(2006/01) Jan 2006 MTBs

After he wake up at 4am he didn slp till around 5 plus. i ask my baby sitter fetch him early as i'm very tired ma. hehe. Baby sitter told me just now ar 6am he slp at her plc. Hai i really don noe y. Actually after i become a mother, I realise is not easy to bring up bb. So is really hard for my parent to bring me and my sis up ah. hehe


let me share my experience with Renee crying. recently, renee was on a crying spree! for 16 nights in a row!! not a night without crying. i remembered very clearly coz it coincided with me changing her milk powder.

so from the 1st night i changed her milk powder, she started crying 3 times a night.after 1 week i thought maybe she was teething as well so i put teething gel and it didnt work too! and her crying got longer each session..

then i changed her milk powder back and still she continued crying...till the 12th night or so, her crying dragged for more than 1 hr each time..

i was at a loss at wat to do..so some of the mums suggested i buy " jin feng san" or get an amulet from the temple..

so i asked my mil to help renee get one and put under her bedsheet...well..it worked...she stopped crying..

i dunno but she really cried continously for that many nights..not 1 night she slept thru..so maybe its worth a try
hmm...recently caleb also like that wor.
He will wake up and refuse to sleep. Like Renee also coincide with the changing of milk powder+he was sick, on medication and stuff..

My HB had to sleep with him from 3+ till 7am. When my hb try to lift his hands up, caleb will be awaken liao.

I chided my HB lor, say cannot like tat wor. If not, when he's flying and i have to take care of him alone, i will probably be zombified.

Esther, u got a 'fu' issit from the temple? Hmm maybe i should go get 1 and put underneath caleb mattress as well
esther lee

Actually i think Jin Feng san no use de le. hehe. btw i aaply teething gel for him but don think it works le. On 07.01.07 he's one yr old. I alr change his milk to GAINIQ so i don think this's the reason le. Hai I understand how u feel at tat moment. You heard b4 bed mother? U think should i pray tonight when i back from work? Ya my son also didn slept thru the nite loh. hai somemore he's so choosy my hb carry don wan end up point me then i carry him then said mummy sayang bb ok. hehe. But i really hope he'll feel better today.

i also didnt buy the jin feng san..just put the amulet lor...thought already at wits end..so anything also try

i never heard of the bed mother till renee was like that and Chicken Little told me lor

ya i hope he will be ok..dun worry too much..back then i every night when she started crying i start to think of all that maybe wrong .. very stress
wah, u reali are informative! its certainly very very nice to have you ard in our thread.. thank god im a Jan06 thread mummie...hee
celeste is gettin better today and runny nose drying up liao... look fwd to seeing all the babies n mums this sat!
I've been praying to the 'chung tou gong gong n po po' for a yr liao n recently I just stop praying coz DS 1yr old liao my mom says can stop.

What i did was get a small container fill it half with rice then place it at the flr beside my bed then everynite when I reach home I'll pray and will ask 'pls protect (son's name) sleep thru out the nite and gd health'.
RP lunch
can't join on Fri cos SIL getting married.

i will check whether got any do and donts and reply u

sounds u like u r really enjoying the time with dylan! nowadays when i go to work, i really can't tear myself from JH in the morn. when he wakes up in the morn, he will go mama. hb always so jealous abt it...

i doing a gradual switch but i find the step 3 very hard to cal proportion of water to milk. actually no harm letting him drink step 2 still cos the earlier stages milk supposed to be more nutritious

any babies eating rice?thinking of intro rice to JH but dunno how to do it.

can't join u at concourse cos SIL getting married...

wow u gave a really detailed description of the medication!

JH is taking this ivy leaf extract medicine. i cna't remmeber the name but it smells like maple syrup. initially when he took it he will throw up but now ok already. he also taking one for the airways tat starts with N...

i will pass your book to linda

actually when i change milk powder, JH tends to wake up at night too. it was when i changed to step 2 he will cry very badly at night. dunno whether is it cos of that but after that i stopped step 2 for some time.

hmm..chicken little say u can take a pound and pound the 4 corners of the bed wo..i never tried..maybe u can try that 1st??

dun stress too much ok...renee 16 nights also ok..i'm sure he will be ok..maybe play too much in the daytime
If i recall correctly, last time JH used to somehow ignore you? Such a wonderful change right? So next time we can advise other new mummies, dun worry if your baby seems to prefer others. Ultimately they know who is mummy.
But my son now alr one yr old plus le. So can i still pray? Maybe i can try tomorrow. Thanks but i afraid too late liao as one yr old ma. But my mil said maybe let him slp at her plc for a nite. let her c wat actually happen to him.

Thanks alot :0 Since like because of changing milk hor. hehe

But my son didn slp on bed. no corners le. hehe.
Re:Naughty Naughty Megan
Last evening, I saw my younger nephew taking a cylinder container from the drawer. I knew Meg will wanna snatch. True enough, Meg tried to snatch it but he held tightly. Meg then scream and sat down with her legs straightened in an agitated manner. Then she tried again to snatch and failed. That's when she used her hand to push him hard. My FIL immed asked nephew to let her have it. I said no, Megan can't have it cos kor-kor took it first. She gave up and went to find something else to play.

Then, after bath, my nephew accidentally knocked against Meg while doing his 'dance' and Meg fell on her butt. She used her hand to 'sayang' her head, then pulled at his pyjamas sleeve and screamed at him.

Very naughty girl!
Hahah! Megan is a very fiesty girl! Chilli padi... at least you can rest assured that she will not be easily bullied.
Hi Mummies,.

RE: Brush Teeth
Any mummy here has start brush bb teeth twice a day?

RE: Rice
MIL has start gave Gracie rice. So far so good ...rice with soup.
Yuki - thanks for the compliments... yes,agree tat on any blue and dull day, reading the babies' blog and new antics do brighten us up!
i love doing tat while in the office, going thru each and every baby's blog seeing who has updated... ahem! who hasn't been updating??? heeheheheheh *joking ar* :p

Tracy - Megan so cute! butt pain but sayang head... i guess the nephews gota be wary fr now on,she's not one to be 'qi fu'! hahahha
Re RP Lunch @ 02 Feb - Who's coming?
1) Clare
2) God's Child
3) Ak

Seems like not much response for lunch tomorrow. Shall we postpone??

God's Child
I would still need to meet you tomorrow though. When would you be meeting Rachel? Or would u prefer to collect on Sat during the party?
hehe oic. you're a fierce mummy ah. hehe

really. like that i should try ah. but my god parents both believe in this told me i can pray to myself saying my son name le. hehehe
My mum pray to the Chuang Mu during Jamie's Bday. She use a bowl of rice, a chicken drumstick and 3 joss sticks. Pray at the bed. Leave it there for abt 15mins. Then ok liao. I heard her saying "Jamie is one yr old today. Please continue bless and take care of Jamie when she is sleeping. Protect her and allow her to grow up with good health." I dunno how to do so my mum did that. I just keep quiet lor. Not sure if it is true, but anything for Jamie's good, I will definitely allow.
u remember correctly. last time JH always ignore me but wan the father but now is different. even my HB says he is impressed by how my efforts have paid off...

your megan so funny. girls shd be a bit fiercer then no one will bully them

i got a reply on the decor. use blue tack and not scotch tape. and we must arrange the furniture back to the original arrangement after that.

i also brushed JH's teeth twice a day.
Clare - ok,then u can pass me at the party. wil then pass to rach at nite when i go back home...

tracy - u sure? u look so docile and tame!!! heehee
When she one mth old, my mum pray before. Jamie sleep thru the night from 3mths onwards. We just need to dreamfeed her to make sure she is not hungry. Cos when she is hungry she will wake up. Normally will sleep thru the night unless she is sick,teething or hungry. Sometimes hubby naughty want to wake her up then kena scream by her for disturbing her beautiful sleep.
btw u worked as account exe right?
Me too le. I read past few days thread. saw your posting ma. regarding new software. My company using accpac. Not bad la. hehe.

u worked in accounting line too right? Saw your posting too
Hi Wendy,.

My work flow are a lot such as...sales, shipping and account. As I'm the window between customer and supplier.
I'm using Quickbooks. Bot bad
mashy brainz

syrup ventolin does not work as well as the ventolin puff ... only very little (can't remember if it's 10% or how much) gets into the respiratory system.... the syrup goes into the whole body before the little bit get into the resp system. for puff, you puff directly into the airway down into the lungs, so that's more effective... but to use an aerochamber, u need to take deep breaths and our little ones is incapable of doing that so effect is not so good. So for little kids, to best recover, it's via neubilizer.

for tuina, I go to the one at Jurong East on a weekday afternoon, so there's nobody. If on a Sat, I guess the wait is about 1-2 hrs ... I've not been to youguo coz it's on the other side of the island

tabb has said what i'm going to suggest. give notice and disappear after 1 month, I wouldn't even bother to give an explaination. I also lugi couple of weeks of fees coz I withdrew my #1 when he fell sick 2nd time within a week in a IFC ...

the vacuum cleaner that I use is Delphin. They only do door-to-door visits and I don't think there's a showroom ... for those who remember in some exhibitions last year, a company was giving away free steamers (can't remember what it's called) and only commitment is to come to do a demo; that's the company. It's water based without any filter... If I'm not wrong, Osim has a filter somewhere and what the sales guy tells us, if there's a filter, dust will go back to the air again. It's a lot of sales speech, what with Osim sales people jumping ship to join them and showing receipts of folks who trade in osim for this ... it's comes with an extra equipment that you use to "shake" the dustmites out of the beds. This is also a big item but with wheels and my maid has feedback that it's better than the normal vaccuum. it's just vacuum without any steaming features.

tabb, thanks for all the info ... I've wrote down the list of medications used and the purpose and looking at them now as I read your posting and adding on to my notes. I've heard that anthistamine is not encouraged to be used for young babies (esp under 1) as there were cases of over-dosage, so now can we administer them more readily? I've also look at runny nose on whether it's lower or upper respiratory related. If the kid is breathless after exercise, then it's lower and if you put your ear on his back, you may hear heavy puffing and that means the lungs getting congested. Now, we always use Actified to dry up the running nose (for upper resp). In the past, we used Zyrtec and Bambec when it's lower respiratory.... these are apparently more bronchitic in nature. We used Bricayl as Silomat doesn't work for us. wonder what's the effect and components of these?

oic. Mine is only accounting loh. Full Sets de.
I heard shipping very siong and not easy de.
Oh Quickbooks. I use b4 in my previous job. not bad too.

oic. feel very curious y your hb wan to wake up up? hehe
Hi mummies,


I am also thinking of the same question! Whether we can feed our babies rice now. Not to just taste, taste but as a meal.
Sometime i really feel very sian with my work. Every mth so routine. hai. I think you doing sales wont be so bored ba. hehe
I think i ever came across a thread that one of jan mummies posted in forum regarding a mil feed 14 mths baby rice with soup. end up need to go hospital to operate. I think something like tat ba. Cant rem which mummies posted de. Till now i nv feed my son rice as his meal yet. I think after 2 ba.
was discussing with my mum abt it just a couple of days ago. Hmm she isnt really that comfortable abt feeding rice. Prob we will wait till Caleb has more teeth then we will serve him rice a meal.
RE : Crying Baby - Praying
I also prayed to Chung Mu. Must be fast and not leave the joss sticks there for long. And not to say anything after that. Somehow alot of "pantang" thingy must be hush hush for it to work. That was wat my mum told me. No harm trying i guess.
RE : Brushing
I brush my boy's teeth twice a 3 times a day. Morning and evening bath (after meals) and 1 more before bed.

RE : GainIQ
So far so good for me. Any mummy buying it can get from NTUC or Guardian now as its banded wif Brainy Baby VCD per tin.

RE : Turning Orange
My auntie realised that my boy's fingers tips are a little orange. Haiz...i think too much carrots. I guess wld stop for the time being and wait for it to recover. How long does it take?
Re Feeding Rice with Soup
Wendyheng the baby need to operate? My mum has started feeding Ashley Rice + Soup for dinner this week, almost like every alternate days and Ashley loves it... is it not ok??


Dunno why my PD didn't give puff leh. Only ventolin syrup so far.

Well, the IFC agreed to refund me the deposit but not the school fees, so I suppose the outcome is the same as what u gals suggested.

I heard about Delphin. That time got a saleslady came to our home to introduce us to Rainbow, Delphin's competitor. But my hb not keen to buy leh... So bo bian lor.
I am working as Admin Executive. Dealing more on shipping stuff. Similar to Linda.

Jamie sleep at 9pm.. we still dream feed her at 12am to make sure she dun wake up. After that we will sleep. Hubby sometimes will disturb her and she will scream at him. If dun dreamfeed her at 12am, she will wake up at 2am and keep saying Mum Mum until we wake up to feed her.

RE: Rice
Sometimes when we go out, I will feed Jamie some rice but will go with some soup and make sure the rice is soft and not hard hard kind.
chillies - for my girl,it took 2-3 weeks... the doctor advised to just take orange/yellow food twice a week... now my girl oni takes few times a week as compared to the many many times previously...

god's child,
wow, that's long to me. Mentioned before, my boy takes carrot every meal. There wld be twice a day...wah....thats very overloaded.
