(2005/12) Dec 05 mums-to-be

i c, thks for sharing... my bb sometimes do dat n it upsets me if its only been awhile since his last feed. but most of the time shes ok. after feeding she either falls soundly asleep or nanny will carry n pat her until she sleeps. hv u ever tried asking someone else to carry bb after u feed? cos i realised wenever i carry bb she also wld be sturggling for my nipple, regardless whether ive fed her or not!

its when next feed time nears, she wails n screams n opens her mouth wide like nobody's biz. n she has no patience for me to unbutton my dress, she wld just keep on struggling n screaming at the top of her little lungs until she grabs a nipple in her mouth. sometimes i wonder if shes gona damage her vocal cord!

2005: of course when u supplement, ur supply will drop and u will find it harder to catch up with baby's demand.

Is the baby gaining weight? If yes, then u no need to worry. In addition, some babies are more needy, she may want to suckle for comfort than for food.
I didn't deliberately take medicine to stop bm. It just stopped flowing. Sigh.

Some old folks say that if bb girl looks like a boi, then next bb will be a boi! A bit hard to believe...

Even after I express for 30-45 mins, only miserable 10ml, and breasts not engorged anymore, so I know no bm already.
Sometimes my girl also cries when I carry her, but upon passing her to another person, she stopped crying. Makes me feel so rejected. I suspect I don't know how to carry her in a way that makes her feel comfortable. So I'm still learning...
<table><tr><td> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mum/Mtb</TD><TD> EDD</TD><TD> Popped on</TD><TD> Hospital</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>bb gender/name</TD><TD> weight &amp; length </TD></TR><TR><TD>summer</TD><TD> 17 Dec</TD><TD> 10 Nov</TD><TD> MA</TD><TD> <font color="0000ff">Javier</font></TD><TD> 2.220kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>BudgetMum</TD><TD> 04 Dec</TD><TD> 17 Nov</TD><TD> KKH</TD><TD> <font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD>2.8kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mujmuj</TD><TD> 06 Dec</TD><TD> 18 Nov</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> <font color="ff0000">girl</font></TD><TD>2.72kg 48cm </TD></TR><TR><TD>IF</TD><TD> 17 Dec</TD><TD> 19 Nov</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> <font color="ff0000">Dawn</font></TD><TD>2.385kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>weoseek</TD><TD> 24 Dec</TD><TD> 19 Nov</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> <font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD> 2.665kg 47cm </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sabre</TD><TD> 09 Dec</TD><TD> 24 Nov</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> <font color="0000ff">Jun4 En1 Ryo</font></TD><TD> 2.66kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>meixue</TD><TD> 30 Nov</TD><TD> 25 Nov</TD><TD>MA</TD><TD> <font color="ff0000">girl</font></TD><TD> 3.33kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>moonbell</TD><TD> 11 Dec</TD><TD> 28 Nov</TD><TD> MA</TD><TD> <font color="0000ff">Tristan</font></TD><TD> 2.5kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>48cm </TD></TR><TR><TD>LiewLianSoh</TD><TD> 10 Dec</TD><TD>29 Nov</TD><TD>Eastshore</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Fybie</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>3.46kg 53cm </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joanna Lee</TD><TD> 11 Dec</TD><TD> 01 Dec</TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD> <font color="ff0000">Elyse</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>3.795kg 52cm </TD></TR><TR><TD>straycats</TD><TD> 12 Dec</TD><TD> 02 Dec</TD><TD>Mt E</TD><TD> <font color="ff0000">Megan / JiaYi</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>3.2kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>sunnyling</TD><TD> 13 Dec</TD><TD> 02 Dec</TD><TD>MA</TD><TD> <font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD> 2.375kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>JeslynLuvRenee</TD><TD> 07 Dec</TD><TD> 05 Dec</TD><TD>MA</TD><TD> <font color="ff0000">Regine</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>3.28kg 47cm </TD></TR><TR><TD>Berlin</TD><TD> 14 Dec</TD><TD> 05 Dec</TD><TD>MA</TD><TD> <font color="ff0000">Gezann</font></TD><TD> 3.01kg 46cm </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joyful</TD><TD> 09 Dec</TD><TD> 06 Dec</TD><TD>RH</TD><TD> <font color="ff0000">Cathleen</font></TD><TD> 3.12kg 50cm </TD></TR><TR><TD>absolut</TD><TD> 24 Dec</TD><TD> 12 Dec</TD><TD>Eastshore</TD><TD> <font color="0000ff">Nicholas Ewan </TD></TR><TR><TD>Keng</font></TD><TD> 3.3kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>cheerful_mum</TD><TD> 26 Dec</TD><TD> 13 Dec</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> <font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD> 2.975kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>sandy</TD><TD> 24 Dec</TD><TD> 14 Dec</TD><TD>MA</TD><TD> <font color="0000ff">Ernest</font></TD><TD> 3.22kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>DS</TD><TD> 20 Dec</TD><TD> 15 Dec </TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> <font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD> 3.465kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>sansforum</TD><TD> 26 Dec</TD><TD> 16 Dec</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> <font color="ff0000">Crisanta </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tan</font></TD><TD> 3.025kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>2005(first_mum)</TD><TD> 23 Dec</TD><TD> 19 Dec</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> <font color="ff0000">girl</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>3.03kg` </TD></TR><TR><TD>bao bao</TD><TD> 31 Dec</TD><TD> 20 Dec</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> Jayden</TD><TD> 3.4kg</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>twinkletotts</TD><TD> 04 Dec</TD><TD> </TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> boy</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yvonne</TD><TD> 14 Dec</TD><TD> </TD><TD>MA</TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Merilyn</TD><TD> 19 Dec</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wendy Lim</TD><TD> 22 Dec</TD><TD> </TD><TD> girl</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>fairymoss</TD><TD> 24 Dec</TD><TD> </TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> boy</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>faith ho</TD><TD> 25 Dec</TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>YL</TD><TD> 25 Dec</TD><TD> </TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> Justin</TD><TD> 3kg@ 35weeks </TD></TR><TR><TD>Agnes</TD><TD> 25 Dec</TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>poohnie</TD><TD> 29 Dec</TD><TD> </TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>violetgem</TD><TD> 29 Dec</TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD><TD> boy</TD><TD> 2.5kg @35 weeks </TD></TR><TR><TD>muah</TD><TD> 03 Jan</TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>krissie</TD><TD> 06 Jan</TD><TD> </TD><TD>MA</TD><TD> Nicholas Lee</TD><TD> 2.75kg @36 weeks </TD></TR><TR><TD>taka</TD><TD> 08 Jan</TD><TD> </TD><TD>Mt E</TD><TD> Megan Lee</TD><TD> 1.7kg @33weeks </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jan</TD><TD> Feb 06</TD><TD> </TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> boy</TD><TD> 800g @27wks </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Like sunnyling, I record every feed that I fed Megan since she came home. 30ml of FM is fine for 1 week, then you can gradually increase to 50ml and etc. On the FM tin, they have a recommended dose for the x no, of weeks. But during the 1st 2 weeks I diluated the FM cos' I was trying to bf and feed her with my ebm as well. Now at close to 1mth, Megan can drink 100ml of FM (max) and 70ml (min).

If possible, don't give up on bfing. During the 1st week, my supply was only 20-30ml, now average I can pump 125ml (max) and 80 (min). Try to pump 2hrly, then if ms established, you can pump at 3 or 4hrly x 4 sesions. It up to you to control the schedule. I pump 30mins x 3sessions at 4hrs interval now. I oso pump until my nipple bled once and was on the verge of giving up, but I just tahan and keep pumping even though its only a miserable amt to start with.

I only latch her twice during nite feed and if she has enuff, she will sleep for 3hours until her next feed. Otherwise she will wake up in 1.5hrs.
i duno if bb is gaining wt so far as she has only been to the PD once n dat was 5 days after birth, she did put on a little bit of weight. but now 10 days after birth, i hv no idea if she is putting on weight. the next chk up is 3 wks lata...

i totally understand. my ger oso lidat. nanny hold n pat her she wld be quiet n fall slp. i carry her she struggles and screams, i cnt even hold her for more than 3mins without resorting to giving her the breast.. but like u, i try to tell myself nanny has been looking after bbs for more than 10 yrs liao whereas im new mum, have alot to learn.

so envious u can pump so much...im still hanging on but so far im v dejected and disappointed wiv my supply when i try to express. hubby just bought new pump for me so hopefully it'll work.

r u still letting megan latch on or feeding EBM fully? i still let my ger latch, dats y headache duno how many hours after feed i shd express. scared i empty my breast, wait bb nothing to drink! n expressed amt is pathetic.

will try new pump n let u noe if things get better. if not i dnt tink i can tahan the psychological effects liao
CTG only once, which was when i was admitted for delivery. other than that the gynae never offered CTG.

much better experience with Avent ISIS as compared to medela electric (maybe something wrong with my hand-me-down!). managed to get 30ml after half hour, which i hope will improve over time...

wad pump r u using? mayb u can try avent ISIS. so far the feedback has been v positive dats why i try....

Could yr bb be getting insufficient bm ? Mrs Wong solved my problem of clearing the blocked ducts. It was expensive ($45) and painful. But she solved my problem and it sure felt good after that.
Hi First mum, don't worry too much about your BFing...I think you are doing fine...babies cry for different reason or no reason at all..yup..they tend to suck for comfort too...I think by now you could feel the "let down" reflect which show that your milk are coming in. As for expressing..try not to be overly concern abt it..your baby could suck more milk than a pump can. Express only to relieve engorgement..direct latch is still the best solution. However, if you have block duct, try to express with hot towel and put pressure&amp;massage your breast. Try to get your husband to massage :) as they have more power than our hands! :)

no engorgement mean that your breastmilk supplies have established already...after a while, our breast won't engorge already as our supplies would react to baby's demand. As long as you could feel the "let down" reflect, that means that your milk supplies still come in.

Hang in there mommies...breastfeeding is not without challenge...but what's more important is your confidence that your baby is getting enough, you could follow the "theory" of how many wet diapers and stuff as your guidelines..and weight gain is also v. important. Crying is not always the sign..yes..they probably be hungry..but sometimes they want to suckle for comfort only. And crying could also due to colic..or just simply that some babies do cry more than others.

My first baby was like that too...always cry on top of his lungs...and gave us a hard time..but I preseved through with the BF and after a while, you would know what he/she wants.
Now my second baby is totally the opposite...she is very quite and sleepy baby...every baby is different...but be patient with them and just do your best. After you get through the 2nd month, things are going to be easier and our baby is getting livelier and cuter too..

So,..hang in there ok!
I pump mostly. And latch her at 11pm &amp; 1pm, depends on what time she wakes up. But at 7.3opm on the dot, she will suckle for comfort and go to sleep. I am envious of moms who can bf exclusively cos' I find that bm is so much better than fm. Lesser reflux, they poo better etc. But I have an inverted nipple so Megan can only latch on my right which I think its better than nothing. That's why I pump more. Your breast will never be empty, so long as your are latching her &amp; pumping, it will continue to produce milk, unless you stop.
You will do fine, just don't stress yourself out so much. I am glad to hear that the ISIS works for you
i had 2 sessions of post-natal n the masseur helped me clear my ducts n engorgement, it was dam painful i wanted to scream out loud! but glad now breasts less painful liao... im considering seeing mrs wong but now confinement so inconvenient. will see how as things progresses...

thks for encouragment..

aft i fed my ger at 4.30am dis morning she refused to sleep, nanny had to rock her until 7.30am when i fed her again. after much struggling, screaming, crying and kicking shes finally asleep now..

i surely hope bb is getting more than im able to express! cos last nite only expressed 30ml, cnt imagine bb ger only getting this amt every 3 hrs! felt so bad dat i had to give her 40ml of FM last nite. duno if im doing the rite thing anot...

i still cnt pacify my bb. she cries so violently everytime i try to carry n soothe her, she only stops when i give her my breast. once feeding over she dowan me again! only my nanny/ mum/ MIL can soothe her, so upsetting...

i also envy mums whose BF is a breeze. ive been stuffing myself wiv food (last time 3 meals now try to have 2 snacks in between) cos scared dnt eat enuff wait no milk. oso been drinking alot of milo n red date tea cos heard it encourages lactation.hopefully at the end of the day my efforts pay off.
2005: if u have a weighing machine at home, u can carry the baby and weigh urself together with the baby and then later weigh urself only. The difference will be ur babyy's weight. Did not know that ur Medela MiniE is a hand me down, heard that the motor is not that good after long usage. Think that might be the reason for the poor suction.

Glad that u manage to get the new pump. Keep up the breastfeeding!
hee.. i tot of dat but mine is not digital type was tinking bb so small, surely will miss out on the grammes so nvr tried. mayb tonite ask my hubby to scrutinise the markings on the scale!

i got my pump fr SIL but she only used it for a mth ley. ddnt expect the motor to slack so soon. but anw its history now ive packed n kept it liao

do u ladies wash ur privates wiv boiled water or just normal tap water? cos i dnt dare to squat too long so everytime i pee, i juts use the bidet running tap water to wash. now i get worried cos pple say cannot touch/ wash wiv tap water!

anyone does light hsewrk like sweeping, cleaning tables n hanging clothes? cos i cnt stand my CL's standard of cleanliness n hv started to take over some chores!
2005: then the motor shouldn't deterioate so fast unless ur SIL use it for 8 times a day?

private parts: I do wash oso but use warm water lor...

light housework: close one eye for one month first lar, dun stress over the housework. If need be, rope in ur dh to do...rest more else u will be feeling very tired.
Wah, didn't know got this thread. Coz I bookmarked the old thread. Am so happy we hv a thread up now.. was so disappointed when I tried to log on, but cannot.

Thanks for sharing your birth story. Wah, you're v wei da leh. no epi. can imagine how painful it is just by reading your post.

Thanks.. yeh, so happy to hear that we dun hv to remove the threads.

I'm going for my gyane check later.So worried that will hv to do a cervix check coz I heard that it's v painful. Wish me luck.

I also experienced yellowish discharge for the past 2 days. But, it's only v little lah.. hee hee.. wonder if my turn is coming. Also, had qt bad BH yest.
How old is your newborn? 197 is quite high. I think safe level for 2-3 weeks baby is <100. Above 260 need to admit hospital liao. The other day I went back to follow up, got another baby who was 1 week old reading is ~200, need to go back the next day to prick again. But most probably it should be caused by breast feeding jaundice, so if you see baby poo is yellow and eat well, active, should be ok.

For my baby reading at 98 at 5 wk..still need to go back for follow up 2 weeks later.

DS/Bao bao,
The c-section wound is approx 15cm..When take off the plaster, my gynae ask hubby to come and take a look. He was so surprise its soooo long. But dun worry, there won't be any scar..just 1 line like a wrinkle.


Can i know what is your baby weight at 1 mth? I think my bb also growing slow..can't believe at 5 weeks he actually looks smaller than a newborn at 1 week when we go polyclinic to take jab last week. He is growing at about 200g per week only.

To avoid vomiting, carry baby for a short while after feeding. Avoid baby keep stretch themselves.
yes, go see LC. It helps. Dun let CF stress u out, ok. When you're stressed, MS decreases. Re bb crying. Is it wind? can try rubbing Ru Yi oil on her tummy or swaddling her up? Unless PD says your bb is not growing well, think no need to worry that bb is not getting enough. BM is more digestible, so bb will get hungry more easily (faster) as compared to FM. Try eating fish daily. It helped my gf with her MS during the initial weeks. Ya, agree with MH, now most impt is for you to rest. dun bother abt housework, lah..

Wah.. $$ also cant buy BM lah, with all the nutrients and antibodies.
BM is more precious than $$. How long do we have to wait to get an appt with Mrs Wong? Like if we call her today to make appt, can we see her today or must wait for few more days?

Thanks for the update.

I did 2 CTG so far, 1 in 37th &amp; 1 in 38th week. Today going for visit later, but I think no CTG, accdg to the nurse.
Megan Lee is 3.2kg and 50cm.
She has a long delivery, will tell her birth story when she is ready.

1 reason is I can't latch Gezann directly without nipple shield, and she gets frustrated when she can't latch on. And if I BF her, it takes more than 1 hr, too stressed for me to be sitting up.
You wanna try sleep position?? I always do that. Place baby lying beside you then turn baby head towards your nipple. I realised baby is most comfortable in this position, not too warm being carried etc..and I always do that in the middle of night,felt like fainting if I sit up to latch baby heheh..

Congrats Taka!

So funny, I was just wondering if she has given birth..
Wonder when's my turn. hee hee...
2005, huh? u reli feel the electric power passed thru u? are u sure anot? if yes, i tink the pump is faulty leh....u shld go back to complaint
moonbell, u said they increased price already?
how come?
i intend to order simple catering service from them, dono good idea anot

Forgot to add my bb name is Ziv.


My bb only grow 130g per week. PD say normally bb should grow 200g per week so your bb is gaining good weight.


Dun worry too much abt BF the milk flow will come. I only manage to pump 20ml at 1st but BF is really tired and if you shd stand you shd continue. 1 of the reason i giving up is BF baby poo alot and is really difficult to change diaper or clothing for him cos he struggle so much or cry very violently whenever changing diaper or change cloth. And this make him vomit like a Merlion. Yty he also keep struggle and friggy duno y and sleep only half an hour or the most 1 hour and nv sleep soundly for whole day.
joyful, i don blve the olds' saying....
before i know im pregnant, my 1st child look likes a boy, but in the end, my 2nd child also girl...
2005, washing of the part - in the hosp, i also used cool tap water, but when im @ home, i used water heater water...

ya i also heard many say canot touch too much of water...but water to do? must be hygenic leh
Babies cry for a reason, sometimes, they don't like to feel poo &amp; pee, sometimes, they are tired yet cannot go to sleep, sometimes, they just want to cuddle..slowly, you will be able to read your baby's cries. Everyday is a new thing for me as well and I am still learning and trying to understand Megan better as each day goes by.

RE: Touching of Water
I think I touch until cannot tocuh anymore. Maybe next time when I am old my fingers and joints will hurt, but so be it lah.

Yippeeee!!! Today is my last day of confinement! Tmr I go shopping liao.

Congrats! Rest welll, we will wait for your birth story
wah, so fast your confinement is over.. really envy you. At the rate my bb loves to stay in my tummy, I'll hv to spend CNY having confinement.
Good afternoon Mommies..

Firstly, a BIG Congrats to Taka. Welcome to the Mommy's Club...

And a BIG thank you to all of you for your well wishes and comments for us..

Finally i can have some time to sneak in to the forum to find out how are everybody doing.. I did not manage to read the previous postings but will definitely catch up reading when i m more free..

my birth story was a brief one.. was supposed to do c-section with epi on 14.12.2005 but after trying for nearly 1/2 hour, the anasthetician only manage to administer a very small dosage of epi and i think he got no confident in locating my spinal bone so my gynae suggested c-section with GA.. but i did experienced the feeling of epi.. 3 different feelings.. 1st one is very 'sng sng' feeling, 2nd one is like electric current sending up from my right leg to my body and follow by burning hot sensation.. i guess i will nv forget this short epi experience i had..

it was just a relief when my gynae says GA cos i was immediately knock off after counting down to 3.. and i gave birth to bb Ernest at 1340 hrs..

now my wound is healing and dont have much problem in getting up and down to my bed.. i m counting down to my days of confinement.. and hurray, we are sending off our CL after tolerating her nonsense for 2 weeks.. she is really a pain in our neck.. instead of helping, she is creating unnecessary problems for us..

I read above that all of u are discussing about BF problem.. I do encountered BF problems too.. I only started to BF my son on the 2nd day in hospital and after each feed the nurse will substitue with 30ml of Enfalac FM..

When we came back home, my CL started to give him 60ml of FM while me still trying to catch up my pathetic milk supply of 10ml or so (thru express).. few days later, i started to latch him on and he can suckle for almost an hour on both breasts.. but still not enuff, got to subsitute with FM..

and last week, my bb started to suckle at least an hour on each breast, making each BF session of almost 2 hours.. quite tiring though but I will continue to BF him as long as I can.. yday my CL asked me to express my milk to see how much is my milk supply.. and i was so sad when it is only about 30ml.. dunno wat i can do to increase my milk supply.. been faithfully drinking all those soups, red dates tea, horlicks, EnfaMama / Dumex liao.. hopefully more milk supply will flow in soon...

joyful, i share the same problem with U.. my son will keep crying when I carry him but if U pass him to my CL or maid, he will stop crying.. so both of us shall 'jia you' together to be a good Mommy to our children..
sandy: I expressed that amount when too...dun worry about the amount of expressed milk. Nothing is as good as latching on directly. The best pump is till the baby. Jia you!
straycats, u so happy...
hehe...before my confinement end, i already went out a few times...
also very happy leh..

eh today my massage last session already, i still don see my tummy flat...
so sad leh...

i also dono why...
congrats! finally uve popped, u must be delighted no more guessing games

yes im trying to alter my diet here n dere hopefully can increase MS but duno whether help anot la. hvnt tried expressing today yet waiting for hubby to come home n accompany me... v boring sit alone n express haha.

hey now dat taka has popped, r u the only left besides jan?? v kancheong hor.

i also let bb latch lying down esp feeds after 12 am. most of the time, i fall asleep n lose track of time haha. u can try this pattern loh cos i find it v tiring to sit up n feed in the end i slump my shoulders, crouch my tummy, backache n shoulder ache man!

i see dat u r coping v well wiv megan, hopefully i can become as confident as u when 1 mth is up! so envious tmr u can go out n c the world liao. i miss my kfc n scoopz ice-cream (hv u tried the one beside MPH, its wonderful!!)

straycats/ jeslyn,
haha...ya lor everytime i wash my hands n feet, my CL wld reprimand me but hygiene mah. yday so stressed was trying to wash some milk bottles n pump but yet CL kept on nagging.. i tink i fear germs n contamination more than aching joints haha. either way oso die.

sunnyling/ MH,
thks for ur kind words. am trying v v hard to continue BF, hopefully can see light at the end of the tunnel. everyday i tell my bb everything i do is for her, hope she can b guai-guai. now i understand the trials n tribulations of being a parent!

can we take ginger n DOM?
maybe u can try talking to your bb when u r feeding him?? cause my bb is about 5 weeks already and he does listens to me now when i talk to him and looks at me.. my bb also everytime scream for milk and his cries are so loud! but gotten used to it already.. most importantly is u don b stress k?? Usually i will check him when he cries, whether,
its feeding time,
poo poo or pee pee,
stomach ache(apply ru yi oil),
if its not the above den maybe ur bb jus need some comforting.. can try switching on some soothing music for them. Or can hum urself.. usually they will prefer to hear mummy sing to them more..

today brought bb for his jab. OMG, he cry so ke lian.. breaks my heart.. Now i can handle bringing him out myself already.. but cant b too long cause i carry him den hand very tired.. haha.. now his weight is 3.77kg already.. guess i'm gonna have muscles soon... now takin care of him myself.. don even have time to rest my hand.. aching so much.. think don have to worry about slimming lah.. cause i taking care of him myself now.. sometimes one day only eat one meal.. really is diet sia..
2005: Don't be too overly worried about pumping milk. As long as you're latching her on most of the time, the supply will be there. I latch my girl on most of the time, and when i try to pump after that, the amount is miserable 10-20ml. But I know my girl is getting enough milk, cuz she has enough wet diapers and she's gaining weight well. She's 4.4kg at 1 month. So don't worry.

Housework: I was doing light housework during confinement already. In fact, i didnt really follow confinement rules (i showered, went out shopping once a week :p)

I get very irritated when i hear my girl's piercing and loud cries. Sometimes she can cry and cry even when carried and make noise for hours. Feel very tired.

Is the Avent Isis Manual pump really good? I also wanna buy. I'm using Medela Mini Electric, but find it so noisy!
Thanks for your encouragement my dear ... i will continue to do my best for BF.. you're the 2nd person that said our bb is the best breast pump

my CL still cook dishes with ginger slices and she will add small quantity of DOM to my hot soup..
Don't be sad lah. It takes time for the tummy to go down, since this is your 2nd child. Moreover, diff ppl diff rate of metabolism, diff composite. But if you believe in exercise, doing crunches &amp; some cardio exercise does help. Cos' you need to burn fats to gain muscles.

The inital stage when taking care of Megan was so stressful, I kept wishing I had my old life back. But when I looked at her, I tell myself she is my baby so no matter how stressed I am I still must learn to be a good mother to her. I agree with Sabre, try humming to your ger, or talk to her. They do respond to our voices and they can feel our positive / negative vibes. Enjoy your time with your ger and don't get stressed out by the things around you. Babies grow up very fast

I agree, looking after bb on our own is the best slimming method. Sometimes, I forgot to eat as well or hardly can enjoy any proper meals. But when I see my ger growing each day, it makes all the sacrifices worth while
2005, y u alone express u feel bored?
can express while watching tv...
i normally express when im feeding my baby...when i feed her left side i will express right side, cos normally when i feed her one side, the other side will start to leak...mite as well i express out....don need to waste the milk...
how did u manage to feed on left and express on right? are u using manual or electric breast pump?

i agree with jeslyn that u dont have to feel bored.. try switching on tv or listen to some music while expressing, it does help to drift yr attention away..
Hi first_mum,

I took about 1/2 hour to express everytime. Sometimes, I put my girl in the rocking chair and talk to her while I express. Both my hands are full - one to hold the pump, the other arm to support the bottle on the other side. This way, no wastage.
i rembr mrs wong mentioned when BF dnt take ginger, bb will reject milk... my SIL said dat too... but cnt rembr why...

thks for your comforting words... i tried toking to my ger. only when shes suckling she'll listen to me(cos she cnt cry mah) if not then her screams wld drown out my voice. but im still trying. just now managed to pat her to sleep in my arms
, she looks so sweet i wana cry!.. next time will try out ur tips. but sometimes get v stressful when she scream n scream, make me kancheong everything oso karang kabo!

wow ur bb is growing well! i look forward to the day she weigh 4kg den will be more sturdy n fun to play with, not like now she looks so frail n small, like so malnourished(shes abt 3kg @2 wks)!..

for the timebeing, the CL changes her so i only get feedback fr her whether bb is peeing/ pooing enuff. will start my own monitoring next wk onwards...

my ger also dam fierce, my CL calls her "chia char bor"!!! her screams r deafening, sharp n super loud. i get v flustered n lost whenver she cries. my only solution is to offer my breast, it works all the time but i know its no gd...

the avent pump works beta than medela electric for me. i managed to get more in the same time n i can see much better flow. i find medela v noisy as well. pumping manually for 20mins not v tiring as many ple tot...

i totally agree dat 1 look at our princesses we tell ourselves all the hard work is worth it
tmr will ask hubby go buy some bb CDs learn some songs to sing to bb. weneva i feel like singing to her, im at a loss what song to sing! must learn new songs!

jeslyn/ sandy,
nowadays i latch bb also try to divert attention by reading or music,if not will always stare at the clock, willing the min to go by faster!
sandy, i feed my baby on my left, i carry her, let her rest on my lap then my rite, i express the milk. im using battery operated pump.(tollyjoy)

I used tap water to wash my private area. Hygiene is very important esp after childbirth since there are stitches, otherwise there will be infection.
ya hor.. didnt realise that I'm the only one left to pop. ha ha... BTW, can try massaging your breasts before pumping / latching. This was taught during the antenatal class to increase milkflow. You can consider getting a bf pillow if it's too tiring for you. My gf says it helps. The antenatal instructor says can take ginger, wine and sesamee oil, but all in moderation.
wah u dam sart can BF bb n pump at the same time.. u no need use ur hands to support bb meh? u must b v experienced liao,can balance bb on the lap..

actually i intended to BF exclusively for min 3 mths but now i find my determination wavering liao. in fact i just fed my bb FM 2 nites ago. bobian she kept crying n i felt i was dry liao.. if i can BF exclusively for 1 mth i tink v gd liao, aft dat mayb partial loh...

thk god im not the only 1! hee... lata gg for chkup to remove stitches, hopefully everything recovered n no need go back anymore. thomson really out of the way for me...

duno if i shd get the BF pillow, tink it'll help but dnt tink it'll provide much mileage for me as i dnt intend to BF beyond 3 mths...

im v lazy. always wana put hot compress/ massage b4 latch/ pump, in the end everything also nvr do just latch, den wonder bb got enuff supply anot huh??
My bb's PD is at Tampines blk 828 called Baby and Child. Charges are rather reasonable from $28 onwards for consultation. There are 2 docs there. Dr Ho who's my child's PD is rather fierce and strict while the other doc Dr Loke is more gentle. Started off with Dr Ho then went to Dr Loke for my daughter. But find that Dr Ho has improved ... not so fierce and more friendly now ... so may stick to her for awhile since my gynae seems to think she's the best.

My bb was abt a week old when his level was 197. Called PD to check if I had to go back for followup but nurses said no need to. Just go back for 1 month hep b booster. Still sun-tanning him whenever there's morning sun but his skin is still a bit yellow. The whites of the eyes also still a bit yellow. Wonder if it's breastmilk jaundice coz his output is fine and he's becoming more active. Nicholas is 18 days old today.

Depending on how packed Mrs Wong's appt is. But if it's urgent, can let her know and see if she can fit you in the schedule. The last time, I had major engorgement /infection (had pus in ducts and having high fever) when I was in HK and called her from HK to make appt to see her the next day. When she heard of my condition, asked me to come down and see her immediately but was stuck in Hong Kong so can't.

Do make appt to see Mrs Wong if you're really feeling stressed. Regret not consulting her when I was feeling so down and lost in my first month with no one to turn to. Think I would have felt better if I did consult her. If not, we are always here to listen.

I use cold tap water to wash the wound area. Did it for my first delivery also.

Ginger can take in moderation. Dom ... they said better to cook with food with lid open. But if wanna drink, can drink 1 small glass straight after bf so there will at least be a 2-3 hour interval til next feed.

If you wanna get bfing pillow, can try other brands. I bought lollipop brand but find it too high leh. maybe too used to bf without the pillow. find it more suitable to use my own pillows.

My first child also used to bf very long. 45 mins each side ... total 1.5 hr and after 30 mins - 1 hour, will cry for milk again. How come must use nipple shield? Nipple is a little short is it? Coz my colleague also had to use nipple shield. But heard from someone that should slowly try and wean off nipple shield if possible... otherwise bb will get too used to it and refuse to suckle without the shield.

How abt trying to feed bb with lying down position so you dun have to sit up for so long?

Me same like you. Still under confinement but already went out a few times and even baptised my bb boy already. haha!

2005, nola...i one hand carry baby one hand express milk lo...
i hope i can bf her till 1yr but have to see how once i get back to work...
