(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

Irene and oscar
congrats! Nice to hear mummies getting pregnant
thx summer ya lor so long never post anything here le... now can oredi very free liao hahahaha....

Congrats to u 2!!! edd same mth so qiao hehehe how abt date???
Hi Irene,

Congrats!!! Wow... so happy to know u are pregnant... again.
Planned? Aiyo. I still havent go and pick up my B&BW stuff from you yet leh. So paiseh.. now u are not flying, easier to arrange timing?

I have officially stopped work, starting my Mat. leave WEF tomorrow. Now just waiting to see when I will pop.

Congrats to you too!!

Irene, u blur lah. Oscar did mention her EDD is 6th June.
hi ilim
so nice to stay at home and 'yang tai' during pregnancy... take care and keep us updated.

hi sunshinekid
almost forgot you preggie with no. 3 and oh yes, u are popping soon! did you inform us of your bb's gender?
thanks girls.
but this pregnancy my MS very bad. Compared to my first one, I had none then. Keeping my fingers cross that I will get over it soon before my HK trip.
diff symptoms could mean a diff gender le *winkz* maybe Tavis will have a younger sister le....

Lai yee
do inform us when u POP ah...exciting...
Lai yee
hahaha... ya hor i really blur din see the 6 lah. u can come pick up ur B&B works anytime jus text me n let me know

Sometimes stay at home too long can get very boring leh but luckily still haf keagan to keep me accupied for the evening so not too bad

am helping a fren urgently looking for a babysitter at Yishun area, preferably the nanny’s place nearby Blk 400+. Of cos, other yishun area is welcome too.

Prefer English or Mandarin speaking babysitter. Need the babysitter to commence on 1st week of Dec, Mon to Fri only. No overnight, my fren will bring her bb back every evening. Bb will start solid in Dec.

I will not follow this thread so pls pm me the details. Really appreciate! =)
i'm selling a brand new pair of crocs kids mary jane...cotton candy colour in sz 8/9...if keen, PM me please.
Hello gals
I am still home waiting for D day to come. Actually I dun mind staying home, it's high time I take a good rest before I get stressed out by 3 kids at home!

this time round, I am having a boy, so it will be Boy, Gal, Boy.

Ur turn will come pretty soon. I am waiting and waiting......

I will get my hubby to pick up from you.. and u sms me ur account no. leh, I will pay u first.
everybody seemed so quiet recently.
metro sale starts today and ends tomolo.
20% on most items if i not wrong.
do grab wat you need.
wow, congrats to irene and oscar on your pregnancies
Have a good rest!

justus is cute, and gisele's really grown

LY and jappooh,
jia you! hehe, will have NB to look after again soon :D
Wonder can we get this from SG?
Potty Topper Disposable Stick-in-Place Toilet Seat Covers... meant for kids small backside... wonder does it support part of their weight, where they can sit on it themselve?



I think these 2 items are good idea when we bring our kid to SG public toilet... most of the toilet seat r quite yucky for them to sit on it...
hehee, i just switched hotels to Royal Pacific. Hope it's good. Zuji is having some discounts. OCBC Visa Card can get extra $68. So if your hotel is not prepaid, u can go take a look.
I tot u wan to stay at HK island? y now kowloon?
Ya rate quite bad now, i changed tat day was abt 5.0 something... haiz!

Disneyland hotel quite strange charge us 1st b4 we stay... hmm

yah lor. wanted to stay in HK island at first but the rates kept going up up up and ours is just a guaranteed rate in US$!!!! So in the end, have to listen to the wallet and book for a hotel in TST instead. sigh. It's just $186 per night and overall still have further $68 off total. And it's prepaid, so fixed the exchange rate. Think it'll dive even lower later. Also, my SIL who booked late had to change rooms during the stay (not enough rooms), so thought better for her to just change hotel lah. But if she's not coming, I would have happily booked BP. We went BP before and loved it. There's lots of promo on it now. Would have saved me like $500 if i go there.

Where r u staying?
if u go ratestogo web, i think cheaper leh...
I can see is abt S$163 per night for std room.

I booked at 1040HKd for their bigger room. Studio Executive
hi everyone
wah so envy! everyone going tour. must be having a lot of fun. it's true that it is a good time to bring kiddos out to see the world now. so far N only been to malacca and Genting wif my mum.

next time my girl out, cant travel for a yr unless my mum willing to take care then can bring N out to Spain. (planned to go this dec but preg. haiz)

mummies with 2 kids, can impart some skills on how to take care of 2 at home. i very worried now. dunno how to start. edd in feb 09. getting near.
salute mummies taking care of 2 without maid some more!

Time flies. Is N going sch? Maybe u can try sending him to Pre-Nursery. It'll probably help with him away for 3hrs. Put him on a school bus too, so that all u need is to send him downstairs and 'collect' him when he reaches your blk.

How abt ordering tingkat for dinner too? Then u don't need to cook for dinner. Saves u some marketing and cooking time too.
hi all
I was told by someone tat Primary school entry qualified date changed? from 1Jan to 15Jan of tat year? previous was 1Jan born kids can enter pri sch earlier then his/ her peer by 1 year?

Children toilets
Anybody know which shopping malls/ buildings has children size toilets?

If that changed, i'm sure they'll make an announcement. And also, if that's the case, all those kids born between 1 jan till 15 jan have to attend nursery instead of pre-nursery next yr, else they won't be able to catch up with the 2005 cohort. According to MOE website, it hasn't changed.


Children toilets
I've seen before but didn't really remember where.
ok thanks!

Now I am at Ashley. Good leh... location n facilities... quite new n clean... n fast free internet... dun need to bring LAN cable, n got DVD player... haha! I bring few VCDs over for YJ to watch... also power plug is same as SG one, dun even need a converter
ilim n Mashy
haha! I have written to Restroom Association of Singapore [RAS] regarding the locations of toilet with fittings for children. It was forwarded to the National Environment Agency [NEA]. Here is their reply:

"Currently, we do not have a list of the locations of toilets that have fittings for children. However, we have taken note of your concerns and will keep them in view.

Please feel free to write to us again if you have further queries. "
Congrats! Now it seems more and more Feb 06 mums are preggie with no. 2

Preggie and Edd in 2009
1. Irene
2. Annie
3. Mashy

Who else ah...haha add urself in and we can share your joy
haha yeah lor more and more 2 kiddos club le...so far in feb thread only jasminesym and lai yee has 3 kiddos right...
Hi Mashy,

Congrats! Are u in HK nw already?

Mummies who jus went HK..any fun and interesting places to share? Hee..

Jus curious ar..any mummies here planning to have a 3rd child? Hee.. Me confirmed NO NO la..
congrats! hehe, C's getting company

We're planning a HK disneyland trip for one of the long wkends next yr, so mummies who've been there, any must-go places for the mummy and daddy? :p

Just got back from Perth on Monday, tiring coz it was just us and the 2 girls, but so lovely. 8 days is not enuff :D Did a self-drive, so went to southwest oz, visited the margaret river region and only managed visited caversham wildlife park in Perth itself. Didnt even have time to visit fremantle and perth city.

R u staying in Disney hotel? If yes, remember to bring your girls to Hollywood hotel tat Malibu Toy Shop. Is right at a corner...

They have toys, kitchen sets and books for kids... I think abt 8pm there are Stories telling time. Other timing, they have short activities for kids (i think older kids) like make xmas card (for this season)... checkout their activities at the hotel check-in counter.

I bot yj there after we back from firework... she refused to go off, she was the last to leave n cried when i 'scoop' her out...

At disneyland, we took the train at the main entrance straight to Fantasy Land (the other end of the park), where mickey mouse n pooh bear are... then we walked out from there... I think our kids ages are most interested with this land.
