(2005/12) Dec 05 mums-to-be


thanks for updating the list! now i have to decide on name. going to be tough cos i have no clue at all what to name. yeah. my hubby also say its better for me to have a boy. sigh. nevermind. after boy boy, i will try for gal gal. hope to be successful then!

yeah. i find its bad to ask pple to buy stuff and then don't pay back. just like we share mooncakes for a few relatives but until now they never pay back. sometimes i guess i just accept it. makes things easier and also less trouble and unhappiness. maybe that's why got a little reward from higher beings by gifting us with a boy. got to think positive if not will affect baby.
sad thing is we stay under one roof but her daughter don't recognise us at all. altho just 6 mths old now, she don't let us carry her cos we are strangers to her. most of the time, they come back just go striaght to their room so too bad.

liewlian soh,
the shop ok? need to strip all the way? will they give those disposable panty for us to change? bra kept on or off? did she massage tummy? do u still go to her? sorry so many questions. i very excited cos got new info. thanks for sharing. i very keen to go. can go anytime or must wait till i 5mths later then go cos i haven't reach 5mths yet.

Some not so gd news about changes in my confinement plan over the wkend... Initially the agreement is for my parents in-law's maid to take care of my newborn girl. But last wkend, I was told she might not be able to handle the existing 2 kids (2 yr old & 9 mths) together with my girl

I was rather upset that night that tears rolled down
Must be due to the pregnancy hormones! And it kept me awake at 4am. Couldn't help keep thinking about it...

But luckily the next day I woke up, it's like a brand new day again. So I decided to start searching for a confinement lady lor, altho' quite late already, only 2-3 mths away. And before that, still have to convince my mum to let me engage one... haiz...
it's quite a long trip for you at phuket. Hope you can relax well and that you will recover from the pain soon.
Your bb is really big at this stage!
How's your photo selection? I'm sure you got nice ones to show us. *Quick*

I bought the socks at $6 per pack (3 pairs), was at 50% discount. With my isetan card, I still get additional 3% off.
Am so happy that my 2 weeks visit has started.

My bb is now head up and she sometimes might have kick my bladder that I feel a sudden pee. Hope she turns head down soon.

So envy you, your weight didn't increase as much as me but your bb weight is heavier than mine. Went for my checkup last Sat as well. But gynae told me that my bb is only 900g.
BTW, how did your gynae weigh your bb so accurately ?? Mine was like taking dimensions from the ultrascan machine and then he calculated the weight based on the dimensions (don't know what dimensions he used also).


Congrats on having a bb boy!
My boy also same as yours leh, got big head like me (but gynae said good cos got more brains). And guess what, my gynae said the 900g is also due to becos my bb bigger head. "sigh".... But he said the weight is okay, not too small. I remember absolut's gynae said her bb at 26 wks 800g is small right ?? Don't know why different gynaes said different thing...

BTW, did any of your gynaes advise you all to take the flu jab against the bird flu ?? Mine did but I told him I want to consider first, not because of the $$ but because I very scared of pain and needles. But my hubby asked me to take leh.... So, was trying to survey around if it's is really necessary...


The socks you bought very cute leh... How much izzit ah ??

BTW, those who received the Isetan private mailer, may I ask is there any good discounts for bb items ?? I didn't receive this time round and was thinking of going down this Thurs. Anybody going down also ??

Better call and ask her again whether it is safe to do before 5th month, I have been there once after someone's recommendations, the shop is ok lah, not sleazy, I think must take off bra, forgot abt panty liao, and yes, she massage tummy too, even breasts, cos I told her they were a little lumpy... Many Japs go to her as well and recently there was a TV interview on them as well.
I like the massage cos it does help me reduce my water retention...


So sad to know that you have start looking for a CL now, try asking around for recommendations or go thru a confinement agency etc... All the best and I hope your worries will end soon! Jiayou!!!

Ya, I also find that the Mt A hospital tour very fast leh, not detailed enough, unlike TMC one...


Don't be too upset. Think this will be better for you also since the CL will be full time on your bb instead of sharing between another 2 children. Then you can rest more mah... BTW, I have book my ward at TMC liao. Thanks for always updating for us.

It is quite difficult to look out for a CL now. In Aug, I have been looking around and unable to find 1, though quite a few ppl recommended me their lobang. In the end, I go for a confinement agency - PEM. I have the same problem as you becoz I also need to convince my mum that I am going to engage a CL, that's why I delay until Aug for my CL hunt. sianz....
I forgot to bring the pics today...
I only showed them to Taka since we are in the same pila-yoga classes last week.

Will try to do it after the holidays, actually the pics didn't really turn as nice as I expected,
but I will try to scan and email to you later, ok??
Too shy to post online and my hubby forbids me to do that!!!
Hi gals

My gynae visit still monthly leh and my gynae say only 32 weeks than fortnightly. Hmmm duno y different i was hoping that is fortnightly so i can see my bb often so not like now only monthly like only know wat happen after a month. sigh....


My gynae also measure from the scanning machine i thk tat the way right.
Sure, no prob! You have my email rite.

My gynae also check weight using dimension. Think it's just an estimation.
The socks is $6 for 3 pairs. I've not got the mailer yet but I'll going for the sale. I've already check out the things I'm going to buy last sat. Just go and grab.
Don't be upset, things will turn out well.

Oh.. they like to own you $$.. nevermind i wonder will they pay you back a not before the chinese new year next year. I was told that if you own people $, but don't pay back b4 the CNY, then you will always own people $$, which is no good. Wonder they know about this a not.. Next time, don't share things with them lor..

Oh.. your bil's gal don't recognise you and your hb. What about your in laws? Do they get a chance to carry their grandaughter then?
Nevermind, the most don't carry nia, anyway, your boy is popping out next year..
ooohhh straycats......
Very nice leh.

It took 2 hours to airbrush Hah? Looks so flawless. But I think you don't need to airbrush also can, your tummy already nice and round. Too bad, you not showing face.
thanks for all your encouragement. To console myself, perhaps the change in situation is for the better...

I have also heard about PEM. How do you find them? Some feedback in the forum says they're pushy, are they? So you confirm your CL already? Did you check with TMC for their confinement service? aiya.. so many questions here...
Woowee, Straycats,

yr pics are so sexy and hippy!
Very nice!!!

Me no face to show mine liao!!!

Wow, I like yr preggie figure, so sexy!!!
Thanks. I think my fren (the photographer) did a good job in taking our pics. And credit also goes to the makeup artiste as well. She very patiently "colored" me for 2 hours leh...
No no...you must show yours as well, share share mah.

Got more, but I must reduce the sizes first. If you want,I send them to you via email. Paiseh to show too many pics on the forum leh.
Wow.. your photos are good. Too bad you not showing us your face. Thanks for sharing.

Btw, sideway view will have better view of your nice tummy.. no stretch marks arh.. envy envy.

For individual photo, your bottom look nice. Where did you buy it?
Its my old sarong pants, cannot remember where I got it oredi. Sorrie.

All I did was, widen it by 2 inches and then I fit in a elastic band so that it can sit nicely under my belly.

So far I think they are quite alright.As long as I tell them when I will get back to them, they will not bother me until the date I given to them comes. They will arrange a CL for me. TMC confinement service too ex liao, over $2000. For PEM, it costs $1896 ($1700 + $196 - Levy), stays overnight at our house.

The CL PEM is arranging for me is from Malaysia and $1896 already includes the work permit. PEM will do all the administrative document for us.
sounds not bad leh...
do they allow you to change CL if you're not satisfied? have you interview any of them via phone? sorry ah, more questions...
don't worry. sure can get one. may just have to pay more but worth it if its full attention for you baby. anyway just for one month so don't let it upset u. think of baby and the 100% attention to be given. maid tough to manage so many kids. i rather slog and pay more so that baby gets good care. don't be upset. sayang sayang.

big head not so good leh. my gynae say if baby head goes above average like mine in the later stages, she will have to do some tests eg dun know what blood test to check for other abnormalies so i quite worried. u book ur ward at TMC already? must pay deposit or not? how much? u book a one bedder? share share.

liewlian soh,
thank you. i will call her. but abit worried cos rub tummy i not so comfortable. cos my tummy is super bloated. pain pain.

don't think they follow that rule lah cos last year's mooncake also haven't paid. hahaha. i try not to be upset lor. anyway its a gift. if they dun share i will still buy so i just console myself that the gift is totally from me lor. very silly hor. my in-laws don't get to carry baby too. cos my sil quite protective of her baby, don't like others to carry so i guess, can only see and view from afar lor. for my boy next time, i will try to let more pple carry so that he will be more sociable and when it comes to meal times, i can eat in peace since anyone can carry him. carry only mah. he is still my baby what. i tot it should be ok leh.


very sexy leh! i envy. your tummy looks very rounded and seems to be glowing leh. baby megan's power! also no SM, envy. my hips and sides already got SM so very sad.
Big head is good-means baby are smarter, heard that comment on one of the episod from child of our time. Then one of hubby's colleage already been confirmed need to caesarian at 7th mth becos of bb head too big, we envy leh..cos means they are going to have smart, and brainy bb...

Agree with all ..sexy mummy..you still look so fair even though swim during lunch..I just go swim at 11am one saturday, the black still havent go till now..
thks for info. so i conclude receiving blanket=bath towel with hood?? i bought a pigeon towel with hood at OG, after less only $9.85. so i guess i would get more RBs and nappies...

i have my prenatal massages at Java Massage at Siglap, $50 for 60 mins $40 for members. its by a very experienced indon lady Ibulina. but u have to call and book in advance cos shes quite hot and not easily available. she also does post natal house visits. tel 64480072.
its good to hear that but i worried baby out of proportion. alot of worries when we are mums to be hor?

yes. house of javanese massage is the cheapest among all i called. siglap to far for me. think i may either try the one liewlian soh recommend or of of the branches of java massage. got to discuss with my hubby. extra expenses. tight.

ladies,need some advice.
do we need to buy bottle warmer? someone is selling a philips bottle warmer in the forum and i have enquired about it. she selling at $40. i am thinking if i should buy one. currently i see my sil. she put water in a bowl of hot water. very troublesome. but i also don't want to spend unnecessarily. sigh.

I saw a few near my EDD date gals giving birth at Mt A also. Thking duno if actualy date is also so near, if same maybe we can visit each other kekeke.

They do allow us to change CL, they will not charge us for that, but we will need to pay for the administrative fee for the next CL. I did not get to talk to the CL via phone. The told me that the day I admitted to the hospital, will need to call them and they will inform the CL to get ready to come over SG. You can go to their website to ready more about them: http://www.pemconfinement.com.

No problem, questions are welcome.

Did you doctor tell you what's the diameter of your bb's head? Big head baby... yup, also heard that bb tend to be smarter! Perhaps the downside is that if too big need to go for c-section, or if natural, birth is more difficult & needs assisted delivery eg forceps or vacuum cup. But focus on the bright side.. who doesn't want a smart bb?

thanks dear
That's how I console myself too. With a CL, there's uncertainty such as dunno whether she'll turn up as agreed... dunno whether our ways of doing things are different & hence resulting in clashes... More things to worry. As for my parents in-law miad, she's trial-and-tested to be a gd helper. Now no choice lor, have to pray for gd luck...

Can share more about your confinement agency?
Glad to hear that you are having a baby boy! Can make your SIL jealous and your MIL will not be so mean to you

Joyful, Berlin, LiewLian, Cheerful_mun
Send you my pics liao. Let me know if you got them.
Please keep them to yourselves hor. Txs!
Thanks for the pix!!! Very well taken pix.. and I must say your boobs are really huge.

I'm seeing some red marks on my lower belly. My SM are appearing..
Straycats, Can I see as well? [email protected] You dun have the center dark line hor? Im wondering if it can be removed by make up also?..

Cheerful_mum, Pai seh..Im planning to take also leh, although I super fat now(weight increase is rank first few here..hehee), but come to think of it ..if I dun take during this pregnancy maybe I might not enthusiasm next round, or maybe I might not get pregnant anymoreor maybe no $..so must treasure this chance.
Hee hee! it grew expotentially after I hit the 2nd trimester leh. Now stop oredi..hopefully it will stop at where it is and not grow anymore, me not a fan of big boobs

Don't scratch your SM, try to put more cream / lotion.

Dark line in the centre, dun have. The makeup aritiste only even out the diff tone on my body cos' I swam alot so the shoulders and the tummy have diff shade. The line can be covered by makeup but from what I heard it will remain there after birth, only to become a lighter shade. Send u my pics liao. (Pse see and delete txs!)


Don't have to put deposit during the time of booking. Think only give when you admit to the hospital. Ya, I book a single bed room, hubby is going to accompany me throughout.
I don't know the price but saw from the price list is that average is about $4000+, coming to $5k, before medisave deduction.

Btw, for those who did not receive the Isetan mailer, can refer to the link below.

Anybody knows if Isetan only sell bb clothing or got sell bb accessories also (eg. milk bottles, lotion etc)...
