(2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

MOrning ladies...

wahahah.. all of u super early still online ah.. steady menz.. i'm areadi in dreamland by den liao.. heh..

Wah.. tok abt travelling.. ya.. also yet to bring orlando abroad.. so far only a day trip to JB for our grocery shopping.. heh.. But on Sept i'll b bringing Orlando to Kukup wif my family.. Only a weekend trip..

Shuyan, i'm not putting up much hope.. but watever it is.. Orlando will aws b mummy's handsome n adorable boy.. hahaha..
very er xin right.. paiseh ah.. hee..
Good morning ladies...

I'm staying in Serangoon. For travelling, you might want to consider going to places nearby first to test test water. Don't think I'll plan for any travelling for the moment, as my gal recog home esp in the evening. But I'm planning to go to UK or US next yr before my boy go to Pri 1.

Policy for BB:
So many of you bought ins policy for bb already. I must quickly get one for her before her 1st birthday.

Aiyo! Hiroshi & Malc is so cute. BTW, how big is Doggie? The size of a Min Pin?
Good morning!

Amber, I am in Bishan too! Which part are you at? Want to start a playgroup with our babies?

Travelling: brought baby to HK in June. It was fine and we had a good time. I nursed him upon take-off and he had no problems flying. Now thinking of taking a short getaway to Bintan. Any recommendations on where to stay?

Baby2005, it was soooooooooo crowded at Compasspt. I only met Hiroshi-ma by accident when she was in the Q. We didn't get to talk much. It was so noisy!

Congrats Hippobab and Clarisse!
Cubbie travelled to and from Shanghai-Singapore twice already, once at 5 wks old another at 6.5 months old. I must say it will probably get harder to travel as they become more mobile.

We were given the seat just behind b-class and hence there was more leg room. I placed a blankie down and let her roam and play around. Like what hiroshi-ma suggested, I also bought new toys and showed them to her during the flight to keep her entertained. Of course, these are times w/o turbulance/seat belt signs turned on.

I will recommend that you actually pay for a child seat for kiddo as its such a long flight. Seriously, no kidding. It was tiring, but maybe that's cos cubbie is a very active kid. She doesn't like to watch TV or DVDs, so that's not an option for me.

I latched her on for take off and landing, hence no problems there. Just got to make sure that the swollow during those times.

We are planning a trip to Korea or JP in December and probably another trip to SG interim. I told my husband to fly with cubbie on one flight, and I'll take the next..and THAT will be my holiday. LOL.

Just have to plan well, and try to fly at nights. Oh, and dun give a heck as to what dirty looks other passengers may give. LOL.

Youpi, Bintan Banyan is lovely, but no kids allowed I think. Hear that Niwarna is nice too...
Ahem ahem.. Baby Bonanza Announcement..

I called the organisers up and asked about the Pretty Baby contest and the lady said they have already shortlisted 40 babes. Letters will be mailed out and should receive them by fri if the babes are selected for the prelims this sat...think the response was overwhelming so all the best mums and babes!
hello, been so busy recently. sian man
aquaducks mummy, confirm 20 august liao hor! no more changes. shall we go for dinner after the swim??

april for insurance, we havent got any for josh yet. so far only bought additional coverage for daddy. cos more important is that anything happen to us, our babies are provided for. guess we look at it in a diff perspective..
Think shd be ok for dinner after the swim. Where to meet har?? I dunno the way there leh (erm.. I dun mean the way to Suntec hor!!!)
Hmm... think Malc no chance to be one of the 40 lor. If got KPKB baby catergory, he sure get shortlisted. Bwahahaha!!!

Btw, any of your babe not eating well?? Malc has not been eating much since Sat. He simply refused to eat!! When come to drinking milk, sometimes gotta bluff him a bit. Very sian...
Hey Ju.. my girl also suffering from selective food syndrome -) refuses to finish her milk most of the time and only take the most half of her cereal when I give it to her. So now just let her chew on her biscuits in between.
BTW, whats KpKB? Still have chance.. see if receive any letter by fri -)
ju, i sent an email which aquaducks got tell us the directions. dunno if u all wan to meet a bit earlier?? or meet there directly?
after the swim lets proceed somewhere for an early dinner. maybe NYDC or something?
majority decides lor...

josh is ok with porridge and cereal. but since yesterday, din finish milk again. was alraedy drinking 200 - 220ml at each feed, now drop to 160ml again...sigh
KPKB means cry father cry mother in Hokkien. LOL!! Malc always make noise lor. Headache hor, when see them not eating much. Like tt how to grow??!!

Received the letter. Thanks. I think meet there directly better, then we wait for the 5.30pm session to finish then go makan togther lor. What say u??

Me very the stressed with Malc's eating habit now. Very mooooody!!!
I can fully understand how you feel. Jaime was like that for a long period of time, damn frustrated until I lost my temper on her. Jaime also KPKB like Malc. Now worst, know how to complain somemore.
wow furry..that's nice...a holiday...

my holiday is burnt and no holiday till next yr i think ..

dinner : i check with hubby 1st..

eating habit...i got a tam jiak bb justin.. he basically eat everything in sight as long as he c someone eats ..he wants..

the KS mil wan me to feed him royce chocolate with champange flavor...den i have a drunk kiddo mahaha
Thanks, mummies for the travelling tips. Hmm..looks like I've gotta get ready a bag of toys & surprises for my boy...

Youpi, m staying in Bishan nth, v.near bishan park. Playgroup sounds interesting, but depends on timing cos I'm wkg.

My boy also doesn't eat much now. Actually his appetite starting dropping since a few mths ago when he started to be more mobile. Was quite sad at the beginning cos his weight gain also dropped and not so chubby anymore. But then I told myself most important thing is that he is healthy.

momoko, my boy drinks maximum only about 160-180ml each feed, seldom more than 200ml.

by the way, i brought my boy to gymboree @ tanglin mall today cos he's 9 mths old exactly today. I find it quite a fun place for kids
hiroshima,I recieved the letter for chubby baby,but the pretty baby I din recieve,so maybe no chance for tat liao.
celtricia,u r rite,no matter how,they r always the prettiest in our heart.
april,I only recieved the letter for chubby baby,but the pretty baby i din recieve,so still gotta wait till friday ah?
Any mommies going to centerpoint this sat?
Happpy National Day!

Amber, I am v near bishan park too, right in front of, in fact. Afternoons are best for me (I am a SAHM), but since you are working, that might be difficult. Let me know if you are keen lor. Maybe we can do a weekend thing once a fortnight or something like that.

Baby eating: babies will drink less milk if they are given a lot of solids. But milk is still the most important food source for them until they are one (though the amount they take will decrease as they grow older), so that cannot be replaced by solids. I tried out for a few days -- giving more solids or less on different days -- to see how much he actually needs and how it affects him. So now we have quite a nice balance of both...
So nice that you all on holiday! No wonder no one here to play with me! LOL.

Cubbie turned off food about 1 month ago...after her illness, which completely threw me off and she started losing weight. After MUCH trial and error, we finally found out that she's on an independent streak....wants to self feed herself and not eat off baby plastic ware. She wants adult stuff.

So finally, we have come up with foods and dishes that she loves and is eating...her feeds can take a long time and also be somewhat messy, but at least she's eating and putting on weight again. Like what Youpi says, its about trying to get a balance in terms of their development and their needs.
Youpi, i'm staying right in front of bishan park too, tt means it's really nearby :D.

My timing is flexible when wk is not so busy so certain afternoons may be fine. But have been a little busy recently so prob. sat noons may be more possible. Fri noons may be ok too.

I bring my boy down to the playground at the park sometimes. Hee...maybe we can start there
. Is urs a boy or a girl?

Any other mummies staying near bishan park?
jayden is super activeow he dun like to sit at all .. he wan to sit & stand, stand & sit, stand & sit wif min support ... hahah cant tahan him at all very tiring ... he like ppl to carry him he will ring his both hand outforward for u to carry him ...

he is nw 10kg
im carrying a 10kg rice ard the house ... OMG
Hi April,
I read about the baby bonanza update. Tried to email you but u dont accpet PM. My boy participated in the supercrawler . I am anxious to know if he is in the prelims. What no did you call?
Hmmm we must be neighbours... I wonder if we've seen each other around before?
Mine is a boy too. Yes, let's start at the park then. We can meet at the playground. Actually we were just there yesterday afternoon, taking a walk. Have you checked out the new spa and cafe? It looks really nice, but a bit pricey.
Hi Ribenagr8s, try calling mediacorp TV corp comms - 6253 8119. Cannot recall the exact number as I called a few lines but got redirected but that is the corp com dept so should be able to help.
mao mao
DIL has started self-feeding ah?? Must be messy ya?? Do you lay the messy mat? Have been trying out new food with Malc since he dun want to eat my porridge everyday. If I am him, I also sian lor. I can't imagine letting

Today I cooked Spaghetti Bolognese for Malc. At least he is eating more than the past few days...
wow ju, spaghetti!! can bb eat spaghetti already? the sauce u prepare urself?
Sigh... my boy still got a bit of rash on his cheeks...
and this morning, he fell of our bed!! blue black on his chin... heartache..
Maybe if Malc eat with future wife he will have more appetite hee.... Is it because your DIL too far away that's why Malc got no mood to eat? hee...
I hope Adam is ok now. Luckily not much teeth, else more painful!!! The recipe can be found in my blog. Yeap, sauce is self-made one. Hope Adam will like it!

As for rashes on cheek, I sometimes apply Desitin on Malc lor. It works. But I only apply after he is asleep.

JJ (baby2005)
Yah hor, mabbe hor. Mao mao, see!! Ah Malc is pinning for Becky lehz!!! Now Becky has moved on, eating happily. Poor Malc, mommy has to cook spaghetti to please him. Bwahahahaha....
Dear Mummies,

me oso NOV mum, just wana inform all mummies here that the <font color="ff0000">shortlisted names for the BABY BONANZA 2006</font> (for all categories) is out, you all can check the channel8 website...

ah.... desitin can apply on face meh??? Understand from a PD that desitin is quite strong, not recommended for application on bb face.
youpi, i was there y'day too, in the late morning
. Yah i dropped by to check out the cafe &amp; spa a few wks back, quite nice. The cafe serves very healthy organic food and drinks i think. Have not eaten there yet though.

We can fix a day next wk to meet at the playground
I applied thin layer on Malc's face when he had milk rash b4. Applied once and it was gone the next day. Well, I would say, at our own risk bah. Coz at that time, nothing can be done to improve his rash. Alternatively, can use drapolene, milder.

Else Manuka, you have to dab off Adam's saliva as and when you see his face wet with drool. The phase will go away soon.
Ok. Usually I applied Hazeline.

You may want to try Hazeline but may take a longer time to subside. Is your boy having sensitive skin? I remembered when my boy was a baby, he was so "ugly", for at least the first 6-9mths he always have rashes all over his face. He has very sensitive skin, very dry too and always scratch here &amp; there one.

Guess what mommies, I was so horrible last night. I actually forgot to change Jaime's diaper before putting her to sleep, so she ended up wearing that pet pet diaper for 12hrs, arhh...... hubby said this shows that pet pet diaper can hold very well... ha....
Heya Ladies..


Hmm.. Orlando also not in the list for the Baby Bonanza.. Oh well.. There's still many other contests for him to join..

Orlando officially 9mths ytd.. brought him for the 9mth assessment.. He has done well for all the test.. and the nurse even said he's progress is of a 10/11mths baby.. hahaha..

Ok.. btw, he's weight gain not much.. He's weighing 10.8kg and 76cm tall..

Appetite.. still as gd as ever..
thanks Ju and BB2005... i have tried hazeline liao... not much use leh... no desitin at home.. kekeke... dun dare to use drapolene leh... :p think i will continue to use the aqueous cream given by the PD... i suspect is food allergy leh.. cos it subside then come back again and there are no bumbs... only red... like overdose of blusher... but i can't seem to find that food that causes it cos adam has not been eating anything out of the norm leh..sigh... consolation is his blue black chin so much better today...
Re: Hougang Playdates

This coming monday 14 Aug 2pm at my hse. Any other mummies interested. Can drop me an email [email protected]

Juz bought boi bk from 9mth assessment. Everything ok and he was such a brave boy. Did not cry when the PD threw blood from his leg cos i stuffed biscuit into his mouth to distract him. Hand too much flesh liao tat y vein cannot be seen and had to be taken from leg. hehehe.
Hi Amber,
Next week is good. I tried to PM you my number but you don't accept that. Can you PM me yours and we'll SMS?
I really peifu you in preparing the Spaghetti Bolognese. Saw your blog, looks like very troublesome leh (i'm a lazy mommy hee....
). Cooking Jaime's porridge + our meal (+ going to market esp on sat morning) already keep me busy the whole morning. BTW, you bought Annabel's book?
Why need to draw blood from Javier?

Glad to know Adam's bruise is going away.

A bit more work than making porridge lor. I should have prepared the chicken stock in advance but I didn't. I made it the same day I cooked the spaghetti. So it was quite rush then.
Hi Elaine

Me stay in hougang too. What bus goes to your house from hougang interchange? maybe i can go there next monday.


wow you quite on hor. me still feed bb porrigde with veg only.


u can take bus 151 from hg interchange or bus 87 from o/s interchange to my hse.

Can u give me your email add so tat i can email you the detail.
