(2006/01) Jan 2006 MTBs

wow! Charmaine has 12 teeth already? Megan only has 7 on the front. No molars yet.

Re:cleaning ears
my MIL cleans Meg's ears with a digger. Meg enjoys it very much. She also has a habit of playing with her ears when she's sleepy.

RE: RP Lunch,
Think I cant make it cos customer will be in my office at 12:30pm

RE: CNY Clothing
Any mummies here has bought CNY clothing or Cheongsam?
Ya...really like Daren's new year clothes. Originally told my mum not to buy but now see daren wear I also feel like getting ;p
I bought one red CNY clothing for Jamie. It is similar to Celeste one. THe pic that God's Child posted. Intend to go back to get one more for Day 2 of CNY leh.
May - hw much did u get tat red dress for? got bargain few $ down??? hee... which size u get for Jamie har? the M size i got just nice wor,and i think oni wear this once,high depreciation!!!

Mamachan - nice pics! Daren looks so cute in the blue suit,shld let him hold a paper fan...haha...
Oh I love the Blue Ma Gua... really like Huang Fei Hong hahah

Sandy Kerk
No no the RP lunch is refering to Raffles Place... some of us work ard RP so we try to meet for lunch once in a while. =)
Re Rice with Soup
Thanks for all your feedback. Ashley only go her front teeth out so I think very hard to chew properly.. better ask my mum to stop feeding her that.
Re BD Bash games - Diaper Changing
I just asked my HB if he would like to join in the contest and he asked questions like Can bring toy to distract BB? Have to put diaper rash cream? Hahaha... Think i will secretly bring along a diaper (now we use pull ups pants) for him to take part tomorrow. =P
Re: BD Bash games - Diaper Changing
Clare, my hubby also asks if must put diaper cream or not, what if baby poo poo. He already practising for it liao.
Hi May,.

Yeah,.. I saw the pict that post by god's child..
really nice and I like it too.

I bought 1 for my girl but is from PANGBAOBAO,..the old type one.
I got my self Cheongsam too but is top one...finally I have found the matching pant for my cheongsam. I got 3 cheongsam top so far..from each year CNY..I like cheongsam

God'c Child
I saw your blog pict..you look pretty in red cheongsam top

I will share with your,..me and Gracie pict with cheongsam
but not from studio one ,,,just take by ourself
Daren perspires very easily! I intend to put on the gold suit top piece when nearing the places of visits =) Usually 1st 2 days, we would just go to relatives house and stay there for quite a long while (now both my maternal side and hb's side respectively have this practice where everyone gather at one relative's place where we do all the bai nian. =) MY MIL bought the gold suit for $15.

god's child
Good idea! Haha, in fact, he has a small fan, but not white in color, but with some bear design on it. And he likes to take that out and fan. Maybe I should try to get a pic of him doing that in the blue ma gua.
Oh RP = Raffles Place.. If it is Royal Plaza Hotel that is the hotel my company own. And i can go over to join ( If u don't mind) LOL...
I work in Orchard Road.
God's Child,
Actual price is $18. I managed to bargain until $16. I have bought size L cos the auntie told me size M is too small for Jamie.

Forgot to tell you that Daren looks supercute in his CNY outfit!

re: CNY outfit
I also bought a cheongsam for charmaine at isetan during the private sale. : ) Looking out for more cute ones cos seeing daren in his CNY outfit made me very giam. how about organising a shopping trip to chinatown to source for these? We can bargain for cheaper price somemore. RP mummies, on?

I want to go. when when ? Me on. Because I not far from you. Ha ha I walk down to meet you then walk to Chinatown, then I walk to Tanjong Pagar to meet hb ha ha
Hi SL and CL

ME too quite neat to Chinatown althought has bought one for Gracie but dont mind to see see and look look

Hi CL..

hear from you before from MSN or post about you wanna to change your hair style. How? Have you go for that?
May - i feel so cheated now!!! i thot i did a fantastic job bargaining from $25 to $20... and now you got it for $16!!! sob sob...

Linda - hee
thanks for the compliments... i got the top rather last minute at Chinatown for $16 and so happen to be same material as Celeste's... ok ok, share wf us your beautiful pic too,we will all love to see! im actuali looking for a halter or cut in shoulder cheongsam top... u know where to get???
So envy Linda and God's child

So slim can fit in so nice. I will wait till i get back to my wedding weight then can fit in.

Yup, I did a rebonding a few days before Aden' bday. Just soft rebonding so still got a bit body. But did not do colour
Hi God's child

I know far east plaza got a lot...you may go there for shopping
and Tiong Bahru shopping centre also have if not wrong is at level 3.
I bought mine at tiong bahru about S$ 36.90.
I went far east plaza for shopping with hb last week...really got a lot new design and nice cheong sam,...at level 2 and 3..
Today I wear cheong sam top with jean
.....haa..haa,, my guy colleague said I'm really Aunty look today with cheongsam and perm hair :p for me is ok ...I dun mind leh ( I am Aunty ) as I like cheongsam
tot of getting a cheongsam top..but sian..not back to my figure yet...still fat fat..where got nice..

i have not buy any cny clothes yet..and not even do my hair...
but i have book for manicure and pedicure ...kekekeke
Hi CL,...

Dont envy,...you can do it...just watch out your diet and exercise...am sure you will be better than me
.... Actually compare to some mummies here I still not as good as them lah...there are a lot pretty mummy in our site here
....like Rena got a pretty big eye and you CL got a pretty smilling face,.. god's child too.

Whoaaa you did rebonding,...must be pretty mummy....

Tonight will go shopping with hb...this time shopping for hb CNY clothing...
I intend to go robinson city hall and marina square ..
Any mummy here know if marina square got shops selling man's wear....
<font color="ff6000">Dun Forget our Birthday Bash Date tomorrow</font>

Have confirmed with the cafe there is no high chairs. Please bring along your own stroller. Food not suitable for babies, please prepare own baby's food.

<font color="0000ff">Committee members, see you at 12 noon.</font>
Hooray.. another 2hrs more I will be out of this company!! Can't wait to leave. My boss even say I look very happy today. Haha..

I will work hard to slim down!!
wow, so busy for the past few weeks.
can barely keep up with the topics. brought clariss to the museum last sat to the sweden innovation exhibition. hee, she enjoyed roaming around.


hubby needs to go back to school tomorrow, hopefully he will come back in time to bring us to the bash. see you gals!
Wow SL, Charmaine has 12 teeth oredi? I suppose there is no hard and fuss rules on what age can todd start eating rice. Every child's dev and growth is different. Like Charmanine has 12 teeth and some todd at her age can have only like 3-4. So I guess at the end of the day, we have to gauge for ourselves if our child is ready for rice. I suspect my friend's niece intestine problem is not only from eating rice alone, is prob also all the "hard" food that she been consuming together with the rice. KY, I thot as long as u dun add salt into the soup, itz ok to give cos they are all natural flavour?

SL/Chicken Little/Linda
RE: Shopping for bb CNY clothes in Chinatown
I'm onz...wanna buy the dress God's child and May bought too! So when u planning to go?
Daren looks really good in those outfits!!

RE: Rice
Actually last time when you all posted about not giving rice to babies below 2 years old, i told my mum, MIL and frenz about it. But they all said they never heard of such thing leh. In fact, my 2 frenz who are mothers themselves already started feeding their babies rice when they turned one. One even started when baby was like 9 or 10 months and no problem at all. So i guess it really depends from child to child?

RE: bread
Janelle simply loves to eat bread! Her teabreak can be 180mls of milk + 1 piece of wholemeal (or rather Sunshine softmeal) bread. After that 1 piece of bread she'll still keep coming to me for more but i refrain from giving her too much.
Hi May,.

Whoaaaa ...good to hear that

Hi CL..
Now I look slim but 3 weeks later I will put on weight about 3kgs

Due to CNY and I will be back to Indonesia on 2nd day of CNY...got a lot cookies,..pineapple tart, kue lapis,...fish cracker and seafood
...I have prepare myself for that
after that diet again
RE: chinatown shopping

eh.. i oso want.. if you are going let me know when? wednesday maybe i can join you!

Where you buy the dress from .. so cheap!!!

gods child
I saw a halter top cheong sam top at Holland V. One of the small shops in front of the new hawker center... opp sasa.. 30+
since you are comfortable and enjoying your SAHM life, do carry on with it. our babies are growing and they change everyday, its just wonderful to watch them and be by their side. for me i know i got to go back to the work force in the near future, so am doing my best to cherish the time i have with dylan now. as for your fil, ear in ear out lor haha.

glad you like it too =) was stress when CL said she waiting to see my 'master piece'! haha last min work, just hope your girls dont find it too simple =p
wow, your bargain power very high! this weekend plan to go down and hopefully cab get a piece or two for dylan.

daren's photos motivate me! MUST go down to chinatown! hee
CNY Chi-na clothings Shopping

Wed I got CNY cookie baking class in office leh. Any other day ?


I should show u my wedding photo. I am total yi ge tian yi ge di lor. I have put on 10 kg man. Must work very very hard to be back to that weight lor
re: TO GO or NOT TO GO...

hb's biz trip to china(Ningbuo &amp; Shanghai) is confirm to be on early march. thought of joining him at Shanghai for weekend stay only but he wanted me to go with him for the whole trip, which should be a 5days trip.

a part of me wanted to go but another part of me is held back by dylan. even thought of bringing him along. but for this trip, daytime will be on my own since hb working. temperature will be around 10 plus degree c...

not wanting to put dylan with my mum overnight, im sure her blood pressure will shot up. how ah? to go or not to... lots of logistic to consider if bring dylan along.
Wow your office so nice have CNY cookie baking class? What will u be making?

Lucky we have your master-piece. We could hardly afford anything at the shop just now. Don't even have $$$ to buy the cloth for the banner!

I dunno leh. They only say various cookie and will share receipe with us. Anyway it is 12 - 2 ha ha extended lunch for us. So just go ha ha. Then if you all must go on Wednesday maybe i sneak out halfway ha ha.

THe cellophone board one piece enough ? the others have both side used. I think it should be 91 cm by 60 cm can ?
rachel - bring dylan and ur mum along ? that will resolve the problem

mamachan - Daren looks so handsome in his blue outfit. hmm..maybe missing a cap with a fake pigtail and a paper fan. haha...he looks so cute.
in fact Caleb has a red outfit with a cap that has a long pigtail. my sis in law bought that for him to wear in her morning jin cha. so will be wearing that for CNY too. haha will see if i can take a pic then and show u guys.

hurray tmr is the bd bash! what a busy day for me tmr. morning go HDB appt then head to bd bash and then to my frd's son 1st bd party. oh no ...no baby food...cham no time to cook for him. i think i will buy bread and bring a slice of cheese then
cya all!!!
Oic. Humm, 91 x 60 maybe too small to put all in one roll. Never mind lah, we shall demostrate our creativity tom...heehee
Hi CL,.

Me also...previously in yr 2004 my weight is 47kgs.. the last time I wear bikini...
now no more bikini ....and weight now has increase to 6 kgs......
what to do even try hard but still the same ...
Hi everyone,

Really miss this thread but really difficult to find time to come round here. I think I can't make it for the Baby Bash liao cos Keenan is down with a very bad cough, with thick runny mucus. And he is exceptionally clingy these couple of weeks. Not sure if its due to his cold or another developmental milesstone. What about the other babies? Any one teething with their molars yet? I suspect his molar is coming out cos his cheeks are both rough with red patches.

Sept03Bride, I've just transferred $35 to you. Ref: 1034425214.

Baby Bash committee, a pat on your back for the effort put into organising it. *applause*

Mummies and daddies and babies, enjoy yourselves tomorrow. And dont forget to post the photos in our yahoo group!!!!!
my hb, parents and myselt start getting love bites from damien. Realised that whenever damien get excited, he will bite us on our shoudler.
Denmy - awwww.... gona miss you and Keenan tmr! do take care of urself too...

rachel - tough question..i think i will bring celeste along if i were you... cos i think i will most prob end up spoiling my own holiday missing the little princess back home...hee... just a suggestion la...
Take care.
Rough and red cheeks means molar coming out? Jamie is having these nowadays. She keeps inserting her finger in to bite. Already had 10 teeth. So the next one is molar?
Hello mummies!

Flo &amp; Angie,
Sorry for the no-show today at Concourse. Last minute medical appointment and was sedated and have to go home straight after that... so not able to make it. I hope we have got what we need? I'll be bringing scissors, some blu tack and glue tomorrow. Anything else, sms me and let me know ok?
weight issues
Was browsing thru the many postings I've missed the last few days and some mummies mentioned their weight. Just wanna ask if anyone is lighter than before pregnancy? I've been losing weight so fast that no matter how I eat, I'm still losing weight. My pre-preggie weight was 49kg and now I'm down to almost 45 - 46kg. I suspect I'm losing bone mass instead of fats, which is not healthy.
So sad.. cant see you tom, I was looking forward to seeing you. Hope Keenan gets well soon.

Let me share with you re my recent trips with hb when he was on working trip. We were supposed to go for 4 trips, Bangkok, Beijing, Sydney and Seoul. We brought Gerald to BKK and my parents went with us, but staying in another hotel. So, they helped me in the day when my hb was working. When shopping, my mum and I have to take turns to carry him, coz he hates the pram. Then, when he sleeps, we'll put him down. Hb's schedule was very hectic, so most times he was not ard. Even though my parents was with us, I was still quite tired, coz Gerald was a fussy eater and everynite after putting Gerald to sleep, I've to wash and steralise all his bottles, plus cook porr for him then take my shower. I used the Tiger food jar to cook plain porr and gv Pigeon fish, etc.

For Sydney, we were supposed to bring Ger with us. But, last min no ticket on my hb's flight, so I didnt dare to take a 6hr flight alone with Ger. So, I was v torn whether to bring him. In the end, we didnt bring him.

The other 2 trips were Seoul and Beijing which we decided not to bring him coz it's less than 5deg then.

Conclusion: We missed him like mad, but we had a chance to spend couple time alone, doing things which we will not be able to do. If I had brought Gerald to Sydney, I would be pretty tired looking after him alone in the day and feeding him (it's a nightmare, coz he's a very fussy eater). For the 3 trips which Ger didnt go, I had time to watch TV in the room, go shopping, swimming, etc. and basically R&amp;R, though I miss him v badly. I think if it's above 15 deg, shld be fine. I have some thick rompers and sweaters, I could lend them to you if you decide to bring Dylan.
But, must be prepared to prep Dylan's meals and also look after him alone all the time. I guess we mummies can take it, just choose between spending couple time and relaxing, vs having Dylan with you and being tired at times.
Pardon me, for the long-winded posting. It reminded me of my trips and emotions at that time. Haha...
I tink ur weight loss could be due to fulltime BF. For me, I lost most of my weight gained during pregnancy by the 2nd or 3rd month after I gave birth. Continued to lose till abt 3 kg below my pre-preg. But recently when Ethan turned 1, I started weaning him off my breast, my weight started to increase. Now tat he is on total FM, I realised I have recently gained 2+ kg. Was telling my hb tat I can't fit into my fav Levis &amp; some other clothes are getting smaller! Haahaa!
U may wanna double up ur calcium intake or take more "bu" stuffs. I drank alot of Annum thru out &amp; abstain from coffee &amp; tea.

I've not read this thread the last 3 days &amp; so speed-reading now in case I miss out anything for the bash

Mamachan - Love Daren's suits! Cephas has the same suit in the 1st pic. Got it as a BD present. His is in Blue with gold trimmings.

Rachel - Tks for the banner. If I were u, I wld bring Dylan. I guess he is easier to manage now plus U've been with him for the past 5 weeks to be able to handle him well. Just get him thick clothings!

Denmy - Will miss your presence. Do take care &amp; hope that Keenan gets well soon

Tracy - Megan is a 'xiao la jiao' but goot for girls! Hahaha...

Rice: I started Cephas on rice abt a mth ago. I cook it soft &amp; add gravy or soup to it so it looks like Teochew porridge style. He is able to chew &amp; enjoy it. A colleague did advice me that our toddlers shd start on more solid forms when they have teeth. This enables them to learn how to chew as well instead of just swallowing porridge. Anyway, I guess it's up to us how/what we want to feed them at the end of the day.

C u all at the bash!
