2005 East Mommies

my maternal grandma had passed away yesterday morning while in her sleep.. :'(

we were not allowed to attend the wake nor funeral at all as my mum had passed away less than 100 days.. as granddaughters, we cannot even pay our last respect to our own grandmother, feeling really upset.. :'(

i didnt know abt that rule. What is the reason? Both are "white" affair. Dun be too upset, at least she passed away peacefully. Are you very close to your grandma?
erm... if u are close to yr grandma, maybe u shld go wake.. the last time u gonna c her..
pardon me.. i do follow traditions.. but not to see my grandma due to the 100days thingy.. hard to follow..
my grandfather passed away when i was in australia.. my parents didnt want me to fly back.. now i still regret i didnt jus fly back.. after all its the last time i m gonna c him... was only an air tickets.. sigh!! $ can always earn back.. its time that no amt of $$ can buy.. :'S
1st time hearing this rule too... is that what your relatives claim? I guess if they set the rule, then it's better to abide. Can pay your grandma a respect later. Dun feel so bad, I am sure she will understand. It's the heart that counts.
first time we heard about it too, we were shocked and followed by upset.. my uncle asked the taoist temple personnel and were told to prevent people pointing fingers in case bad things happen again too close, we should avoid totally.. we were quite close to my grandma, stayed together for a few years when we were still little, before my parents got their own flat then..

i would very much like to barge in and pay my last respect, it is really the last time i can see her.. but not a good thing to do and the superstitious elderly might blame my mum too.. i can only remember my grandma based on my memory.. :'(

Rule are set by human so it is olrite to break it. hahaha...

I never really like taoist style of funeral. My grandma was the taoist type and I think that person was to con our $$. I dun think she really did a good job.

I prefer buddhist funeral, simple quiet and peaceful.

Christian style too - really no nonesense.
Carrie, hopefully your grandma get to visit you in your dreams. They said before they officially enter into yin world, they will come back to our house to visit us for the last time on the 7th day or 49th day? Hence I remember vividly that we all had to go to bed very early after pai pai when my grandma passed away.

Nowadays there are more and more free thinkers which is known as Atheist and I am one of them, heehee.. I wonder what type of funeral would one have when the atheist pass away...
hope all are well and fine..

some updates on my grandmother's funeral, we were allowed to go eventually as the other cousin had broken the rule unknowingly and she was at the wake since the first day.. another cousin then seek "justice" for us and we went for my grandmother's funeral (thursday) after my mum's 49th day of departure (wednesday)..

back from the royal caribbean cruise and overall it was good experience.. compared to star cruises, royal caribbean is more systematic and organized, not so many waits and queues for the latter.. although the variety of food is more at star cruises, royal caribbean's food is still good and their dining and room service are excellent..
finally... hahaha.. rule can be broke. I mean these rule wun kill, dun understand why pple so insisted on it.

Look like u have a good break. Did the CC contact u abt next yr enrolment? Infact, if they have vacancy, Coen shld start CC now.

I am never close to my paternal grandma so i think if she wanna come will visit my sister in her dream.

EP passed me ur item, u can drop by my place to collect it.
Royal Carribean sounds nice! Glad u enjoy & had a gd break.

Will keep u in touch later. Kids are sicked again... *sigh
have confirmed and registered coen and cody for next year's intake at tai pei.. coen will start in january while cody will start in june or july.. delayed cody's commencement date as i am afraid that my father will be lonely and too quiet at home..
so i will get to see u and Coen next yr. Must prepare him a bit. He will be in K1 right?
Wish all the Mommies,
A Merry X'mas n a Happy New Year!!

Time to think abt my new year resolution....heehee. What's yours?
Happy New Year to all Mummies.

Cat... as usual my resolution is not to make any new year resolutions. And every year I managed to keep to that resolution. LOL
Happy New Year in 2010!!
Wish all mummies and their families pink in health. Think that is the most important thing. All of us in the family except Daddy are down with common cold. What a way to start new year..
Hi all,
How's everyone doing? Thread is so quiet & so I am here to make some noise. :p

Anyone went to Chinatown? I am tinking of bringing my little frd & let her feel what is CNY. Haha..
Hi Cat!... Yes time to come in here to sweep the spider webs LOL.

I'm not a friend of crowded Chinatown so will give that a miss =p but have bought a CD of CNY songs and will be putting up a pot of pussy willows at home to work up the mood further. I was getting a bit worried that my kids will grow up only liking Christmas and not CNY after a conversation with a bunch of colleagues complaining how sianz CNY is =[
hi cat,
no plan for this year as we cannot celebrate.. we did for past years and with the 2 kids, they were excited about it though at some points it could be quite noisy..

hi odie,
try to go in the morning say at about 10am, though not all shops or stalls are opened, at least get the feel of CNY.. it will be less crowded during that time and easier to get a car park lot..
Ok, outcome of bringing Edna to Chinatown. At first everything look so refreshing to her but after a 30min walk, she was dragging her feets & begged to be carried. Keep on complaining it was hot & tiring. Not at all thrilling to her & her only tot was to get into my car for air-con! Haha... mission failed. I think kids nowadays r so urbanised.

Little celebration shld be ok.
Yes, I agree that these days the kids cannot live without aircon muwahahahahha.

Carrie... we didn't celebrate last year (sort of) because my hubby's grandfather passed away but we still had good meals within the family. I recall the first day of CNY was the 100th day of his passing. We were walking around the temple in black and white, while everyone around us were dressed up =[

BTW... where's everybody huh? The thread is really quiet =p Do you girls remember Oreos? She hasn't appeared here for the longest time.

We were supposed to get together way back in Nov but I didn't manage to get my butts moving after 1 failed attempt. How about February?
cat & odie,
yes, we will "celebrate" CNY among ourselves and have made reservation for the "gathering dinner" on 12-Feb-2010.. hope that my in-laws and her family members will not come and disturb or make any unnecessary remarks during this period, they and their foul-mouth.. sigh..

yes, i remember oreos but have not seen her in person.. which day of february? i will try to join.. coen's child care will still be closed on 17-Feb-2010, i will be taking leave but no idea if my hubby will take too..
hi hi hi
gd to meet up!!
if we hv to bring kids... want togo ikea? can throw kids in ball room n we hv 1hr to chat..
alternatively.. no kids n hv many hrs of peace..:p
lunch, hi tea,dinner,supper etc etc etc
Gathering when? Count me in too if there's any going if planning on end of Feb.

Yes Oreos... the last time I noe she was doing her Master when she conceive no.2. Wonder is she bz wif her no.3? Heehee...

U still need to face your in-laws in another reunion dinner. Think positively if u look at me. I am going to face mine day & nite for a week. Haha..
Girls... let's target end-February. I suppose all of us will be busy from now until mid-February due to CNY.

Ethel... I am fine with or without kids. If with kids it will be weekends. If weekdays definitely will be without kids in my case =p What's everybody's preference?

I have 44 days of leave this year so my boss will not have any issues with me taking leave (in fact she is telling me that I should clear as much as possible).
Haha..yes, your disaster trip wif your in-laws. We r going for a beach resort so my inlaws can do watever they like & I dun have the obligation to follow them. :p

Buay tahan leh... wif the wkends, u can stop working for 2 mths!! *lol
We can go to Polliwog if kids are tagging along. Got unlimited coffee & tea. :p
Cat... I am not sure if I want stop work for 2 months straight (think maternity leave). Enough to make me shudder =p
polliwogs kept their coffee machine since Jan. Many customers complain. Food for parties sucks great time! I can count the number of balls in play area.
I suggest ikea. It's free for those that are not members.
I suggest no kids haha but if those hv to bring kids then m ok with dragging mine along
Can plan a long retreat! Or work 4 days per wk lor. Oso shiok. :p

Serious? They kept it?? That's cheap of them to do it! Trust me for signing up my kids.
Ikea is not bad but only my eldest can have the fun. Hmmm.. I dun mind going back to Zhou Kitchen. Then I try to park kids somewhere.
Cat... the problem with working 4 days is that people will just dump the work in the tray and wait for you to come back since they can afford to wait for 1 day =p Anyway, I have booked a trip to Japan (yeah!) for 3 to 9 April liao. so that has taken care of 5 days straight.

With regards to the gathering, let's do a mummies gathering on a weekday then.

Cat I like the idea of Zhou's Kitchen. Good and cheap. In fact I have been thinking of going back there for the longest time but so far haven't found the chance to.

Let's start picking the date from the week of 22 Feb and 1 March.

Meeyah, Jas and Hong... where are you girls? =p

Leng Leng... how about you? I haven't seen you before leh.
Hi mummies,

WOW finally the thread is moving. All webs cleared. hahaha..

I am ok with the arrangement. Just tell me that date, and I make it unless i have last min meeting.

I nearly forgot that CC is closed on 17 Feb. What time did u reach CC? I have not bump into u yet. Has Coen used to the CC? Does he has any complain? Btw, the CC will start spelling and Ting xie in the 2nd half of the yr. U must prepare hor.
Haha...finally u got the guts to bring them overseas again. Japan is very very nice!! U r looking forward for their sakura rite?

re: Gathering
I vote after 24th. Maid will be back from home leave & then I can park my 2 kids.

Shall we try Anchorpoint outlet?

We finally got chance to meet the spree queen. *lol

K1 got ting xie & spelling already? So fast??
which part japan? I goin Osaka in may

Weekday! Hv to mobilise my mom! I can't do wed all other days ok.
Zhou kitchen is gd but let's try somewhere else? Too much gd food too little time :s
I hv lots of dining vouchers now. Let's c how many of us then I give u list to choose? If not them back to zhous?
I think I hv some 1for1 oyster lunch etc I go chk.

how can spree queen b plain? Haha!
Finally the thread is really mooooving. If not for Odie, I would not have known it. Yes, I would love to see you all. Let me know yar?
Plain!!? Heehee...

Gd gd... Oysters!! So long never taste it... we r going to eat like pigs. Haha....
coen is still crying, screaming and jumping every morning while dropping him off.. he has not much complains about the CC nor the food, i should say that he is pretty happy there..

huh?! that's fast.. ok, see how things go then..

i usually drop him off in the morning at about 8:45am and fetch him in the evening at about 5:30pm.. i have seen your in-laws fetching jan and jul a few times..
Gathering: Let's set it for Friday, 26 Feb afternoon. Any objections? Venue to be decided.

Cat... yes we are trying to catch sakura. My mum has been talking about going to Japan for a while and I told her to try spring to catch the cherry blossom. I went to Japan more than 10 years ago and have been wanting to go back. Except of course I would have preferred Hokkaido, but for the kids I think they will prefer Disneyland.

Ethel... I suppose you are going F&E in May? We are taking a tour package that includes Osaka, Tokyo, Kyoto.
my trip F&E.. dun think my boys can cope with the tour timing..
i hv not been to osaka.. looks like i need yr help with osaka n kyoto.. pls advise hotel, things to do n eat after yr trip!
next yr.. josh will be in P1.. so am doing all my travelling this yr.
Cat... but you never pack me in your lugguage back when you go on holiday leh... mwuahahahahah =p

Ethel... sure! My SIL has travelled Japan extensively (lmost once a year... I called it her annual pilgramage) and even worked there for 6 months at one point. I am sure she can give great tips even if I failed to take notes.
