(2006/01) Jan 2006 MTBs

i gave my gal mee suah and macaroni. i plan to give my gal adult meals after she turns 1 but less salty, oily and sweet.

re: cake
i plan to get it from pine garden. $35/kg for the premium cake... gosh.. so ex.
is cake avenue's cake nice?

over the weekend, Dylan, me and hb was down with stomach flu.

think Dylan caught the virus when my mum brought him out on friday. Saturday morning, feaked out when we carried him out of his cot bcoz he vomitted in his bed. fed him some milk and half way he vomitted small amount out. decided to bring him to PD after feeding him some cereal. i was getting changed when i heard the sound of a splash of water hit the floor. hb was carrying him and his shirt kena as dyal vomitted again. had a hard time cleaning up the place and dylan. told hb it could be stomach flu.

after seeing PD, confirmed was stomach flu and was told to stop giving milk and only give watery porridge. by sunday Dylan was all well expect still ls on and off and we were really happy. even went cake avenue for a quick look on the cake design. when comes afternoon i started to feel funny and very tired. vomitted and so i was down with stomach flu and fever too. later in the night hb was also down. yesterday managed to send Dylan over to my mum place while me and hb spent 80% of the time sleeping. today am back to work but still not 100% clear from the sickness... sian
Hi Rachel
Take care...I hear there is a stomach flu strain going round...

Hi mummies
Thanks for the warm invite...I dun need much convincing and I also know all the mummies here are very nice and warm....have met up with a few of u and all so nice....will try to make it for bday bash, maybe pop by.....

Chicken Little,
I heard fr Annissa you have the avent liners? If got extra, sell me one box?
scanned through all the postings... so much!

congrats on your new flat!

hope Ryan is doing fine and his baluko is gone.

haha happy for you on your romatic episode =)

re: sterilizing
still sterilizing milk bottles, his feeding dish and spoon just wash with detergent and water only. pacifier just rinse with water.
Re: Pine garden's cake
I will be ordering from them. Very yummy cakes!
Those who are interested to see more pics other than those in their website, can PM me. I just received their reply today.
I usually give Ethan porridge with side dishes nowadays. He prefers to eat that way, instead of mixing all the vege & fish into it. Gonna try mee sua today.
Actually I find $35/kg for pine is quite ok. cos we buy those from prima deli already easily cost $30/kg. but just that we need to pay them extra for those customised pics lor. tat will easily come up to abt $100 per cake for a 2kg bday cake.
thks mummies for the blessings! durianlover - my new hm will be in Tampines still. haha just lurve the area. btw, yesterday we signed the agreement and before that the agent called us and said they had 2 offers at valuation price so we agree to close the deal by offering at valuation too. so no more 5k less but we are glad we got it without any cash upfront. now i pray that valuation will be super low. hee...

chicken_little - i have sign up for the grp discussion for bd bash but i abit new and blur ...dun know how to use it lei. hee..

linda - i will be having celebration on 23rd instead with my family and cousins. its a yearly affair every yr where we will all do pot luck and just enjoy each other's company and celebrate the REAL reason of Christmas ..being in the LORD's house! sorry to to hear that your hb will be travelling...maybe u want to have some fun time with your parents and frds ..somethg special than normal Xmas or maybe even go for a short trip with ur parents?

re: cake ave
i called to ask for 2kg of fresh cream customised cake of Bob the builder and the rate is $111 + $8 delivery charges. is it ex har?

chicken_little - please let me know the final discounted price ya! i need it for 7th Jan. thanks! flo - btw customised cake minimum is 2kg.
re: neo garden

i just called and they say even if we have more order for neo garden, the best discount they can give is 20%. sigh! also 20% does not include the transport charges..just food alone. and if we use chicken_little vip card, its 10% disc on food and transport charges still apply. anyone has any comments which food is nice for neo garden? i think i read that someone say curry chicken is nice. anythg else?
thanks for your concern, appreciated =)

thats also the price i get after checking with cake avenue. but their design is real nice. sigh... hb said look around for other cake shop before we settle for one.
Ok done all the 1st party stuffs! phew...
caterer and venue all set. now left cake. so chicken_little u update me again. thks!
will they give discount if we order together? haha....
i guest $35/kg is mkt price bah... bengawan solo also charges the same...
sysac - i need 14 party packs. can u let me know how much is it? thanks! u can PM me
Esh_mummy - Caleb's 1st birthday will be held at Aloha Loyang Bungalow on 7th Jan. same venue and date as God's child!

God's child - i have called Aloha and double confirm with them that we can cater outside food. just to be sure lor. hee.. also the check in time is 3pm and cannot be earlier than that. I hope in time as my food will arrive at 4p.m and party starts at 5p.m.
dylan's party is 2 weeks after Caleb's. also at aloha. ask you hor, how you gonna prepare Claeb's meal, meaning are you going to cook porridge or just give cereal for his semi soilds meal? gonna stay nightnight right?
RE: Cake Avenue
Is it nice? Then I think I want to join in the discount price leh. Think someone say order together can get discount right?
May - nice! tried before..i always buy the cake for colleague's bd party. Ya chicken_little say can get 10% and will fight for more if got more orders. hee..
i booked a few times aloha loyang, but never tried using their stove before haha hopefully it work out well. maybe should bring a slow cooker there just in case the stove cant work well...
rachel - hee is it...in that case, i think i will cook first at home then put in warmer for him to eat later. anyway i dun understand why check in is so late when checkout is latest by 10.30a.m. need so long to clean the room? hmm..
Hi SSF,.

Thanks for your advise

Most likely stay in Singapore and celebrate with in law as hb is not in ,..if I went with bb,..they might be quite lonely. I decided to stay and celebrate together with sister in law family

Aloha Loyang is not bad and very big,..I went there b4..there is a swimming pool inside the bungalow right?

I will hold my bb birthday on 1 Jan 2007 as she was born in 1 jan 2006. Suppose my gynae estimated that I gave birth on 29 December 2006 but ,....she came out on 1 Jan..... Really suprise me..

I have manage to get 2 baberque pik at Simei Condominium..... by the way still think of the caterer,....will have baberque section and buffet section

Whoaaaa all of the mummies here celebrate bb birthday in a same month and some in a same date

RE: PArty pack...think need 20 to 30 pack and there is a shop at bugis sell quite a cheap party gift and birthday decoration. Opposite of bugis junction...I might go there by this week or next week...

Here is the picture that I took with MIL on last week at paragon
what do u add in the mee sua?

what side dishes do u give? i m thinking of trying that.

poor thing. must be really a terrible time. must be careful with what u eat. it took me quite some time to recover. i even blacked out twice during my stomach flu episode cos it was so bad. how come dun wan to get one more day MC? i got 3 days that time.
Helium balloons
One shop at The Concourse does a small thank of helium gas for $50, with $200 deposit. Rental up to 3 days and can blow 40-50 balloons. Otherwise, the shops there can blow them up for you at $1 - $1.50 per balloon cw/ ribbons. U'll have to transport the ballons home yourself. I was advised by one of the shop keepers that its better to get them to do it for you cos we might waste gas if we dunno how to do it...

Aiyo, you poor thing... whole family fall sick very jia lak one..
yah, not sure why they only allow us to check in by 3pm. maybe they dont want to spend more in empolying more cleaner =p

yes yes, i remember you were down for 3 days and black out twice. was really worried back then i might be that sick, you know hor, i had not vomitted for years since my childhood. this round of vomit episode really left a mark in me! er... think the GP i saw was a niao one, only give me one day.

yah really, no joke. cant imagine if me and hb got to take care of dylan while ourself are turning jelly *siao*
4 pm is too early
you should ask them to send 15 mins early.. that is enough.. the curry chicken , mee goreng and pineapple rice is nice..
oh, hope Dylan, your hb and yourself are feeling better.

SSF, ya was aware that the min size for customised cake is 2kg but ChickenLittle has kindly offered to check if they can do something smaller scale

I normally give Mel cereal for breakfast, Annabel Karmel recipe for lunch and porridge for dinner. I tried giving alphabet pasta the other day but Mel doesn't seems to like it.
Hi mummies,
Was just wondering how many here are Raffles pl mummies? Maybe can meet for lunch?

RP mummies:
1) AK
2) Flo
i will rinse the mee suah few times. after that, i will just boil it with some water till it's really soft.
at the same time, i will steam the vege e.g. potato, carrot, pumpkin, sweet pea. then mixed together with the mee suah and give to my gal.
SSF, congrats in getting your dream flat! I also love Tampines, such a happening place. My parents have been there for years.

sysac, CONGRATS! Did you get poignant and think about the past year?

Rena, so glad to hear about you having fun arranging furniture.

Re: May 06 thread
I realize I'm more kaypo than Rena. When I saw Tracy's post, I straightaway go and read. haha... It was funny but yet sad for A.

SY, other than cereal, I also make milkshake for Kirsten. So far, have tried avocado&banana, or honeydew or papaya. Just cut everything into cubes and blend with some FM and water. She loves it. Good when she doesn't drink much milk. When she turns 1, gonna try strawberry milkshake too.

Re: Helium for balloons
I have asked a few shops for their price to pump balloons. Most places charge $1 for a small balloon and $3 for a big one. Can try Bishan Junction 8 balloon shop on 2nd floor or Tanglin Mall, gift shop on level 3. One florist charges $3/$5 respectively. Too ex.
ohhh... milk shake. I always want to do milk shake for my gal 'cos i bought the hand blender... but too lazy... i should do it this weekend!
rena - aiyo last time bad experience with Four Seasons really scared me. was late for an hr for collecting the food back. although this time NOT with Neo garden, i am still skeptical. anyway 4p.m come and by the time they set up the food, fire and tables...shld be just nice la. i didnt order rice as i will be cooking plain rice instead. so ordered their HK noodles instead.

denmy - i think i may also have one helium balloon for them to blow. can u let me know the name of the shop and contact no? thks!

Linda - good that you finally decided to celebrate with ur sil. btw, ur gal looks so cute in the xmas hat. haha..u bot it from there?
Cake Avenue,
Spoken to Natalie. Ref: Just tell her Angie who has corresponds via email since 29 Nov and spoke to her today

Min is 1 kg except if you want the figure "1" it will be 2 kg min. Customised cake with cream finishing is at 69, with fondant is at 75 for one kg.

The cake design which I have posted , she quoted me at 2 kg, $116 after discount excluding the $8 delivery charge. cannot waive delivery because they send despatch.

Flo, they said no problem for 1 kg cake elmo or bear. They should be able to find the design.

You can call her directly to order the cake. But dun forget we need 3 and above cake order to get 10%. Currently they dun have credit card discount so it is the best discount she can give liao.

I lazy to source further. Me definitely will go for cake avenue just the choice of cake I have to decide.

You think 30 pax and 15 kids, I should go for 1 or 2 kg ? Very scare everytime the cake cannot finish.

Who else is confirmed for Cake avenue. I will provide names and contact no. to her:
1) Chicken Little
chicken little - i am ordering 2kg for 40 ppl.
up to u lor..if u think u have alot of food, then u can cut smaller slice.

Who else is confirmed for Cake avenue. I will provide names and contact no. to her:
1) Chicken Little
2) SSF (2kg fresh cream Bob the Builder)

Helium Balloon:-
SSF - denmy - i think i may also have one helium balloon for them to blow. can u let me know the name of the shop and contact no? thks!

Yup, me too... thks Denmy
Cake Avenue
Who else is confirmed for Cake avenue. I will provide names and contact no. to her:
1) Chicken Little
2) SSF (2kg fresh cream Bob the Builder)
3) Esh_mummy ( cake ain't decided yet. but abt 2kg)
chicken little - Yippe, arigato. Did you buy any cake to taste? What have u decided on?

Who else is confirmed for Cake avenue. I will provide names and contact no. to her:
1) Chicken Little
2) SSF (2kg fresh cream Bob the Builder)
3) Flo (either 1kg or 1.5kg, TBC)

kaka me late again....

Who else is confirmed for Cake avenue. I will provide names and contact no. to her:
1) Chicken Little
2) SSF (2kg fresh cream Bob the Builder)
3) Flo (either 1kg or 1.5kg, TBC)
4) Esh_mummy (cake ain't decided yet, abt 2kg)
Think both Esh_mummy and Flo posted at the same time. Esh_mummy, please pm me your real name and contact number and will provide to Natalie

Cake Avenue
Who else is confirmed for Cake avenue. I will provide names and contact no. to her:
1) Chicken Little (1 or 2 kg fresh cream - Pooh)
2) SSF (2kg fresh cream Bob the Builder)
3) Esh_mummy ( cake ain't decided yet. but abt 2kg)
4) Flo (either 1kg or 1.5kg, TBC)

Flo, I waiting for Charmaine to wake up from her nap, then will go to the shop to buy cakes. Will check with them the popular choice. Update u tonight.
Opps Esh_mummy, I overwrote your post this time round..heehee

Who else is confirmed for Cake avenue. I will provide names and contact no. to her:
1) Chicken Little
2) SSF (2kg fresh cream Bob the Builder)
3) Esh_mummy ( cake ain't decided yet. but abt 2kg)
4) Flo (either 1kg or 1.5kg, TBC)
Who else is confirmed for Cake avenue. I will provide names and contact no. to her:
1) Chicken Little
2) SSF (2kg fresh cream Bob the Builder)
3) Esh_mummy ( cake ain't decided yet. but abt 2kg)
4) Flo (either 1kg or 1.5kg, TBC)
5) Rachel (2kg, fresh cream, 2 tie cake)

count me in!! simply cant resist! thanks chickenlittle =)

Hi Mommies
RE: Indv photo shot
Joycelyn sends her sincere apologies that she has to cancel all the individual shot appointments this week until further notice. Her dad got into a traffic accident yesterday and probably needs to undergo a spinal operation tomorrow. She said she really feel very very sorry about the cancellation.
