(2005/12) Dec 05 mums-to-be


I living with IL so my MIL will be taking care for me. Thk there are pro and con living with IL. U at 18x or 15x of Rivervale?


No lah not buy so ex type for the baby actually my friend giving me a cot liao but i thking of buy 1 more playpen

for nursing bra, i don advise to buy so early....bcoz after delivery, breast will produce milk, and will make the breast bigger....i remember previously im wearing a size 42 bra....was very big size...
i like the shoes at hue. pre-preg i always shop there, love their heels and not so common also..

thks for the info. so i dont hafta shop for nursing clothes. ok then can save money. where then can i get good quality and affordable nursing bras?

underweight? cannot be ba.. i read a few books they all said @24 wks, the bb should be 650g... u rest assured ur bb is growing well

i realise the price range for post natal massage is very wide. my SIL paid 1400 for 14 sessions (shes v slim so worth it la i guess). the usual indon plc where im getting my pre natal massages charges only 640 for 14 sessions for members. but shes v skillful and her massages are dam shiok!
Thanks.. I saw the artice, so I'm also worried, but my friend who stays there says it's safe to drive. We will only be driving for maybe 2 days, to Mornington & Yarra Valley (if I do go there), coz it's only abt 1 hr drive. The rest will take day tours. Mel city itself will take their tram?

What's at Williams Town? Nice scenary?

So do we buy the nursing bras after we deliver?
Since u stayed there, can check if Mornington Penin worth going? Also, what abt Grampians? My hb's friend says that Grampians is very nice, but, I'm afraid it's too rough for me to go.. can just walk ard the Park or must climb, etc. I'll leave Yarra Valley as my last choice. The more I think, the more boring it seems.. Thanks!!
Yup... massage was effective. tummy was quite flat after the 5 sessions. Actually realised I was charged v reasonably. Only 270 for 7 sessions. Paid 200 for 5 coz didn't need extra 2 sessions. Maybe will go back to her if she hasn't increased her charges. Seems like all the rest charge a lot more.

Re cabbage, was told it may so didn't dare to try.

I like my nursing bras from momsinmind (28 each). A lot also swear by mothercare. U can try and see.

Williams town is an old town, like those Victorian style small town. Very relaxing. Grampians is very nice, but think it is a bit tough for you now, must climb a bit to see the nice scenery. Mornington Penin, i don't have much impression on that place, except to see the sea lions and they can be quite smelly. But of course if you got time and like those natural things, may be you will enjoy it, also have to go by ferry. Do bring some medication if you are prone to seasick.

Personally i like the Botanical Garden at the town center, it is very very big and there is one small pond in the center with ducks swimming in that and next to it is an open-air cafe. I used to go there, had a cup of tea and enjoyed the lazy afternoon. But again, that is subjected to if you like greeneries, tree and garden, otherwise will be too boring for you.
Thanks so much. Might go Williams Town in the same day as St. Kilda then. Can take tram to Williams Town, hor? I'm be taking the tram to St. Kilda. I'll skip Grampians then. Ok, I'll read up more abt Mornington Penin first. But, it seems quite nice from the website. Yup, will be asking my gynae for some medication to bring along during my next visit.Ha ha.. I dun mind drinking tea in the Botanical Gardens.. But, my hb will be bored.
Thanks again.

enjoy your trip. do take care. drink lots of water and keep yourself warm. proper socks and shoes yeah. when you come back, can let us see the nice pics u took.
by the way, i saw your posting in the Jan thread. can you tell me more about the daniel and johnson cot? i am also looking for a cot and if its $200 based on group buy i would love to join in. haven't been to any shopping sales these 2 weeks. my feet quite swollen so its just work and back home. i think need to buy new pair of shoe already. at first thought can save. but the water in the feet just seems to stuck there.

are you still in KL? did any shopping? my ex office lady says shopping in KL very cheap.

i want flat tummy too! you massage lady sounds reasonable. can i check with you if she has a shop i can go to? my mil don't allow people to come to our place to massage because they don't like the smell. so i am looking for a massage lady whom i can visit instead. also, need your advice. how long after giving birth then we go massage?

i am quite confused. after we give birth, we will try to breastfeed. at tat time, is it no need to wear nursing bra and nursing tops? if so then when we do need it? also during confinement for 1 mth usually cannot go out so i am quite confused when to buy the nursing bra and tops?

joyful and straycats,
if you guys found any good lobang for cots, keep me updated. i didn't get a chance to go check out the one in CK tang which one of the nice mummies recommended the last time. $200 still within my budget. somebody posted sale of this called by Boori??? the lady wanted to sell at $700 cos she bought it at $1000. i didn't know it was so expensive so i didn't reply her. sigh. too bad i not rich. the baby cot is even more expensive than my current own queen size bed leh! both my hubby and me got shock.

how? i keep thinking of baby scan leh. very anxious to know gender. very gan cheong.
your massage lady charges almost half the price of the others leh! Seems like you're getting a v gd deal!

2005 (first_mum),
I oso think 650g is the avg at 24wks after checking around this forum & the fetal weight chart at babycenter.com, so I take my gynae's comments with a pinch of salt lor. Maybe she prefers bigger size babies...
Try to keep your feet elevated when you lie on bed. Massage your leg and also try to exercise your toes and ankles (was taught at antenatal class to relieve stress).
How can you travel around when you are doing confinement? Massage is done on the 5th day to 1 week after birth, if C-section about 2 weeks later. Some massage oil are not smelly one mah, why they so rigid one? I will simply don't care if she likes it or not. Your ILs sounds like the one on channel 8.

i think you can go to Baby Kingdom to have a look at the bb cots. i rem i saw 1 slightly less than $200 and with free mattress and baby mobile, if i dun rem wrongly. the size of the cot is small and is definately suitable if your room have a limited space.
If you don't mind 2nd hand cots, you can take a look at Yahoo auctions - http://sg.auctions.yahoo.com
They're relatively cheaper than new ones. Just need to buy new mattress & bedding set.

Now you're very excited to know bb's gender right
it's a milestone in our pregnancy leh.
Don't forget to talk to bb to open the legs... Share with us when you're back after the scan, ok?

Ya, still in KL, going back to S'pore tomorrow evening, can't wait! Miss my hubby and our baby haven't heard her father's voice for 6 days!

I came here on the last day of M'sia Mega sales, bought some household stuff like cute photo frame for our baby, musical box and others (typical ks mother). They were having 70% disc, so turned out to be much cheaper than S'pore. Bought some maternity cloths too, about the same price as S'pore but i like the design here. Didn't have time for baby stuff as i almost completed my shopping for baby stuff during taka baby fair.
I hope I will enjoy the trip, am so looking forward to it.
For the cot, we're not sure if they can sell us cheaper if we buy as a grp. But, Mashy (from Jan thread) said she called earlier and it was cheaper than the prices posted in the website, eg Daniel cot was $200. Daniel cot is not on the website. I saw it at Robinsons. But, the guy said that Daniel ($269) and Johnson ($369) cot are v similar except that Johnson cot has a thicker top rail at the end, plus come with the side and end rails for conversion to junior bed next time. Daniel cot can also convert but they dun have the additional end rails, so the front back end of the bed will be the higher cot railings, that's all. I have yet to call. Will update you after I call them.

I saw the $199 cot that Berlin mentioned at Tangs. It's not bad. The wood type, just that it's smaller in size as compared to the Daniel cot. We prefer the Daniel cot size, coz bb can sleep in it longer. But, if you're ok with the size, Tangs one is the cheapest I've seen so far. BTW, when you're comparing the cots, rem to see if they incl the mattress and bedding set.. these are also not cheap. Hope it helps.
i cannot sleep when i elevate my feet in bed. its like my tummy sink down so whole body become V shape, very uncomfortable. i try to massage leg as much as possible but cannot reach. nowadays i cannot eat cut my own toe nails. my tummy really bloated. aiyah. in laws are like that. its their house so i have to respect the rules lor. next time when i get my own place and she wants to come to my place to massage, i will say NO too! haha!
5 days to 1 week after birth..... hopefully absolut's massage lady got shop??? or if anyone else got contact for massage lady with shop then let me know lor. cannot go out during confinement then i have to do it after 1 mth confinement liao. no choice. they say smelly leh.
channel 8 that lady very typical. only want to have grandsons. now that chen liping character pregnant. i also wonder what happens if the twins turns out to be gals! guess will be trouble. my in laws also want grandson but then i already told my mil once that the gender is determined by her son. she not happy just kept quiet lor. but its the truth. what can i say? she ask how come never read on the internet to see how to get son. i also shake my head. i not preparing for exam leh. try to take it easy now. already handling alot on my own. my new job quite siong. so struggling. sigh.

baby kingdom i heard in kaki bukit industrial estate. we don't have a car, is it out of the way? can go by bus? cos if i go by cab it will be expensive and not worth it unless i buy alot of stuff from there. but the deal sounds good. hoping to see response from krissie. see if can group buy then save me a trip to kaki bukit. i just need to go centrepoint to see. upset that i can't do much because of swollen legs. very ugly cos like elephant and quite uncomfortable.

i don't mind second hand cots at all. i went to the yahoo auction. they even got $60 cots. i was so excited cos we tot can save money but my mil has given instructions that we must buy new cot. quite sian. i told hubby, we go buy second hand then bring back, she won't know if its new or not. but i hate to do all these lying lor. so now i see if got lobang. if really cannot afford, i guess second cot it will be.
my scan end of the month leh. still so long away. i very anxious leh. talk to bb? tough leh. last time we talk the nite before, when we go gynae, baby no care us, sleep and sleep only. aiyoh, gynae say baby like to sleep and it was already 11 am plus leh. will share once i get news so that u can help to update list.

baby can hear already right. my hubby don't believe me leh. he say for me, baby still cannot hear so he seldom like to talk to my tummy. hahaha.

bet ur hubby must miss u and baby too. man, they can so so soft when it comes to baby. hahaha!
good that you manage to buy stuff. 70% discount is alot. yes, i heard their maternity wear not bad. they say there also got thyme maternity and its cheaper. can sense your excitement about coming back. very contagious!

from what i know there are 2 buses no going to kaki bukit. Bus 87 & 15. Oh no... did you gain a lot of weight? in yr next checkup, check with yr gynea anyway can help for yr swollen legs. btw, u can tell your hubby that bb can really hear him if he talks to the bb. for my case, my bb listens to her dad than me, so sad... :p when night comes and she is still busying kicking away, I told her to sleep as it is night time, but she continues kicking. But when my hubby told her, she stopped.
Must keep talking to bb, not only the night b4 scan. Bb's hearing will be developed in the 5th mth onwards. Talking to bb is gd as it's a way of bonding too. Also bb will be able to recognise you & your hubby's voice after birth.

Think bb has no sense of daytime or night time in the womb, so just sleep as & when he/she wants lor.

Sure, I will update your bb's gender once you know it

Ya, think my baby girl also listens to her father than me. Tried a few times already and it worked.


I didn't go to Thyme maternity, most of my maternity came from Modern Mum, is a local brand, but the quality is good and price is reasonable.

Also bought the Palmer coco butter creame, having 20% (33.2*0.8= RM 26.56 which is equivalent to S$12)discount. Don't know if it is cheaper as compare to S'pore.

haha! u probably miss my earlier postings. in my first trimester, i already gained 10kg. now i only 4tms+ already near 15kg so yes, gained alot of weight. gynae say i have one of the worst case of water retention and bloating she ever saw. so i guess i just have to endure. sigh. she can't do much too. all water trapped inside leh.

i haven't 5th mth yet so how? can hear? also i wonder leh. when r we suppose to do detailed scan cos when i go, i won't be 20 weeks yet. most likely only 18 or 19th weeks. too early? gynae just tell us to go leh. i also don't know if its too early.

good to hear you got a satisfying shopping trip. if only i can go leh. the other thread, got people talking abt city square. i alsowonder where that is. in fact, i haven't been to JB for 10 years.
Try putting a small stool in the office to elevate your legs when you're at your desk. I'm doing that now.. read that it helps water retention.. I find it more comfortable, though not sure abt effects. Oh.. another way is to lie down next to the wall & lift your legs to rest on the wall. Learnt that from yoga class. You try loh.. but be careful, huh. Do it slowly.
Hello, ladies!!!

How was lunch?
Went to the Isetan BB Fair, didn't buy much items, just bought a few pieces of bb rompers, 2 Elle dresses, 1 Life Baby T-shirt...

Just 1.5 hr of shopping already tired me out...
Sigh!!! Will rest well today so that I can do more shopping during the Taka fair tmr!!!

BTW, Natas starts tmr at Suntec Convention Centre so if you wanna get any good deals for some short trips, you may wanna drop by, but please be cautious of the huge KS crowd too!!!

i heard from ppl that usually bb girls listen to dad, than mum. hahaha...


i must hv missed it. did u hv craving for durians? try not 2 eat too much durians as i heard it can contribute to weight increase. and mayb u walk to much in your initial stage as it can also causes water retention. u take care.
Halo liewlian soh,

I have a good and full lunch, thanks.

So isetan BB fair has got nothing really fantastic huh?

Thanks for your update, do update us on your taka fair tomorrow too.

Don't think will be going for short trip since tummy big liao.. thanks for your info.

yes. i some durians during first trimester.didn't know can cause weight gain. and yes! i walked alot during my 1st trimester too cos i was doing sales. nobody told me cannot walk. anyway, the job need me to walk. now i guess i will try the suggestion given by krissie.

thanks. will try out in the office. yoga that move hor i think i have to skip. nowadays i can only put on slippers. cannot even bent to wear my shoes or even cut my toe nails. ask my hubby to help me cut but he dare not! urghhhh.

liewlian soh!
i envy u leh. how come u go shopping on work day? u on leave huh? i wish i can be on leave too. yes, should rest. so that tmorrow can go and big time shop. i heard that OG also got sale. 20% for baby stuff so you can check it out too.
I think 19-22 wks can do detail scan.
Can start talking to bb since you're nearing 5th mth. Just develop the habit first & soon enough bb might respond to you/your hubby like what the other mummies described earlier.

Btw it's true for me that my girl reacts to my hubby's talking more than mine. Now.. that makes me a little jealous... kekeke
sama sama, my tummy oso big and heavy liao. Can't imagine still have 3 more mths to grow bigger!

My lunch was gd, makes me feel so full, stomach is very stretched now. You work in Orchard area huh? So convenient for you, can go shopping

Me just went to taka, metro and robinson. Taka don't have much thing on bb stuffs leh. MEtro even worst but robinson or john little have more stuff on bb and OG oso.
Before you sleep, try to elevate and remove it when you about to sleep lor. I did that cos I also feel uncomfortable sleeping with my leg elevated. My knees will feel so tight and stiff if I sleep with it. Tummy so heavy liao, walking like penguin.

My mum bought this for me at Ebase warehouse sale. Guess what, it's only $3each.


ya.. u can try out the suggestion given by krissie.


i am also jealous that my bb girl responses more to my hubby than me. hahaha...
I went with my sis after work lah, hee hee... Hubby didn't wanna come along, so I got my "spare tyre" to shop with me lor!!!

no lah, me working @ Suntec area, so it's still quite nearby lor...

Heard from Taka, other than the event hall in B1, the bb section on 3F also having 20% sales, so I will drop by to shop shop.. got $50 voucher to buy stuff!!!

OK, shall also drop by Robinson/JL/OG the next weekend if I have time!!! Actually yesterday I was so lost that I didn't know where to start from!!!

BTW, ladies, anyone of you like Life Baby stuff? I like them a lot! Saw a very cute bb romper but it cost $25.70 at Isetan Sales after discount. I also like this nice BB hamper at Raffles City Life BB outlet, which cost $99, already put that item on my wishing list, now waiting for some kind soul to buy that for my Fybie!!!
I prefer their past years' designs. Then I also like Urban kids/bb but I think they closed shop liao, don't know if they still run a shop at Forum or not.

very worth hor. I also bought a few tops at their boutique for $10. Cheap and good.
But i went to Ebase boutique to shop, always end up buying nothing from there leh... don't know why also..

Ever bought 1 top nia, that's all.

Liewlian soh,
Never heard about it b4 leh. Which shopping center got sell their stuff?
Dun think my massage lady has a shop. All I know is she stays in Woodlands. maybe you can check with her if she's comfy for you to do it at her home if it's not too far. Her oil not smelly... more like medicated oil. Why not, ask her to do in your room then won't stink up whole house? Confinement leh... you sure your in laws allow you to go out everyday?

I had my massage on 4th day onwards. Think earlier better if gave birth naturally. If C-section then better wait for awhile.

Think may be necessary to wear nursing bra at home to support breastpad. But for 1st month maybe dun need nursing tops since you are supposed to be confined at home. can wear button front tops or lift up tee to feed. Will need nursing tops in second month if you go out. After a while, I couldn't be bother with nursing tops so just wore a bigger tee when out so easier to breastfeed and more cloth to cover body. Some pple also just buy a breastfeeding shrawl so they wear it over the top when they are breastfeeding outside.
For your packing list to the hopsital for delivery, do we need to pack diapers as well for our little ones? What about our breast pumps? Do we need to bring them along? Cos' I thot, if kena stuck with the pump can ask the lacation consultants to teach us how to use them properly. Any ideas?
I agree with Joyful, you must start talking to your BB now. Nowadays, when I stroke my tummy and talk to Megan she responds by moving, she can even recognises my hb's voice and touch. Its a very warm feeling when you can feel your BB respond to your voice and touch
maybe you can check with Mt E or with mummies who have given birth there, as to whether they provide diapers?
As for me, after checking with mummies who delivered in RH, I know that I don't need to bring diapers nor pump, as it's provided by hospital. My manual breast pump is relatively easy to use.
my girl doesn't really respond very well to my voice. But when my hubby comes home & talk to me, my girl start kicking! See why I'm jealous? :p
thks for the suggestions. tink ill get 1 fr MIM and 1 fr MC then. C which 1 i like better.

enjoy ur trip! i went to melbourne wen i was 4 mths too. it was a very smooth trip, i was feeling v good, the weather was nice and cold, except once when i was on a long bus ride i almost threw up and couldnt breathe properly(i didnt get any morning sickness thruout my preg).so i suggest u avoid long bus/ car rides unless well-ventilated.

my stomach is getting big v fast now, hope bb is growing well and not fat! tink the next checkup at 28 weeks, bb's supposed to weigh 1.1kg!

everytime my hubby places his hand on my tummy, bb will respond v fast, even if he just keeps quiet! its as if she knows that's daddy's hand and she's saying hi!
