(2006/01) Jan 2006 MTBs

Mummies who are ordering, please take note....

<font color="ff0000">LEAPPAD CLOSING DATE</font>
15 JUNE 2006 2359 hrs

Leappad Set is $60 nett
Books at $15 each
Warranty is 1 week from the day the stock is delivered out.

Pls continue update from the list here. Sorry for the confusion. Thanks!
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Leappad_Orders_12062006-438583.xls (22.0 k)</td></tr></table></center>

Thanks for the confirmation!
Same sentiments here....I get pekchek with hb for the slightest things too. I guess he is used to it liao! Heehee!
re: Sterilizing

flo, errr... actually i dont sterilizing everything my boy sent into his mouth. for example, he like to bite on his teether in his bumboo seat for awhile and throw it to the floor. i just pick it up and pass it back to him and he will happily continue bite bite again =p image the floor we adults walk and stepping around..... although how often my mum clean and mop the floor there still will be dirt and know what else....
sometime too clean oso not a good thing, bb will be weak to germs

I think I updated the same time as Connz so may have missed out her order, Wenyl do u think u could re update my order as to be collected from Bishan, I don't want to mess up the form and miss out any orders... pls ignore the file i just uploaded
Hi mummies,

sorry couldn't help it but I am very interested in joining ur BP for the leapfrog.

Is it alright if I only place orders for the books?

hmm... I'm cooling myself now...
I was anrgy..for the thing MIL did and her lame excuse to cover up.
Wanna get hb to talk to her. but so insensitive he screw up "telling everyone" I'm behind it.
For this incident.. I still stand firm I'm not wrong ( not ben stubborn) and it's als not case of vent anger... but admit got to handle it better lor...
For now still fuming... hope I can get oevr it real soon. otherwise I will black face the whole week :p
I can only read the earlier posting tonite. can check when we will be collecting the leappad, pls? My friend needs hers more urgently as it's a gift for her nephew's birthday. Can she selfcollect at the distributor, pls? Thanks.
hi krissie

I think this thread is too hot and we all update at the same time. I confirm my order attached is correct
Also I have change to excel format, Wendyl mention some mummies have difficulty in opening .unk format.
<center><table border=1><tr><td>
Copy of Leappad_Orders_12062006-438583.xls (22.0 k)</td></tr></table></center>
hehe... coz my son knows how to trick us mah.. so i tot ur kid may be doing the same :p i think feeding 5hrly is fine. coz if bb is hungry, they will sure cry for more one. PD said it's fine too. infact that shld be the way to go. coz like us adults, we don't eat every 3 hrly.

re leapfrog:
i juz got mine from toys r us last weekend. apparently they don't have pink colour ones at all. all are blue.

flo,are you confirm collecting on our behalf coz I'd like to collect in Raffles Place. i wld like to buy somemore books.
As mentioned earlier, the stocks won't be ready so soon. It may take weeks as told by the supplier. Ur fren may have to buy outside from the retail shops if she needs it urgently. Sorry abt it.

u can place ur orders for the books but subject to avail. Tks!

I hv added in ur collection point.

<center><table border=1><tr><td>

Copy_of_Leappad_Orders_12062006-438583-438705.xls (22.0 k)</td></tr></table></center>
ling ling,

the green papaya soup doesn't really work for me leh. I try it during my confinement month. My ms is all due to pumping one. I remember pumping very, very regularly during my confinement to build up ss. To the point that my confinement lady thought that I am mad. : )
WOW... there are so so so many postings to catch up on... started readig them this morning and jus managed to finish reading all...

May, Jamie, Rena, Sumo - glad tat all of you are well now... i think the weather is too lousy these days.reali gota drink and drown ourselves wf lotsa h2o...

Re : HT teething biscuits
can the babies actuali bite off bits from the biscuit? HB worried that cos biscuit is rectangular, Celeste might put it far into her mouth and choke!!!

thks for coordinating the bp! I have updated my collection pt.

ling ling,

if you would like, I can help to collect for you from rena and you collect from me at Clementi or Commonwealth? Cos I go to church at commonwealth and my mil stays at clementi. Let me know?

re HT teeting biscuits:
god's child, i'm oso thinking of letting my boy have the teething biscuit coz he keeps munching on his fingers. but i oso have the same concern as u. and my boy is only coming to 5mth old, is it too young to give him dat? can any mum advise?
where is ur preferred collection point? Bishan or woodlands? Kindly update the list or u can post it here. I will update for u.

The supplier has just confirmed that she will try to fulfil our orders up to max. 30 sets. So, the rest will have to be on waiting list.
my hubby say leap pad too ex and nothing beats having mummy teach her so we're giving it a miss. Does dat sound like he's hinting he's considering letting me be a SAHM? *blink*

Ariene had probs sleeping the last few days and keep wanting to be carried to sleep upright. When put on the cot, she keep trying to flip around, refusing to sleep face up like she used to. Her breathing also sounds harder at night and feeding is very fast(5min) at short intervals (2hrs). Brought her to pd today then know she's having blocked nose with slight sore throat and mild fever. Poor thing.
god's child,

I am giving sumo HT biscuit but I usually will hold the biscuit for him..

RE: sick

sumo is sick .. so daddy came back to look after him coz mummy is sick too but daddy ended up sleeping on the sofa..pengz!!!

SL ,
which church you go to? SJSM??
RE: Swimming

Swimming Gathering

Where: Waterplace Condo @Tanjong Rhu Road
What: Heated Whirlpool
Date: 8 July, Saturday
Time: 1-5pm
Food: Cater

1. Denmy + HB + BB + elder son
2. Wenyl + HB + BB (TBC)
3. sunny + HB + BB (TBC)
4. tracy + HB + BB (not swimming but going)
5. REna + BB + HB
6. rachel + BB + HB (not swimming but going)
7. Cookie + BB+HB ( not confirm if swimming or not)
8. sleepingdeer +BB + Hb (if 1st July or later)
9. Clare + BB + HB
10. god's child + HB + BB (not swimming but going )
11. Mashy+ Hb+ BB (if 1st July or later)
12. MamaChan + HB + BB (TBC, best if end july)
13. Mongs + HB +BB (TBC)
14. queen + HB + BB (TBC)
15. valerie + HB + BB
16. sl+ HB +BB (TBC)
17. Cindy + HB + BB (going, swimming to confirm)
18. Krissie + Hb + BB (TBC)
19. SY + HB + bb (TBC)
20. Tabby + Hb+ bb

Waiting list

1)Sandra (sunraye)

OH... we have lots of fun every gathering .. therefore really looking forward to the coming one too..

Sleeping deer,

is my DIL coming?? hee hee since it is 8th July?
hi sl
Thanks soooo...much for offering to collect for me, hee..my mum stay Clementi too and I go to Clementi every day after work from Mon-Fri. So if ur MIL stay in Clementi, that's great, just let me know when U will be at Clementi and I can meet up anytime anywhere at ur convinence. Thanks so much

Hi Wendyl
I did not update in the list I am OK with Blue if Pink out of Stock.
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Copy of Leappad_Orders_12062006-438583.xls (22.5 k)</td></tr></table></center>
Found this on the net at baby centre

Cereal before 6 months may help babies avoid food allergy

WEDNESDAY, June 7 (HealthDay News) Contrary to the advice of some pediatricians, a new study suggests that waiting to introduce babies to cereal grains might not be a good idea if you want to prevent food allergies.

Babies who didn't eat grains until after they were 6 months old were more likely to develop wheat allergies, researchers report.

"We recommend introducing cereal grains between 4 and 6 months of age," said study co-author Dr. Jill Poole, an assistant professor of allergy, asthma and immunology at the University of Nebraska.

Poole initially expected the research would confirm the post-six-months recommendation.

For reasons that aren't entirely clear, food allergies are becoming more common among U.S. children, affecting an estimated 3 percent to 6 percent of all children, Poole said. Wheat allergies are among the top five allergies, which also include egg, milk, soy and peanut allergies.

There's controversy about when to expose babies to cereal grains, which are typically the first foods that babies eat after breast-feeding. Some specialists recommend cereal grains be introduced after 6 months of age, while others advise that they be given between 4 and 6 months.

For the new study, Poole who was working at the University of Colorado at the time of the research and her colleagues enrolled 1,612 children between 1993 and 2004 and followed them through the age of four.

Just one percent of the children 16 kids developed wheat allergies. But the study revealed that children who were first exposed to cereals (wheat, barley, rye and oats) after six months were 3.8 times more likely to have developed an allergy than those who first ate cereals earlier.

The risk of wheat allergy also went up by 1.6 times if the child was exposed to rice cereal after 6 months of age and by nearly four times if a parent or sibling had asthma, eczema, or hives, the researchers found.

The study results appear in the June issue of the journal Pediatrics.

Poole acknowledged that the number of children in the study who developed grain allergies was very small. But, she added, there was a "strong association" linking their allergies to their introduction to cereal grains.

Why would it matter when babies eat cereal grains for the first time? It seems to have something to do with the immune system, which overreacts in people with allergies, Poole said.

"Previously, we had thought if you delay giving foods to a child, it gives their immune system time to become mature and develop," she said.

But the study findings seem to debunk that theory, suggesting that perhaps the body's immune system "needs to see the food protein earlier to know it's not something harmful, and it shouldn't react to it," Poole said.

It may also be possible that children who begin eating grains later may eat more, potentially aggravating their immune systems, she said.

Dr. Kevin Murphy, clinical professor of pediatrics at the University of Nebraska, said genetic factors also appear to play a role in the development of allergies.

He called the new study "excellent," and said it confirms the advice of the American Academy of Pediatrics introduce cereal grains between 4 and 6 months of age.

-- Randy Dotinga, HealthDayNews

What you can do
Experts say you can start giving your baby solid foods any time between 4 and 6 months if he's ready. If you have concerns about when to introduce solids, talk to your doctor.
Just to share experience with all of u..

If ur babies keep trying to flip one side especially when sleeping and is drinking less milk than usual, they may be having slight nose/throat infection which causes the nasal passage to constrict, thus blocking the nose. Baby may also keep wanting to be carried upright, esp during bedtime and refuse to lie down cuz they cant breathe properly when lying down.
tonight I will add a few more orders. My friend just told me they are interested to keep it too.
Will wait for their order to combine with me
wendy ng
Thanks for the pointers.. I will keep a look out.
Hope my gal is not coming down with anything..
so far she is ok...when I flip her back.. she will remain till morning.
That's exactly wat happened my boy yesterday! he was wailing his heart out. Though he usually fuss at nite but he doesn't wail that badly. But no fever leh...&amp; he was ok in the morning. Happily playing. How? Should bring him to PD or not?

That's what's happening to my boy too! On Thursday, he screamed suddenly for no apparent reason and cried until his voice was hoarse. Then he kept wanting to be seated up and his milk intake has gone down tremendously. Today saw him sleep sideways in the morning.

He has been very fussy this few days, crying over everything. Maybe I should bring him to the PD.
RE : Sleeping
Does your baby sleep on pillows? Mine still sleep on nappies. Tried once but he doesnt seem to like pillow. He'll toss and turn at night. Diff to keep him within the pillow. I bought the safety first pillow.
My bb used to sleep on nappies. But i gave up putting his head there coz he has a habit of pulling the nappy over his head. A lot of times, he ended up covering his face. Frighten that he will suffocate himself!

Now even worse...he will take and stuff the whole thing in his mouth!!
haha...mine too...he'll be happy sucking the cloth when i'm not watching. now he likes to flip, i so worried. last night he was facing down on bed. i turned his face to side, he turned it back, face against mattress!!! So scared he suffocate.
Hi mummies...
So busy today at office didn't have time to come in... here's my updated order:

<center><table border=1><tr><td>

Leappad_Orders-438853.xls (22.5 k)</td></tr></table></center>

Thanks Wenyl for consolidating!

Flo - I'd get my leappad from you at office okie? Thanks in advance. = )
Adding my collection point:
<center><table border=1><tr><td>

Leadpad_Orders.xls (22.5 k)</td></tr></table></center>

Re. flipping during sleep
My Isaac also does this, sometimes can flip and lie on his tummy with his nose almost fully pressed onto the mattress! When I see this, I'll turn him onto his back but soon he'll flip again. So I gave up. At 5 months, if babies are uncomfortable due to difficulty in breathing, I'm sure they'll know how to flip back onto their backs. Think don't have to be unduly worried about this. Anyhow, I gave Isaac a small bolster to hug when he lies sideways, to prevent him from sleeping on his tummy too often.

sl / Tracy,
Yep getting a doggie. Funny thing is, ever since I became a mother, seemed to like these kind of soft toys. When I was younger, never take a liking to soft toys... heehee. I kind of like the Cocker Spaniel or the Papillion.

My Isaac fell off our bed yesterday morning! Wah... I placed my boy in the middle of my king size bed and put a pillow on one side, and my Hb is sleeping on the other side of him. Then I left the room to run the water for his bath. Only a minute or 2, my HB shouted 'what happened' and I rushed to the room, he was carrying the crying Isaac and said he fell off the bed! Wah... duuno how it happened man! Really cannot leave them alone, I also feel bad cos should have told my HB to watch out for him.
Hi wenyl,

sorry - me blur. Forgot to upload the attachment. Here is the attachment.

Ling ling,

I have also updated the list to indicate that I am collecting for you okay? I leave my gal at my mil's place every Tue and Thur. Can meet you then. She stays at Ave 5. Where does your mum stay? Anywhere near? <center><table border=1><tr><td>
leappad order
Copy of Leadpad_Orders-438967.xls (22.5 k)</td></tr></table></center>
wow mummies,
the posts are flying today...! I haven't had time at all to come in today... too busy.

so concidentally, my MIL went Taiwan too... Aaron feeidng at 5hr intervals is very good! Till now, my gal is still feeding at 3hrs...

your description of Keenan holding on to his HT biscuit is so cute! Haha, you have him well trained!

hee hee, yes, we are going to the swiminng gathering, bought Shannon a cute bikini...

Are you and Sumo feeling better? Your hubby really sweet to stay back in SG for his son and wife...

I'm on for the 22nd June gathering...

understand what you mean about Men... they sometimes dun understand how tough it is to take care of our babies... hang in there!

hope you 'qi siao' already with your hubby? It is really sian to be out of odds with hubby, I also get irritated and vice versa with hubby more nowadays...
Re: HT products
BTW, where can we get HT products? I also want to get the HT biscuits for Shannon, but also have same concerns, will it break off and choke her?
Hi Mummies, so many threads today... read till eyes "shoot bird" liao... heehee

Wat is SAHM? Iszit something home mummy?

HB said the leapfrog is v. ex n it is still better tat we read to them rather than d machine.., but i will still bring him to toys r us to look at it n let u koe b4 15 jun. Thks.

Hi ter mummies,
I'm too tired liao... cant concentrate anymore...watch DVD till 12mid-9 y'dae n went to work today, nw my eyes r becoming straight lines liao... i talk to u mummies tomorrow... good 9..
