(2005/12) Dec 05 mums-to-be

Sorrie, I just send the stuff back to my photographer. Later when I get them back I show again. Sorry ah, paiseh paiseh
Got your mail! Think the pix are worth the spending

Got fats meh? Find that you're still in gd shape! What a pity can't see the full pix bcos most of your faces are censored.. As for myself, I haven't taken any photos that can 'show face' one, maybe next mth during my gf's wedding, there's more chances of taking nicer ones... til then...
Hello ladies,

Good Morning!! Was on leave yesterday and have missed out so much here!!


Wow, your pixs look very nice leh, can email me at [email protected]? I am going for mine this Sunday, my photograhper very nice leh, wanted to do FOC for me. May be he already earned enough from our wedding photos. hehehe. Anyway, we have become good friend already.

My stretch marks have already appeared leh and i am not going to engage a make-up artist to do a make over for me, don't know the concealer can cover my pigmentation and SM or not. Will try my best.

Liew Lian,

Your photo also very nice leh, can show the rest. Very warm and happy feeling i would say.


I feel so happy for you that you are having a boy!! Congrats!!


Regarding SM, me also having the same red lines, but one consolation is my sis told me that she had that during her pregnancy also, but she kept on applying creame and after the birth, the lines somehow is not that obvious. So we must keep on applying the cream day and night. Let's work hard together!!
Thanks! My hb & I had alot of fun during the photo shoot.
Okie dokie, I shall wait for your pics then. If you show your face, I will show mine..hee hee via email lah.
Izit to say that we shld still apply our stretch mark cream before and even after birth? To make the center line not that obvious?

Yes, we have to apply the SM cream even after birth cos SM will also form after birth if we lose weight too quick.

long time no hear from you. thank you. we are very happy too. gal or boy. still my baby. now headache over the name for baby boy. no clue at all.

1 bedder very expensive. the $5K is it for natural birth only. if it's with epidural or c-section will be more expensive? i haven't check out the prices yet but will have to do soon.
as for isetan, yes, they do sell baby clothes and bottles. its on level 4. but i heard from office pple, no discount for avent and pigeon leh??? only combi and medala and dr brown? i not member so cannot confirm. u can check then let me know. maybe i can get office pple to help me buy stuff.

sigh. not so simple. my sil is very unhappy and angry i think. she has ignored me mostly from friday till now. i am quite stressed out over the issue. altho hubby say ignore her, its actually not so simple leh. cos we all stay in the same house, how to ignore? she has been pretty rude. sigh. i don't really like her previously, nowadays i think i dislike her more. my hubby say she is lousy sil cos not friendly and don't communicate or share at all. now that i am pregnant and she has just been thru it, she didn't even talk to me abt any baby matters. unlike all of us here on the forum and we don't even know each other leh! wat a waste

anyone going to buy bottle warmer? need advice. thanks in advance.

The $5K is for epidural C-section cos I'm thinking of having C-section mah..
Me scared of going through the labour pain.... When do you intend to deliver ??

Ya, saw the Isetan brochure over the internet, there is no mention of Pigeon or Avent items on discount. Only Medela. So, most probably will not go down lah... Actually, if your colleague got the mailer which normally will have 2 to 3 guest coupons, ie non isetan member can go in with the coupon and enjoy the discounts but no more 3% rebate since you do not have the Isetan credit card. Unless you ask your colleagues to buy for you lor.

Just ignore your SIL lor. Anyway, you always go to work, only see her at most 1 - 2 hrs per day. Don't let her affect your mood.

I don't intend to buy any bottle warmer so not much advice to give you.

Yesterday was really an unlucky day for me. Had a fall while walking down a gentle slope. Lucky I wore long pants but my knee cap still got a bit of bruises. And lucky my bb is alright, almost scared to death ah... Think my shoes are slippery... Going to throw away that pair of shoes liao.

BTW, anybody has look out for Paeditrican already ?? Got any good ones to recommend ??


Your photos are very nice leh....
They will be a good memory for you next time when you deliver...


My gynae also said that... but i also got big head but I not smart leh...
Hi Mommies

I have a Pump In Style Traveller for sale. Bought in June 2005. Used for less than one month since beginning September 05. Warranty unfilled.

All pump parts in contact with milk/breast can be sterilised.

Asking for $450. Interested, please email [email protected]

Very sad and reluctant to sell the pump but my milk supply is very low so no point keeping it as I am giving up breastfeeding. I tried papaya/fish soup, fenugreek, pump every 3 hourly, visit to lactation consultant and still no milk after almost a month.
I don't apply diligently cos I'm prepared to have SM since my mum and sisters have it. I only apply when I remember. I still have my 1st tube I bought from gynae when I was 12 weeks preggie. I'm going to try out clarins cos I don't like the smell of the current one.

Your SIL is angry??!!! Let her be, who cares man! If I were you I would make myself happy infront of her and talk to your PIL/hubby about having a bb (boy) and she will even sulk more...
Let her live in her own "Cold Palace" if she is so proud.
My lady in charge of this confinement agency is called Mdm You. Two years ago, I got her to get me one confinement lady. Ok lah, she gave me two bottles of traditional home made wine to cook with my confinement food and gave one small gold pendant for my new born baby on the first day of confinement.
This time initially I called the PEM and some confinement lady abt their rate.The rate is $1900 even for those without agency.Then I searched high and low and finally found Mdm You name card, quickly called her up and told her that I am her old customer.She straight away said that she will charged me the old rate of $1600 and I paid $50 deposit instead of $300 cos she comes and find as she have customers near my hse. This time she will give me two bottles of tradittional home made wine to cook with confinement food. Dun know abt the gold pendant yet hehehee. She had one relative from Java doing massage, charged abt $360 for 7 sessions with herbs binding ( abt one and half hr per session). Two years I took up the massage package. After that every two months, my aunties, mum and I will organise one day for her to do massage for us at $30 each, abt 1 to one & half hr. The massage lady hoped that we called her directly cos Mdm You earn some commission from her if clinched the deal for her.

wow! yours is definately a gd deal. can i hv to contact number of Madm You to keep for future use, or to recommend to other ppl,if they are looking for confinement lady as well.


u can give cheerful_mum's lobang a try. sounds good.
This is the contact to my gf's fren confinement nanny. She gave me very good feedbacks on her. So i thot, maybe you can give her a call and see if she is of any help to you since you are looking for a confinement nanny. Her name is Fengxian, contact: 06-012-6719868.

Your SIL is angry with you? Don't bother about her lah. If she choose to not talk to you, then don't talk lor, talk to your boi boi and your hb. Amke it a happy event between the 3 of you and see her boil.....
I gained abt 19kg for my first pregnancy and those extra weight I gained are not shed away yet. Imagine how heavy am I??

Since overweight, I tried not to gain so much in this pregnancy. Almost 80kg now. Too big that I have prob buying nursing bra even at mothercare outlet. I still wonder am I able to get any nursing bra in 2 to 3 mths time as our breast keeps growing.Have to join my hubby company for slimming session. His colleague shed 40kg (form 120kb to 80kg) after his wife brought him slimming juice from this company. He is so confident that he joined this company as he is a living example. Can earn $ while slimming.Not bad leh can earn abt $400 for every customer you get to introduce to sign up for facial or slimming package. One stone kill two birds.

Heheheee I did not apply any SM cream during pregnancy, just apply not more than 10 times of aloe propolis cream my SIL gave me after give birth two years ago. Luckily our SM lines and colour toned down a lot that you cant see. This time around, I will do the same cos I simply too lazy. I dun even bother to apply things on my face, just rely on facial every 2 to 3 mths.

** sorry that some of yours may get confused the rate I paid for the confinement lady. The exact rate I paid for confinement is $1600 instead of $1700. Confirm that with my hubby during lunch time. Nowsdays very absentminded!! My superior keep asking me few mths ago work that I keep telling her I cannot remember....can give me some time to think abt it.

Can I have your email no. instead ? May have to mention my blk and unit number for a good rate of $1600. Quite sensitive to reveal my data here so prefer thru personal email
Cheerful mum,
You scare me leh, Im also afraid now if I cannot shed any weight after give birth. I just lost 15kg to get ready for my customary last dec, and Im gaining all back now..cannot imagine Im going to live fat fat like this But the sliming juice you mentioned sure very ex, since the commission is so high.

About nursing bra-heard from antenatal course instructor-TMC parentcraft center has very wide range and big sizes of nursing bra. You can visit them when free, I also realized that those nursing bra sold at OG/JL are quite small cup/size.

Do you all plan to make bean sprout pillow for baby? My mum is making one for my bb. She just got the bean sprout from market during weekend, she had a hard time removing the shells from bean sprout head. Got to start earlier if you plan to make one.
Can email me too? [email protected]
Altho' I suspect your CL won't be able to do confinement for me since you already booked her. My EDD is early Dec & yours late Dec... overlapping period...

thanks dear
*hugz* So nice of you to find out from your gf
Experienced mummies/mtbs,

Do you all know whether when we sterilise our breast pump, do we need to use those "special detergent" mend for washing milk bottles to wash it too before we sterilise? Thanks.
How much you gain so far? me abt 5kg.I also afraid that I cannot reduce my weight but I am sure I need to slim down after this second pregnancy. The cost is $2k per slimming package with consultant designed your slimming procedure.
I will most probaby join as my hubby mentioned that he is going to sign up one for me.

This time ard I did not attend any antenatal course cos I attended before at Gleneagles the first time. Issit? Where level is the parentcraft? Issit expensive? I wear size DD 90.

Hehehee I made one for my girl two years ago. Its took quit a long time to finish one pillow esp the removing of the shells. On the other hand, my mother made another one filled with green beans. My 2nd bb will used his sis one. Its quite good if your bb is not that brave one. My girl gets scared very easily even now 2 yrs old. She jump when you shouted at her for being naughty.

BTW anybody taking fish oils? Which brand? My hubby is going to buy omega oils from his fren saying that the oil is extracted from arctic seas which the fishes are not polluted there. For other brand, it does not extract the fishes from arctic seas. His fren's wife eat throughout her pregnacny and even after her birth. He said that it will reduce the chances of giving bith to underweight baby. Any comments?

Mdm You owns the confinement agency and she have many CLs under her. She is doing the coordinating work only.But I can say she is quite responsible.
bean sprout pillow ... I bought one from Mums & Babes. Can't resist... the cloth/material looked really sweet

me not an experienced mum, but I do wash with Pigeon bottle detergent before putting it inside the steriliser. Same for bottles & teats.
where's mums & babes? How much is the pillow? I want to get one coz too much hassle to collect and make one.

I need a good rest tonite. Having flu and feeling some pain in my pelvic area especially when I walk. Is this BH? or my pelvic bone is expanding?

There's one at PS. Novena Square closed down.

BH occurs when you feel your stomach turns hard and tight. I have thius feeling very often nowsaday. All mths pl correct me if I am wrong.
Thanks for your mail & the contact

I went to the one in Plaza Sing. Abt $24, I think.
Their website: http://www.mumsandbabes.com/
Heard that selected Tom&Stefanie stores sell bean sprout pillows too. $10+. But so far I haven't seen any at the Tiong Bahru, West Mall & CCK outlets. Maybe have to ask the salespeople there. I wasn't specifically looking for it at that time.

just share share only. Maybe other experienced mums can advised you better...
11kg as of last visit 1 mth ago. L Have been cutting down on what I eat, but colleage commented that looks like all weight gain are on me, my tummy is not really that big yet. They advice me to eat more so that bb can gain weight, and should not emphasize on myself. So I pretty worry of the next visit, dunno how bb doing so far.

Fish oil- Im taking neorogain, recommended by gynae.

Is the beans sprout pillow you bought heavy? Ive tried to feel one at a neighbourhood shop at Ang Mo Kio, its quite heavy. My mum said probably they didnt separate out the shells with the head properly.

Actually last time when I was baby, also dont have this pillow..but now our babies are soooo pampered even before born..hehe..
Cheerful mum,
You can try call this no: 6251 4090-should be TMCs parent craft centers no. to enquire about the nursing bra size and price. Let me know the price toomy antenatal instructor sounded that the bra is soo nice and can give very good support, make me very interested also.

Btw, your hubby really nice, willing to sign up slimming package for you
the beans sprout pillow is very light only. Supposed to put on bb's chest, so I supposed cannot be that heavy...

Ya lor, babies of today have so many luxuries... Saw so many items available while shopping that we don't get to enjoy during our childhood times. Maybe bcos we felt deprived, therefore as parents, we would want our child to enjoy more
u can try the house of javanese massage but i must say not all masseurs are gd. the first few i tried always so painful i cannot fully relax and sometimes winced in pain. Ibulina is very gd, no pain at all and she totally relaxes me, i can drift blissfully into sleep

coincidentally i also asked my SIL abt food/ bottle warmer last nite cos Avent on sale $50+ at Mothercare. she said not nec ley, ask me dont waste $$...

I have booked my CL, she costs $1700, have to pay her $200 deposit. recommended through my cousin. meeting her next wk, hope ill like her when i see her. experienced mums, do i have to "draw up contract" to confirm what she'll be doing for me? my SIL had a bad experience with hers, so i tink beta play safe, some CLs not very honest..

RE: stretchmarks
SMs can appear anytime thru out the pregnancy isit? is there like a specific period eg between 6 to 7 mth, if past means wont have??

cheerful mum,
ive been taking fish oil since 5th mth. japanese brand, $80 for 100 capsules take 4 daily. supposedly extracted from the fishes' eyes, not from other parts, so very concentrated thus so ex....but nowadays always forget to take...

at the last visit 24 weeks i already gained 7kg! which is quite alot by norm stds. i regretted eating so much unhealthy food in the beginning of the pregnancy, in the end all the extra pounds went to me instead of bb. now 3rd trimester supposed to put on at least another 5, that'll make me 70kg!!! my frame is very small so ill look terribly obese man. now trying to cut down on snacks.. lets work hard together aft giving birth!

pain? oh dear. then i have to see how. siglap too far for me leh. i live in the west leh. no transport. if i go after work it will be very late before i can get home. sat i also work so that's out. have to reconsider then. warmer not necessary? then i better discuss with hubby. he is keen to buy a second hand one becos he doesn't like the current method my sil is using to warm bottles. very messy by submerging the bottle in a bowl of water. cos after using that bowl of water is not discarded. my sil always leaves it behind. not very neat. so i think that's why it got to him. hahaha.

as for weight gain. i hit 15kg when i was at 4mths so i guess i put on most among all the mummies here. alot of water so that's why gynae suggested massage to see can improve situation. important thing is not to cut down on food intake becos of our weight cos it will deprive baby's growth lor. gynae say that's the last thing we want to do so i just try to eat as healthy as possible. sometimes also cannot resist KFC and MACs or even Burger King. sigh.
Taka / Sansforum
Like I had told DS, I had returned the CD back to my photographer. When I get it back I will let you gals noe, paiseh.

The pics are taken FOC, cos' the photographer is a personal fren of ours. I paid $600 for the makeup though.

I also get the tight feeling once in awhile. Is it really BH? I heard that at 3rd tri our pelvic region will "loosen" to get ready for birth.

U are welcome dear

Ladies, do you gals feel excited about the coming delivery??? Sometimes I feel very happy..sometimes, I get worried....dunno how bad the pain will be and how my pain threshold will be. Fear of the unknown......

Ok, will look forward for your nice photos. Was trying on my outfits yesterday, most likely will request for more black and white photos, cos can camouflage better my ugly stretch marks and pigmentation. Will share with you once is ready.

To experienced mum,

Yesterday went to interview my nanny, she is in her late forties, quite chatty but looks a bit fierce to me. For those experienced mum, can share whether i have missed out any questions that i should ask? Basically, i asked her:

(1) how many people in her family,
(2) how many children she is taking care of now,
(3) whether she is willing to change nappy
(4) time to drop off and pick up
(5) whether she is willing to do OT if we happen to have functions etc
(6) How much is her charges? any extra if the baby starts to take porridge?
(7) If she is going for holidays, what is the arrangement?
(8) What are the things that we should provide?

Her charges is $550 (5 days in a week), no extra when baby starts to take porridge. Reasonable?
Good morning mommies

Me again MIA for few weeks from forum.. been really busy at work, slowly passing on my work to colleagues.. keke

i just went for my GTT last Thurs and thank God, i passed the test..

did anyone get yr NB diapers from NTUC? I compared the price of Pampers Premium NB at NTUC n Sheng Shiong, and found that NTUC recent promotion is cheaper by $1.40, so I kia-su bought 2 packs.. hehe

thanks for sharing the 2 photos.. they are very well taken and so envy your pretty tummy.. can share with me your other photos too, email me at [email protected] thanks in advance

congrats on having a bb boy.. this time yr SIL must be super angry and jealous liao..

yes, i m getting the philips milk bottle warmer after seeing how convenient it is to use at my gf's house.. the price u r getting is pretty reasonable.. almost the same price as wat they r selling during the recent sales carnival

i m taking Neurogain Plus 30 tablets at $29..

Hope u r feeling much better today.. take good care of yourself esp lately the weather not so good..

where did you get this lobang for nanny? i am also looking out for one near my place, Tampines.

u have any gd recommendations?

This nanny is recommended by my colleague. I am interested in her nanny at first, her son is already 8 years old, the nanny look after him since he was two months old till now. Unfortunately, that nanny has already promised someone else, so cannot manage to look after mine and she recommend another nanny to me, so happen to be nearby my place.

Will check with my potential nanny (she has not promised to take care of my baby yet, said she has to check with her husband)as she used to live in Tampines. Will let you know.
I'm feeling better in my pelvic area now. But my flu and sore throat is still running. I think my sore throat was due to the white pepper crab I ate last weekend. **greedy me**

Like you, I'm very much looking forward to my delivery and yet fear about how pain it will be. A friend just gave birth last wed, and her labour is only 6 hours, she didn't use epidural. She just go for it and overcome the pain.

"Dao Geh" for $20 not cheap leh, . I will ask my FIL if he wants to do it manually for my bb or not since he is so free at home.
Wah your friend is very good leh! 6 hours without epidural. I am not sure if I can be like that. I just hope that if too painful I can have the epidural in time before I hit the 3cm mark
$20 actually is very cheap already. I see the amount of effort my mum spentreally worth the $20 already. Need to go market early in the morning to collect the bean sprout shells, in fact, my mum went twice, once around 7am, but stall thrown them liao. Then the next time she went 5.45am but it was too early. Have to wait till around 6.30am then can get. Plus have to carry the bag home, so heavy somemore..and story not yet finish. To separate the shells with the unused stuff, she almost couldnt hv time make dinner for us last weekend.

So better buy.

I look forward so much to deliveryvery tired with working, no mood, and sometimes get stress up easilyso I think the pain is nothing lah hehehe..
