(2006/01) Jan 2006 MTBs

I guess bcos Mel rarely drinks both sides for each feed and I've stopped emptying my milk before I sleep (cos she has been waking up for feed ard 1+ lately and sometimes may need another feed @ 3-4am if she stays awake throughout). In fact, she has her 6am (latch on) and 9am (bottle) feed in her dreamland. Sometimes, she is too tired and dun want to suck at 6am esp if she sleeps ard 4am!!!

For the cereal, do you bottle or spoon feed Cephas? Will 2tbsp of HT with 100ml of water be very waterly? Cos I currently add 30ml of BM with 2tbsp and it turns more and more waterly thru the feed.

May & Sandra,
My gal is very interested to see us eat and wants to grap our dinner plate (that's the only time she can sit still for long without complaining). But when it comes to her cereal, she's totally uninterested, in fact she'll push it away

Oh Sumo looks real tough!!!

Have added 3 more book titles to my order

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Leappad Order
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Enjoy the rest of your Sunday Mummies before going back to work again tomorrow

Whoa! Mel stays awake throughout from 1am to 4am? Then how do you get enough sleep?

Fed my boy cereal again today. Can't decide if he likes it or not? He's not very keen on it...though he finish up the 2 small teaspoon anyway. I add EBM in. Is it supposed to be watery like milk or should it be thicker like whipped potato kind?
HB and me normally take shift. Will put her on our bed, throw some toys and let her play &amp; flip on her own. Sometimes she will "sing" so loud or keep grapping my face that I could hardly sleep. HB will then sleep with her in her playyard. Then when she's tired and cranky, will put her into her electric sarong cradle &amp; rock her to sleep. Somehow, my body get adjusted to survive with only 4-5 hours of sleep now....human body is really amazing

Re the cereal, the box states that the cereal has to be runny (like raw egg I guess) for the first few feeds and get thicker for subsequent feeds. But when I mix with BM, the texture was ok initially but get more waterly throughout the feed and end up like milk...so also dun know how???
fed my gal wif cereal ystrday, it was a big mess..had to make the cereal 2x cos first time too thick..todat was better.

i didnt add alot of BM. jus 2tsp of cereal + 1tsp of BM. its quite watery. then after cereal, give her the remaining BM, which is about 160ml.

okie, thanks Denmy &amp; Rena!
i couldnt recognise Sumo from the photo! he looks so different leh..definitely slim down. big boy oredi lor..
Hi mummies.

Glad to hear that both you and Jamie are felling better! Does Jamie moan and groan when she has fever? My Isaac will keeping moaning whenever he gets fever from his jabs. Heartpian to see him like that...

yah.. Sumo seemed slimmer in the photo. More boyish, less babyish.

Re. cereal
Isaac is turning 6 months in 9 days so decided to start him on Heinz rice cereal yesterday. 1 tsp cereal + 2 tsp EBM. Texture was thin, but turns watery after some time. I used the Pigeon's soft starter spoon, quite small, and Isaac managed to take in around 10 spoonful of the cereal. This morning increase to 2 tsp cereals and he finshed most of it. Rest awhile later and fed him 130ml of EBM, and he finshed all of it!
hi mummies
I went to the infant care for an appointment yesterday to take a look at the place. It's located at Queensway under a HDB block. Looks quite alright. I'll be heading back to work in July so won't have much time to come in to forum except at night coz I'll travel to St John's Island everyday for work *boo hoo*. haha. yes St John's as I'm working as a laboratory officer for Tropical Marine Science Insitute, NUS.

The infant care looks alright. There were two children there (think they're more than 13 months old) and were in their cots, one of them crying or rather whining while the other boy just lie down and guai guai drink milk from his bottle.

I expressed my concern about leaving Daren in their care as he's been total direct latch-on to the breast since day 1 and is used to taking his afternoon naps in his sarong. The lady there assured me that some of their babies in their care were also "sarong" babies and they managed to train them to sleep in the cot. She was very real with me and told me that Daren would experience at the most 1 week of crying which I'm fine with it.

As of now, trying very hard to feed him the bottle which he resists unless I leave him in his cot to cry for quite awhile then he drinks, but only like 20ml at a time! Very challenging ah... really have no heart to let him starve as already as it is, he's not very focused in drinking milk when latched-on.

Sleepsense and application
Finally had the time to read it 4 days ago and I used the method of letting Daren cry and then every 5, 7 and 10 min subsequently to go in and reassure him. He cry for the most 1/2 hour then fell asleep on his own for the past 3 nights! 1st 2 nights he still woke up for night feed but got later and later i.e. 1st night he woke up at 3am after sleeping at 10.30pm and 2nd night he woke up at 4am after sleeping around 10am. Last night, he slept through!!! Only woke up at 6am for feed. I'm so happy!

The writer of the book is right, must be consistent. heh heh. I got my hb to read the book before implementing the letting him learn to sleep on his own.

Now trying to get him to sleep on his for napz but seems quite challenging... haiz
dear all,

poor sumo is down with flu and cough and fever today.. poor boy just couldn't drink milk and sleep..plus tomorrow hb going china for work.. duno if I can handle him on my own..
so stress
this is another of sumo pics with daddy
Hi Wenyl,
Thanks. Whether i buy or not, I will keep u posted by end of this week.

Thanks, I will look thru the stuff and let u koe.

SH, ur boy gain hw much from his last weight? Mine from 3mth to 4mth, he gain 700g, consider alot? We did not go to PD to get d 5in1 jab, we buy the jab from GP. GP juz said good weight gain.

Florence, which means ur boy likes variety and he finds tat his cereal is boring... ;o)our food is much more interesting and got fragrant. heehee

ur job sounds interesting... wat is it like working ovr there? I hve not been to St. John b4. U r putting ur bb in an infant care, is this a no choice thing..? U really is a tough mummy.. if i were u, i will "ser bu de" he cry for so long... I guess d bottle feeding u really got to "heng xia sin" to made him use to it. Wat brand bottle u using? I'm using nuk the "UFO" version wiz latex teats and my son loves it... he started off wiz avent and we find tat avent teats hole is too sml n my son took v long to finish a bottle of milk. Latex teats is very soft, almost close to our nipple... anyway, my son don latch-on frm day 1 n is on partial BM n FM. I do nt hve experience in this, but no harm trying...
Thanks for the tip. I'm using nuk's latex teat as he prefers that to the avent silicone ones, but even then, doesn't finish the whole bottle. I give 3 oz, he drinks only 1 oz sometimes 2... very rarely he had finished up a bottle before except when he was a newborn and my milk flow yet to kick in, was feeding him Mamil Gold Step 1 via avent and cup feeding.

Baby's weight gain
I'm really worried that Daren hasn't been putting on alot of weight... even my MIL keep saying each time she sees him that he lost weight, even the flesh like gone soft. I know she doesn't mean any malice towards me, but can't help but feel pressure leh.... I've yet to bring Daren to PD for his 5 in 1 jab... will be postponed as he's recovering from his flu.
it is tough looking after sick baby alone. U have to take enough rest while he sleep too. Drink more water or else will end up like me..sick with baby.

RE: Weight gain
What is the ideal weight for 5mth old baby now? I am seeing GP for jab but think going to delay also cos she still having cough. Jamie is now 7.3kg and 67cm tall.

RE: Delay jab
This time should be 6-in-1 ? But feel like taking 5 in 1 cos I am worry that Jamie will have fever with higher dosage. She is fine with 5 in 1 but not sure of 6 in 1. How long can we postpone the jab if baby is sick?
My gal only get mild fever after jab but she is ok. But this time round she moan when sleeping and cry in pain whenever we try to feed her water. There is no sound coming out and my heart pain to see her like that. I cried when I see her like that.. and I wish I were the only one that is sick and not her. Mummy pain nvm but not baby.. I think this is what most of the mummies will feel when their child is sick.
ya, clinic nurse also said that some bbs might get constipation from brown rice. guess not all bbs. depends on individual.

1 teaspoon. i made mine thicker. like mashed potato.
Hi mummies
Juts now I went tampines mall shopping with my mum and we come across a couple carrying a bb probably 4 mths+ also and a toddler bro in stroller.
The baby has hives on his whole head and face.. and must be very itchy cos tho he is so young he already know how to scratch it and keep crying..
OMG.. soooo poor thing.. and heard from his mum tell dad it's some allegy...
When I see the baby suffer I feel like crying
really so poor thing.

Re: Gal very KP
read that some mum find bb gal very KP and maybe its run in gals!... my gal also very KP ley.. buay tahan, I also need to switch off the TV when feeding bo she will bite on the teat while turn her head to watch TV and not drinking.

Re: Delay in 6in1 jab
suppose to bring bb for Jab last friday...but PD went holiday.. by tthe time he come back my bb will be 4mths 3 weeks..
Delay jab for 3 weeks.. is it ok har??

Re:pneumococcal Jab
I heard from a friend whose another friend told her.. this jab ONLY in US market for 5 yrs and in Spore for 1yr?... is this true?
this Jab soooo new meh? I know it's a relatively new jab.. but din expect it to be soooo new.
Can anyone confirm in this?

Re:car seat
Hmm.. I think it's good to train bb sit in car seat when in the car.. be it they like it or not. For their safety, must make it a habit lor.
I'm considering Safe and Sound-Royale (Britax product) now at robinson got 20%+5%(member).. consider 1 of the good deal I guess.

Re: baby flip in her/his sleep?
Himummies just wanna check.. does any of your baby flip in their sleep?
I notice my bb is flipping in her sleep and she can still continue sleeping.
I'm just concern...will she be able to adjust herself ?
Just now went to the room to check her.. notice she was only half flip, her hand still stuck under her.. and her face 1/3 on the bed.
I'm a little concern so I turn her back and she continue to sleep still. Thank God...
RE : Descaling - AVENT
Read previous that we can call up Avent office to buy the citric acid? Anyone has the number?

RE : Descaling - Pigeon
Does Pigeon sell the descaling acid too? Or else how do we descale. Someone did mention abt using vinegar? I've yet to descale mine...urgh!!! Mom threw away the pack of citric acid that came with it.
i think it's great that ur gal flips in her sleep and can still continue sleeping! Mine will wake up when she flips..really troublesome..gotta flip her back!

Re: Kaypoh baby
Yes i hv a gal who's KP too! Will want to look ard, etc, even when she's feeding or going to fall asleep. So nowadays i cover her eyes with hanky when she's about to sleep if not she gets distracted and ends up being awake! Sigh.

Sumo's so cute n true, he seems to hv lost some weight. He's got quite a lot of hair too

Re: 6-in-1 jab
Me blur mummy...can't really remember the timing of all the jabs...haven't brought my baby for her 3rd dose of this jab yet! But the nurse said i only need to bring her back when she's 6months...seems like a long way more. She had her 2nd dose when she was 3months. Anyone knows if it's correct to bring her back when she's 6motnhs for 3rd dose? SEems like a really really long time more!

ANyway even if u all reply i prob won't get to read coz i'm going KL early tmr morning till Sun!
think u better call the clinic and check with the nurse. dun think can delay so long. anyway, the PD shld hv a covering doc. so, she can still hv the jab.
ok... later i will send the order to that email.

mayb you wanna call PD to check how long can the jab be delayed?
i won't bring my gal for jab if she's sick.

my gal has completed her 6in1 jab and rotavirus doses last saturday. no fever, yeah!
she only weighed 6.7kg at 5 mth... quite light hor. height is about 66 cm.
Yes, that's what my boy is drinking now. I can buy it from you. You going to the gathering?

Sumo looks so 'yan tao' in the stroller. His hair has really grown.

yes, the pneumoccocal vaccine is pretty new. The trade name is call Prevenar. I have some articles from a medical journal about it. if you want to read, I can PM you, file is too big to post here. It may help you in your decision. Basically, temperate country bbies are more at risk and if you take later, bb needs less no. of jabs. Of course, the risk is that bb is exposed during the period.

Age of bb (mths) No. of dose booster
2-6 mths: 3 doses, 6-8 wks apart, booster at 12-15 mths
7-11 mths: 2 doses, 6-8 wks apart, booster at 12-15 mths
12-23mths: 2 doses, 6-8 wks apart
24mths: 1 dose
hi ladies,

anybody tried Q-Zin catering b4?any comments?coz looking for a halal caterer for my bb full month next sat..

Y: I use vinegar to descale my Pigeon Sterilizer...its cool...I put in half vinger and half water and just switch on the sterilizer...fater the cycle is finished, just need to scrub the thing off...
Hi mamachan,
Its good to hear from you. Your job very interesting. Have you all along been doing this even before you got pregnant?

I've not written in this thread for some time. Last week I was at home taking care of Aaron., so no time to log in to chat. My MIL went to Taiwan for holiday, so had to be SAHM for a week. Recently he stretch his milk feed to 5 hourly, but will drink more about 180ml. Also he tends to get up for night feed. I tried feeding him some cereals yesterday, but he spit out. I'm concern if I should feed him some water in betw feeds, since 5 hours is quite long. He is still on partial BM and FM. He coughs alot lately, I'm thinking if his throat is dry.

I'm also thinking of stopping BF. Its getting very tiring to pump, work and wake up at night to feed him. I have lost another 2 kg! Also feeling quite faint due to lack of sleep. I will try stretching my pump session from 4 hourly to 6 hourly. Hopefully my breasts don't leak too much!

I see most of you are going for the swimming gathering. I won't be going that day, enjoy yourselves!
His weight gain from 3 to 4 mth is only 300g. Then from 4 to 5 mth, another 300g. Hearing from your bb 700g weight gain, i can understand why my PD got worried.

Thks for adding in my order! : )

the additional bks which I would like to have are:
Guess how much I love you
Animal Dance
Pooh Loves You

Can check out the following titles for me also?
Lulu the letter-spinning spider
Mr Brown can moo! Can you?

re: semi-solids

my gal also spit out some of the cereals. I think they apply the same method like they drink milk that's why the tongue to block the cereal. Have to slowly try again and again.
Hello mummies!

Re:Flipping in sleep
my gal still does it during her afternoon naps and she'll wake up crying..haiz..

Re: Period
My 2nd period is here again and this time it's much heavier flow..argh! AND i get milk clogs again! same like my last period. seems like once my period comes, i get milk clogs...strange..last night tot i could zz early after bb drank at 9.30pm, i expressed milk at 10pm..who knows, stayed up to unclog ducts till 2am!!
Hi mummies,

I feel very stressed out. None of the mummies in my dept BF their babies &amp; they are not very understanding of the time needed to express the milk. If anything happens to my bb, can't ask them for advice or even talk to them. Eg, i mentioned that my boy was crying non-stop yesterday nite. Don't know what's wrong with him &amp; all they say is "For goodness sake, give him FM lah. So troublesome!". It also gets increasingly stressful to find time out to pump in an environment like this. How? Should i give it up.....
my boy oso can stretch his milk time to 5hr. i find it good coz don't have to keep feeding. he oso takes in around 180ml. i'm still tbf so i don't feed him water. is his coughing real? coz my boy will "cough" to get our attention!

your gal is so funny! : ) I haven't try feeding the teething biscuit yet. I bought a packet of HT teething biscuit from the motherhood exhibition but my mother said that the biscuits smell like they are burnt so she didn't dare to give to charmaine. anyone's biscuits smell the same?
good morning to all mummies
did not log on for 1 weekend and wow this thread is so active

start Christabel on cereal on sat, 1 tsp of cereal

Sandra: I start Christabel on Healthy Times cereal cause I think its the only Organic cereal easily available in NTUC. Other type of Organic cereal, like Earth Best etc...is only available in certain shops.

Tracy: 2tsp of cereal + 1tsp of BM is it too thick?

Sysac: will 2tbsp of HT with 100ml of water be very waterly

I did not measure teaspoon. i just agar sgar made the cereal like mashed potato texture.

rena: ai yo sumo so cute... when sitting on the strolle with round and innocent eye hee...really very adorable, feel like giving him lots of kisses with hug hug...ha ha ha
hi May,

Glad that Jamie is better now. You need to take care of yourself too okay? Sick mummy cannot take care of bb well. You need to rest well. Try to get help and rest.
Err...what's the amount actually? cos i usually just pour water in din measure the amount. Wldnt there be a very strong vinegar smell? Just use soft sponge to scrub? paiseh...my fist time
hi celine,
I wanted to laugh when u ask me if his cough is real. I dunno how to tell leh. A friend of mine told me that 5 hourly is too long. But when I tried his old schedule of 4 hourly, he refuses to drink! What do you think?

Hi SH,
You must perservere! Even my hubby discourages me, but I try to continue pumping. Its strange, when someone discourage me, there will be another person who will encourage me.

my gal also flips when sleeping then will cry for us to flip her back. When this happens a few times in a night, it's so tiring. hiaz!
sl : Christabel is 5 months and 3 weeks old, she start to crawl backward a bit bit

SH : dun care what other ppl say, U are the mummy, U sure wanna give the best to ur baby..if U think Breast Milk is the best for ur little one, U should be determine...dun get too, stress out...take good care, BB crying non stop, U try to sing to her boy to smoothen his miscomfort? Play him some soothing CD..or sing and talk to him. I found this method quite useful to Christabel. At first she just ignore my singing but slowly she clam down alot after a while of crying.
i tried 2tsp cereal n 2tsp BM and it ended up too watery. she didnt like it. 1tsp BM looks 'kup kup' like mashed potato initially but after awhile turn watery. i guess ve to trial n error to see which type ur bb likes.
Hi SH,

I can understand how you feel. I am the only bf mother in my entire company of 100+ pple. I don't expect them to understand the demands and difficulties of bf. I bf out of my own choice and because it's good for my bb. There are of cos problems because sometimes meeting drags and the timing coincides with the pumping schedule. I really gave up having a pumping schedule, it's just not possible. I pump whenever I can within 4 -5 hrly interval. It does affect my ms but since my gal doesn't drink a lot in the day, I have really have pressure to produce a lot. Just take things easy lor.
hee hee, me kaypoh ah.. my neighbour directly below my place jus gave birth a month ago. during the 1mth, i hardly hear the baby cry at all and i was telling my hubby so good. now i think confinement lady left already (cos dat day got full mth celeb), juz now i jus heard the baby cry and the parents becoming kan-cheong spider..tink is milk time
brings back memories..
ling ling,

Christabel's motor skills are really good! She's only 3 wks older than my charmaine. She can crawl already. My lazy gal can still only flip 1 side.
Tracy, I think so also..hee, i also dun know how much BM I have added actually, just agar agar....Christabel so cute when taking her cereal, her tongue stick up and taste taste...hee..actually cry after finish 1 tablespoon of cereal,probably she not enough, I quickly feed her a bit of water to 'clean' up the cereal and quckly feed her with milk...

ya, ignore wat others say. jus do the best u can. my fren who didnt bf both her kids also quite discouraging abt bf. but her hubby felt she didnt try hard enuf when he heard how i persevere to bf.

i keep saying i wanna stop bf, but till now, still pumping 3x a day. can't bear to stop..i'll drop the afternoon pump once she turns 6M and will remain wif the morning n night one till the milk runs dry.
