(2005/12) Dec 05 mums-to-be

Same here, I have not experience it but my gf did and she had it on her whole body. What she did was apply normal powder and DON'T SCRATCH! I think its a hormone thingy. Take care!

Thanks.. Will go take a look, so far, have not been to JL since preggie.. : )

It depends on the size of cot and bb's sleeping habits. My colleague says her daughter slept in the cot till 2yrs old.

Any idea of the brand of the cot at CK Tangs? Seems quite worth it. I think cant get too small size for cot, coz once bb grows, will have not enough space and will prefer not to be sleep in the cot.

Pls be more careful.. Luckily, didn't fall on your tummy.. hope bb is fine.. But, I think shd be ok, coz I read before that the amniotic fluid protects bb. I've also put on a lot, 8kg liao.. and I'm only 22 weeks. But, during 2nd tri, av wt gain is 1.9kg/mth, so bo bian loh.. mine is more than 2kg per mth.
But, your pic looks so nice.. still look very slim.. you must be super slim before preg.
Oh my gosh! Me was so "charm" last nite, had a very bad migrane attack, dare not take any medication, could only sit on the bed and cry...

Finally dozed off to sleep around 4am, woke up with huge swollen eyes, just went to see doc, and he said that he dare not give me strong medication, so he gave me panadol... But since my migrane has subsided to a throbbing headache, I shall just "ren", also got the doc to give me some Betalone cream to apply on my rashes... He also wasn't too sure abt the cause of rashes... Hopefully the medicine could help me...

Gonna clear some work before I go off on my 1/2 day MC!!!
I don't know what brand is that.
I gained about 3kgs last month. I hope to maintain 2kgs per month. Then by birth, I would have gained 16kgs. :p (still alot).
My pre-pregnancy weight is 48kgs, not slim leh. I covered my arms that's y cannot see the fats. My bum, thigh and also tummy got alot of fats.

Poor you... Pls rest well when you get home. Drink more water if you can't take any medication. Hope it helps to bring down your headache.

Yesterday, spotted an article about a lady's comment on her pregnancy on Today's papers. She was dismissed at her 7th month pregnancy. The company compensated 4th months salary but she requested for more till 5 months. It is so sad that these employees are so heartless and government cannot do anything about it. Imagine other european countries allow 1 year maternity leave. They are so compassionate to women being pregnant.
Good afternoon all,

Halo berlin,
I also read that article yesterday.. wah.. very jialat hor. Hope there wonldn't be so many such companies.

Huh, i just went to isetan last week... anyway thanks for the info.
hello everyone.

i started at new job already. not too bad. lunch time now. one of the lady quite nice, let me use her system to surf the net.

liewlian soh,

i hope your headache goes away. rest more. but don't sleep too much because they say sleep too much will make it worse. also try not to scratch. i agree with straycats, its those hormones. i rash on tummy. scratch already red red then they turn into black patches. my mother say its like the wound ripen. yuks.


yeah. i think have to depend on baby's size. sigh.


i saw your pic. you still look so slim. sexy mumy leh. i am alot more extreme than you. i also gained 3 kg in one month so gyane target i will gain about 25kg because in my first trimester, i already 10kg. sigh. trying to see what i can do about it. wanted to take walks but not possible. my feet is so swollen even people in my new office pointed out to me.

wanted to ask all of you. how do you know how many bottles to buy etc etc. they have so many kinds. even the teats also got different kind. anybody know where i can get a list to start preparing.

joyful - no updates from me. the baby didn't open the leg when we went gynae on sat. but gyane say most likely its girl after viewing the buttock view. as usual, the baby is sleeping. i will be going for detailed scan end september. hoping to see gender then. but for the moment, we already told my mil and sil that its a girl. since then, my sil has stop harrasing me and my mil stop sms-ing me to ask if i am feeling ok for the day! looks like its very obvious, a boy is what my mil wants and what my sil don't want!
as for me. i trying my best to ignore them. very happy i got a job now. so hoping i can stay in it until baby comes in feb.
Hi Hi Jan,

Glad that you able to come in here since you started your new job. Hope you find your wokeing environment good.

Oh, cannot see bb genda, nevermind wait for detailed scan then.
Wow, your mil so pratical.. after hearing is a girl then she no more concern about you liao arh.. hmmm.. why like that? Girl also her grandchildren what. I wonder will we be like that next time when we become grandparents next time.

Yah, ignore their comments and stay happy can liao hor.
Oh, poor Liewlian, please take good care of yourself. Panadol should be ok.

Jan, don't care what your mil or sil feel about whether it is girl or boy, most important is whether you want a girl. For me, i think my pil also felt disappointed that i am having a girl, cos when my hubby called her to tell her that it is a girl, she called back within 1 min and asked my hubby whether it is confirmed!! But what they feel is simply got nothing to do with me. Ultimately it is my child, whether they like it to be a boy or girl is really not a concern to me. It is my child, not theirs!!
Liew lian soh,
Do you often get migrane?
I have headache too on Sunday night, but lucky able to sleep, next day ok liao. Wonder why i got it..

You take care.
Good to hear that you had a good 1st day at your new work place. I agree with Taka, don't be bothered about the BB's gender. Most important is the BB is yours and that he / she is healthy. And most importantly, you must enjoy your pregnancy

BTW, if you have rash on your tummy and it is itchy, don't scratch cos' they will end up as stretch marks. Try to keep put more moisturiser on your tummy.

I hope you are feeling better. My mum said the rash is due to dryness on our skin. This is caused by our hormones. It will go away, try to tahan abit more.
So far I bought only 3 bottles (1 pigeon, 2 NUK (125ml & 250ml, they come in a pair). Then I got 2 Avent teat (they come in a pair) and 1 Aprica teat (quite ex cost $6.90 for 1 ). So, technically speaking, I got 4 types of teats for my BB to try (hee hee, I very kaisee one). Bottles are not very important, it is the teat that BB are fussy with.
Also, I was told that Avent teats and Aprica teats can fit onto Pigeon bottles, so you may want to get Pigeon bottles cos' so far they are the cheapest among the the more popular brands.
I hope this helps.
ds, my period came around the 3rd/4th mth.....after giving birth, the period was long n heavy and last about 1 month+
krissie, don express inside the toilet...tink of the hygiene...
ur newborn's food is produced inside the toilet?
better do it inside the meeting room..or do u have any changing room?
i used to express my milk inside my office changing room, during lunch time and sometime after working hour...
krissie, before discharge...u will go to dr ho's clinic for another checkup if i don remember wrongly...then u can request him to give u the liquid to soften ur stool...
don worry, not tat pain...
still can tahan 1...
remember when u are staying in the hospital, dr ho won allow u to discharge if u don pass motion...but i juz told him the reason is very bored staying in hosp, n i really feel to go home..then he said ok...i admit on sat and i discharge on monday noon...
Hi, Ladies!!

Thanks for your concern, I am feeling much better today, except for the rashes which is still bothering me, somehow the cream given by the doc can only stop the itch for a while... but at least I won't have to scratch like a monkey!!!

I didn't take any medication given by the doc cos he said that most of the medication prescribed were mainly tested on animals and proven to be safe and not on humans, so I decided to play safe and not take any in case I harm my baby.
Yesterday I had a weird dream that my gynae told me I am expecting a boy instead of a gal!!! Actually me and hubby has kinda decided on our gal's name as "Fybie"...

Let's see how my check-up on this Saturday goes... Maybe my maternal instinct and my dream would come true!!!

dont be too bothered by what ur MIL thinks, the bb is not hers anyway. What is impt is that the bb is healthy and ur hubby is supportive. take good care and try not to be affected. You must remain upbeat so that you will give birth to a happy and healthy bb.
Nice pix of yours

you're feeling better already huh... gd to hear that. Yah, better 'ren'... remember must resist the urge to scratch!!

Cannot see bb gender yet huh... nevermind, just wait til detail scan... can get to see bb for >half an hr, quite enjoyable actually

Glad to hear that you're starting your new job & that you're not so bothered about your MIL & SIL. Yah, ignore them... just choose what you want to hear...
The taka sales may not start this fri. Anyway, I can't take my leave on this fri **sianz**

All the best.

Thanks for the updates. Still cracking our heads on my bb's name. Anyway, I've decided to deliver at MT A instead of MT E.
Hi Mtbs

Jus came bk fr my checkup. My total wt gained is 5.5kg at 25wks! Gynae said it's ok, bb size looked alright from the scan. As usual, very forgetful during the scan. Forgot to ask him if need to check for gestation diabetes and whether his holiday plans near my EDD...Next checkup is 4 wks later...
Ladies, got this from a friend....


With products ranging from LCDs, Plasma, CRT Flat TVs, Audio Systems, DVD Recorders, DVD Players, MP3 Players, Headphones, Home Theatre Systems, PC Monitors, Clock Radios, Light Bulbs, Shavers, Hairdryers, Iron, Vacuum Cleaners, Toasters, Juicers, Kettles, Blenders, Mobile Phones, Long Range Digital Cordless (DECT) Phones....

What's more, there are also baby products on offer such as Baby Monitor, Room & Bath Thermometer Set, Bottle Warmer, Magic Theatre & In Touch Address Recorder. To top it off, you could opt for the 0% interest free installment plan * for your purchases.

Philips Carnival Sale
10-11 September 2005
9:30 am - 6:00 pm

Philips Electronics Singapore
620A Lorong 1 Tao Payoh

* Terms & conditions apply
Talking abt bags,

I just bought a not too bad leathery bag at Far east for my hubby so that he can carry the baby stuff for me next time... It cost less than $40!!! In fact there are many shops that sell nice bags of different sizes etc etc, if you ladies are in town, perhaps you may wanna drop by and take a look! Happy shopping!!!

Oh, btw, Berlin, have you gone for yr f/up for yr brazilian waxing? How was it?
Mine will be done mid Sept, I realized the regrowth is very fine and few now, hopefully it won't be so painful liao!!!
Is it? In Nov thread, they say it will start after mooncake event (taka sq). Where will it be held? I'm confused now.

your weight gain is so envious. I'm doubled your weight ley... **cry** I just had laksa yong tau foo *so guilty*.

I'm going for my f/up today. Mine still quite coarse *hee* Hope not as pain as first time.

I saw that too, so i decided, best is still to ask them so i called Taka. They told me will start this Fri. Maybe location will be different? I didn't ask that though.
Hi gals

Sorry for not posting so long wow you gals talk alot har. I am now on 25 weeks liao and the gender for my bb is a boy. My total weight gain since pregancy is ard 4.5kg dun thk i gain alot cos until now i dun really eat alot also so never really gain alot of weight and my tummy is also kind of small. So everytime b4 visit my gynae i very worried that my bb didn't grown but lucky bb grown well and my gynae say some ppl dun really had a big tummy.
Thanks for the update.

Liewlian soh,
Glad that you are fine and thanks for the philip sale. But wonder will philip's bb pdts be even cheaper than those tolloyjoy or pigeon brand since they are more to electrical pdts. Nevermind, got time may drop by to TPY to take a look.

Congrats for having a bb boy.

Wah, envy you.. only gain 4.5kg in your 25 weeks pregnancy.
wow... those nusery/diaper bags are expensive leh. If I really need, I'll get the $29.90 one selling at KP. Or just use my existing haversack
I'm size S, and my tummy is smaller than yours in your pic. I think your 9 kg are well spread out, cuz you look nice and fine to me leh...

I'm so tempted to buy the carryon diaper bag shown in the website! But it's so ex, even after the discount. KP have cheaper ones? I'll go take a look someday.
If i am not wrong, KP = Kiddy Palace.

Hmm, do we really need a bag? I thought just a normal bag will do. kekeekeke
Also don't think we need the ex. bag. I'll make do with my existing big bag.

I'm eyeing for DVD recorder and maybe baby thermometer. Don't know how good the discount is.
Just buy 1 silicone will do right? Don't have to buy so many.. maybe can train bb don't eat the pacifier..

Why? Think for your case better buy a few in case next time you go paris liao, cannot find one then jialat.

I see my niece who is currently about 5 mths, she not eating the pacifier liao, but she sucks her thumb when she sleep.
My mom kept asking me to get pacificer for my BB. But I don't really like the idea of letting her use the pacificer. What if she cannot quit the habit? Like this I headache liao.
My MIL say don't give her pacifier. But I still need to get one to standby just in case I cannot handle her cries. After she quiet down or asleep, will remove it.
I was told sometimes, quietly remove the pacificer BB will also know leh. Like this they will cry lagi more. But if see her cry, my heart also painful
Catch 22 for me leh.
those bags selling in KP (yup, Kiddy Palace) are the plain black ones, of course not fanciful/colourful, but functional with diff compartments for bottles, diapers & small items etc. Very organised & easy to find things. But I guess can also toss everything into a large bag lor. Btw the $29.90 is the cheapest I saw in KP, they also have higher price range ones.

I already bought the Avent pacifier, just in case. But after listening to my SIL, I'm not sure if I wanna use it, bcos once bb starts on pacifier, seems quite difficult to kick off the habit. And some children really has trouble weaning off the pacifier, even when they go to kindergarten. My hubby was quite keen on the pacifier, bcos he can't stand crying babies
2005 - i hoping to get upbeat baby too. so trying to be happy. quite tough at times. sigh

joyful - i hope baby cooperative at detailed scan. i very anxious leh but still got more than 3 weeks to go. kan cheong! trying my best to ignore my mil and sil. eversince gender made known she has stop sms-ing me to ask me on my well being. my hubby also quite disappointed. he didn't know it can be so practical. guess its tough on him cos its his mum. my mum better leh. when i sms her gender. she reply - good. never mind not boy!

moonbell, i am like you. once we see the baby on scan we forgot to ask all the questions we have. so we email our gynae. she is very nice. will reply when she is able to do so. at least i don't feel so bad. if not most of the time we go gynae, we just want to see scan. no questions so very fast.

straycats, i agree with DS, think you have to pack more supplies if not cannot find in paris then troublesome. unless can get family or friends to send over to you then not so bad. pacificer i intend to get one. i don't like the idea of letting the baby suck on thumb leh. i find it very dirty? i don't know. my sil don't believe in pacifier at all. so her baby suck thumb or toe.then her hand touch her hair, her face and in the end. the face got red patches like rash. i don't know. babies they like to grab things and touch things. but after that put in mouth? what you all think? i think i will use Berlin's method. remove when they sleep. anyway, some baby don't like pacifier. they spit out when u put it in their mouth so have to see how lor.

RE: pacifier
DOn't know if this method will help bb kick off the habit in later months: put something which bb don't like on the pacifier, e.g. a bit sour or bitter taste, bb don't like and will spit it out :p
