(2005/12) Dec 05 mums-to-be

Everytime we'll try to reach 30mins earlier before class for him to warm up.

The lesson is with parent participation. In class he kept wana hide in my arms acting very shy to everything.

Everybody says he's afraid of strangers. But thats not true coz some strangers he'll take initiative to smile n play with them. I think he "choose" ppl lor. Only play with those ppl whom he "likes" their face bah. Sometimes even crowded shopping centres eg. vivo he very scared to walk and demand us to carry him. Then when at the playground he sees other kids play he just watch and will not join in.

hi mummies,
hazel is alot better today, e rashes have started to fade and shes alot more active than 2 days ago. thks for all the well-wishes.

she lost a lot of weight though. so sad cos the last visit to PD she finally broke 9kg (after much hardwork)... now back to 8+ kg again. haiz. but wads more impt is her health.

which one is katong CC? do u mean the former tanjong katong sec sch? sch hse by the bay sounds very familiar.

any good pre-nurseries around east coast/ katong area? i wanted to check out Learning Vision @ arthur rd and Eton playhouse but no time yet.

where do u stay?

any tips on potty training?

ure a SHM? really peifu u can handle 2 kids and housework. how did u manage when u were pregnant with no. 2?
krissie - yes that's true. Sooner or later all tods will have to go through this phase.

2005 - Katong CC is at Tanjong Rhu/Fort Road. I'm not sure if it's the former tanjong katong sec sch, dont think so. Inside the Katong CC, there is a Children's Community Library also; and the selection is quite good. Schoolhouse by the bay is affiliated with the Canadian Intl School. At this age, they do nothing but play. What I like about this school is that they have a viewing area where you can see what the kids and teachers do inside the classroom, it's a 1-way mirror. You can observe how your tod is interacting with other kids without them seeing you. But it's quite 'heart-pain' to see them cry during the first few days.

I stay at Katong area. There's a lot of choices in the east coast area in terms of pre-nurseries, depends on what you prefer, from PCF to premium ones like Etonhouse. Where do you stay?
ok i know where liao. theres like a very colorful play area facing the road at the side of the CC when we went past 2 weeks back. how much do they charge?

im in the marine parade area. so quite near u. any other good places to bring baby at our side? its east coast park and parkway for me every week!

are u working or SHM?

they charge $400+ per month for our tod's age group, 3 hours everyday from Monday to Friday.

yes we are very near. Same here, just bring baby to PP and east coast park. We should probably meet up when our tods have recovered.

I am a SAHM, now just waiting for #2 to pop. Now what I know what to expect, I feel more worried, esp the sleepless nights!
hi jenny,
i see. dat means not cheap rite? since only 3 hrs per day. less subsidy cos ure a SHM? my niece at learning vision 400+ a mth for full 5 days ley.

do u have domestic help? or expecting and looking after todd all by urself? how did u do it? i wish i have as much strength n determination as mummies like u.

yes we shd meet up when hazel gets well!
think there are lots of CC in katong area. my cousin sends her gal to Shaws at tanjong katong. She says not bad.

Yes I'm a SHAM. somehow i just survive lhor in day to day...but my MIL helped out a lot. she will come here for a month every few months.

Potty train : just some tips to share..but I shall put disclaimer hor....no fool proof way..every kids different lhor

1. Go diaperless
In the morning when you bath them..try to get them to pee. So, you will know your starting time. and they will finally feel the "sensation" and the urge.

2. Bring them to toilet/potty/ roughly about every 45mins - 1 hour. and just try to "brainwash" them to pee...you have to find out which "system" they are open to. My boy last time refused all system until one duck potty. My girl from beginning ok with toilet seat.

3. Until she can actually pee around 80% time when asked to, then you could stop bring her but ask her instead in the same interval (45mins-1hour)

4. Invest in lots of underwear
coz you will change it a lot! and underwear have a holding power for surprised "package".

5. Lots of patience and encouragement

6. Good luck!

Potty train is ain't fun coz it's messy, and nerve wrecking . But when they finally get it...you are in cloud 9! Enjoy mommies!

Yes not cheap. There is no subsidy for this age group, not sure why, I didn't ask.

I have domestic help. I admit I cannot handle looking after baby and doing housework; or I'm just plain lazy
I admire mummies who do everything all on their own, it's very tough!

U are such a super mum! having to cope with 2 kids all by yourself without domestic help. Your hubby must be very proud of you for saving him so much money without a maid!

2005, LV isn't cheap, your cousin must have got some discounts for corporate rate if she work in the place that has an in-house LV. Wah, you are looking at those very branded ones, Etonhouse is very high-end international school leh. I think you are very fortunate to stay opp Eastcoast Park. I got to travel to either Sentosa (nearer for me) to let DS play with sand and water.

Jenny, for the price of playgroup you pay, issit a full montessori? I'm deciding whether to part with close to $500 and send DS to a montessori playgroup also or send him to a childcare centre playgroup which amounts to only $150+. Less damage to the pocket but dunno which is better for him. Could you share with us what is the daily routine in the class?

Sandy, is the class for 15 Jul on? Transfer $ to you or pay cash to u on that day? Could you let me know as I would not be in Singapore just before the 15 jul.
Good afternoon Mummies,

Which superhero ability would you choose?
6. The ability to read minds, but the reason behind partial true for me only.

the playgroup is not montessori-based. they alternate between english and mandarin everyday, for e.g., day 1 - the main teacher + 2 assistant teachers will conduct the class in mandarin; day 2 - the main teacher + 2 assistants will conduct the class in english. what they do in the 3-hours is: free play (manipulative toys, clay, etc) / circle time, outdoor play (in the gym, outdoor playground, water play, sand play), snack time at the canteen, music and movement, art & craft, toileting and good bye song.
fairymoss...how i wish i had a maid ...my hubby don't like the idea of having one..so bo pian...for me i would rather have one.

As for subsidy...normally only if you send your kids to childcare then you will get the subsidy. you could refer to the mcys website for a list of approved institution.
hee... you hubby ok with having a part-time cleaner since he's not ok with a maid? But i must say you very "wei3 da4" (noble), can handle kids + housework. When i first started as a SAHM, i fell sick after just 1 month! ha...
thanks for sharing the "xin de", sounds like alot of hardwork and patience. which is why ive put it off til now, im lazy mummy and scared of the mess! my niece was trained in a week cos my SIL delayed it til she was almost 2.5YO and the toddler became aware of the sensations and was self-trained! i shd really start soon.

ure living my dream haha! have domestic help to do housework while u get to spend time with ur child and work towards no. 2! but cant afford ley...

oh! didnt noe eton and LV are "premium" brands. tot all ard the same price, so ignorant! i only heard the eton in town cost ard a thousand bucks. havent planned my budget.

we usu go to mcdonalds area so we drive there. and weather is too hot to walk all the way there. i tink the beaches at sentosa is cleaner and bigger.
2005..me very stingy bah...can't wait to get her off pampers then can save the money..hehe..

Pinny..no leh..same. PT/FT..coz we are used to leave things lying around in the house. so if got stranger it's like invading the privacy. I don't know lha..sometime also can't understand. I felt sick a lot of time too..but now started on supplements ...feel a lot better.
Ya, me too. Started on supplements after falling ill, so now much better. Ask you ah, when you introduce the potty to your kids, where did you place the potty? I can't put the potty in the common toilet cos Luke is trained not to enter the kitchen and i don't want him to use this as an excuse to go into the kitchen (common toilet is at the end of the kitchen).

I put it either in the toilet itself or just outside the toilet door. This way it will be easier for you when you want to move him from potty to toilet bowl. So he will know where to go for "business".
I also don't know why kids love to go to kitchen. Especially the fridge...
hi muj,
ok thanks. i prob have to "child-proof" the master-room toilet and put the potty outside there then.

Sigh, think cos they see that we're like "playing" lots of things inside the kitchen that's why they so interested to go in. Myabe fridge is like a "bai2 bao3 tai" to them!

I can also meet up with you mummies, as I reside at Pine Close, near to the Old Airport Mkt too! But I can only meet up on Saturday cos Sunday, Fybie has to attend Julia Gabriel on Sunday.

I am also trying to look for a decent playgroup for Fybie. Schhse by the Bay sounds nice, but I hope to let Fybie have a cirricumlum which has a balance of academic (+bilingual), play, art and music....

I like Patsch Hse very much (cos the cirriculum is what I want and the teacher is very good) but too bad, the fees are way over my budget.

Now I am considering MMI @ Katong Shopping Centre and Seeds D' Learning at Katong Mall.
mujmuj/ pinny,
if you dont mind me asking, what kinda supplements are u on? im also keen to take supplements cos i havent been in the best of health from the fatigue of work and baby.

which JG u send fybie? forum or evans? im also very keen but so lazy cos the whole world tell me long waiting list. every sunday what kinda timing? and charges?

where is pat sch hse? how high are the fees??

liewlian/ jenny,
pls share if you find any gd playgroup in east coast/ katong area!
hi 2005,
I'm currently taking Echinea C1000 from Nature Farm and probiotics. Last year, i fell ill nearly every month and ate so much antibiotics! Probiotics supposed to help replaced the good intestinal bacteria that were killed by the antibiotics. Echinea with vit C helped boost my immune system and it's working for me so far.
liewlian/2005 - I'm ok to meet up on saturdays just have to arrange for it. But now it's a little bit unpredictable coz I will be delivering soon and will be out of action for a while.

JG is very good, Aidan was there for a term before schoolhouse by the bay.

I heard from one of the mummies Seeds at Katong Mall is not bad if you like more academic type, they have worksheets in English, chinese and maths for kids as young as 2. Personally, I prefer play-based and not so much academic at this young age.

Pat's has 2 centers in the east, one in siglap and another at meyer road. I've visited both of them. Curriculum is good, but as you've said, fees are high, it's $800+ per month (half day) before subsidy.
2005..I'm taking just the basic one recommended by my sister who is a doctor. Calcium, Salmon Omega and daily Multi vitamin. These are more or less the must for us women lhor..especially after childbirth/breastfeeding and now taking care of kids. but of course must discipline yourself in taking in.
Zach is due for 18mths vacination last week but due to flu PD says better postpone. He's feeling better now so might be bringing him for the jab today. How come Regine not yet taken?
mummies, for the 18 mths jab, can i confirm that it's the DPT booster? no side effects (fever, etc) hor? Was thinking of bring Ger on a weekday nite instead of weekend, if no fever.
hi Jeslyn,
Cathleen has yet to take the booster jab, my PD says no hurry since her body oredi has the immunisation from the earlier jabs. The 18mths jab is just a booster, so can take anytime after 18mths. I'm bringing her this Thursday.
jes..my ger also just took it at 19+month. It's ok. she took it together with the MMR. The side effect is just the normal one...fever.
Updated Ger's stats.
<table border=1><tr><td> </TD></TR><TR><TD>NO.</TD><TD>PARENT</TD><TD>BABY</TD><TD>DOB</TD><TD>WT(kg)</TD><TD>HT(cm)</TD><TD>AS AT </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>Elaine</TD><TD>Javier</TD><TD>10-Nov</TD><TD>12</TD><TD>82</TD><TD>16mths 10days </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>Mujmuj</TD><TD>Summer</TD><TD>18-Nov</TD><TD>9.2</TD><TD>75</TD><TD>17mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>Weoseek</TD><TD>Jared</TD><TD>19-Nov</TD><TD>10.5</TD><TD>78</TD><TD>15.5mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>IF</TD><TD>Dawn</TD><TD>19-Nov</TD><TD>7.8</TD><TD>69</TD><TD>7mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>meixue</TD><TD>Shanice</TD><TD>25-Nov</TD><TD>9.9</TD><TD>79</TD><TD>18mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>LiewLian Soh</TD><TD>Fybie</TD><TD>29-Nov</TD><TD>9.9</TD><TD>80</TD><TD>17mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>Pinny</TD><TD>Luke</TD><TD>01-Dec</TD><TD>8.7</TD><TD>74</TD><TD>16mths 24days </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>Ng Kiok Teck</TD><TD>Benjamin</TD><TD>01-Dec</TD><TD>13.1</TD><TD>89</TD><TD>18+mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>straycats</TD><TD>Megan</TD><TD>02-Dec</TD><TD>10.4</TD><TD>81</TD><TD>17.5mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>10</TD><TD>sunnyling</TD><TD>Ziv</TD><TD>02-Dec</TD><TD>9.1</TD><TD>74</TD><TD>15+mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>11</TD><TD>Jenny</TD><TD>Aiden</TD><TD>02-Dec</TD><TD>11.4</TD><TD>82</TD><TD>18mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>12</TD><TD>Berlin</TD><TD>Gezann</TD><TD>05-Dec</TD><TD>9.2</TD><TD>77</TD><TD>15+mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>13</TD><TD>Jeslyn</TD><TD>Regine</TD><TD>05-Dec</TD><TD>9</TD><TD>77</TD><TD>16+mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>14</TD><TD>joyfulhands</TD><TD>Cathleen</TD><TD>06-Dec</TD><TD>10</TD><TD>77</TD><TD>15+mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>15</TD><TD>fluffsmurfie</TD><TD>Tricia</TD><TD>08-Dec</TD><TD>9.6</TD><TD>80.5</TD><TD>15.5mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>16</TD><TD>Megan Lee</TD><TD>Ron Jun (RJ)</TD><TD>12-Dec</TD><TD>11.5</TD><TD>81</TD><TD>16mths 2 wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>17</TD><TD>Absolut</TD><TD>Nicholas</TD><TD>12-Dec</TD><TD>8.6</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>8mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>18</TD><TD>Sandy</TD><TD>Ernest (EnEn)</TD><TD>14-Dec</TD><TD>11.3</TD><TD>83.5</TD><TD>17mths 17days </TD></TR><TR><TD>19</TD><TD>DS</TD><TD>Jayden (XinYang)</TD><TD>15-Dec</TD><TD>11.3</TD><TD>81</TD><TD>15mths 28days </TD></TR><TR><TD>20</TD><TD>prettycloud</TD><TD>Aron</TD><TD>15-Dec</TD><TD>9.4</TD><TD>77</TD><TD>16.5mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>21</TD><TD>Angelin Teo</TD><TD></TD><TD>16-Dec</TD><TD>7.75</TD><TD>68</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>22</TD><TD>2005</TD><TD>Hazel</TD><TD>19-Dec</TD><TD>8 .5</TD><TD>73</TD><TD>13mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>23</TD><TD>Geryl</TD><TD>Ryan</TD><TD>19-Dec</TD><TD>10.7</TD><TD>77</TD><TD>13mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>24</TD><TD>Bao Bao</TD><TD>Jayden</TD><TD>20-Dec</TD><TD>10.2</TD><TD>79</TD><TD>15mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>25</TD><TD>tanlengleng</TD><TD>Besper</TD><TD>21-Dec</TD><TD>10.2</TD><TD>80</TD><TD>15mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>26</TD><TD>clhw30</TD><TD>Mirabel</TD><TD>21-Dec</TD><TD>14.8</TD><TD>85</TD><TD>16+mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>27</TD><TD>YL</TD><TD>Justin</TD><TD>22-Dec</TD><TD>11.7</TD><TD>82.5</TD><TD>15mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>28</TD><TD>sunnysun</TD><TD>Ryan</TD><TD>22-Dec</TD><TD>11</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>15+mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>29</TD><TD>Angela</TD><TD>Jerald (Yangyang)</TD><TD>24-Dec</TD><TD>8.5</TD><TD>76</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>30</TD><TD>fairymoss</TD><TD>Declan</TD><TD>26-Dec</TD><TD>9.7</TD><TD>83</TD><TD>16mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>31</TD><TD>HappyGal29</TD><TD>Rayden</TD><TD>26-Dec</TD><TD>14.1</TD><TD>85</TD><TD>16mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>32</TD><TD>Kuikwan</TD><TD>Zach</TD><TD>26-Dec</TD><TD>10.3</TD><TD>82</TD><TD>18mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>33</TD><TD>taka</TD><TD>Megan</TD><TD>29-Dec</TD><TD>11.6</TD><TD>80</TD><TD>15+mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>34</TD><TD>Rena Chew</TD><TD>Elijah</TD><TD>29-Dec</TD><TD>10.5</TD><TD>77</TD><TD>13mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>35</TD><TD>pooh25</TD><TD>Xavier</TD><TD>29-Dec</TD><TD>9.2</TD><TD>73.2</TD><TD>12mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>36</TD><TD>tabbisus</TD><TD>Tabby</TD><TD>30-Dec</TD><TD>6.6</TD><TD>65</TD><TD>6mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>37</TD><TD>krissie</TD><TD>Gerald</TD><TD>06-Jan</TD><TD>11.1</TD><TD>85</TD><TD>17mths 3weeks </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Pls PM me if you wish to update/include your tod's stats in the chart. (just in case I missed any of your postings)
Just when i thot his jabs are over liao.... thanks mummies for reminding me about this 18th months jab. Checked Luke's healthbooklet and realised he haven't take yet. Oh, sure to have fever ah? Sian.... means no going out for a few days for my active boy after the jab.
hi mummies,
Tricia went for the booster jab last Sat. She had mild fever at night and on Sunday morning ... after that she's ok.
BTW, the PD gave us a cert for all the jabs that she has taken, the nurse said need to keep this for enrolment to P1.

Anyone plan or has given their todd Hep A Jab? it is optional lor. I have made appmt for end of July but not sure want to bring her

Pls help to update Tricia's Stats:
10.1 kg, 81cm, 18+ month
Thanks in advance
Justin had his Hep A 1st dose. gng to hv his 2nd jab end of this mth. I think there's no side effect for this jab.

We also give Justin almost all the optional jabs except the flu jab.

my friend gave her girl flu jab n she find it's gd. even if she has flu, will recover within 1-2 days.
Good morning Mommies

On Kindermusik Trial Class
I have spoken to the lady in charge after few days of playing 'hide & seek" with her.

She will try to check with the teacher & studio schedule to see if they can start the trial class based on 8 students on 15 July 07.

I will update here whenever I receive any update from her.

Booster jab
I made appt for EnEn to take this booster jab when he turns 20 months old, cos he just taken his last Prevnar jab at 17 months plus.
PD never ask me whether I wana let Zach have those optional jabs. I just follow wat they schedule lor. In the beginning I didn't even noe Hep A jab is optional. There are 2 jabs for flu. PD mentioned Sept there's a new flu jab coming out so ask me to wait till Sep.
Date : 15 July 2007 (Sunday)
Venue : Kindermusik @ Tanglin Mall
Time : 1 pm to 145pm (45 mins trial)
Fee : $25

Please put OK next to your nickname if U are able to make it on 15 July 2007: -

1) Sandy (OK)
2) Megan (OK)
3) Baobao (ok)
4) Sunnyling (Ok)
5) Hui32 (ok)
6) Fairymoss (ok)
7) fluffy (ok
8) meixue (OK)

Hello Mommies, the lady just called again to say they can start a trial class for us on 15 July 07 (Sun) but timing now change to 1pm to 145pm instead of 12pm to 1245pm.

They will add another 2 students of their to make our trial class to reach the min target of 10 students.

Kindly re-confirm your attendance by tomorrow morning so that I can reply to the lady in-charge.

Thanks a lot

I also not yet give Declan the 18mth jab. He just taken MMR at 18mths few days back!! nurse said got to take MMR first then can take the 18mth jab, so initially we brought him there with the intention to give the booster, but become MMR instead. Booster 1mth later according to nurse. After that, she would give us a certificate for completion of all compulsory jabs.

Sandy, hope they would be able to let u know soon, i'm looking forward to meeting u all leh. I've not seen anyone of u yet.

My pd say hep A jab when Ziv is 2 yrs old so thk i will stick to his schedule. Mostly will let him jab cos KS mah keke. I let ziv jab all the optional jab except flu also.
Tricia took the DPT booster is it? I was thinking of going on a weekday, coz the nurse says no fever. aiyo.. now, i shld plan it to be on a sat am instead. Yes, we're letting him take the Hep A jab. PD recommended it since Ger's going to CC in Aug.

Hep A jab can wait so long ah... after 2 ys old. In that case, maybe I'll bring Tric to GP for the jab will do

ya, it's the last booster jab ... think suppose to be taken at around 18 mths. The fever side effect I think is depends on the todd, some may not get it. For the Hep A jab, think will be good to have esp if going to CC or those playgroup.
