(2005/12) Dec 05 mums-to-be


The stenographer did a scan on the head, hands, legs and heart, but I don't remember she did any for liver. You do keep us update on your gender then. My EDD: 26 Dec 05. Quite near to yours.

Hello, ladies!!

Back from yr lunch??
Thinking me going to fall sick soon, got a bit of sore throat, and my nose feels funny, like wanna catch a cold...

I must wait for my company clinic to open at 2pm before I can see the doc. But not too sure if he would be kind enough to give me MC or not...

BTW, did anyone of you watch the TV programme on Ch U? There was this lady who opted for natural delivery w/o any medications etc, and it sure looks scary!! My hubby was in the toilet and when he heard her moans, he thought I was watching a horror show!!!
I see. Thks for the info. Ok, will definately keep you all update on my bb genda.

Liewlian soh,
Aiyo, how come you still go to work today? Why don't you go and see your gynae and get mc? Poor thing, still go work when not feeling well. Must take good care leh.

When is the tv program shown? Didn't catch it leh. Huh, must be very painful huh? Or do you meant he tv serial drama at ch U yesterday night at 10pm?

I was refering to the one before 10pm show, the TV documentary abt the medical team etc one...
The lady's water sag burst, then the doctors made her take some anti-biotics to prevent infections, and initially the couple refused since they want everything to be natural, but they have to give in... Her labor pain came only after more than 24 hrs later and it seems like she was in so much pain, I also machiam can feel her pain and suffering.... Gosh, it was kinda an eye opener for me!!!
Wah.. then I must cut down on my cold drinks too. I so love eating cocktail ice jelly these days.

I'm expecting a boy.
EDD is on 6 Jan, but based on the scan, it seems to be moving earlier.., so I think maybe end Dec? Wah, so fast your gynae knows that bb is overweight. How does he know leh? from the length?

Liew Lian
I only managed to catch the last part of the show. So, what was it all about? So, does the hyponosis really help with the pain?

It's some Channel U documentary abt hospitals, I think ard 9.30pm.
Liewlian soh,
Wah, the way you descibe really like urggg... but last time when our mother gave birth to us also don't have medication one mah. She also never tell me whether when she gave birth to me pain or not leh. Only tell me that 1st delivery quite slow, then the rest of her bb very fast pop out liao.

Oh.. then don't think i got catch the documentary, was watching the ch 8. :p
Dunno lei, But I can see she was still in much pain as well, so only that person who has been thru the hypnosis would be able to tell you the answer!!!
I prefer morning class, then can go shop around earlier. I always feel sleepy in the noon. If I choose 1pm, I might be dragging myself there.

I got the hospital bill liao. How to send a copy to you?
Hospital bill? About what? Detail scanning bill? (sorry huh,i kpo a bit.)

liewlian soh,
Still not going to see your company doctor ah? Take care hor.
Check with all MTBs,

Since now that you all are pregnant, so by when should we start wearing bigger size panties? Cos not sure when i should start wearing bigger size panties, scare buy liao size still increase then jialat.

Where to buy maternity panties that are not so expensive?

My legs not swollen leh. I was told that if hands / legs swollen means the mummy got water retention.

I don't drink the fresh milk straight from the fridge, I wait for about 15mins before I drink it.

I am wearing maternity pants & skirt liao. All my regular bottoms cannot wear oredi. For tops, I switch between normal & maternity. Err...all the maternity wear in S'pore rather expensive leh.

My boss very nice hor? He is ok lah. But my working hours not regular like most ppl. My hp always 24hours on call. Anyway, I usually lunch in so he don't mind lor.

Can send to: [email protected]. Many thanks!

Wah u so fast know your BB's weight. My gynae told me only at 28wks then they start measuring the weight.

I see, so is depend on individual mummies.

I waited for about 5 to 10 mins then drink the cold fresh milk liao, scare stay in room temp too long also no good.

Your boss jin ho leh.

Agreed with you, the maternity wear are so expensive. Those nice nice one even worst.

Thanks for the update.
I've sent the bill. The bill is from 1999, six years ago, hope the charges don't increase too much.

It's my sis MT E hospital bill. We want to have a guideline on the charges.
I see.

6 yrs ago, can only see see nia, cos think now the charges shld be much higher liao.. everything also increase increase. Why our salary bo increase?
Wah.. I was thinking that it was risky to use hypnosis too.. hee hee.. I think I'll stick with epidural lah.

I'm wearing normal cotton panties.. but I bought XL..

Thanks again for updating for us.

Ya.. your boss is very nice and flexible.. some bosses are quite fussy and calculative, even though we all clock in more hours than we're employed.

Congrats.. Justin is a nice name.
DS, Krissie

My boss can be very cheapo at times. Aiya, I think all bossess can be good and bad at certain times. Maybe beco's he became a dad at a late age so he quite understanding to most of us that are preggies

Panties: Krissie why don't you wear hipster ones that ride under the belly, quite shiok

Hi Joyfulhands

Thanks for updating the table. My bb wld prob be named Nicholas.

Look like many of us are due during the christmas season. should be fun for those giving birth in TMC coz you will most likely bump into one another.
Sorry been busy the pass few days,

I went to e eastern specialist center for e detailed scan.. Think overall took around 45 minutes.. didnt really look at the time.. my EDD still 9 dec ...

Can update my baby's name goin to be Kyloe. I'll be goin to KK for delivery.. Thanks
We quite like the meaning of the name so we chose this name for the bb. But it's the same name as my former teacher, so don't know wat my friends reaction will be. hahaha..........
Good Morning all.

By the way, have you start wearing maternity wear? What bottom are you wearing now? Is it still those usual skirt or is draw string pantS?

My hubby said maybe my bb don't open legs is due to my dressing habit, (he said maybe is due to me wearing too tight, therefore no space for my bb legs to stretch out)
Until now i still don't have the courage to wear maternity clothes, i am still wearing some of my ususal skirts, just that i unzip a bit of my zip so that at least the skirt is not so tight.

Ai yo DS.... Me oredi wear my maternity wear when im 3 mths leh due to good eating habit be put on weight loh. Me brought clothing from Spring maternity u can go try.

I have mixture of pants, jeans , skirts and dresses. Oso didn't buy many cos oni wear for 9 mths.

U oredi 5 mths like me think is beta for u to start wearing, u will feel more comfortable when doin thing and walking. Trust me...

The websites u gave is chinese, oh my god, my chinese very kanasai one. Die ah. alot of words don't know how to read. Thatwise can serve that web.
I think I can guess what your friends reaction are.. hee... my colleague's son's name is same as one of the high flyer in the company, so people are speculating if she has an admiration for him & thus name her son after him...
But ultimately, as long as you're comfortable calling him Justin, then go ahead.

Now that I've a girl, one of the options is Kristin. But hubby wants it spelt as Christine. There we go again... we still couldn't see eye to eye!

Just out of curiosity, how do you pronounce Kyloe? It's very special.
bao bao,
hahaa... then choose the simple characters lor. Too difficult oso no gd rite, 'cos will give the child a hard time when he needs to write his name in school in future.
ya, the panties that I'm wearing are the below beely cotton panties. Very comfortable..

hee hee... we're planning to name our son Nicholas too. What's your hb's surname? Mine is Lee, so will be Nicholas Lee.

I can't wear my normal clothes anymore... started wearing my mat pants this week.. and am wearing a maternity dress today.
I think it's better to wear mat clothes, esp bottoms if your bottoms are too tight.. it makes a big diff, esp after breakfast and lunch, when my tummy becomes even bigger.
Good morning everyone

I just did my detailed scan at TMC yesterday PM, waited for nearly 1.5 hours b4 our turn came.. and confirmed we are having a little prince named Ernest (tentatively)..

got to trouble U to update our bb's gender and names again.. thanks a lot my dear.. U r doing a great job
Hadoe, everyone!!!
I am on Mc today, down with a mild cold yesterday, now become worse, doc gave me medicine, but my hb asked me to take more rest and try to heal w/o medication...
Imagine when I told my family doc abt my backaches, he only prescribed me with painkillers! Anyway, it is a good chance to rest at home and now my sore throat is killing me!!! Argh!! Anyone got any good remedy??

Me and Hb are still trying to decide on my gal's name, he came up wif something silly, he suggested to name our bb "FILLY" so I retorted, "So next time yr son will be named as FELIAH lor!!??" Gosh, my man always gives me funny names!!

Some other boy names he suggested in the past...
1. Cockanathan Lim
2. Lin Tu Shui (Tu as in Mud, Shui as in Water"
aka Kerosene Lim and dialect name Lim Toh Zhui

I am sure our bb will hate him forever!! Ha ha!
Thanks for the info. Wah, how come some mummies detailed scan very short time, some very long.. strange.

You went for your detailed scan at TMC, but how come still need to wait? Did you book an ammpt with them before you go?

Don't scare me, my turn will come next monday, mine is also in the afternoon, very scare will need to wait for quite sometime like you.

wah, you already start wearing. i see.
Actually i bought some tops and 2 pcs of drawstring pants liao, then sil also got hand me some of the maternity dress, just that i feel pai sey to wear them lor. Hubby keep nagging me leh.

Ok, i will start wearing them tomorrow. Thanks.
Sandy and rest of the MTBs,
Must we drink lots of water before going into the room for detailed scan?
Drink more water so that the bb legs will open har?

Cos that day went to see gynae, my bb legs still don't want to open. Then Dr ask me go take my dinner and drink lots of water..go back to see him to have a scan again, bb still refuse to open the legs.

Will start my maternity wear tomorrow then.

Finally you can rest at home. Must take care.

dun worry, I will never name any of those names at all, gosh, I dun want my bb to grow up with an inferior complex!!! ha ha!!!
my appt is 2.30pm but i think the waiting time was slightly longer maybe due to the public holiday on Tues.. but the scan took only about 20 mins or so..

i didn't drink much water and the sonographer was very patient.. initially our bb is using his backside (as usual) to face us.. but slowly he makes his turn to show us his face etc..

talk to yr bb b4 u go for yr scan.. tell your little one to co-operate with the sonographer and this works for us.. keke..
Hi ladies,
I have some gal names in mind.


Chinese name will ask someone to check. But I like these names

Tong en
Xin Lei
Jia xin
Xin er
Ya, got these names from some celebrities. Keke...

All the names you choose sounds nice. I like Tong En. Btw, are you getting a chinese geomancer to chooose your bb gal's chinese name?
Oh.. i see.
Ok, mine is 330pm.
This time round i am going to talk to my bb before i go for the appmt. If not i will need to wait another 3 wks, next appmt with gynae is 3 wks later.
