(2006/01) Jan 2006 MTBs


it all depends on bb.. for my son he will cry in the middle of the night and drink less.. however each time he is teething he seems to have cough.. some bb will have fever and others liao sai lor..

Weight Gain
I think Daren had put on weight since my maid came! Eat well and sleep well. Last weighed him couple days ago and found him to be 10.6 kg! I nearly want to faint, no wonder, my back has been aching more. He still loves his milk very much, can drink 210ml each time, 4 times a day plus 3 solid meals. Still as active as ever.

I think Daren is teething again, this time lower gums. Can see abit of whitish on the gums but can't feel the sharp edges yet. If really teething again, he will have a total of 8 teeth.

Hi! Welcome to this thread. Personally for me, I noticed my boy drooled more than usual (he normally does not salivate much) and is more irritable and more manja. He likes to chew on things too. So made me suspect that he might be teething in the beginning. You might want to wait for the rest of the mummies here to share on their experience as well. =) My boy started teething from about 7 months onwards.
RE: Weight
Jamie is 9.7kg. I still find her very skinny. Am I too paranoid? Cos my mum is feeding her ONE solid meal a day only. I always feel it is too little.
Hmmm, the feeding schedule seems alright to me. Maybe in between lunch and dinner, can substitute things like fruits or rusks in place of cereal? Or cheese with toast or yoghurt to as to make sure that Damien has an intake of calcium other than the rest of the nutrients.
Re: bday bash
Repost as it seems my name got kicked out somewhere along the way!

Re: sponsor??
U mean u all managed to get sponsors?! Wow! Impressive!! Sponsoring what?

Date: 3rd February 2007, Saturday
Venue: The Committee (Chicken-Little, Rena, MamaChan, Sep03Bride, SSF) is now in the midst of shortlisting.

1) MamaChan - Either amount is ok for me.
2) Maywong - Go with majority
3) Sysac - Fine with any amt
4) Chicken Little
5) SL 30 - 40 per pax but tentative
6) Rena 30-40 per pax
7) sleepingdeer 30 - 40 per pax
8) Mamapanda, 10-30 per pax
9) God's child 30-40 perpax
10) Cookie $30 - $40 PER PAX
11) sept03bride -$30-40 per pax
12) SSF $30 - $40 PER PAX
13) Tracy $30-$40 per pax
14) chillies $30-$40 per pax
15) Sy - 30-40 per pax
16) sunny (Do not need to cater meals for me)-approx $50 per couple
17) Clare - go with majority
18) wenyl - $40 to $50 per couple
19) Valerie $30-$40 per pax
20) queen - $30 - $40 PER PAX
21) denmy - go with majority
22) mongs
23) Flo - $30 - $40 Per Pax
24) Linda - go with majority
25) babylon any venue & amount is fine
26) Wendyheng
27) wennykoh (30-40/pax)
28) Krissie
29) SH (30-40/pax)
30) Tabbiesus (30-40/pax)
31) cheng (30-40/pax)
32) Yuki (10-30/pax)
33) celwong (30 -40/pax)
34) Sharon Sum - any venue & amount is fine
35) Annie - (30-40/pax
36) durianlover - go with majority
Hi SSF,.

I bought the hat at Watson and there are 4 color: pink, baby blue, purple and red.
The red, pink and baby blue are nicer ,...and the price is around 2-5 dollars.
9.7kg is ok leh. Maybe she has heavy bones? Hee. As long as PD doesn't say anything shd be fine. No worries! U bought ur Tiger food jar & slow-cooker already?
Date: 3rd February 2007, Saturday
Venue: The Committee (Chicken-Little, Rena, MamaChan, Sep03Bride, SSF) is now in the midst of shortlisting.

1) MamaChan - Either amount is ok for me.
2) Maywong - Go with majority
3) Sysac - Fine with any amt
4) Chicken Little
5) SL 30 - 40 per pax but tentative
6) Rena 30-40 per pax
7) sleepingdeer 30 - 40 per pax
8) Mamapanda, 10-30 per pax
9) God's child 30-40 perpax
10) Cookie $30 - $40 PER PAX
11) sept03bride -$30-40 per pax
12) SSF $30 - $40 PER PAX
13) Tracy $30-$40 per pax
14) chillies $30-$40 per pax
15) Sy - 30-40 per pax
16) sunny (Do not need to cater meals for me)-approx $50 per couple
17) Clare - go with majority
18) wenyl - $40 to $50 per couple
19) Valerie $30-$40 per pax
20) queen - $30 - $40 PER PAX
21) denmy - go with majority
22) mongs
23) Flo - $30 - $40 Per Pax
24) Linda - go with majority
25) babylon any venue & amount is fine
26) Wendyheng (20-40/pax)
27) wennykoh (30-40/pax)
28) Krissie
29) SH (30-40/pax)
30) Tabbiesus (30-40/pax)
31) cheng (30-40/pax)
32) Yuki (10-30/pax)
33) celwong (30 -40/pax)
34) Sharon Sum - any venue & amount is fine
35) Annie - (30-40/pax
36) durianlover - go with majority

My son also refusing his milk. Now feeding schedule are
7am to 8am A bowl of cereal mix with milk
11am to 12pm A bowl of porridge
3pm to 4pm Drinking milk (180ml to 240ml)
6pm to 7pm A bowl of porridge
about 9 Drinking milk (sometime he refuse so i'll wait for him to slp liao dream feed him milk maybe around 10 to 11pm)
Mostly my son slp around 9 plus. (240ml)
I think babies is choosy now want to eat our food ah. hehe
Rena, Sept03Bride, Chicken Little, Sleepingdeer, SSf and MamaPanda
We would most likely be meeting up at my place to discuss and finalize the location and the menu to be used for the combined bday bash. As requested by Chicken Little, kindly list down the 3 most possible places which you think is best to hold the event via the yahoogroup as set up by CL. From there, we will discuss the most common listed place and narrow down from there. Kindly PM me for my address if you've not been to my place before.

Hi Mamachan,

I have sent two emails to you.

one consisting megan;s pictures for the Jan birthday bash

one - a forward email from a learning centre. Wonder if the commmitte would like to approach them for sponsor.

Hope you don;t mind receiving such emails. If you mind, just let me know.
Hi mommies,

Wonder if your baby drink to sleep? Or do you clean their teeth before they fall asleep?

Megan is hyper active and we often make milk for her to drink till she's drowsy. But that means i can only clean her teeth after she fall asleep. that can be a challenge sometimes as she's easily awaken or she just clump her mouth shut even in her sleep.........

Hi Chillies,

I am comptemplating to switch to Pedisure after Megan turns one. Her weight is about 8.5kg at 10.5months old. I reckon her weight is ok but because she is falling sick so often and always lose weight after each episode, so i am thinking of changing to pedisure........... But still considering.

Hi cookie,

The chart for gal and boy is different. So for example if baby is ten months old and weight 8.5kg, it may mean 25 percentil for boys but 50/75 percentils for girls.

My elder gal ashley is 97 percentil. Ha Ha. She's 3years and 2 months old but weights 20kg. My neighbour's initial expression is "Oh My God"......... But ashley is rather healthy so i am not so worried.
Re: Pediasure
I guess my niece case is slightly different cos she's very underweight almost falling below the 3 percentile that's why PD recommened her to take pediasure. PD afraid that her weight might hinder her development. Anyway Pediasure is meant for underweight and fussy baby. My personal view is no harm letting bb try if they like the taste lor since have no side effect.
I think chillies/queen are looking at bb boy chart, gals are lighter I suppose. Mel weight also stagnant for quite a while but like Daren her appetite increased alot lately so I guess u don't have to worry is just a passing phase.
linda - thks for the info on the hat.

mamachan - wat time and when is the discussion? if its this sat i cannot make it...as i have a church meeting. anyway, you guys can go ahead.

I am sorry that i didn't help for the past discussion as i am busy with a church yr end party, caleb's jan bash and xmas party. sorry abt it :p
Date: 3rd February 2007, Saturday
Venue: The Committee (Chicken-Little, Rena, MamaChan, Sep03Bride, SSF) is now in the midst of shortlisting.

1) MamaChan - Either amount is ok for me.
2) Maywong - Go with majority
3) Sysac - Fine with any amt
4) Chicken Little
5) SL 30 - 40 per pax but tentative
6) Rena 30-40 per pax
7) sleepingdeer 30 - 40 per pax
8) Mamapanda, 10-30 per pax
9) God's child 30-40 perpax
10) Cookie $30 - $40 PER PAX
11) sept03bride -$30-40 per pax
12) SSF $30 - $40 PER PAX
13) Tracy $30-$40 per pax
14) chillies $30-$40 per pax
15) Sy - 30-40 per pax
16) sunny (Do not need to cater meals for me)-approx $50 per couple
17) Clare - go with majority
18) wenyl - $40 to $50 per couple
19) Valerie $30-$40 per pax
20) queen - $30 - $40 PER PAX
21) denmy - go with majority
22) mongs - $30 -$40 per pax
23) Flo - $30 - $40 Per Pax
24) Linda - go with majority
25) babylon any venue & amount is fine
26) Wendyheng
27) wennykoh (30-40/pax)
28) Krissie
29) SH (30-40/pax)
30) Tabbiesus (30-40/pax)
31) cheng (30-40/pax)
32) Yuki (10-30/pax)
33) celwong (30 -40/pax)
34) Sharon Sum - any venue & amount is fine
35) Annie - (30-40/pax
36) durianlover - go with majority

I also want to order from cake ave
Who else is confirmed for Cake avenue. I will provide names and contact no. to her:
1) Chicken Little
2) SSF (2kg fresh cream Bob the Builder)
3) Esh_mummy ( cake ain't decided yet. but abt 2kg)
4) Flo (either 1kg or 1.5kg, TBC)
5) Rachel (2kg, fresh cream, 2 tie cake)
6) Cookie (1.5KG, Pooh cake from Birthday Direct)
7) Rena (2kg , pokoyo pic that i will send to her)
8) Clare (2kg max; not idea on design yet will go down to take a look)
9) Maywong (2.5kg, Fondant, "Purple One")
10) durianlover (not sure yet, but will take at least 2 cakes for diff day celebrations)
11) Mongs (2kg, no idea on design yet)
Hi Mommies,
haven't been visiting forum these few days, my grandma passed away peacefully on Sunday so have been busy with the wake.

Chicken Little,
definitely count me in for the cake, I'll be going down this weekend to order... guess I look for Natalie? I hope we can get more disc coz so many people....

Who else is confirmed for Cake avenue. I will provide names and contact no. to her:
1) Chicken Little
2) SSF (2kg fresh cream Bob the Builder)
3) Esh_mummy ( cake ain't decided yet. but abt 2kg)
4) Flo (either 1kg or 1.5kg, TBC)
5) Rachel (2kg, fresh cream, 2 tie cake)
6) Cookie (1.5KG, Pooh cake from Birthday Direct)
7) Rena (2kg , pokoyo pic that i will send to her)
8) Clare (2kg max; not idea on design yet will go down to take a look)
9) Maywong (2.5kg, Fondant, "Purple One")
10) durianlover (not sure yet, but will take at least 2 cakes for diff day celebrations)
11) Sleepingdeer (I dun put my real name down here ok? You know right? thanks!) 2 - 3kg teddy bear cake, choc sensation w/o rasins.

the Purple one is very nice hor?

Mommies who ordering from Cake Avenue,
you should really go down to take a look at their designs, coz it's really alot more than the website... I am choosing a pink teddy bear cake for my gal coz of her teddy bear which she hugs to sleep everynight.

when is the meetup?

congrats on getting your dream house!

take care, stomach flu is really jialet!
Oops, Mongs and I posted same time...

Who else is confirmed for Cake avenue. I will provide names and contact no. to her:
1) Chicken Little
2) SSF (2kg fresh cream Bob the Builder)
3) Esh_mummy ( cake ain't decided yet. but abt 2kg)
4) Flo (either 1kg or 1.5kg, TBC)
5) Rachel (2kg, fresh cream, 2 tie cake)
6) Cookie (1.5KG, Pooh cake from Birthday Direct)
7) Rena (2kg , pokoyo pic that i will send to her)
8) Clare (2kg max; not idea on design yet will go down to take a look)
9) Maywong (2.5kg, Fondant, "Purple One")
10) durianlover (not sure yet, but will take at least 2 cakes for diff day celebrations)
11) Mongs (2kg, no idea on design yet)
12) Sleepingdeer (I dun put my real name down here ok? You know right? thanks!) 2 - 3kg teddy bear cake, choc sensation w/o rasins.
sorry, didn't see wendyheng's update.

Date: 3rd February 2007, Saturday
Venue: The Committee (Chicken-Little, Rena, MamaChan, Sep03Bride, SSF) is now in the midst of shortlisting.

1) MamaChan - Either amount is ok for me.
2) Maywong - Go with majority
3) Sysac - Fine with any amt
4) Chicken Little
5) SL 30 - 40 per pax but tentative
6) Rena 30-40 per pax
7) sleepingdeer 30 - 40 per pax
8) Mamapanda, 10-30 per pax
9) God's child 30-40 perpax
10) Cookie $30 - $40 PER PAX
11) sept03bride -$30-40 per pax
12) SSF $30 - $40 PER PAX
13) Tracy $30-$40 per pax
14) chillies $30-$40 per pax
15) Sy - 30-40 per pax
16) sunny (Do not need to cater meals for me)-approx $50 per couple
17) Clare - go with majority
18) wenyl - $40 to $50 per couple
19) Valerie $30-$40 per pax
20) queen - $30 - $40 PER PAX
21) denmy - go with majority
22) mongs - $30 -$40 per pax
23) Flo - $30 - $40 Per Pax
24) Linda - go with majority
25) babylon any venue & amount is fine
26) Wendyheng ($20-$40/pax)
27) wennykoh (30-40/pax)
28) Krissie
29) SH (30-40/pax)
30) Tabbiesus (30-40/pax)
31) cheng (30-40/pax)
32) Yuki (10-30/pax)
33) celwong (30 -40/pax)
34) Sharon Sum - any venue & amount is fine
35) Annie - (30-40/pax
36) durianlover - go with majority
Oh didn't realised it was you that Joycelyn was mentioning about. Sorry to hear about your loss, take care!
sunny, SSF, esh_mummy,
This is the one who is selling helium balloon for $1 each. The cheapest so far in Concourse.
The address is
Heartlink Trading
#02-10 The Concourse
t: 6297 4939
hp: 9023 0181
Contact Jane Tan. ( the aunty very nice and freindly)
Sorry to hear abt ur grandma! I remember u went to visit her at the hospital recently. My condolences to ur family. Take care!
re: baby bday bash
Thanks to the committee who's doing such a great job!!!!! I was toying with the idea for quite some time now: not sure if you mummies want to have it at my shop. It will cut down our budget tremendously then... at least we have tables and chairs and space... and of course drinks and sandwiches if we want. I'll have to discuss w hb which outlet is most suitable as we have abt 60 adults and 30 babies & prams. Only downside is we dun have hi-chairs... bbs will have to sit in thier prams. How?
denmy - thks for the contact on the helium balloon
and yes i think its a great idea to have it at denmy's place. can give her some support too! but how many ppl can ur shop hold and i think we have some games to play...got space?
thanks for offering your shop. Its a real nice gesture.
Probably we need to hv lotsa space, cos not sure what kinda games May have in mind. I read that we are planning to hv fastest crawler?
But hor, Caleb cannot sit in the stroller that long. He will start to shout..
RP mummies,

Shall we meet for lunch? What abt this friday (8 Dec)

RP/City hall mummies lunch on 12 dec:
1) AK -yes
2) Flo
3) Esh_mummy
4) Yuki
5) Chicken little

I added Chicken little in....pls join us if you can make it. I changed the date to next tue....let me know if you gals ok

Cookies...dun worry, its alright. =)
hello mummies!

wow!wow!wow! the bd bash is going really well! nice of denmy to offer her place! Sigh... everything's still pending for me. I can't even get to organising my gal's bd party cos not sure if I would be in Sg....


sorry to hear that. Take care.

I can join you for lunch if I am not on leave - I still got 2.5 days to clear.
RP/City hall mummies lunch on 12 dec:
1) AK -yes
2) Flo
3) Esh_mummy
4) Yuki
5) Chicken little
6) sl

welcome! I passed the pooh to you remember? My gal just drools a lot and bites a lot when teething - real disgusting girl.
I'm okie with 12 Dec but must leave by 1.45pm.

RP/City hall mummies lunch on 12 dec:
1) AK -yes
2) Flo - yes but must leave by 1.45pm
3) Esh_mummy
4) Yuki
5) Chicken little
6) sl - yes if not on leave
Hi Jesline,
Re: Teething
Welcome! My gal also drools alot and like to bite anything she can get hold of when teething. But she's quite late in growing teeth tho, she's turning one next week and only the 2 bottom incisors are fully grown, the top 2 incisors are coming out!
I'm okie with 12 Dec but must leave by 1.45pm.

RP/City hall mummies lunch on 12 dec:
1) AK -yes
2) Flo - yes but must leave by 1.45pm
3) Esh_mummy- will be having doc appt. (nope)
4) Yuki
5) Chicken little
6) sl - yes if not on leave
Sorry to hear about ur loss.
My condolences to your family.

RE: Location
If we are holding it in Denmy's shop, we can change the games.
ssf and mamapanda,
we will be having a discussion on the venue on Sun at Mamachan's place. Probably you wanna look through the current quotes 1st.
Call Abbott and they will give u a sample to try. Rather then buy, Pediasure not cheap. My sis used to buy from a clinic which sells rather cheap.

RE : Feeding
My boy taking 2 solids. Wld also mix cereal when he refuses to drink. I think he's the latest to take breakfast. Thinking of replacing the afternoon meal to porrdige.

5-6am : 150ml milk
9.30am : Cereal
1.30pm : 150ml milk plus biscuits (use to coax)
5pm : Porridge
9pm : 180-210ml milk

I give Dumex Nite and i think with cereal inside he can sleep better. Yesterday gave Similac instead and he started tossing, hungry, by 2am.

RE : Yogurt
Bought the baby yogurt from cold storage, not bad.
Hi mummies,
Any other mummies on leave/in town/watever....pls do feel free to join us for lunch

No lah, not bringing bb as I am wkg that day...that's why i suggest having lunch ;)

RP/City hall mummies lunch on 12 dec:
1) AK -yes
2) Flo - yes but must leave by 1.45pm
3) Esh_mummy- will be having doc appt. (nope)
4) Yuki
5) Chicken little
6) sl - yes if not on leave
count me in as well.

the bday bash sounds so exicting! i must remmebr to send u my photos...

RP mummies
ican join for lunch too.

RP/City hall mummies lunch on 12 dec:
1) AK -yes
2) Flo - yes but must leave by 1.45pm
3) Esh_mummy- will be having doc appt. (nope)
4) Yuki
5) Chicken little
6) sl - yes if not on leave
7) sy

let me know where. Flo, i can bring your books too.

oh dear, sorry to hear abt your loss.

these few nights JH has been taking a lot of milk at night. is it a growth spurt? i counted and he took abt 16 oz at night...
sleeping deer
Sorry to hear abt your grandma...

Chicken little.
Can we email Natalie our cake picture to check if she can do it?
if yes then can gimme her email address. Thanks!

RE: Games Committee
So far I have these pple in the committee.. any I missed out or put wrongly?

1) Maywong
2) Sept03Bride
3) Sysac
4) Chillies
5) Sy

added my self.

Jh drinks milk to sleep. i give him water after giving him his milk cos hard to clean his teeth. no choice cos he can't sleep without his milk...
Thanks thanks! But will it be too heavy for you?

Mel is also drinking alot of milk at night lately, around 12-14oz. In the past, she can't even finish 4oz at one go. Now she can't sleep if she gets one oz less! She also need her milk to sleep.
Cake Avenue. Will be sending the email out tonight with your name and contact number to Natalie. You may send your desired design to [email protected].

I went to the shop to purchased choco fudge n sensation. Will update later after I tasted it. As per the lady at the shop today, says fondant not as tasty as fresh cream , only nice to see.

Flo, they are selling sesame street figurine at $1 each. you can use it for your cake. Saw their elmo cupcake and a cupcake with Ernie figurine and the number 1 cost $2.50 each. Have in mind the cake for charmaine's bday next year liao.

Who else is confirmed for Cake avenue. I will provide names and contact no. to her:
1) Chicken Little
2) SSF (2kg fresh cream Bob the Builder)
3) Esh_mummy ( cake ain't decided yet. but abt 2kg)
4) Flo (either 1kg or 1.5kg, TBC)
5) Rachel (2kg, fresh cream, 2 tie cake)
6) Cookie (1.5KG, Pooh cake from Birthday Direct)
7) Rena (2kg , pokoyo pic that i will send to her)
8) Clare (2kg max; not idea on design yet will go down to take a look)
9) Maywong (2.5kg, Fondant, "Purple One")
10) durianlover (not sure yet, but will take at least 2 cakes for diff day celebrations)
11) Mongs (2kg, no idea on design yet)
12) Sleepingdeer (I dun put my real name down here ok? You know right? thanks!) 2 - 3kg teddy bear cake, choc sensation w/o rasins.

Sorry to hear about your loss. Do rest well now.

RP mummies

RP/City hall mummies lunch on 12 dec:
1) AK -yes
2) Flo - yes but must leave by 1.45pm
3) Esh_mummy- will be having doc appt. (nope)
4) Yuki
5) Chicken little - Sorry already have an appointment but available any other day 13 - 15 Dec, on annual leave but have to hang around Tanjong Pagar as my gal starting childcare
6) sl - yes if not on leave
7) sy

Please take if offline to discuss about the venue at your place with the committee.

Can you email [email protected] so that I can get your email address to invite you to our yahoo group ?

Sleeping deer,
Did you receive my invitation to the committee yahoo group ?
Chicken Little,
THe yahoo group is just for the food and location committee? Does it include my games committee as well?

Of cos..I need ur help.. the more the merrier.

RE: Games Committee
Sorry mummies.. think we will have to wait for the location and time to be fixed then we can decide what games. Will it be fine with u all? Erm.. or do u already have some games in mind? Most probably we will keep to 3 games bah.. as the event will takes abt 3hrs..each games abt 20mins.

Hi Chicken Little,.

I went with hb after work today about 7:30pm.
I have purchase Choco fudge cake and chocolate sensation....After try it,...we found Choco fudge was nice and taste really rich. And Chocolate sensation got some raisin,..but not really as rich as choco fudge. This 2 flavor was recommend by the lady at the cake shop.

So far,..I found their price quite reasonable after compare to other cake shop...
