2005 East Mommies

Sorry mummies for not getting my butts in here until now.

Let's decide on North Bridge Road Chilli Padi since that seems to be the one with least objections. Meet at 3 pm at the restuarant.


Thanks for the effort. U must be cracking your mind on deciding the venue. *lol

So c u all 2molo.

U try that before too? If having buffet I find their price is reasonable. But if normal ala carte will be quite exp. They have a good spread of side dishes which fill up the whole table so I think that make up the prices.
Joo Chiat outlet is too small leh, I prefer East Coast or West.
thanks for your effort..
Hello to mummies who happen to be checking this thread and are going for the hi-tea gathering later, could any one of you kindly pm me your hp no? THis is the first time I am meeting you so how am I able to contact you if any one of you or myself reach the venue. If I don't receive any no by 12pm today, I don't think I will be going for the gathering le. Thanks!
Hi Meeyah. Sorry I have been busy and didn't managed to check the board. I just replied to you. Hope to see you later.
Thanks Leng Leng and Odie. I am replied you with my no liao.

Leng Leng I will be taking MRT to bugis and then walk there. I printed out the streetdirectory map liao.
hi, Leng Leng
We from polyclinic doc referral to KK hospital.
find out when she was doing 4 year old assessment check at polyclinic.
Hi Sharon,
I see, thanks.
I think my #2 may need to wear glasses already,
he failed his 1st test,
testing again this month...
I have a good tea sessions with all the mummies.
Great meet up!

thanks for praising my voice. U are the 1st one who say I have a nice voice.*blush* U can call me if u miss my voice. muhahahaha..

Odie, Jas,
Both of u look great in short hair and the style suit you very well. Clean and neat!

Cat, Carrie
I didnt get to chat with u much. Nvm we have another session at Pine close. muhahhaa..

give me sometime to translate the diet.

Leng Leng,
1st time meeting u. Very down to earth person.. hahaha..

I rbr that HPB conduct eye check for all K1 & K2 kids at their education center and FOC too and they will refer the kids to KK if they need further checkup.

Janelle just went for it and I am waiting for the result. She passed hers last year.
Leng Leng, down to earth of course is good lah. Even my mom would tell me to be down to earth not to be too unrealistic when pursuing my goals.. Thanks for the ride. I enjoyed chatting with you and get to see your 2 adorable nephews.

Next time really must get a round table instead of a long table.. I also dun get to really talk to Hong and Leng until after Carrie and Cat_tail left.

Hahahaa..really leh, Hong. I think you have a sweet voice. BTW, forgot to exchange hp nos with the rest of you incl you wor. Maybe next gathering we shall do that yar. I wonder when will that be. I'm looking forward to the next one already.
haha, you know what,
my little nephew asked me on Monday,
where's my pretty friend, why I didn't fetch you... hehehe...
Wow your little handsome nephew makes my day even though it is already more than half day gone. He is a shi(1) nai(3) sha(1) shou(3) leh. I bet he will have a long list of girlfriends wanting to be his friend when he grows up. He got the potential.
So young know how to use his charm liao.
Nice meeting u all up! Hopefully we can get another gathering this yr. Will make sure it's a round table. *lol
Anyway, so pai sek that I am the 1st to go off. Need to pick my gal up for her Chinese class..

Yes yes, we can still catch up at the wet market or NTUC. Keke..
great to meet up again after so long (for me)..
sorry too for having to leave early to pick up coen..

yes, yes, can catch-up with you in our neighbourhood..
Mummies, I think we had fun that day. Let's target to do one again soon and not next year =p

Leng Leng, I am interested to get the I Quit. Do you still have spares lying around to sell me? If not please let me know when is the next time you will be ordering from drugstore.
Leng Leng, Got the I Quit pen. Thanks!

Tried it on her last night. We told her that it is to help make her finger and nail pretty but will taste yucky if she puts in her mouth.

She forgot about it at one point and puts her thumb in. Ended up crying (obviously) but not because of the taste. She told the daddy that now her nails are no longer pretty and asked the daddy to use the pen on her thumb one more time. Wahahahahahahah. This one is the "ai swee mai mian" type of girl =.=
so did she stop? That is quite normal for ger. hahaha...

Btw, anyone interested to go SCO Concert on 15 Mar 8pm? This concert is specially for kids. I need 5 tics, I thot of getting 8 tics (2 x family package) which will be much cheaper.

Any taker? Here is the detail
Hong... at least it stopped her from sucking her to thumb to help her fall asleep. But I am not sure if she did stick her thumb into her mouth in the middle of the night. She is the type that can sleep through anything... including cough until puke and she still won't wake up. So I doubt that the bitter taste will make her wake up either. =.=
something exciting to share.. my younger sister will be giving birth to her first child soon, so happy for them.. hehe..
Yup yup, congrats to your sister, Carrie (sapphire). When is your sister's EDD? Also now you can pass down your boys' clothes to your sister. If your sister is having a girl, boy's clothes can still be worn on a gal - clothes become unisex. If your sister is having a boy, then even better can buy less clothes no need to splurge on gal's clothes yar?
Thanks for sharing Carrie. He is so pink! Will be very handsome. Some babies at birth do not have very good complexion.

Wow Lengleng, just in time to go for lunch.. As I read the webpage after I clicked on that link, my stomach is growling already!
thanks for your compliments..

have not seen him for 2 days, kind of miss him.. he does look a bit like coen and cody.. i do not miss newborn, not at all.. hehe..

when is the next gathering?
LengLeng!! Kill me lah... haha
Babies r nice to see, nice to touch but not nice to raise. *lol

Yah, should organise another gathering wif a round table. *lol
at last! my sister's confinement will come to an end tomorrow.. guess what? she has had 6 confinement ladies, including my 2 other sisters and myself.. haha..
Carrie, wow your mom has 4 gals. Are you very close to your sisters? I hope to see my 2 gals very close to each other when they grow up too!
yes, 4 gals and we are very close..
i think upbringing plays a big part and guess they will be close if you nurture them to be..
Hi mummies,

Do you interested to give your kids cordyceps capsules?

Janelle used to have small cough on and off. It just never goes away, can be quite irriating cos we have to feed her with western medication when it came back again. GP and PD ever prescribe a lung tonic to stop the trend but it came back 1 month later.

Then my GP at NorthEast (kallang) suggested this cordyceps for Janelle. Janelle is taking this brand of cordyceps recommended by our GP and it really works even before Janelle finished all of them. It has to be taken early in the morning cos cordyceps also keep one awake so cannot take at night.

Whenever my GP see me very tired, he encouraged me to take it as well. Adults will take 2 capsules in the morning.


My GP is selling $60 for 60 Capsules. Not sure if Guardian and Carrfore is cheaper.

Cordyceps is not a cheap herb but comparing to the amount spend on GP and PD, still worth it. Furthermore there is no side effect as well.

I realised the sale office is near to my office. If we get more may be will cost lesser. Anyone interested?

I am trying to get more orders to see if their sale office is abt to give me a more favourable price.

This AP Nutripharm is a Singapore based research coy that seem to be specialised in cordyceps.
i am back from my japan holiday and back to the reality..

though i am super duper tired, i enjoyed the trip overall.. not enough time to do my shopping in japan though.. when can i go there again?!

you mean dr keith ong? he asked me before too but i did not ask for more information.. i do not mind giving it a try, let me know the details.. thanks.
yah introduce by Keith Ong but I was thinking if we can secure a better rate if we contact the supplier ourselves. I am trying to get more boxes to get better price.
those are in capsule so if ur ger can swallow may need to open the capsule and feed them.

As I will be away for 10 days - oversea for work so I will response once I am back.

Anyone urgently need it?
