(2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

Morning ladies..

Wow chin, bak at wrk liao ah.. seems like everything is going easy for u.. heh.. but 1 day wrk den d nxt day u take leave for Darion's jab issit? He so gd ah, din cry.. i tink for Orlando he sure will cry.. hahaha..

Ah FAT, those days u cater for make-up lessons i can't make it.. i'll c when i can make it on weekdays i let u noe can? if its not to troublesome for u.. tink most likely is on d 3rd week of march.. heh..

Ah Fat, the 2 classes are on the same topic? which area are you staying? Hey, idea of having a photographer is great!!!
ah fat: how much are u charging? keke.. and also where's ur house? mmm... and am serious about the make up classes.. to those who are interested.. pls fall in! be more spontaneous.. u wouldn't want ur hb to find u look more haggard after giving birth mah.. i think we still deserve to have some compliments from hb even though we are fat now!keke...

AH FAT Make Up classees
date: 18th March (1st class) 25th March (2nd class)
Time: 3pm=6pm
Venue: Ah Fat's house loh....

1. petite_petite
Celtricia: when ever you can, give me a PM lah

Momoko: Different topics lah.... I day cannot complete too much.... whill be Super Crash Course.....

naughty: i am still working with the phtographers to see if they will be able to help me bring down the cost. my house poungol loh.... Blk 181 edgefield plains....
Cel - I was suppposed to strat work on Mar 15, but my boss wanted me to come in on Mar 1 - so I told him that I have to go off to settle something..so managed to get some time off to bring Darion to see the doc. Anyway, I have to travel to china soon...

ahFat - keep us updated with your class info ok! How abt changing one to Sun..then maybe Cel can join us?

Meixue - yes, the PD did say that the weight gain shld slow down..but seems like Darion is still gaining a lot..put on almost 1kg in 1 month..and this is the month that he has cut one feed. Can not imagine how overweight he will be if he eats like last time..u know, my boy takes only 800ml a day..that's quite little for his size.

Venus - your boy eating / sleeping well? What did PD say?

Anyway, my boy is super cranky after his jab. Keep wanting to be carried. Cried when we put him down..and he is still rather drowsy..and yesterday and today - he only took 3 feeds! Sigh...and he feels warm..though temperature is ok. Think I am getting worried ...

Anyway, ladies, I have some sad news to share. I just found out that my friend's 2 month old baby passed away from an accident at home. She is too distraught to tell me more...but I am really shocked..can not imagine what happened at home that caused the baby's demise. I visited my friend at TMC after she gave birth 2months ago..and I recall her baby was so alert and cute..just a few days' old. Not sure how to comfort her..or to say to her even.
Must be exciting to start work again
I can imagine your joy! Darion's weight gain is great eh ... He's really thriving well.

Oh no, I guess at times like these we can only support our mates in prayer. It must be a tough time for her.

Liewlian Soh, wah..90% off is a good deal. Hmm but I'm staying far far away from my maternity clothes...back to shopping for regular clothes. Somehow the thought of wearing maternity clothes sends me into depression. LOL.

Hey, Miss Selfridge is back in town!! WOO HOO! really excited to see them back. I love love love their jeans as it is one of the only more affordable ones to fit me well. Other brands just makes my rear end look horrid.

Ah Fat, wah, you are really entreprenurial. Admire your spirit.
Hi All!

Had been a busy week for me.

Chin, so u r back at work. hee..glad that everyth is fine for u. My boy's first jab that time also super cranky 2 days after that...cry for one solid hr. I think he's really vv uncomfortable. I'm waiting for my hubby to be back for boy to take his 2nd jab.

Wow..losing a child at 2nd mth...must be REAL painful..

Oh boy learnt how to grab and play w his toys recently:
Chin: Sorry to hear about your friend's 2 month old baby. How did the accident happen if you can share?

Happy Weekend everyone!
Chin: it is really sad to lose a child at 2 months old.... Well, we can't feel the pain of the mother, (so we can't tell her "i know how you feel...") BUT, can only feel sorry for her. I guess, my best call is to leave her alone, BUT tell her if she needs someone to talk to, you are always one phonecall away...

Aprilpinky: Ziyu development super!! CUTE!!
Good Morning,
Sigh working saturday again...

Dili can you please update my boy's details as well:
1.5M = 4.88kg
3M = 5.8kg, 58 cm

Ah Fat, can you give me your blog so i can view your BEAUTY! Hee hee... i'm staying at Punggol too @ Blk 647!
Make up couse.. sounds interesting! (Let me consider ya...)

You gal's baby development quite fast ya... I'm trying to let my boy touch or feel things now. According to Nanny he can start flipping to his left side liao... =)
Good Morning Mummies

I just love weekends!!!

Ah Fat, got make up course har... on lah!!

Karen, you can find some Lamaze cloth books from www.babysayang.com

Chin, your boy having good weight gain. Clarisse will be going for her 5-in-1 this coming monday... scared scared. hope everything turns out well.

So sad to hear about the 2-mth old baby. Being mothers ourselves... can really feel the pain.

Liewliansoh, 9mois selling nursing wear too? Never know about this. I like their maternity collection too.

I will be going down to Taka baby fair later. Anybody going down too?

Yesterday went to the fair & spend $ on toys for bb Valery again....quite a lots of good buy. My boys with me so din managed to stay long & concentrate to shop.
MOrning ladies,

Ah FAT, i will PM u when i noe whh day i'm available.. thankz lots.. heh..

Chin, oic.. ur boss wanted u to go bak wrk so early ah.. dat means u still can claim another 2 weeks ah..

So sorry to hear abt ur fren's baby, it muz haf been hard for her.. tink wat she nid most is someone to confide in, i dun tink we can say much to console, but ur presence should for her should b d best liao..

Aprilpinky, ur son development really fast leh.. not bad ah..
1 week more to Baby Fair. Can we start deciding what time to meet there so that we can do some advance planning for other home activities that day:)

I had tried to sign up for the GD briefing tomorrow at Babies and Cream but it was fully booked! Some people DIY their flash cards wonder if it is too much work?

Have a great weekend!
Good morning ladies..

Cel - this is a new job, so no claim...just 2 more weeks of money. :p

My friend has gone back to Malaysia to get away from it all..think I shld just leave her to grieve and when she is feeling better, I will check on her. I still can not believe that it actually happened..though I have not idea at all what actually happened that led to such a drastic event.

Aprilpinky - your boy is CUTE!!!!

I want to go for the baby fair at Expo..but working, so can not join u all..maybe go during the weekend. See how...
Good morning ladies..

Cel - this is a new job, so no claim...just 2 more weeks of money. :p

My friend has gone back to Malaysia to get away from it all..think I shld just leave her to grieve and when she is feeling better, I will check on her. I still can not believe that it actually happened..though I have not idea at all what actually happened that led to such a drastic event.

Aprilpinky - your boy is CUTE!!!!

I want to go for the baby fair at Expo..but working, so can not join u all..maybe go during the weekend. See how...
I think BK too crowded liao so better meet at a paticular Restruant, votes needed, once confirm, I'll call to make booking, so that they have got tables for us and make it BABY friendly (",)
VOTES needed:
(1)Thai Restruant-Lerk Thai
(2)Macau Restruant-Macau Express
(3)Indian Restruant-Daawat tandoori
(4)Chinese Noodles-Malan Noodles

These restruants are near the exibition hall.
I think BK too crowded liao so better meet at a paticular Restruant, votes needed, once confirm, I'll call to make booking, so that they have got tables for us and make it BABY friendly (",)
VOTES needed:
(1)Thai Restruant-Lerk Thai
(2)Macau Restruant-Macau Express
(3)Indian Restruant-Daawat tandoori
(4)Chinese Noodles-Malan Noodles

These restruants are near the exibition hall.
furryfurry: Company called me.... Kana jia lat jia lat from BOSS. Say i go MIA like that damn irresponsible. Then arrange for meeting..... Then like that loh. conculsion, L'OREAL HEARTLESS company!!

Yvonne: http://kitsonjunior.blogs.friendster.com/hiroshi/
wah you stay so near only arr....

hippobab: kekekekeke... me still working to see which potograper to choose....

earnestmum: If dun have baby to scream for you every now and then maybe not too much work. BUT, nowadays, shower also got no time how to DIY flash cards?
Date: 11 Mar 2006
Time: 12pm
Venue: Singapore Expo Hall 5

1) Ah Fat
2) Celest
3) Dili_mummy
4) Hippobab
5) Karen
6) Venus
7) Syl
8) Blurblur
9) earnestmum
10) petite_petite
11) stef&seanbabes
good afternoon ladies,

Thanks for the compliments. Yup, was quite surprised that he can grab the toys BUT he cant flip. He's attempting to esp in the sarong. Other than that, dont think he's flipping v soon. I read that different kids will dvp faster in some areas than the others...

Cant join u all for the bb fair or the make-up class. Oh Motherhood Bb fair coming in end May - 4th June...went last yr and I think I got a lot of good bargains fr there. Maybe we can also go together then.

Yup..weekend is here! yeahhhhhhhhh
hi gals..... miss u all manz!

been very busy,long story... so many things happened. my boy just admitted hospital about 2 wks ago... fever n urine infection.

dili, pls update... my boy now 3mth is 7.3kg n 63cm. thxs!

ah fat, count me in! i going back work soon so must look more prettier than last time...hehehe
Good afternoon ladies!

Ah Fat, hiroshi looks so happily asleep.hehe

Summer..wow..ur boy is HUGE!

Sexxy, hope that ur boy is ok now.

Another "Sun"day..so hot..hee
Oh I happened to buy some cloth books for boy..not sure what brand they are though..I think $3 per book only from Tangs. Boy doesnt really pay much attn to them. I think he prefers the flash cards more..MIL was saying boy wld have plenty of chance to study next time..shdnt force him to study at such a tender age..shd have let him play more. Actually quite true lah..but I just treat like talking to him not really teaching him.
Hey Hey Everyone... good Sunday!

Eh eh... Ah Fat... My SIL getting married on 18th, I'll join in the class on 25th! Very exciting!

Re the restaurants at Expo... I'm ok with all except the Macau Express... it's not very spacious.

AP, Tangs got sell $3 cloth books? in the kids' dept issit? I'll go visit next week.

Sexxy, aiyoh you MIA for so long! Hope your boy is ok now. Are you coming to the Expo with us?
Summer - wow..your baby is big. How heavy is he now?

Pris - thanks..when I meet my friend again..I will send your wishes. Anyway, can PM me your hp number? Will like to pass u something for Jadon.

ahFAT - Hiroshi sleeps with a smile. Sweet.

I am still trying to keep up with pumping at work..lock myself in the conference room for 20min every afternoon. Getting difficult as my work load increases..so many meetings. Wish me luck - I really wanna continue breastfeeding.

Someone asked where to get the Lamaze cloth books earlier..? You can get them from The Better Toy Store at Ngee Ann City. New stocks coming in in April..dun bother going now..just a few left.
ah fat,
Me can't join you guys to Baby fair cos schedule to work that day.... will try to change working day with colleague & see how.


is me who ask about the Lamaze cloth books.TQ!

Hello all mummies!


I am bb Valery.
Good morning,
Any mummies have started their baby on solids? Or started to add brown rice powder into the milk? I think I will start mine later, will see how he react upon seeing us eating.

Maybe we can share what we prepare for our baby and probably the menu as well. Once they start on slids, we will get busier. But that's fun, right?
Hi gals,
I had a cold & cough recently and worst I passed it to my girl.
Can hear that she got quite a bit of mucus in her nose and now when she cough got phlegm so more. Brought her down the the PD last Fri, and she gave a cough med & nose drop. PD said she is too young don't want to give any cold med unless bobian. Feel so bad, I already tried to avoid going too near to her but she still get it *sigh*

Ju, your boy can sit already? I think I might start my girl on solid later, prob abt 5-6mths. She still can't hold her head very steadily. She seem to be slower compare to my son, she is not even flipping yet.

BTW, I heard that it is better not to mix any rice powder/cereal with milk, the baby might get choke while drinking the milk.

Wish ur child with speedy recovery. Dun worry ok, he be fine.


Not sure how heavy now. Last wt taken at 3 mths was 6.79kg. But I suspect now abt 8 kg hehehe.


Wow, ur gal so cute with hair all comb up and smiling so brightly. Can see ur bb is a happy one. My boy so hard to take pic with smile.


My Javier turning 4 mths soon but I will not start him on solid until I bring him to PD for checkup at 5 mths and ask the PD first cos he was born early at 34th week. Dun noe whether his digestion system ready or not.


Hey, I also using the potty for my Javier as well.

Baby 2005

Dun feel bad ok as it not ur intention to pass the virus to ur bb. When my Javier was abt 2 mths old, he also caught the cough and flu from us adult. But my PD give me medicine and after taking it, he recover soon.
Re: Diaper Change

Ladies, do ur wash ur bb buttocks with soap and water every diaper change then put on diaper cream????

Re: Mustela Dermo-Cleansing Gel for hair and body

Ladies, anyone of u bought this??? Can teach me how to use???? Put a few drop into water and bath without rinsing again or put a few drop onto hand and lather onto bb hair and body then rinse off????

Usually I wash bb hair with J&J then rinse off into the bathtub and then put bb into bathtub and use J&H to lather onto bb body and using the same water from the bathtub to rinse off. So can I use this method with Mustela Cleansing Gel?????
Hi summer,
I didn't wash my girl's buttock every diaper change unless the poo stick everywhere and difficult to clean off with baby wipes. As for diaper cream it is best to apply after every nappy change but I only apply after bath, every poo & the last diaper change before bedtime; unless the buttock every really red.
hi mummies

i m newbie here
hope to gain more infor n kowledge u gers here

btw my boi is gg 4mth tmr ...

gave birth on 07/11/2005 @KK
naughty, TQ!!!

Summer, my maid comb all her hair up & took this photo. She always play with her every morning & have her way of making her laugh... My maid with us for 5 yrs liao & actually intend to go back last Dec after my delivery.Now she decided to stay till my girl turn 1. She enjoy taking care of her. because of this i must continue working...i will stop work once she go back.
Chin..my boy eating and sleeping well..maybe he wan to stay slim bah..

ah fat..dun go to thai rest..the boss attitude one..waitress and waiter forgetful..buay tahan..

summer..wow ur boy is so cute

cel..start training ur boy on potty liao..successful ??

kitty..welcome to the thread..

karen.. love ur ger hair.. *envy*..

furry..u joining us this sat??

venus.. can b consider quite successful lah... coz whenever he nids to poo or pee, he will signal us wif cries n facial expression, den we let him sit on potty den he ok liao.. heh..
