(2006/01) Jan 2006 MTBs

By when must we place order?
You mentioned Cake Ave can do the Pooh cake rite?
Is there a minimum? or must be 2kg?
I thinking of 1.5kg cos serving only max 14 pax.
Is it cream or the colourful icying? sorry dunno what that call.

Since got discount and can do the Pooh theme cake.. tho a bit far from my house.. I dun mind join in.

Who else is confirmed for Cake avenue. I will provide names and contact no. to her:
1) Chicken Little
2) SSF (2kg fresh cream Bob the Builder)
3) Esh_mummy ( cake ain't decided yet. but abt 2kg)
4) Flo (either 1kg or 1.5kg, TBC)
5) Rachel (2kg, fresh cream, 2 tie cake)
6) Cookie (1.5KG, Pooh cake from Birthday Direct)

Hi Mummies!
Photos for Combined Bday Bash

Thanks to Valerie for contacting Motherhood magazine's editor, they requested for us to send in more details of the bday bash as well as a picture montage to accompany the email which will be forwarded to their respective departments

Mummies who had pictures of past gatherings i.e. massage gathering, Hotel Phoenix High-tea Gathering, Swim gathering,Picnics at Botanic Gardens, Gathering at Anitha's place, Angels on the Green, could you kindly send the pictures or links of the pictures of your online album to me at [email protected] ? So that I can come up with a simple montage presentation of what the Jan 2006 mummies had done the past months. I need them latest by Friday. Thanks so much!

Also, many thanks to our dear Chicken Little who managed to secure a $160 hamper as a prize for the mini contests which May will be organizing. In return, they have requested to set up a mini booth to sell their products at a discounted price but no obligations to purchase. (P/S: Product is a secret. heh heh )

Keep the pictures of your darlings (newborn and recent one taken with you) and of the gatherings sent to me.

okie, okie. Me so forgetful these days totally forgot about the pic. Will go back and search later
mamachan - wow the birthday bash really looks good! i am so looking forward to it
i sent before pics taken from botanic garden. u still need me to resend?

thks valerie and chicken little for your help in getting the sponsor.

I can only share out the photos taken for Angels in the green to you.

You only need to place order min 3 days in advance but u have a design you want to confirm they can do or not, better to go earlier. Can do 1 kg oso no problem. But if you want a figure number 1 then need to be min 2 kg. Are you doing the same cake as me ? Then no problem to be 1 kg should be about $69.

Mummies in the F & B committee, I have loaded all the quotation for venue in. Please refer to the yahoo group for details. I have oso done a comparison sheet for easy reference. Lets meet up this weekend to finalise it.

Sep03bride, you have not sign up in the group yet. Did you receive my invitation ? The last time are u using the same email for the photo shoot group ?
mamachan/chicken little
wah... the birthday bash planning is getting more and more exciting! i can only contribute the photos at angel in the green. will send to mamachan soon.

re: birthday bash
if you need a loud speaker, my hb has a portable one. look old but still in working condition. let me know.
Re: Birthday bash committee
wow I wan to give 3 cheers to the committee...
the prize, the secret booth etc... sound very fun.
Thanks for your time and effort!
At any time.. you guys need any help in general or specialist area, keep posted here....if I can fit into the position.. sure will help out.

I have a pic of our very first gathering at Rena place.. just a few babies.. will just sent a pic see if it's helps.

yes I'm going to order the same cake as you. I bought the cake kit from birthday direct already

1 kg for $69 sound ok...
my "party" will be hold on 27th Jan... so I think I have time to get feedback from you mummies.. which chocolate cake is good!
is your cake in full cream?
Re: contact number for Pangbaobao.com
Hey mummies...
anyone has contact number for the lady at pangbaobao.com.sg?
I receive a package today which I never order for. I believe she sent to the wrong person.
Who else is confirmed for Cake avenue. I will provide names and contact no. to her:
1) Chicken Little
2) SSF (2kg fresh cream Bob the Builder)
3) Esh_mummy ( cake ain't decided yet. but abt 2kg)
4) Flo (either 1kg or 1.5kg, TBC)
5) Rachel (2kg, fresh cream, 2 tie cake)
6) Cookie (1.5KG, Pooh cake from Birthday Direct)
7) Rena ( 2kg , pokoyo pic that i will send to her)
Hi mummies. I be holding Zachary Birthday on 13th January at Safra Changi Chalet.

Balloons inflation: my CG leader wife passed me this website. Maybe can check it out http://www.twinkleballoons.com/

BDay Deco: Like to ask you all, which shop in concourse selling BDay Stuff, thinking of buying after Christmas instead. Then no need to shuffle with the Christmas deco selling.

PLaza Sin 'Made with Love' Stamp Card: Has three stamps, if any mummies need. Let me know so can post to you.

FP Monkey Chase:Toy for sale without box. $22. If anyone keen, just PM me, ok

Wow seems like so many are ready for BB's birthday bash... I have only gotten the menu from Neo Garden and still yet to decide. Must order by this week cannot tuu liao... =( Venue wise we will likely end up doing at home for lunch, inviting only close friends and family... as it'll be onthe 24th Christmas eve + Sunday somemore so think quite hard to get other suitable venue... any suggestion?

Who else is confirmed for Cake avenue. I will provide names and contact no. to her:
1) Chicken Little
2) SSF (2kg fresh cream Bob the Builder)
3) Esh_mummy ( cake ain't decided yet. but abt 2kg)
4) Flo (either 1kg or 1.5kg, TBC)
5) Rachel (2kg, fresh cream, 2 tie cake)
6) Cookie (1.5KG, Pooh cake from Birthday Direct)
7) Rena (2kg , pokoyo pic that i will send to her)
8) Clare (2kg max; not idea on design yet will go down to take a look)
I also want.. Let's ask for more discount since there are so many of us. I am choosing the menu of Neogarden. Shall we ask for discount as well?

Who else is confirmed for Cake avenue. I will provide names and contact no. to her:
1) Chicken Little
2) SSF (2kg fresh cream Bob the Builder)
3) Esh_mummy ( cake ain't decided yet. but abt 2kg)
4) Flo (either 1kg or 1.5kg, TBC)
5) Rachel (2kg, fresh cream, 2 tie cake)
6) Cookie (1.5KG, Pooh cake from Birthday Direct)
7) Rena (2kg , pokoyo pic that i will send to her)
8) Clare (2kg max; not idea on design yet will go down to take a look)
9) Maywong (2.5kg, Fondant, "Purple One")
Noted about orders from Cake Avenue. Please ensure this is a confirmed order. Will provide your number to her. Will make another attempt for more discount.

Who else is confirmed for Cake avenue. I will provide names and contact no. to her:
1) Chicken Little
2) SSF (2kg fresh cream Bob the Builder)
3) Esh_mummy ( cake ain't decided yet. but abt 2kg)
4) Flo (either 1kg or 1.5kg, TBC)
5) Rachel (2kg, fresh cream, 2 tie cake)
6) Cookie (1.5KG, Pooh cake from Birthday Direct)
7) Rena (2kg , pokoyo pic that i will send to her)
8) Clare (2kg max; not idea on design yet will go down to take a look)
9) Maywong (2.5kg, Fondant, "Purple One")

Sorry I did not make it to the shop yesterday because we were caught in rain and busy doing grocery shopping yesterday. Will see if I can go down again today.
Chicken Little,
For cake avenue, I will see if I can drop by the shop this weekend to confirm. But how do we indentify ourselves huh?

Look for Natalie and say that Angie is the one who has been liaising with her on the pooh cake and called her on 5 Dec 06
Thanks CL. Will do that.

RE: Party Pack @ Concourse
Mummies that went there.. u happened to see any POOH themed party pack bag? If yes then I going this wkend.
Hi Chillies,
If cookie doesnt want the avent liners, I queue behind her ok? Thanks

RP mummies,

Shall we meet for lunch? What abt this friday (8 Dec)

RP mummies lunch on 8 dec:
1) AK -yes
2) Flo
3) Esh_mummy
4) Yuki
RE: Birthday Bash
Can we fix a time? I can draw out the intinary then start planning for the games. How long will we take?

You look pale last night. Hope u and your family will get well soon.
RP mummies,

Shall we meet for lunch? What abt this friday (8 Dec)

RP mummies lunch on 8 dec:
1) AK -yes
2) Flo
3) Esh_mummy
4) Yuki

Me cityhall mummy but only work 2 days this year. Next Feb will be fulltime. I dun mind dropping by to meet up too if the place is near the station.

8 Dec , I will be at Tanjong Pagar, I am ok to meet up if my gal is settled down in childcare.
RE: Birthday Bash

May, we are planning either lunch 1- 3 or high tea 2- 5. Will update once we finalised.

Games probably 30 mins because baby's concentration can only last this long. or 2 session of 20 mins each. They will need a break in between.
me too like you...cannot catch up with postings!!
Can only catch bits n pieces! hee.

Who else is confirmed for Cake avenue. I will provide names and contact no. to her:
1) Chicken Little
2) SSF (2kg fresh cream Bob the Builder)
3) Esh_mummy ( cake ain't decided yet. but abt 2kg)
4) Flo (either 1kg or 1.5kg, TBC)
5) Rachel (2kg, fresh cream, 2 tie cake)
6) Cookie (1.5KG, Pooh cake from Birthday Direct)
7) Rena (2kg , pokoyo pic that i will send to her)
8) Clare (2kg max; not idea on design yet will go down to take a look)
9) Maywong (2.5kg, Fondant, "Purple One")
10) durianlover (not sure yet, but will take at least 2 cakes for diff day celebrations)
RE: Games Committee
So far I have these pple in the committee.. any I missed out or put wrongly?

1) Maywong
2) Sept03Bride
3) Sysac
4) Chillies ?

RE: Prize
Mamachan, we will only have one hamper worth $160? or total up $160? Cos need it in my games planning.

So far I only secured a hamper worth $160, I may ask them to break into 2 at $80 each so easier for us to play around with the prize.


I think the cake is 35-38 per kg plus $35- 38 for the design cost so 1 kg cake will work out to be 69 - 75.
No worries about the cake. I'll prob go down on Friday nite or Sat. Do they close @ 8pm? Was there around 7.50pm on Sun but they were closed.

Was telling HB last nite that you and Valerie managed to get sponorship for the Bday bash. He was impressed that the bday bash is going to be so "big time". I told him we have very ON mommies here
3 cheers to all the organisers for the hardwork!
RP mummies,

Shall we meet for lunch? What abt this friday (8 Dec)

RP mummies lunch on 8 dec:
1) AK -yes
2) Flo
3) Esh_mummy
4) Yuki

I can't make it this Friday, oredi have lunch appointment.
Re. Birthday Bash
Updated my budget after telling my hb about this exciting event.

Date: 3rd February 2007, Saturday
Venue: The Committee (Chicken-Little, Rena, MamaChan, Sep03Bride, SSF) is now in the midst of shortlisting.

1) MamaChan - Either amount is ok for me.
2) Maywong - Go with majority
3) Sysac - Fine with any amt
4) Chicken Little
5) SL 30 - 40 per pax but tentative
6) Rena 30-40 per pax
7) sleepingdeer 30 - 40 per pax
8) Mamapanda, 10-30 per pax
9) God's child 30-40 perpax
10) Cookie $30 - $40 PER PAX
11) sept03bride
12) SSF $30 - $40 PER PAX
13) Tracy $30-$40 per pax
14) chillies $30-$40 per pax
15) Sy - 30-40 per pax
16) sunny (Do not need to cater meals for me)-approx $50 per couple
17) Clare - go with majority
18) wenyl - go with majority
19) Valerie $30-$40 per pax
20) queen - $30 - $40 PER PAX
21) denmy - go with majority
22) mongs
23) Flo - $30 - $40 Per Pax
24) Linda - go with majority
25) babylon any venue & amount is fine
26) Wendyheng
27) wennykoh (30-40/pax)
28) Krissie
29) SH (30-40/pax)
30) Tabbiesus (30-40/pax)
31) cheng (30-40/pax)
32) Yuki (10-30/pax)
33) celwong (30 -40/pax)
34) Sharon Sum - any venue & amount is fine
35) Annie - (30-40/pax)
RE : Pediasure
Abbott called me up and suggested I give my boy Pediasure instead of GainIQ to "beef" him up as according to her, he's underweight (he's in the 25 percentile). Anyone intend to give Pediasure?
Re. Birthday Bash
paiseh.. keep forgeting to update my desired budget.
Date: 3rd February 2007, Saturday
Venue: The Committee (Chicken-Little, Rena, MamaChan, Sep03Bride, SSF) is now in the midst of shortlisting.

1) MamaChan - Either amount is ok for me.
2) Maywong - Go with majority
3) Sysac - Fine with any amt
4) Chicken Little
5) SL 30 - 40 per pax but tentative
6) Rena 30-40 per pax
7) sleepingdeer 30 - 40 per pax
8) Mamapanda, 10-30 per pax
9) God's child 30-40 perpax
10) Cookie $30 - $40 PER PAX
11) sept03bride -$30-40 per pax
12) SSF $30 - $40 PER PAX
13) Tracy $30-$40 per pax
14) chillies $30-$40 per pax
15) Sy - 30-40 per pax
16) sunny (Do not need to cater meals for me)-approx $50 per couple
17) Clare - go with majority
18) wenyl - go with majority
19) Valerie $30-$40 per pax
20) queen - $30 - $40 PER PAX
21) denmy - go with majority
22) mongs
23) Flo - $30 - $40 Per Pax
24) Linda - go with majority
25) babylon any venue & amount is fine
26) Wendyheng
27) wennykoh (30-40/pax)
28) Krissie
29) SH (30-40/pax)
30) Tabbiesus (30-40/pax)
31) cheng (30-40/pax)
32) Yuki (10-30/pax)
33) celwong (30 -40/pax)
34) Sharon Sum - any venue & amount is fine
35) Annie - (30-40/pax)
My niece is also on Pediasure since she turned 1 (she's 18 months now) . She's very underweight and the PD has recommended my SIL to give her Pediasure as well (vanilla flavour). I would say she managed to put on quite abit of weight since she's on Pediasure.
actually I'm kinda okay with the size he's now. Juz that mum and other family members kept harping that he's small. My friends also find his size okay. He's abt 8.8kg now.
My boy also small.
Isaac's last weight measurement 2 weeks ago was only about 8.6kg, and he's 2 weeks to turning 1 year old liao. Definitely on 25th percentile. but so far no PD has commented that he needs to be beef up leh. He's on TBF and 3 solids meal. I think he eats a lot! But still small loh.
I just let him be... As long as he's putting on weight (though slowly) and growing taller and not fallign sick, I'm not worried.
Re. Birthday Bash
Updated my budget too. Thanks!

Date: 3rd February 2007, Saturday
Venue: The Committee (Chicken-Little, Rena, MamaChan, Sep03Bride, SSF) is now in the midst of shortlisting.

1) MamaChan - Either amount is ok for me.
2) Maywong - Go with majority
3) Sysac - Fine with any amt
4) Chicken Little
5) SL 30 - 40 per pax but tentative
6) Rena 30-40 per pax
7) sleepingdeer 30 - 40 per pax
8) Mamapanda, 10-30 per pax
9) God's child 30-40 perpax
10) Cookie $30 - $40 PER PAX
11) sept03bride -$30-40 per pax
12) SSF $30 - $40 PER PAX
13) Tracy $30-$40 per pax
14) chillies $30-$40 per pax
15) Sy - 30-40 per pax
16) sunny (Do not need to cater meals for me)-approx $50 per couple
17) Clare - go with majority
18) wenyl - $40 to $50 per couple
19) Valerie $30-$40 per pax
20) queen - $30 - $40 PER PAX
21) denmy - go with majority
22) mongs
23) Flo - $30 - $40 Per Pax
24) Linda - go with majority
25) babylon any venue & amount is fine
26) Wendyheng
27) wennykoh (30-40/pax)
28) Krissie
29) SH (30-40/pax)
30) Tabbiesus (30-40/pax)
31) cheng (30-40/pax)
32) Yuki (10-30/pax)
33) celwong (30 -40/pax)
34) Sharon Sum - any venue & amount is fine
35) Annie - (30-40/pax)
My boy is 1 months plus to 1 year old. So sama sama. He's feeding okay on solid. Biscuits his favourite. Milk hater! heehee
chillies / Queen,
My boy just managed to hit the 9kg mark recently & PD says the average weight for a 1 year old is between 9-10kg. Told me not to worry as long as he weight is slowly increasing. Now he is on partial BF cos I m slowing introducing the bottle to him. He takes 3 solids meals & I tink he burns out off all the carbo cos he is super active.
kaelyn is also abt 8.65kg abt 2 weeks ago abt 10mths she hover ard these range for 2 mths already...but how come PD chart her to be in the 75% weight? Now I wonder...
kaelyn has slim down a bit... but since she is in the 75% I just leave it cos not underweight..
perhaps I should check the chart again.

Ok I will take the box of avent milk bottle bag with my cereals.

Sorry AK.


i just changed the milk powder to Gain IQ. I am also consdiering to change to Pediasure. Think damien is just like your boy..refused milk.

Now damien is on almost 5 solids per day
6am 5 oz of milk (if he refused to drink, i will mixed with cerel and feed him)
10am 1 chinese bowl of porridge
2pm 5 oz of milk (if he refused to drink, i will mixed with cerel and feed him)
5pm 1 chinese bowl of porridge
830pm 5 oz of milk (if he refused to drink, i will mixed with cerel and feed him

therefore if the whole day he refused to drink milk, then he will be on 5 solid meal per day. Not sure did i over feed him or not.
