD told her to observe,if the heart never close back by 5 years old, then they will operate on him.. sound quite scary..
Perhaps during our routine check, there isn't any symptoms on the heartbeat. Everytime when I hear the heartbeat during my routine check, it is only 2 sounds leh.

She was fine even after birth leh. Only after mths during her regular checkup then PD said got extra sounds from her heart so suggest us to go for a scan.

We were also surprise to hear that because our girl has been growing well and her cry was very loud. Anyway, the keep our mind at ease, we brought her for the scan test and glad to hear that everything is fine.
Hi All

Just went for my checkup at 37 weeks yesterday, my gal's head is engaged and is now 3 kilo. I have gained 0.5 kg in 2 weeks and the weight gain goes to my gal.
not cannot take lah ha ha but wait bb put on a lot of weight mah hee hee :p maybe i should go buy a bit of bah kwa for myself i never buy leh...hee hee cuz not gng for CNY visiting. Want to stay home hee hee :p

ur weight increase nto alot hor. Me 1 wk put on 600g liaoz but i never ask gynae how's the weight distribution hee hee but they said generally boys be bigger so my total weight gain so far of 15kg they said it's alright....ha ha ...anyway it's anytime can deliver so dun care liaoz hee hee
Hi Etelle

My appetite has slowed down recently. So far, my total weight gain hovers arond 7-7.5 KG at 37 weeks. If you can eat, just eat
.. for me, I still snack on chips :p
congrats to all those who delivered hehe

confinement is so boring hor... sianzzz

bochap, how u know yr BM full tank liao? u hv a lot of milk ah? i stil not enuf fr my bb's feed so i stil supplement w FM... i no let bb latch. i dun wan bb use me as pacifier. i EBM and bottle feed one.. usually day time, his feed are my BM, nite time i feed w FM cos i lazy to express at night hehe wanna zzzzzzzz
Looks like anytime u will go into labour as this is your 2nd preggy and bb has engaged.

I still dunno mine engage liao buay. Lately I have so much discharge and I felt so heavy now. Do things also feels clumsy. Whenever my bb moves, I feel very uncomfortable now as uterus space is limited and bb getting bigger.
Happy new year to all!!!! For mummies who have not popped, ours are confirmed doggie
Hee Hee hopefully we can all deliver soon yah....
By the way I was smsing with Smiley and she was telling me that she is feeling stressed and she cnanot cope with baby leh even though got CL. She is having breast engorgement, very painful and also her armpit there is swelling and she pumped every 3 hrs but only managed to pump out 60ml each time. So she said she wouldn't be coming into the forum nor online for some time.....let us encourage her through sms k....
Hi babycutie

Yes, that's what my gyane said too .. very soon, could be 1-2 weeks time possibly. My tummy is tilted even further out after baby's head is engaged, and there's relief at below the chest's area too. I have alot of discharge too and gotta wear pantiliners all the time. Can feel my gal's head rolling at near area too.
Show is a sign of labour. But u need not go to hospital immediately. Just wait and see any other sign follows. I am also experiencing strands of blood in my discharge these few days and is on high alert. I am also monitoring my discharge. It seems like my discharge has increased these few days from sticky yellowish to clear and slight watery. I don't experience any itch.
Hi babycutie

My discharge is still yellowish and sticky.

Hi bb ger

I had show with my first pregnancy. Call you doc and let him know. Did you just did an cervix examination ? If not, call the doc.
bb_ger has admitted herself to hospital at about 2am on 1st day of lunar new year.She had show before that then water bag burst so she rushed down to the hospital.Received her msg as at 9+am telling me she was on epidural since 6am and waiting for dilation....will keep u girls update....so exciting hor new year period sure alot of us gonna popped hee hee CNY babies hee hee :p
to all mummies and MTBs,

Happy New Year!!


congrats!! rest well and take good care..


mine pelvic feel so heavy now.. when i m walking must use my hands to support my pelvic.. my discharge is clear and watery.. but no smell so i dun think there s a need to feel alarm..
i sometimes also feel pelvic eahvy. I also got watery discharge but no smell...Mmmm....i have been having soft stools and went to toilet a couple of times since yesterday....wonder if it's a sign for early delivery or simply becuz my tummy is passing out stools.Today so far only one time hee hee :p

So excited for the girls all one by one given birth.
hi.. was only starting to get to you moms in this forum when my girl suddenly popped on monday. 3 weeks earlier than my EDD. my pc is on the 2nd level so i cant climb stairs very much yet to use the internet.

let me post this while i catch up on this thread.
my girl, Sarah. only 2.5kg at birth. TMC. vacuum assisted. dr lawrence ang.

Wow! U really fast hor... No wonder didn't see u in forum or MSN these few days. So u hv gone to deliver yr bb... Congrats!!! Don't forget to share with us yr birth story...

I also felt uncomfortable at my pelvic area but not to the extend to hold my tummy when I walk. At the same time, I also felt uncomfortable at my gastric area.... Thk my tummy is not gone down leh.... From sideway still feels that my tummy quite high...

But sometimes when my bb moves, the V and anus area feels very uncomfortable leh. I can feel the pressure against them lor.

Lately my discharge also increases, I must put pantiliner all day otherwise dunno how many panties I hv to change. Despite that, I still feels wet with pantiliner.

Congrats to you. Don't forget to share with us yr birth story and pic of yr bb.
Sally and BB_ger,
Congrats to both of you..

Wow, feb MTBs are starting to pop one by one. I feel excited at the same time scared..but soon it will be over.All the best to us..wonder who will be the next one..
Happy new year to everyone!

venus, von, bb_ger and sally,
congrats to you all
Hope to hear your birth stories soon.

thanks for keeping us updated in addition to looking after your bundle of joy. v adorable

really peifu you...can tahan for so long. Think I'll call for help by the first hour of contractions.

went for checkup on fri and bb is 2.9kg at 36 wks. head still not down yet. gynae says have 2 more wks before must make a decision on when to deliver.
Hi gals... my delivery story

Monday@23rd Jan
Went to my regular weekly checkup. Gynae performed VE as i was complaining on my vaginal pain. i am already 2-3cm dilated. SHOCK cause i didn't feel anything except vaginal pain. Gynae ask to monitor til tomorrow as this is my 1st pregnancy. Wait for 3 signs of labor

Tuesday@24th Jan
Has some spotting of blood. Thot is normal after VE. So took it easy. Then, got mucuos plug discharge... didn't know what it was... thot it was just another bleeding. 1st time mother..mah.. Still went to work

Wednesday@25th Jan
still working, 1st day of workshop and I was the organizer. Did my opening presentation while sitting. After lunch, noticed a blood clot. Called gynae, asked me to admit immediately. Went home, handover workshop to my boss. No bleeding or spotting since, so decided to wait for more signs....Nothing. So wait....

Thus@26th Jan
3.10am woke up as bb was very active.... couldn't sleep. Worried so decided to see gynae in the morning.

At 9am,gynae called + asked where the hell i am as he was expecting me yesterday. Went to gynae, and got scolded as i am already 4-5cm dilated.
Sorry don't know mah cause i got no contraction, no pain, no water bag burst.

Immediately admit and still no pain. 1.30pm, gynae came to poke the water bag and epi was adminstered. So no pain through the labor...

Hubby enjoyed himself on OSIM chair while i am waiting for more dilation. By 5pm ++, i am already full dilated. Had to wait for gynae as he was attending another patient. So did my push practice by the mid wife.

Gynae came and bb was out after 2nd push... didn't feel anything at all. Saw bb, i was in tears. Bb Corinne is borned....

Overall it was a smooth delivery, no pain. I was very alert after delivery.... active and awake as i didn't felt tired at all.Still everything is worth it, bb Corinne is finally in my arms. So mummies, no matter how your delivery experience will be, just think of your bb.
siewlng: ur gal look cute leh.. got those girl girl look... so sweet...

bb ger / Sally: Congratulations.... waiting to ur birth story and bb pics....

Venus: wow.. ur birth story very smooth leh... hope mine will be like tat also.. hehe
ur birth story is so smooth and so warmy hee hee have the feeling of warmth creeping inside me when i read it. I mean it really is like once baby is out we dun reaalyy care about any other thing yah??

me also very anxious leh ha ha ha :p when seeing them pop one by one.

i felt heavy at my V area and sometimes i feel bb is so down there like ready to come outt any time...hee hee and also tummy big until like want to burst liaoz...hee hee :p

Well since we haven't popped we should enjoy the CNY
Munch on the goodies......do whatever we want ha ha ha just chill
bb_ger, sally
congratsssssssssss... take care n rest well and enjoy motherhood

smiley told me she had engorgement too but she can express abt 100ml BM eachx lei... i til now also express abt 60-80ml each x only hehe but i lazy lah i express 1/2 hr only i "shou gong" hehe she hardworking each time express for an hr. i fl 1/2 hr can liao else espress too long nipple will sore =p

venus, yr delivery v smooth lei so envy

etelle, u all hvnt pop good lei can enjoy cold drinks, CNY goodies.... i so bored .. tis dat all cannot.. wanna eat ice-cream, choclate, drink coke also cannot... but luckily i get to eat mcdonald haha

i must "RENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN" after nx friday i "man yue" liao hehe then i will drink SARSI, drink COKE, eat ICECREAM, CHOCOLATE, then i wanna go salon wash hair, go do pedicure manicure on saturday =p (like a prisoner just out fr prison) hehe
ha ha can eat fast food ah???? I was wondering whether can take fast food breakfast or not during confinement cuz i am eating it now ha ha wonder after that will be also so craving for it or not hee hee :p Glad that now smiley is doing fine...was worried for her then....

Yah lor bulma fater you "man yue" must impart ocnfinement tips to me leh...i haven't give birth but want to know first like bathe use what, wash hair use what. How ofetn can bathe. Air con and fan okie? What kinda food to eat....and then cannot touch water in what sense...wash hand feet also cannot?? wear what? must wrapped up from head to toe...? hee hee now then so many went to pop ah the forum a bit quiet also...must wait until start work on wednesday and see how MSN is quiet or rowdy ha ha :p

when am i gonna pop????? ha ha hubby and i were like wow we so bored now if only baby popped
then life be extra interesting hee hee :p
Wow me having like more than 10 times of BH leh hee hee :p wonder if it's a sign of gng into labour soonz???? ha ha ha :p i thik hor i gng crazy wanting bb to come out ha ha ha....
How do u feel now? Me, pelvic and behind quite pain..feet and hands very swollen..cannot sleep at nite..having stomach upset (go to loo 2x a day oredi)and headache..do u feel any of these?

Well, I really wonder who's going to pop out next..so far, 2nd day of CNY, no one pop out right?
haven't heard anything from the rest of the moms so far.

yours was really smooth leh. hope mine goes that well too.

my hands and feet too...look like elephant legs liao. then after waking up my hands always feel a bit numb. wonder how long it'll take before labour. Keep feeling like won't last 4 wks, esp since everyone's popping about 2 wks early
think u dun learn tips on confinement fr me lah cos i m a "noti" gal who dun really follow confinement "rules" haha u better get tips fr the rest. buti can share w u wat i do.

food - i eat anything except cold stuff from fridge and freezer. i drink only longan red dates and warm water.

touch water - i touch cold warm water every now n then cos i nd to tk care bb myself (as in boil red dates longan, boil bathing herbs, mk milk, feed bb, wash milk bottles, sterilise, change diapers, etc etc) then when we pump milk also nd to touch water mah cos nd to warm towel and massage massage. (muz b wondering where is my hb and my mum hehe how come doin everything myself =p my mum only cook for me. when i doin massage or expressing BM then she will tk care bb myself. my hb when he home he will help feed bb change diaper do housework but sometime they both not in then i alone at home. like past few days, most time i handle bb n myself myself haha cos no one ard except me and bb)

bath - i bath and wash hair everyday. cant tahan no bath AND wash hair cos v stink (keep sweating mah). i boil the da feng ai myself every morn lor and bath fr head to toe. no use shampoo or bathing foam... purely the da feng ai...

after wash hair, i will immediately use hair dryer to blow dry hair and scalp

then as for V area, i use lukewarm water and use wet cotton wool to wipe and clean up every x i use loo then i use toilet paper to dap dry dry (muz keep stitch there dry as possible so sm x i no pee, i also go loo to just clean up my V area). then my hb will every nite apply the antiseptic cream for my stitch for me cos i cant c mah

blow fan/aircon - i blow everything haha on aircon not enuf stil on fan... then no on aircon time, i open window big big and on fan. cannot tahan no aircon/fan cos keep sweat lk a pig

wear wat - i wear short sleeve tee-shirt and a yoga pants lor... i no wrap lah...pple say must wear socks... i also no wear. every x after massage susie will wear socks for me, after she left, i remove the socks within 2 hrs haha (dat's why my feet stil swollen but not as bad as preg x)

u gg to pop liao lah nx wk alr yr EDD... jia you... after u pop, u will regret popping haha.... i after pop, i regret popping and preg =p

i express BM til my fingers joints all so painful meh

thk smiley a lot of BM, her engorgement is quite bad. she say til armpit there. she may go clinic to extract BM when clinic open.

mashy, how's yr expressing of BM since now caeden willing to b bottle feed?

von and e rest of mummies, how's life after popping? hehe like after pop, u all no come in msn and forum hor... u all not bored meh during confinement haha

marcia, i also v excited to know who gg to pop nx meh b4 i pop, i also keep stomachpain and go loo 2-3x a day lei... it's a sign hehe congrats, u gg to pop =p

btw, if now pop, yr bb is stil chicken lei not doggie yet... think is after "chu 8" then is doggie lei
Hi All,
Gong Xi Fa Cai! Shen Ti Jian Kang!

Haven't log on in ages. Actually, din do much during CNY but very tired. So take afternoon nap everyday. Only go out in the evening to my relative's place.

Bulma, I din know that if pop now, still considered as roaster. My cousin in law is due 7 Feb and she was so huge when I saw her at her place. Anytime for her now. The relatives were teasing us that if her baby overdue and mine early, then we can share the same ward at Mt A. Hehe!
U so ke lian hor. Confinement still have to do things all by yourself. I will peng san if I were u. But like that u can get back to shape faster lor...kekekeke

Lately my discharge is getting more and more leh. No more yellowish. Its clear but still sticky. Last night I had menstrual like cramp from 3.30am - 6.00am. Then can feel my bb moves as in shifting position. I thought I was gg to pop.... I dreamt that I am gg to pop....kekekeke.... I dunno whether is it contraction or not leh because I have difficulty in breathing when there is cramp so I use the panting method to breath lor.... Though I put pantiliner, I still feels wet leh....

Tomorrow start work liao... hopefully everything is fine during work......
all that you feel i also have a bit of it leh. Somehow poo seems to come when i dun expect it and yes about 1-2 times a day also. Then pelvic and V area feel a bit heavy and then whole tummy like aching when i lying down on bed turn left or right also pain and must make sure the position is good then no more pain. Gynae said it's normal leh....sigh.....ha ha hope we can deliver soon the waiting game is soooooooo sianz.

wow you very capable leh ha ha can do everything by yourself wonder if i am left alone with bb am i capable of what you're doing or not.....hee hee the stitches have to go back and remove or it's dissolvable stitch???

And once after CNY eve ah babies born after will be doggie liaoz lah no need to wait until chu 8 hee hee
hee hee...cuz my mil bought a dog pendant for my baby way before and she was telling me said after CNY eve i give birth then would be doggie but if before that she ahs to go change the pendant so

Anyway i want to pop is to see baby and to be able to get over the pregnant days and back to my pre pregnant clothes day. And i cnanot sleep at all lately becuz of the tummy and also cuz i still need to go toilet a few times leh in the night...sigh......
Life back to pre-pregnancy is different. We don't have to face all the hormones changes anymore. But whether or not we can fit back our clothings will hv to depends on us leh. Even if we lose back all the wt we have put on, some of us might not fit back the bottoms because so how or rather our hip will be expanded. Of course there r minority that can wear back their clothes lor.

I hope I can pop soon too because I am starting to feel uncomfortable lately. Especially when my bb moves inside. Can feel that no more space liao leh. I am counting my days......looking for signs..... kekekekeke...
Hey girls on confinement, i heard besides using herbs to bath, you can boil old ginger to bath. It will aid in getting rid of "wind" and also helps in getting back into shape!Of cuz using ginger will be a little uncomfortable in the beginning cuz its a going to be a "spicy" bath, but i think i will try it when its my time. Prob will be ok when we are used to it.
