(2006/01) Jan 2006 MTBs


Is your fren's maid from Indo ? One of our fren also found her maid keeping strand of their hair, even keeping a soiled pad under the bed. They just concluded she must be up to some "black magic" so sent that maid back immediately. It is very dangerous for them as their kid is left with the maid alone while they are at work. So they rather be careful then be sorry later.

Sorry for me, I wont confront and will send back directly. I will be suspicious of her of other stuff so if no trust anymore , very difficult to let her work under me. This is just my opinion.

If it is carelessness or other things which are teacheable , I dun mind but not such things.

Finally got time to post a few pics at Aden's birthday.

Playing with his balloons after lunch and before the event

Arrival of 2 pretty frens of Aden

Charmaine playing before the Magic show

Magic Show with a unique Balloon Act

Aden and his birthday cake

Family photo with a cranky Aden

Chicken Little,
U bought Aden the bib too? Jamie has one for her party too, but pink colour.

RE: Voting
Mummies, voting will end this sat at 10pm. So must faster vote okie?
Yup May,

Got him the bib from birthday direct and will keep for him as memory keepsake. He actually got a cap but this boy keep taking it off.

Esh_mummy and KY
I just approve your login. You can go in and vote liao

During the party, I also ordered cupcakes for my guest who are born in Jan too including my hb.

thanks, u sms me to arrange when you coming over to collect the shoes. I'm jus worried u need for photoshoot.

thanks for offering to takeover the pigeon wipes. my colleague 'chope' already. :D
Re: Egg white before Jab
My MIL says its to be taken before the MMR/Rubella jab, which is scheduled at 15mths.

Re: Jabs
I jus called my PD clinic to check cos my card says Meg is due for Hep A jab. As usual, they say its not compulsory BUT recommended. So is anyone taking it? I think i'll skip it. But i'll take the chickenpox one due at 14mths.
I asked my PD before and they said that if baby will be travelling often to developing countries, i.e. Thailand, Phillipines, Indonesia, etc, where water sources and food sources are not very clean, it's best to get them immunized with Hep A.

Happy Birthday Renee!!!

Chicken Little
Looks like you all had a good time. I'm sure Charmaine must have enjoyed the magic show lots. The cake looks good! Impressed.
Happy Birthday Renee!

Mel's PD says no hurry, advises me to wait until she starts talking then take the MMR jab (if I remember the jab correctly). Not sure if it's related to some concerns raised about cases of children who developed autism after taking MMR jab. Will ask her next time.
Chicken Little
You mean these are the few pics which are good? The my cake was alright. Think I overplaced the fondant balloons on it. Haha. JUst waiting for the pictures to be fully out, collecting on Sat or Sunday. The anticipation of waiting is killing me!
Oh izzit? Hmmm, I think I must look back at the health booklet and look at the recommended timings for each jab. I know Daren is due for his next Prenavar jab at about 13 months.
Oh or is it the Prenavar jab that she's talking about? Now I am confused. Ask her about the Prenavar jab when Mel went for her 12 month old review, she said unless Mel has older siblings that go to school, Prenavar jab can wait also. Anyway she'll normally ask me to delay the jabs if possible.
Committee members of Bday Bash (F & B)
Please refer to my update in yahoo group. So exciting we are getting close to the event
Mummies - Can someone who has Rena's contact number PM me her contact. I just need her contact no & i can proceed with the Wipes orders. Tks.
Mamachan, Flo, I remember asking my PD before about taking the MMR jab at 15months. The first question she asked is whether baby is allergic to egg white. If yes, then better to delay it. There was some news report a few months ago that says some autism cases may be due to taking the MMR jab too early and recommended to take MMR jab at 2 years old for girls and 3 years old for boys. But I'm not sure if there are any more reports after that. My friend is delaying her girl's till 2 years old and MOH will call and ask why haven't taken the jab yet. She just mentioned to them she's delaying it till 2 years old.
Mummies, thanks for the compliments on the photos! Yup, party was fun! Haha, Kirsten's trying to attempt the Angelina Jolie look but failed terribly...

SY, Kirsten's walking has improved by leaps after more than 5 weeks of practice. She can walk really fast when excited, almost like running.

Durianlover, haha, the pout is so unladylike right? Janelle's photo is really cute, she looks drunk.

chillies, sama sama, hubby and I always got labelled by my MIL saying we are so uptight and sensitive about baby. Easy for her to say cos she's not the one looking after her.

Just to whine a bit here, MIL is always pushing me to go back to work, or else have a 2nd baby since I HAVE NOTHING TO DO AT HOME! Wah lao, damn piss with her. Feel like slapping her man! On top of that, she keep praising my younger BIL for sending his 6 weeks prematured infant girl to infantcare when she reaches 2 months old. I retorted that she's too young, shouldn't send to infantcare, will keep falling sick and too many germs/viruses to expose to at such a tender age and she said I'm too sensitive, everything also cannot.
same here, my PD keep asking me to push back the Prevenar jab until confirm she's going playgroup. I kept bugging him abt letting her have the jab.

Looking after a baby at home is full-time job already! 24/7 no leave, no MC leh.. Is your MIL willing to look after Kirsten while you go work??

Going infantcase at 2months sounds rather early, especially if she's a premmie..
Tracy, yah lor... She should know better cos she looked after her 2 grandsons. No, she refused to help to look after Kirsten cos she's too old to look after young children liao. Don't want to look after, still can talk so big right? My hubby's family all very money-faced one lah... Want to quickly put baby into infantcare then go out and earn more money, never think about the child's wellbeing. Lucky hubby not like that...
Hi Mummies..

It seen like some of us have problem with MIL...
Oh my God and include me...REally FAN

Hi Valerie,.
Just ignore your MIL thought and dont let her mind influence you. Sorry for being kaypo..
MIL asked me to stop work if I have 2nd child..For me 2 words I can said is "NO WAY"

Hi Cookie..
It's always hard time for us after we have baby we have no personal time with hb and activity .
Previously I also have same problem like you but after luckyly Gracie will always sleep on time and MIL KUAI KUAI must follow Gracie sleep time.
I and hb can go out for movie, dinner and gathering on friday or thursday nite.

Hi Vmum
I'm from RIAU , Tg Pinang
Ya lor agree with Tracy, SAHM is the toughest job on earth! My colleague (with kids) including my boss are joking that we are having a break (from the kids) in office! At the end of the day, just do what you think is best for Kristen and take your MIL's comments with a pinch of salt. I guess every indv has the right to decide on how they want to bring up their kids, but going infantcare at 2 months sounds a bit "risky" esp when she's born 6 weeks premature.

Wow your mil why like that. Dun want to help still make so much noise. Last time my mil cannot help me because she so tied up and stressed looking after my niece. Then during her funeral so many relatives tell us she told them she feel so apologetic for not helping me looking after my Charmaine. I feel so sad. My mil treat me better than my mum.

Just do wat you think is best for your gal. Only mummy knows it. This is the privilege that nobody can ripped us off.
I feel the same as you... 2 month send to infantcare really too early and really there is nothing to be proud abt.
Just ignore your MIL comment. It's really tough job being SAHM.
Almost all my colleague with kids.. rather work in office than stay at home take care of kidz!

gracie is so kuai...

I guess PIL still dunno the "pattern" of kaelyn.
I did tell them ont he routine once and knowing my PIL, they dun listen one and use their way. End up Kaelyn dun sleep until we get home.

ignore your MIL comments... I think you know what's best for your baby. Plus I don't think its easy to be a SAHM... in a way, i'm glad I can go to work... at least got some break time... i see my mom take care of my girl... so siong... when I take over on weekends... I'm flat out!!
hi mommies

Some good news to share, Just got back from my gynae, was supposed to do the OSCAR scan but baby was too big for the test so in the end did some other blood test. But my gynae managed to see the sex of the baby quite clearly... hehe.. I'm having a boy boy this time! So happy!

CONGRATS!!! hmm....its so nice to have both a gal and a boy..

somehow, i have this feeling mine is a gal..but as long as baby is healthy, i am very contented

sorry MIA for so long..have been without internet access for past few weeks! feel like i am so lost!!!

hope all mummies have been well and any more pregnant mummies???


I passed the kits to Angie already!

How are you? Have been wondering how you were... are you back in Singapore now?

Tracy, Wenyl,
hehe.. thanks.. that's what I told my gynae when i found out.. i said.. haha.. can close shop liao... my gynae just laughed at me
Hi Mommies,

the botanic gardens outing is postponed to next week, coz weather not so good these few days and poor Ethan is sick...

Date: 18th Jan, Thursday
Time: 330pm to 4pm onwards

1) sleepingdeer + shannon
2) Wendy + Ethan
3) Rena + Elijah
4) Val + Kirsten
Hi Tabbiesus

Congrat...is really late christmas present for you
Although is not me preggy but dont know why I felt like Exciting and happy with your good news.
Share with me if you have any update..Take care and do rest more
Tabbs - Congrats... can close factory liao!
Tabbitha gona be jie jie in few mths time...so fast...

Esther - long time no hear fr you... ya,same qn as Tabbs, are u in spore??? Hope little baby is doing well for you too

Durianlover/ Wenyl - the pics are so cute! my gal never falls asleep like tat cos she desperately needs her boyfren (aka bolster) to go Zzzzz...
Hi Tabbie
Congrats, can close factory oredi, but then again doc usu have alot of kids..keke Oh, so does Tabby has only one line on her thigh?

Hi Esther
Long time no hear, hope you are coping well with your pregnancy - no more morning sickness? How's little Renee? Do post her recent pic, have not "seen" her for while, must be a big gal now.
Hi Cookie,.

Really FAN facing PIL like that.
Or maybe you can leave your bb to them for few days and let them learn the lesson. MIL learn her lesson recently. She brought Gracie out when heavy rain and Gracie got flu and high fever. She so panic and explained to us that she did cover Gracie well...
We all know that Gracie so far only went for PD once when she was 2 mths old and after that she never get sick although just small little flu, she will recover fast with took some vitamin. As Gracie body quite strong so far, think might be Father in law vitamin effect. That really build up her body.
But this time is different as some flu virus around...
Although I have got hard time for 2 nite but when I think back , I also cannot blame her for this..
but HB quite angry with her.
It always hard time for us as mummy...yeah only we as mummy know our bb well.

As today I very moody regarding Mummy problem with in law.. due to my mum was really sick and she was really sacrifice for me and my sister. She teached me a lot how to tolerant MIL and take care bb. She always there when I need somebody to talk to and always support me for what ever decision I made. But now she really sick and I do not know what I can do for her...I only can brought her to a doctor.. I really wish if I'm the one that sick but not her.. Sorry for my LAO SAO..
Hi Mommies,

the botanic gardens outing is postponed to next week, coz weather not so good these few days and poor Ethan is sick...

Date: 18th Jan, Thursday
Time: 330pm to 4pm onwards

1) sleepingdeer + shannon
2) Wendy + Ethan
3) Rena + Elijah
4) Val + Kirsten
5) Chicken Little + Aden

You can see Renee pic in Aden's pics which I posted today, she is the gal with 2 pony tail hee hee. So pretty

Congrats and welcome to my club of HaoZi. Lets wait to see the update from other mummies.Yup lets verify if the lines on the thigh is correct or not ha ha

Hope your mummy will be well soon. Hmm in the meantime , just let mummy know you are getting along well with mil, then she can rest and recuperate faster without worrying for you
Congrats tabbiesus,

so aftter this one you will close shop is it..


dun need to take your mil comments into heart.. mil is also like that.. the worst part is that she always think that i am the most useless among the DIL .. but i dun care... come on when i was still working .. my pay was the highest among them and i sacriface all for my son.. my son is the only grandson .. but so what my mil only pretend that she love my son only infront of others .. which always make me feed disgusted but what can i do.. nothing .. just ren lor...

my mil always say lots of things that hurt me very much but now a days i dun care.. the worst thing is that she only like to take advantage of me.. and not her other DIl..
wow so many posts!!

i was the one who asked abt the soup. so as long as i dun put salt i can give some to JH? but what if the soup has stuff that JH never try before?

i guess we all wan the best for our bbies so we can be a bit uptight at times. i m not too particular abt meal times and bed times but i m more particular abt what pple are feeding him.

aden looks so cute. wow your party even got magic show? u got someone to do it?

congrats! wow so nice...one gal and one boy...

not nice of your MIL to say that.....staying home ot take care of kids not so easy..really full time job man...

chicken little,
I think ur cake turned out very nice!

Wow really haven't heard from u in a long time! Hope all's well on ur side

congrats to u on ur boy!! Wow so nice, one girl n one boy

Eshley looks so sweet in the pics! Nice shots!

i'm amazed that ur MIL says u got nothing to do at home. Hmm in my opinion, SAHMs get busier and busier as babies grow older!!
