(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

hi girls,

i ve spam all of you the latest updated contact list..


thanks for helping me collect the data..

can i have the latest infor for those going to the gathering..

pmed u already.


she sleeps moderately. she skinny also because she doesnt seem to like milk very much so cant get her to drink more. i am short but broad frame while my husband very small framed although taller. so she probably takes after his frame.

etelle, bulma, bbcutie and those babies hasnt flipped,

take it as a blessing. its very very hard for me to change her diaper cos she flips everytime we make her lie on her back. worse when need to change cos of poo.. wah lau. need another person to hold her down or distract her. dunno hao lian or wat. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfi2Xc7y1Bs

cant show u the collage. wait no surprise. hehe..

besides, i need to get everybody's pics 1st cos if do halfway then got one pic sent late, have to re-arrange all over again.
<font color="ff0000">Sally</font>
I just sent you a picture of Annika, can you use this picture instead for the collage? Sorry ah.. so last minute. :p

got your email. your girl so cute. wear hair clip one!


think mebbe cos her body very light so she a bit the agile. they will flip sooner or later mah but later better so wont have trouble changing diaper.


no problem. can send newer pics as long as i havent do.

those who want to take newer pics or wat, just send me by end of the month.
dear sally
can i sms u his photo? my computer not working leh
so sorry for the wait.

my boy is down with cold and fever. haiz.... cough starting too.. hope he will recover soon. always for sick one
sarah makes it look so easy! xin ru keeps straining n can only flip halfway :p

aiyoh, now that she's fluey, she sleeps shorter hours, so wakes up once during the night for a feed. Hope she'll go back to sleeping thru when she recovers. yesterday, brought her to different houses, so she kpoh, look look then refuse to sleep. in the end, she got so cranky when we tried to change her last night coz she just wanted to zzz. One thing also, when we brough her to hb fren's house, when she went in, 1 min later, she started to cry really badly. Never heard her cry like that. bo pian, hb carry her out walk walk, then come back she's better. bf her there n she just conk out the rest of the time we were there. Initially, thot it was the deities that the family prays to that frightened her (hb also thot the same), but probably a combination of fatigue n hunger n unfamiliar house that set her off. So paiseh n worried for her at the same time.
yr gal so cute lei flip so fats.. jarren stil cant flip .. thk cos he fat fat haha too heavy for him to cope =p

food allergy
aiyo banana can cause allergy.. that day mil stil let my boy suck banana =/ luckily til now stl ok

rice cereal
yest i try to feed my boy rice cereal with milk... hahah i go and spoon feed then he keep refuse... end up give him back his milk.. then i tell my mum, my mum say i stupid mummy. rice cereal first introduce is put in milk and let him drink fr milk bottle not spoon feed one... will try again when i at home tis thurs...

sat went to eat sushi, my boy keep stare and drool at the sushissssss haha problematic meh.. greedy boy haha then hb put near his mouth, he open his mouth v big and v excited keep anna lean forward to eat .. so funi meh

pampers premium
for those using pampers premium, giant is selling abox of 96pc for M size at $35.50. not sure promo til when.. then i bought 3 boxes haha kiasu.. but nvm lah diapers wont spoil one.. now my hse like pampers premium store.. got 3 boxes of 96pcs.. and 3 pkts of 68pcs =p.. so will enuf for my boy to wear for next 2-2.5months hehe
hi sally,
same here...my gal keep flipping n flipping.
she will flip once we put her on her back...hahaha...struggling all the time to change her diaper. worse is when she poo...always ended up very messy.
so its always my hb hold her down/distract her with toys...make faces to make her laff...while i change her...
the moment she wake up, she will flip immediately. i always says she like to exercise thats y so skinny...hahaha..all milk exercise away.
I think girls flip faster than boys hor. Ethan attempts to flip haha each time i turn him to the side to pat him to sleep he will make attempts to flip but not successful ha ha if give him alittle assistance he be alright ha ha
Never mind lah let babby develop at their own pace...hee hee
flipping, my girl starts flipping already.. after that she cry.. after that she tried again and fail then she gets frustrated.. so now cannot leave her anyhow scared she flip and hurt herself..

Its not true that girls will flip faster than boys leh. For those bbs who are lighter will flip faster. BB like mine will flip after 6 mths.

My girl also flip after 6 mths. Started to crawl correctly after 12 mths and started to get on her feet to walk wobbly at 16 mths. Each bb has their own development milestone. We also got worried when everybody bb has already started flipping, crawling and walking but Belvia still not ready. We can't rush thing lah. When they are ready, they will do it.

Also its a blessing to us. Because they will be quite a handful to tackle when they start doing all these. We have to keep a very close eyes on them. Especially when they start to walk.
feza: haha... ur gal same as mine leh.. haha yesterday she turned then her shoulder cannot flip and she start to make those angry noise.. hehe then go back to the original postiton then flip again... so funny...

yaahh when they walk, we have to be fit enuff to run here and there to chase right? heh.. i not anticipating that.

my hp cant accept mms. heheh.. but if mms one, is the pic resolution good enough or not? maybe u can MMS to someone here then that person help email me?

So strong your gal! My boy still can't flip. I see your gal really wish that my boy can at least show some signs of wanting to flip. So far, he doesn't seem interested.
ladies, I need help....

I know some of u ordered the 'mini fridge' cooler bag and I need someone to help collect for me at SK CP.
Can any of u help? Pls let me know as soon, my hubby come home late everyday one cannot collect.... Thanks.
Nvm lah. Flip later better lah. U still can chg diaper "peacefully". My boy also show no sign of flipping and I am not worried. kekekekeke
U know I can't handle my girl. Whenever we goes out, my hb will keep an eye on her wherever she goes or rather ran. She can run without turning back to check whether daddy &amp; mummy are following her. So dangerous.

My stamina is limited. Hb is more energetic to handle.
<font color="ff0000">Mashy</font>
don't worry lah, my gal also shows no signs of wanting to flip. I find her very lazy, she sleeps alot, especially if you give her aircond.

Anyway, my girl has her own "achievement" too. For the past few days, we have been bringing her to sit on the potty after her milk feed. And so far, we have succeeded about 4 times in making her poo in the potty. We just go "Umm... Umm..." and she will know that she needs to poo. So she also will try to do her big business. I hope she will be potty train real soon, becos we made the mistake of training my son very late. Till now, he still dun poo in the toilet bowl.
Our gals can celebrate their Birthday together

Ah May,
Yep triplets even worse. But for my case is maybe becos their age gap is too close. Can you imagine when one is crying for milk and the other is running around the house and playing hide and seek with you...My son is too "stickly" only wants me and not my hubby. Sometimes feels so frustrated with my elder boi.

Nobody at home so i think not safe to employ maid. My hubby told me unless I be a SAHM then can employ maid to help me. I rather work than to be a SAHM..will go crazy stay at home with them..
<font color="ff0000">bbcutie</font>
Aiyo... dangerous for Belvia to be running away and not look back leh. Try teaching her the consequences via some books. I taught my son thru this set of books with the character bear called Bruno. So he can relate very well.. and becomes very kiasu. He will die die hold our hands even if we tell him to walk by himself (ie, big space like Botanic garden).. Kekekek.

You can look for this set of books in Popular.
Hi mummies
when can we start to introduce solid to bb?

Saw your note of cooler bag? Is this from freezer to go? I intend to order one of the bags? Any contact?

my bb can not flip yet, only can flip right to left and left to right.
You girl so clever, can poo in the potty. I hope i can start to train Corinne too. But hor, she poe 3-4 times a day, so it is going to be a challenge for me.
<font color="0000ff">Venus</font>
Not clever lah, just manage to catch her at the right time and keep on training her.. anyway, all babies are smart, if you set a routine, they will follow. Luckily for me, Annika only poos once a day, sometimes, once every 2 days.
Hi gals

My boy have phelgm and cough. Heard few coughs at times. Worried may get worse.
Hv brought him to see PD and prescibed some medication for him. But for the cough/ phelgm, he said some babies may tremble after 3 hrs, so ask me to monitor him. Have gave him the med, so far still ok. But i don feel safe in giving him leh. My mum and MIL also said he is too small to take western med as may harm his internal liver.

My boy is partial breastfeeding. Is it cos I took cold stuff that cause his phelgm? Does bao bao san cure cough and phlegm? Thot of letting him try. Tks
I am not sure leh, i suppose so.. my mum do it i dunno how she do it. Anyway, there's a kind of potty with handles (similiar to riding motorbike) where bb cab hold on to while doing their business.

I am on TBF and my mum has advised me to refrain from eating colling stuff jus in case bb gets cough or asthma (choy choy!). We have to be very careful with wat we eat when BF, i am restraining myself from many food esp. when my bb have eczema. So food like cow's milk, egg, seafood gotta avoid.

I am also skeptical about giving my bb's western med.

Do you gals feel that PD rates are rather exorbitant? Each visit to the PD can easily cost $70+ to 100+
i started introduce rice cereal to my boy yest lor he sort of refuse.. will try again haha

my boy since 2 months keep taking western medi cos he on and off will running nose cough then ok for 1-2wks then again running nose cough then ok then e worst was past 3 weeks lor he on intensive medication cos of lung infection... i dun see any prob let bb tk western medi lah.. but i dun like chinese medi lor cos no professional doc to prescribe, i fl even more unsafe to give bb
summer: i tink if baby head stable liao then can put on the kind of potty u mention.. hehe hmm should try on my gal... haha
PD rates are like tat one...haizz one time go ard tat kind of price... so x man... :p
re: potty
my gal's head not stable yet so she is using the normal potty... but usually she will poo in her diaper 2-3 times a day. Coz she din poo yesterday, that's why my mum try to make her poo in the potty. My niece who is 5months old rides her "motorbike" and poo at the same time.

re: PD's "kill people set fire" rates
ya, so ex. i bring my gal to the Paediatric Centre @ TMC... consultation alone costs $40+ alrdy.

I suppose ur gal can hold her head very steadily liao, right? Else how to put her on the potty? Good to start toilet-train her so early. Will be easy for u when she grows up.

I'm hoping for Marcus' neck to be stronger &amp; hold his head steadily b4 I can attempt to train him. He can hold his head quite well when on his tummy but when I carry him leaning on my shoulders, he's head will bob a little....not very steady yet.

Re: Flipping

Marcus can only flip to his left &amp; then back on his back.
yes, I order the cooler bag too. can get for you but like what amanda said, how to pass to you leh?
PM me if you need or get my contact via the contact list.

can try the huo ning san, I think amanda or someone has tried it. I heard is very effective, especailly for infant, but exp. can get it cheaper in hong kong. :p

you so fast give semi solid food?
I was told six months, and for my boys, cause premature, advise to start at seventh month leh.

summer, mtan
reagrds to bf, I was advised by the kkh lactation consultant not to avoid food except food that will trigger allergy reaction. just take everything in moderation. if not next time baby will be very fussy with food like fm babies. I believe that caue I choosy with food, I was fed FM, my hb, sis very easy with all food as they are bf.
one way if you are worried like my sam will have loose stools when I take brocoli, i was advise to take at three days and seven days interval and later as and when I like, my sam's stomach got trained and now he okay when I take brocoli.
Re: Flipping
Heng ah, Yujie dunno how to flip yet, but attempting. So hor got to lookout for her whenever she sleep on sofa...
Thanks a lot Ah may!

I hv yr mobile no. from the contact list.
Can I call you when I'm back fm the trip?
Meanwhile I will inform Skyloppy you will be collecting for me while I'm away.

mtan: i lettin my gal take Hou Ning powder from Yu ren sen... it's good but x.. one little bottle with about 2cm powder cost $59.80 like tat...and 1 bottle can take abt 3-4times...so far i usin the 2nd bottle liao le.. but i tink it taste real awful cause my gal will cry if give her tat... and tat one cannot take after milk one... gotta have allowance if not will vomit... i tried givin my gal after milk and bath, she throw out...
