(2005/12) Dec 05 mums-to-be

I never add those visit to the gynae and those thing i buy for myself. Only purely on bb thing, so can claim from bb next time when growth up hahahaha.

bb sleep in pillow head will flat.. its true, that time when my niece 1st born, her parents don't know, so let her sleep on pillow. When they go for their monthly check up for bb, the nurse there scold them not to let bb sleep on pillow lor.. cos her head really flatten.. :p
Todate, have spend about $2K+ for bb and mummy pdts also exclude gynae check up also.. think almost can stop buying liao.. Rest can wait.. maybe just need to buy another pj (if can find), nursing bra and a bottom for mummy. :p
how? i haven't feel a single movement from baby. actually quite worried. wonder if its becos i got alot of water and layers and layers of fat on my tummy that is why cushion the baby's kick? becos cannot see baby so can be very worried at times. i now 21 weeks already. my hubby say becos 1 month sometimes got more than 4 weeks so i not 5mths yet. correct?

i think i will convince my hubby. name important.if i work hard for one day baby get a good name and hopefully a better future then i don't mind if i have to work hard for many days. its worth it. haiz.

as for the pillow. i think no need. i don't intend to get pillow. will just use a folded nappy. they say have to let baby sleep on side so that head won't be flat? its quite tough actually. as for the milk with vitamins? no leh, my gynae never say anything. i always eat vitamins then drink milk in the morning. if true then i jialat liao cos for so many months already like that????

not sure abt the tea but coconut my friend confirm yes. she full term and didn't want to induce so she took one for dinner one day before full term and by 1am, she start to bleed. i don't know why but i tot shd be water bag burst??? anyway she say she saw red then they wait until morning 7am cos she wants to eat macs big breakfast before she go to hospital! very steady hor. i worry i will panic. hahaha!
I'm on Friday class, but 1st class was on Tues.

Ya, I usually don't take my iron pills after milk. But, I followed 2 hr before and after. Didnt know it's 4hrs.
Oh.. currently your are 21 wks. Don't count the month, count the no. of wks then convert to month. I think you shld be able to feel bb's movement anytime. Hmm... i think i only feel my bb's movement around 22 wks or later... cannot remember liao. Or maybe what u say is true, lots of water retention etc maybe cushion bb's kick. Be patient, sure you will feel it.
newborn doesn't need any pillows or bolster, comforter, quilt, blanket, soft toys. Leave the cot empty so that nothing will fall onto or cover bb up. I only got cot bumper and bedsheet.

How do we get the baby bonus? How much? Do we need to file for it? I've already lost count of $$ I spent. Really burn a big hole in our pocket.

Think drink coconut water can already, no need to eat with coconut meat right?
is your placenta in front? if so, it may be cushioned some of baby's kicks too. Or sometimes, it's just due to us 1st time moms who can't tell as baby's movements is relatively small & gentle. Some say it's like butterfly flutters, or bubbles. It's a milestone when you can finally tell that it's baby who's moving
Very sweet feeling ... Just a little more patience ...
My chinese sinseh told me can only drink coconut water once a mth (1 or 2mths before EDD) but cannot consume the meat. Too much can cause the BB to have pleghm & cough when BB is out.

Have you drank any of the tea? I also worried overdose of everything can have adverse effect. But I duuno how true the raspberry tea drink leh??

Wah your fren steady leh. Got show & water bag burst still can wait for Mac breakfast before admission. She is good!

You stayed near EC? Which part? I am staying right infront of EC

My gf told me that she drank coconut water from 6 months onwards and she consumed the meat too. Her son is very very fair. But may be the chinese sinseh is right, cos her son had pleghm and cough when birth. I also start drinking coconut water already, but think i better stop now.


I started to feel baby's movement in 22 weeks, not very strong though.

From what i heard from Mrs. Wong's class, once the water bag burst, must go to the hospital pretty soon. Think your fren was taking a big risk at that time. But glad everything was fine for her.
Yes, waiting patiently leh. wonder when my baby will want to let mummy feel him. his dad is already getting impatient. often ask if baby kick. i say not yet lah. if have will report to him. i think he got pregnant papa syndrome. nowadays he very naggy, very tired and eat more than me. headache too. hahaha!

??? i don't know leh. how to know if placenta is infront? nobody told me anything, not even at the detailed scan leh. gynae can tell? if yes, next sat i will ask. very excited. going to bb again. after so long. if only we own a scanning machine at home, then i can see him everyday. so nice hor.

me so far, no bubbles or butterfly feeling. just very bloated. its ok if i don't feel baby kick as long as he is healthy. less pain also.

she steady. she only use the laughing gas nothing else for birth. she encourage me to do that too but i don't think i can take that pain. i very scared whenever i think abt it. lucky the last time u say not up to us to decide then i relax a little bit. wait till that moment then decide lor. i didn't ask abt her water bag leh. i only know saw red. poss to see red without water bag burst? u might want to try takashimaya. the level below the national library got alot of art work shops now. maybe can get something?

I just saw the micky mouse sticker yesterday. It was at the passage way (underground) from lau pa sa to raffles mrt. 3 for $10. i only bought two, for $7.

Don't think the guy comes every day though, cos is illegal.
so it's true drinking raspberry tea can bring about early labour? Makes me tempted to try after 38 wks. At that time, bb is not preemie & it might be too heavy for me to move around liao. But it also depends on whether bb has reached ideal weight ~3kg.
Also thot of inducing at 38 wks, but heard that labour will be long, also dunno whether my gynae will agree??
Ok, thanks will got take look if I drop by. But hor now got ERP charges for going to town, I don't like to drive there anymore.

Don't worry about BB movements, some feel them eariler, some later. You can always ask your gynae the next time where the placenta is, baby's position, etc. if placenta is at the front, it will cushion the kicks thus you may feel them later.

Do you know of any place where I can book to throw up a party? After that I can then find a caterer for the food.

Any suggestion?
During the scan, you can ask gynae & he/she will be able to tell you the position of the placenta.
Baby kicks are typically not painful one.
Really ah. But too bad I worked at Science Park

Don't induce! Its very painful! Maybe we should drink the coconut water and drink the raspberry tea 1 /2 mths before EDD. That should be ok.
Yup BB's kick not painful lah. But as they grow bigger their movements / kicks can be quite forceful, especially when they change positions

Which country club u recommend?


Where can I find poolside party? Also to have karaoke session as well?

Btw, the number of people is about 40-50.
Can try hotels or if you are staying in a condo / frens staying in condo can book the room. That will be more convenient for karaoke session (you just have to bring your stuff down to the rm, though I understand for condos all singing must end by 10pm). My fren threw one for his daughter's 1mth party but it was a day party.
if using epidural, then not painful lor. But labour can be very long. Also need gynae's advice & agreement to induce. Else 'self-induce' by drinking raspberry tea! haha...

Btw didn't know that drinking coconut water will have early labour too. Thot it's meant to deliver a 'cleaner' baby.

I am not staying in a condo/hv friends staying in one too. Headache! Trying to source for a a place now for the bb full mth party and preferred to have karaoke as my parents in law loves to sing. Can let them enjoy themselves at the same time.
Dear all,

Just to clarify, from what i gather, coconut water is meant to have a smoother delivery, to smooth the birth canal. Also, by the last trimester, our body will be generating lots of heat, so coconut water can cool our body down.

My friend told me she ask the gynae abt the raspberry tea and the gynae told her actually they only do the experiment on a few ppl only and is not really proof that is really effective so advise not to drink. And if decide to use Epidural than no need to drink the tea at all.

I alway tot that coconut water is only for when delivery, the BB will be clean and not for smooth delivery leh.

My mum ask me to take from this month but i scare too liang so thking to start from next month only.
Will check with gynae first. Also depends on my condition nearer to EDD. Have not decided yet, just exploring the options...

clarify with you... why the use of epidural, then no need to drink raspberry tea? does drinking raspberry tea helps in less painful labour?
Cos thk raspberry help you to relax your uterus if you using Epidural than you wun feel the pain so you are already more relax. Thk tat wat my friend told me, something like tat keke.

Let me tell you what a silly thing I did today...
Me and my colleagues stopped by Suntec for the Bodyshop Sales so we were back from lunch a bit later than usual... So my AGM sent an email to all of us as below :-
Dear all,

Please note that our company's lunch time is 45 minutes.
Please remind this.
Thank you.

Silly me accidentally clicked the REPLY TO ALL Button with the following reply:-

CAn we send him a reminder that our working hour is from 9am - 530pm?

That's it!!! My AGM already hates me after he knew I got preggie, cos my SGM teased him for being impotent, and aft this incident, that's marked the end of my career!!!
when water bag burst, how fast must go hospital? i read that still can take bath and eat something then go. for my sil, my mil rushed her there. end up no food and no energy to push at all.

sorry forgot abt ERP cos i don't drive so we never pay attention to that. i also feel its silly. just another excuse to collect more money from us. friday leh. weekend already. why i introduce erp until 8pm? worst still they say sat also have huh?

joyful & straycats,
yes. next week see bb i must make sure i ask gynae. everytime we go becos we just want to see bb, seldom got questions.

bb kicks not painful. then ok. wondering when he will start to kick.
Liew lian soh,
Oh... charm ah... but i guess man are not as petty as woman?

Just pretend nothing had happened. Anyway, you will be going for your ML in 2 mths time.. maybe by the time you come back, he wld have forgotten the incident liao?
Cheer up ok?

Next time whatever questions you have write down in a pcs of paper 1st, consolidate all then can ask him one short when you go for your gynae visiting. That is what i do.. haha.. whenever got question, type on a paper.. they show it to gynae.. cos he always will ask.. any question? then i will pass him the paper to read.. :p
That's very careless not silly... My SIL also did the same thing, she didn't knew it until her colleague informed her so my SIL has to act blur. Her boss can't do anything because everyone will know why he picks on her.
Can't understand why some superior just dislike their staff to be pregnant, aren't they also born from somebody's stomach?

Cheer up! Tomorrow is saturday!!
Errrr...I cannot too sure which country club can do a good job.

Maybe like what straycats suggest.. go for hotels?
DS and Berlin,

Too bad I just offended the most petty guy with complete 0 EQ in my company!!!

Qing2 Tian1 Pi1 Li4!!!!
Liew Lian,

Cheer up, don't be upset. It's Friday!! Everything will be fine by Monday.

This happen all the time. Just have to be more careful next time.
maybe you can try to check Aranda country club at downtown east or changi safra country club. i think they have karaoke system but have to bring own disc.

I'm going to see my bb tomorrow!!!
Have a good weekend, ladies!
Don't worry to much. I think he will forget the incident shortly. And if he does pick on you, we will know the reason why.

Have a good weekend ladies
my fren only told me green tea no caffeine so i take. lucky i not a big fan of tea, any kind... aiyo ur gynae v careless not to tell u ley. or mayb its not proven, mine just being cautious.

EC is just 5 mins from my place by underpass
too bad now pregnant, if not i wld hang out there all the time, i love the beach!

haha ok. den mayb i shd keep my excel files and show to bb when she grows up too... is urs 1st bb too? u or ur hubby pays for most of the things? i tink only women get all excited buying bb stuff, my hubby not very participative ley. except he likes to look at prams, the more hi-tech the better!

ok got it! lidat can cut costs liao. either dat or can have more to spend on cot sheets and bumper
thanks for the tip!

i only felt my bb after the 5th mth. so dont worry abt it ok. as long as gynae say bb is fine, then hes fine, some bbs kick earlier some later...

young coconuts,
will start to look out where got sell young coconuts. small=young?? when must we start consuming and how often har?
my fren only told me green tea no caffeine so i take. lucky i not a big fan of tea, any kind... aiyo ur gynae v careless not to tell u ley. or mayb its not proven, mine just being cautious.

EC is just 5 mins from my place by underpass
too bad now pregnant, if not i wld hang out there all the time, i love the beach!

haha ok. den mayb i shd keep my excel files and show to bb when she grows up too... is urs 1st bb too? u or ur hubby pays for most of the things? i tink only women get all excited buying bb stuff, my hubby not very participative ley. except he likes to look at prams, the more hi-tech the better!

ok got it! lidat can cut costs liao. either dat or can have more to spend on cot sheets and bumper
thanks for the tip!

i only felt my bb after the 5th mth. so dont worry abt it ok. as long as gynae say bb is fine, then hes fine, some bbs kick earlier some later...

young coconuts,
will start to look out where got sell young coconuts. small=young?? when must we start consuming and how often har?
Dun take too much green tea. I once read a health article that it causes birth defects. Of course, everything in moderation shld be ok lah.. But, I'm very KS, so never take green tea though I love it.
Some info fr my antenatal class:
1) "Show" - blood-stained mucous discharge. Usu pink to brown color, no need to rush to hospital, should look out for other signs. May have 1 or more of the signs below.

When to go to hospital:
2)Water bag burst - Must go to hospital within 24hrs. As the bag acts as a protective environment for bb. (Note the time of burst and inform your gynae)
3)Regular contractions (5 - 10 mins apart), or if contractions/labour pain is unbearable.
4)Vaginal bleeding (fresh red blood)
Visited my gynae today. Bb is growing well, (forgot to ask the weight), but she is still head up, gynae say if bb don't turn head down by next few weeks, may have to prepare for C-sec....
No no no.. I don't want c-sec.

Oh, forgot something, should be...
"When to go to hospital (if you have ANY of the following):"

Anyone interested in PetPet S(46)? It is now offer at $7.80 at KP.

Anyone knows if there's cot mattress on sale at Taka sales?

So good, can see bb biweekly. Mine'll only start in Nov. Last visit gynae said bb's head is at right side bottom, dunno by which week bb will engaged leh... Everyday I "psycho" bb be a good boy to move to the best position for easy natural birth, to help mummy.
