(2005/12) Dec 05 mums-to-be

oh ya, 1 more question. is nursing wear/ bra absolutely necessary if i intend to BF? i mean do we have to start wearing nursing wear straight after i deliver? if so i wana stock up now if i come across any nice and cheap ones. v kiasu i noe..

Me going to Taiwan this weekend for biz trip, yeah! So Happy, can't wait to go back to Shi-lin nite mkt to do shopping!!!

Hubby and I have also decided to take a short break to Phuket end of this month, any plans from you, ladies???

Wow, 50 pairs of shoes ah!!! Gosh, that mean you need a walk-in wardrobe for your everything, How I envy you!!! I can't wear most of my shoes as they are mainly heels, boots, etc... So I had bought myself 5 more pairs so far aft I got preggie :p Also got to put away all my other shoes for the time being!!!

If I can't go back to my prev shoe size, I am gonna be real sad cos I bought this really nice designer heels from Korea and I only wore it once!!! (T_T) I am sure my mom and sis will be eyeing on all my shoes then!!!
Yup, I'm going to Melbourne 2 weeks from now.
But your trip is sooner lah.
Krissie, Liewlian,

Ya, i am a shoe freak, can't resist on buying shoes. kekeke. Don't have walk in wardrobe but convert the electric switch box room (just next to the main door) to a shoes cabinet. Got short circuit once and my hubby was not around, i gave up to remove my 50 pairs of shoes, had to wait for my hubby to come back to rescue me. hehehehe.

I saw Perago at Robinson and Mothercare before, but very limited range. But Mothercare will be very ex. Not all Perago are so ex, my gf is using one, around $370, not too sure if it is one hand operated or not.
u received the Robinsons mailer too rite? so can we still use the $20 voucher for bb items that are already on sale? the coupon doesnt state ley. if can then i'll make a trip down tmr.

where did u get ur shoes from? i find it so difficult to find nice flats with good friction soles. esp for work. the flats and ballerina pumps look nice but the soles are slippery. many times i almost fell, so i hafta be very careful when i walk, ended up with a terrible backache...
Thanks.. I'll go check it out at Robinsons.

I think shld be able to. Or you can call Robinsons just to double check. BTW, you have to use the coupon tonite. It's only valid tonight. Other than the $20 off, the rest of the stuff shld be selling at the same price for the rest of sale period.

I got 3 pairs from Hue located at Millenia Walk when they were on sale. The other one is a low heel from Xodus, one low flat heel from VNC...

As for flats and pumps, I am not so good liao, cos I only buy those shoes overseas, sizes here dun fit me so well!!! (^_^)
Good Morning ladies,

Wow.. all preggie still going overseas ah.. not bad leh. But won't we have more things to pack in our luggage since we are pregnant?

Liewlian soh,
So good, can go taiwan.. shop and makan.

All MTBs,
Not sure who is looking for the bathing matt that changes colour according to the temperature of the water.
Mothercare got a bathing matt, that changes colour according to the water temperature.. It didn't state the price at the catalogue, so got to go down to mothercare to take a look. Not sure is it the same that you saw at Zoe Tay's show..
Avent has a new breast pump, Avent Isis IQ Duo. It's a dual breast pump. wonder if it's good. it claims to be ultra quiet.
For newborns, you have to buy Maxi-cosi cabrio infant seat to inter-change. It is suitable for newborns to 18mths. Maxi-cosi can only fit Quinny buzz and quinny zapp. We are thinking of buying zapp but due to the weight and open/closing functions, I am still hestitating. Don't think I can handle when I'm alone.

I envy your shoe collections. It will be a pity if we can't wear it after birth, especially those very unique shoes we bought.

I'm not going anywhere, nowadays feeling quite heavy, can't walk that much and fast liao.

i owned a quinny zapp with my maxi cosi cabrio. Indeed, the zapp is very heavy compared to other strollers like aprica or combi. I dun think i can carry it myself if i carry my baby.. my shoulder sure break. It is also not one hand operation.. so if u carry baby not easy to handle opening or closing yourself.... but the zapp looks very very cool though
I love it if not for the weight issue.
Im the one looking for bath mat that changes color with water temp. Thanks, will go mother care to check it out.

You mentioned about the price of Quinny zapp and buzz previously, can you tell again whats the prices? How about the price of Maxi-cosi cabrio infant seat? This Maxi-cosi can also be put inside car as car seat in intial mths right?
I think I wont have much chance to go out alone with bbdun think hubby will allow..Im already so clumsy now, next time if bb cry ect..will be more kam cheong.

Have you all book any malay massage? I got the contact for Mdm Naini from other threads..but she said she is fully book from dec-april Nevertheless, she still keep my details as record. Wonder if I ended with no massage lady in the end? AiyoI told hubby if cannot regain pre-pregnancy figure, I sure dun want to go back to work..heheh..

About bottlesjust a colleage whos wife gave birth last week advice to have around 6.
Each time, one is use for milk another for water.
They almost couldnt copein fact have to give FM, cos bbs demand just too fast already. So they mix FM with BM.

I have booked for my massage lady liao. Her name is Julie. Recommended by my colleague's friend and heard that she is good. My friend have just finished her session with her and she said that can see herself slimmed down.

Btw, are you buying any steriliser? I am thinking between Avent and Pigeon. Which one do you recommend?
eh, found that the J&J Baby Powder actually has talcum, so you're right.
As for the pigeon baby powder, the blue one is medicated, the pink one seems to be normal one.

Malay massage lady... haven't book yet leh. Heard that Mdm Naini is quite popular, maybe that's why she was booked way in advance. I remembered she appeared on TV before.

2005 (first_mum),
my bb weighs the same as yours at 24 wks. But my gynae says bb is underweight, only at the 33 percentile! Makes my hubby so gan-cheong. But 2 other mtbs around the same time as me says it's normal weight, according to their doctors. So I suspect if my gynae is the type who prefers big babies...

Btw, Robinson sale is on 7 Sep evening. So are you girls are rushing?
Oic, maybe you can try calling mothercare 1st to check out which branch sells that.. just in case you waste your trip.

The robinson sale is only on 7 sept?
Phew! Glad to know that the sales is on 7 Sep, I shall pop by after work to buy some stuff!
Thanks for informing abt the sales, I always miss it, cos I never open my letter box on a regular basis!!! Ha ha!!!

$550 for 7 sessions. I think she is a very confident lady, as you only need to pay after the whole package is finished. No deposit needed.
wonder if you can pass me her contact? I may want to consider her. tks.

The Robinson sale on 7 sept evening is for their card members. Think will need to bring the coupon. Yup, only 1 day, 6:30 - 10pm.
I don't know how much the pump is. Think it's Avent's latest product. don't know if it's available in Sin yet. I saw it from their website.
Regarding wines, pregnancy books mention that it's ok to have a glass of red wine daily. I dun but will also sip a little of hubby's wine for taste. For food cooked in wine, as long as you dun cover the pot while cooking, the alcohol will dissipate with heat so don't have to worry that much. That's what happens to confinement food. Only time you have to worry is if the wine is poured only after food is cooked.

Think ageing placenta can happen if the mother doesn't get enough rest as well. I know for my 1st preg, gynae felt my placenta was mature at final week and Ally wasn't gaining any more weight so decided that she'll induce after my EDD instead of waiting for bb to be ready. In the end, Ally came out exactly on EDD anyway. Did gynae give your friend MC or ask her to rest more etc?

Nursing clothes not that necessary esp since you'll be in confinement for 1st month. Since you're at home, can bf by lifting up your tee. If not, can use button down tees.

Nursing bras... find it impt esp those cotton types that you can pull down and feed. Impt also coz when you get let down at the beginning, both breasts will leak and you'll need to have bra support to put in the breastpad. Please note that it is good to have non-wired bras for nursing bras coz wires can block the milk flow and cause clogs in your breasts. I didn't know abt getting non-wired til it was too late.
Non-wired really more comfy. Bought 1 padded non-wired bra from Momsinmind for 1st preg and really like it. Just stocked up more for this second preg. hee hee!

For those going to overseas for short trips, sight seeing etc, please bring along a pair of comfortable jogging shoes if you intend to walk for whole day. The normal flat shoes is not good enough cos not enough cushion for your feets. I regreted that i didn't bring my jogging shoes when i was in Japan. Too tiring for my legs after whole day walking, especially at our weight now. To my horror, when i showered at night i noticed that the veins on my leg all the way to my tummy were so obvious and ugly!!
hey ladies..
jus went for my checkup.. total weight gain at 26 weeks is 6.8kg..
Was thinkin how am I goin to lose e weight.. n rite now tummy still quite small..
I think it's krissie's colleague who has aging placenta. I was just curious what it is.

Nursing bras...
Understood from the anatenatal class that if the breasts are engorged, the nurse will put cold cabbage inside the bras to aid circulation. So I was told to buy 1-2 sizes bigger.
The way the lady described it was so funny... twin peaks will be hard like mountain! hahaa..

Btw during my class yesterday, the lady even teach us the method to conceive the gender we want

[email protected]
Tks tks!
7 sep robinson's sales only for member invites?

Massage Lady..Madam Naini charges $450 for 6 session..thought its on the highest range liao..looks like sansforum one also quite ex.

Now I'm also considering hubby's colleage who provide the service. Think it can be slightly embarassing hor, if they do breast massage.

Please teach me both methods!!! Got any material??


I was just wondering how can non-wired bra provide enough support, that's why I dunno which to buy!!! Sigh!!
May i know where to get the padded non-wired bra that you have mentioned? Where is Momsinmind?

So for nursing bra, we got to buy 1-2 size bigger?

the lady asked the class if anyone wants the photostated copies, but everyone oso paiseh leh, nobody raise their hands, so we just listen lor. Really want me to describe here ah?

Got it. arigato!
LiewLian, Bao Bao
Agreed that without non-wired bra our boobs will sag leh. But maybe during bfing we have to wear non wired lor, thereafter can wear back our old bras, cos' I heard our boobs will go back to our normal size once we wean BB / stop bfing. Yippeeee! I can't wait for smaller breasts.

Have fun in Taiwan and Phuket! I love Phuket, make you take pictures and show us your tan!

The food I take are normal leh. But I take lot of fish & veg (almost everyday). Maybe cos' I exercise alot so most of the food I take up ended with Megan than on me. Anyway, so long as she is healthy and growing, I happy oredi.

When should we start getting the nursing bras? At 8mth or now?

Wah 50 pairs of shoes...thats alot leh. I counted mine I got only 15. 2 heels for work and the rest sneakers & flats. So, you gonna get the Babycot @ Baby Kindgom? I may also want to get that. But since the Robinson's Fair is this 7 sept, maybe can go down and see if can get cheaper???

If you can remember, please do share with us!
If it is too complicated, do you think you can get a copy of that from the lady next time, if it is not too troublesome for you!!!!

I read the gender is controlled by the man's sperm leh. I think we females have X chromosomes and males have X&Y chromo, so if during our fertile period, the X chromo from the male meets our egss, we will get girls, if their Y meet our eggs we will get boys. Anyway, have the formual on hand also can be handy as well.
Zapp is $349, Buzz is $699 (already after 30% off). Maxi-cosi Cabrio is ranged from $280+ to $350+. So if we were to buy the whole set for zapp, it will cost around $700. Buzz will be $1k. :p Ex hor! The cabrio can be detached and act as infant car seat. As poohy described, it is not one hand operation, so I can't imagined myself handling the pram alone. Where to put my bb???!!! I still think that sling would be easier for me.
I also book mdm Naini 2 months back, she's already full but says I can give her my details first and she try to accomodate.

Ok I will check it out. According to TMC, if we buy PIS pump from parent-craft, there is a resale value of $300. I'm not sure if this is some kind of instant rebate in cash or they will only pay $300 back after they sell the item.

your weight gain is "peanuts" compared to mine, I've already gained 10kgs during my last check.

IF sag liao wear back wired oso cannot help liao leh... Haahaa.... Me now still wear underwired doc say it ok leh. To prevent fm sagging. As im a B to C person leh.
hmm... okie let me make it short & simple...

Boy - Make love only once on the day of ovulation, so that the concentration of Y-chromosome is at its peak. In between, ie after period ended to day prior ovulation, abstain from making love.
Best style: doggy

Girl - Can make love multiple times after period up til day prior to ovulation, so that the semen is diluted. ie reverse of getting a boy. Abstain from making love on day of ovulation.
Best style: missionary
Bao Bao
I also wearing underwired now. But not sure if nursing can wear underwired or got underwired bras anot? If you come across any, let me know can?
I am a A to C now leh. I hope it stops growing, cos' I am not a fan of big boobs!

Hee hee! You just became the guru!

The one i broght fm all underwired one. Breast so big if sag will be ugly leh. Me oso want my breast to stop growing.
Pls see attached file, whether is it the one your antenatal instructor describe?

Had it from a fren even before I decide to conceive...still aim wrong! hehehehe...
<center><table border=1><tr><td>

baby.zip (8.2 k)</td></tr></table></center>
Baobao, Straycats,

Talking abt big boobs, I think I can be champion again, as I am already rather busty before preggie, now that I am preggie, wow, the pair of boobs are really huge!!! Can't really tell from my pics, right?? But Taka can vouch for me!!!
Me 36C to 38D, and still expanding!!!

Thanks for the explanation, now I need to go find out how to calculate day of ovulation!!! Hee hee! My menses is not very periodic...

Bao Bao
Your nursing bra also underwired ah? Where you got them from? So far, the nursing bras I saw are non underwired leh. The current bras I am wearing now are underwired from Marks &amp; Spencers. Yah lor I also dunno why some women loved big breasts that they can can implant of D or E cups...yucks!
