(2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

april at least ur hubby help u when changing diaper..

my hubby shout "help help" when he c shit on the diaper.. sigh..

harlow mummies, talk about colic, do u all think its caused by the bottle teats? anyone using avent? for me, i started my bb boy with avent teat no.1 But the hole is so small and he had a hard time sucking and the way he suck makes me think he suck in a lot of air. So i cut up the hole bigger so he need not suck so hard... so i dun know if this helps cos till now, he is not colicky. He is now week 7 and using teat no.3 already...cos teat no.2 still too small.. I dunno if i am doing the right thing.. kekeke :p
Manuka, my boy using avent. So far still using no. 1 teat. No problem so far.

Venus, I hv not cleaned the poo poo b4..I'm the one who shout help help..:pP really must learn liao..hubby said how come ur own bb poo poo u also scared..sigh sigh..
Manuka, avent got a type of teats wif variable flow. I'm using tat now.

Gillian was on medication for 4 days liao, but i see no improvement. My friend tells me to latch on gillian all the times, but the last time i latch her on for the whole day, my nipple bleeds!! Ouch!! One side only lah. Today, i try again. From morning 9am till 4pm. I think Gillian had emptied both my breast, cos she gets very upset after sucking for a while. No choice but to give her FM again, in less than 30mins, she gets colicky again. Argh.... Will get the FM naughty is using.
Hi Ladies!!

I'm BACK!! Was discharged yesterday...

Here's my birth story, the whole labour was about 5hrs.

2nd December 2005

Saw the doctor, he said to admit and induce birth. Although girl's doing well inside, she's already 8 days past EDD and no one knows how long induction with tablet will take. Some take 2-3 days.

Inserted prostaglandin tablet to open up my (very stubborn) cervix

Irregular contractions started coming, ranging from 15-30mins apart. This lasted till 5pm until it got more regular 15mins apart.

Strapped on CTG again... SUDDENLY contractions came at 2-3 mins apart!!! Together with a strong urge to poo, the nurses panicked and wheeled me down to the labour suite.

Pain Pain Pain... pethidine injection given and started on the gas.

Only <2cm dilated! Very disappointed!

About 3cm dilated... still on the gas. Strong urge to poo... kept asking for the bedpan! No poo lah, it's apparently baby pressing on the rectum!

Had a show... waterbag still intact. Still asking for bedpan! Pain getting worse, offered epidural and I said ok.

Anaesthetist LATE! urgent cases in the ICU. By the time she came... I had dilated so quickly to 9cm! We all said thanks, but no need liao!
Waterbag burst by itself. Called gynae urgently as I was progressing much faster than expected.

Gynae came and within 3 mins... Alyssa was out! She weighed 3.49kg. After all the stitching, donating cord blood, document processing etc... I was back in the ward at 1am.

My contractions were so intense... Luckily hubby was good at telling me when to breathe in the gas.

Chin, issit... i the last two.

Aprilpinky, u so gd life! must learn hor.. if not next time how to do. hehe.. my hb is the 1 tat alway wan to do, he had been taking care of my boy since he back from hospital... he feed, bath n change diapers.

nik, ur gal stil colic hah.. must be not easy.

i am now giving enfalac FM too cos breastmilk too little lei.. latch til my nipples so sore n cracked! how to deal hah, gals? i only manage to pump out 20-30ml a day cos brast not so full n latch 2-3 times... wil pumping increase breastmilk? my milk only came in on sat nite...
dili, congrats n welcome back! thxs for sharing ur story.. i am faster than u, i admitted hospital rite after i came in to report tou tat day.... :)
Alyssa on breastfeeding?
Got a strange question to ask...can we get our period when breastfeeding?? My lochia stopped like 2 weeks ago (I delivered on Nov 2) - but today, I have some spotting..(well, actually more than spotting..but less than actual menses)..like the beginning of menses. Not sure whether menses starting...? or lochia not cleared ...but mine stopped 2 weeks ago leh..anyone has a similar experiece?
Dili_mummy...wow, what a quick labour! U were hardly gone..haha..now can continue updating the charts..seriously, glad that u had a smooth labour.

Sexxy - ya lor..u are the second last..Dili_mummy is the last one isit??

Nik - Avent got teat with variable flow ah?? Can get from any store right? I must go and check it out..my boy seems to be sucking really hard..still using the smallest one.
Congrats dili!

chinlee, my lochia also on and off..but it's like stopped for one/two days then come again. B'feeding will delay menses leh..
Thanks ladies!

Congrats Furry, Sexxy, bluelips, Yvonne, Meixue!

Furry, glad that you're much better now!

My supply's kicking in, but she sleeps ALOT and dozes off after latching on for 5mins! So I'm expressing for her... managed 60ml just now. But she seems insatiable.

Got a problem...
My CL... she's very good at cooking, suits my taste, and she's pro BF-ing... BUT... she keeps holding, cuddling and patting baby to sleep... despite both of us telling her not to. We're trying to train her to sleep in the night... or at least to go to sleep on her own in the cot.
Just now, she was wiping her stool... and it was obviously not clean... she wanted to put on nappy liao!

Anyone terminated CL before? Should I terminate her?
Congrats Dili! Finally ah! Though u r the last.. heh.. Welcome to motherhood! Have a speedy recovery! Thanks for sharing ur birth story.

Juz finish expressing BM, so tot come in to haf a look.. heehee..
Hey, Cel..same same...just finished expressing..also came in to take a look!

Dili_mummy..I terminated my confinement lady halfway..wanted to do it within a week..but had to "tahan" until the maid comes. For me, the most problematic thing was that she was really lazy...over and over again. Did not wake up to feed baby (I ended up waking up when baby cried at night..she was snoring)..she would rather read papers / watch TV than change my baby's soiled diapers. And all these happened over &amp; over again, on top of many other things...so I guess u have to see if this is a one-off incident (of not cleaning your baby properly), and whether she would change after u told her off..of cos, the problem is ..u will keep wondering what she is doing when u are not looking!
Aprilpinky - yeah..think it is not menses..must be some leftover lochian..stopped already. Two weeks is a long interval though! Yah lor..also thot that breastfeeding delays menses..
Morning ladies..

Chin, our timing almost same same ah.. heh.. so tiring.. juz finish bathing Orlando.. nw he's asleep again.. *Yawnz* better get some rest..
dili: tell auntie wat u arent happy abt.
it helps alot when there is communications. Congrats dear! how's life being a mummy now? kekeke
menses shant be kicking in tt fast, those u all have are not menses..
dun worry. this red red thing is gng to last u at least 2 -4 weeks.

BFing mum wont get their period so fast due to hormones changes. but tt dun mean u wont get pregnant. so if u dun wan another little one to join the family so soon... do ur part yaz
congrats dili!

hiroshi finally drinking the similac ytd.....
My milk supply macham not enough....
how arr?!? ytdlatch him on the whole day.....
he cry cry cry till hubby come home and decide to feed him FM...
after he drink the FM,m immidiely stop crying....
isiit breast milk not enoff??
i am also using avent bottles.....
using teat no.1....
erm... when drinking BM....
not much problem....
BUT, when it comes to FM.....
lots of bubbles appearing in the teat.....
wonder if bb is taking in too much air when feeding FM?!?
Clarisse's Mum - I gave birth more than 4 weeks ago - almost 5 weeks now. And lochia stopped 2 weeks ago. That's why I thot it was menses..though I do know that menses not supposed to start when we are breastfeeding... strange hor.. but stopped already lor.
Hi! Any mums here did c-section (epidural/ spinal) by DR Adrian Woodworth at TMC? Can share ur experience here? How's the process and recovery like?
nik: yea.. after i have changed to NAN 1HA.. he is so much better.. doesn't fuss anymore.. i would say no more colicky lor.. and also do watch ur diet.. coz things tt u take in may cause colic..
jia you! it ain't easy to soothe a baby.. but come to think of it.. they are so poor thing.. stomach pain pain.. and yet..cannot say..
*heart pain*

ah FAT: yea.. similac does have lotsa bubbles.. hehe.. but well.. my son can't take similac. bought one huge tin..so now.. give to da dogs to drink le.. maybe my dog will start talking soon.
Naughty, y'day i start giving her Nan 1HA, still not much improvement lei. Gotta see how her progress today. Her poo become very watery also. I guess Nan is not as heaty as Enfalac. Wat kind of food should i avoid??

Chin, got variable flow ones. My boy drinks very fast on tis teats. I'm so worried tat he might choke on it someday.

Congrats to Dili.
Hi ladies,

i am currently looking for a confinement lady (preferably singaporean)...any good recommendations? pls let me koe asap

thanks vv much
Congrats Dili

ah fat,my boi like blowing bubbles when drinking FM..just remember to burp bb after the feed..

anyone knows where can we get yao lan?
naughty: you so CUTE arr.....
If your DOG starts talking.....
Similac prices are going to rise like gold prices!!!
Then... by that time, I won't be able to afford it for my son...
"so, if your dog happen to talk, hush hush hush...... let me know in PM so that I can feed my dogs as well!!"
hi girls,

thanks for the words of advice and the warm welcome. So many things to learn from you all. Yes usually he suckles for about 20 to 45 min. It is only recently that he began suckling less, probably because i have started supplementing with NAN, he was slightly jaundiced and PD advised me to give him some FM.

I only pump about 20 to 30 ml each time, i am so worried that milk supply is not enough, how much do you all pump usually? and also, how often? My boy is 2.5 weeks old, is this a good time to start pumping or should i wait a bit longer?

thank goodness, yesterday we went to see the PD and he says baby has put on weight, 0.5 kg, and jaundice has reduced..

the only thing worrying me now is milk supply.. i think he might still be hungry sometimes, because after eating he still cries and also he drains the EBM very quickly..
ah FAt: sure.. will inform u if my dogs starts to talk..
so irritating.. very ex leh.. milk formula..

nik: can't expect miracle.. give it 3 days at least.. and i really believe tt.. NAN is gentler on stomach.. coz my poor bb.. stopped colicky after taking tt instead.
mm.. yea.. his stools became watery.. i thought its diarrhea.. but its not..
so now he is on half BM and FM..and oh.. yea.. i changed to this pigeon bottles.. which uses perastaltic nipples.. its very good.. worth investing..
hello all,

cel, i also pumped finish at abt 5am..wow shd hv come in to chitchat w u and chinlee..hehe

Shelle, I pumped fr Day1. Please start pumping early to incr supply.

Venus, I got the sarong stand fr Cheong choon..got a lot of things fr them cuz just call and they will deliver..Jeddie..they sell the sealing caps as well.

Naughty..ya diet matters..I only know cannot take broccoli cuz will hv wind.
dili, u give birth later than me can pump out so much milk... more than me! :-( how many hr apart u pump? did u pump out in the nite? i cant latch on... nipples cracked n sore!

gals, wat to eat to increase my breakmilk? i c-sect so wat food can i eat n wat to prevent during confinement?
Dili Mummy, Congrats!!!

Venus, I got my manual yao lan from Kiddy Palace for 60+ or 70+ during their sales. I am not too sure about the price now. But you can take a look there.
i also cesarean.....
Here come my confinement menu:
Avoid egg at all cause... (dunno why... BUT, old folk say one)
Drink longan red date tea....
1st 12 days only pork diet..... (yeah, now i think i look like pig)
1st 12 days also no "bu" stuff
after 12 days can makan chicken liao.....
normal loh... sesame oil, ginger, chinese wine.....
Fish can only take "expensive" fish, exp, threatfin....
ginseng might cause non stop bleeding....
if baby got jandice, watch the ginger diet.....
(got this off another forum)


Cold Food
Fruits like banana, grapefruit, watermelon

Vegetables like lettuce, bittergourd, cucumber, bean sprout

Gassy drinks; coconut, sugarcane, tofu

May result in poor blood circulation and oedema in mummy and stomachache in nursing baby

Sharp Food
Pineapple, orange, lime, lemon

May result in excessive vaginal discharge which may clog mummy's urinal system and cause diarrhoea in nursing baby

Windy Food

Onions, cooked vegetables which has been left standing for a while

May cause bloated stomach and excessive passing of gas in mummy and colic in nursing baby
Poisonous Food

Shelled seafood

like prawns and crabs

Toxic substances in these foods are believed to slow down the healing process and cause eczema in nursing baby.

Some Common Beliefs


Whitefish, especially thread fin - a good source of protein, helps increase milk supply. They are believed to open up the milk glands.

Black Chicken a very good tonic to re-build your health and energy.

Pig Stomach - helps to push out wind from a new mum's stomach. The Chinese also believe that eating different parts of this animal will benefit the corresponding parts of your body. Eating pig's stomach is supposed to replenish the stomach.

Pig Kidney - backache is a common complaint in pregnancy and after delivery. The Chinese believe that this is caused by the kidneys, since the lower back is where the kidneys are located. Eating pig kidney is supposed to help replenish the kidneys, especially for mothers who suffer from pain in the lumbar region.

Pig Or Chicken Liver - liver is reputed to possess yang essence and has high iron content. It helps to replenish blood, especially if mum is anaemic or feels weak after childbirth.

Pig Trotters trotters are supposed to provide collagen, especially good for strengthening limbs, joints and ligaments which have loosen during pregnancy.

Vegetables And Fruits
(Note: All vegetables should be cooked with sesame oil and ginger to ward off the cooling properties; most fruits are forbidden during confinement as they tend to be cooling.)
Kailan this is rich in iron and is believed to strengthen joints and lymph, and is beneficial to veins and bones.

Lily Buds - helps to repel heat from body and soothes the liver.

Snow Pea - rich in protein and minerals.

Papaya - increase milk supply in nursing mothers.


Old Ginger - this is one ingredient that appears in almost all postnatal dishes. Helps repel wind.

Rice Wine - invigorates energy and major organs in the body and dispels coldness. Wine is supposed to soothe the nerves of a tired mum and helps her to relax.

Sesame Seed / Oil - promotes blood circulation.

Wood Fungus - rich in iron, it helps stop bleeding, removes stale blood and cleanses the arteries.

Eggs - nutritious food, a very good source of protein especially if you don't fancy eating meat.

Red Dates (Stoned) - replenish blood.

Dried Longan Flesh - invigorates the body and is a good tonic for the brain. Good for mothers who feel weak and fatigue.

Black Vinegar - purifies the blood and cleanses the arteries.

Dang Gui (Chinese Angelicae) - this is dubbed the female ginseng highly effective for a whole range of gynaecological complaints. A good tonic to be taken after childbirth. It's also believed to help regulate menses and relieve pain and has a tranquilising effect.

It is rich in vitamins and minerals, helps to replenish and invigorate blood, and can be used for mothers who are anaemic or feel weak after delivery. It is also believed to moisturise the intestines; effective in treating constipation due to dryness of the bowels.

Dan Sen (Codonopsis) - beneficial for mothers suffering from lethargy and related symptoms like fatigue and tired limbs. It acts as a powerful energy booster. In modern lab tests, it has been proven to increase red blood cell count and improve circulation.

Black Bean - need to pan-fry before using to get rid of the cold; helps to replenish blood, good for mothers who have lost a lot of blood during delivery.
Congrats Dili_mummy! Hope you're recovering well and your baby's all great!

I don't pump milk out, too tiring after latching her on. So tired that i usually just want to go back to sleep. It should be fine right?

Vaccinations: Have u girls checked out the 6-in-1 vaccine? What's the price like per jab and how many jabs are there? How's it different from the 5-in-1? I'm so confused about all this.
sometimes my girl just doesnt go to sleep. She cries/whines (her diaper not wet, she's not hungry, temp just nice), and when we cuddle her, she stops a while, than gives a few cries than stops etc. do your babies do that? why?
hi meixue

i nearly took the 6 in 1 jab for my boi..6 in 1 includes hep b 2nd jab and do it when bb is 2nd mth..have to take 3 jabs for 6 in 1..

as for the price,it differs from every GP one..

my boi cries like kitten means he wan pple to carry him liao..i also no idea y he does that..but he getting too heavy for me to carry..

at week 7,his weight is 4.4kg
Venus, how's ur fish and papaya soup? Still oily? Mom adds lean meat w fish bone and papaya nowadays..

Cheong Choon :
Blk 34 #03-132 Upper cross street S050034 (near OG)
Tel 65323855

I think >$100 they will deliver for free

Yup. Caesarean first 12 days cannot eat chicken-related things..I stupid stupid follow also..hehehe..cuz MIL sees me so scared also din cook any chicken for me. Ended up PORK and fish everyday for first 10 days or so. I love Pig Trotters w vinegar! Shiok! Having "chicken wine" today also..v nice! Actually I quite like confinem food. Oh threadfin is really good. MIL cooks it for me daily and mom use the bones for the papaya soup so that wont waste.
Venus, my pumping schedule is sort of fixed. Only when boy happens to be hungry when I pump then I latch him on i.e. pump and feed him at the same time. When he cannot wait for us to prepare the milk I will latch him on too.

Nowadays, i pump 5 times per day..
ah fat, yesterday went to gynae to remove the stitches n ask him wat to prevent n he told me is ok w chicken n egg lei.... then when i went home my mum aready bought kampong chicken to cook the chicken rice wine liao! then i also eat loh....... hehe! btw, u aready how many wks liao hah? have u started ur massage, is it gd?

Aprilpinky, wat is threadfin? i know my mum also let me eat the expensive fish but dont know whether is it the same.... u how many days liao hah?

ladies, wat caterer is good? wanted to get neo garden but the promotion ending on 18th dec... after tat is bcos of xmas season everyone raise up the price too.
venus: erm.. i usually will feed my baby with bm the whole night.. i mean latch on the whole night nowadays.. so tt i dun have to wake up to make milk.. until 7am.. then i will ask my maid to make milk and feed him... besides tt.. i will latch him on.. and then supplement with FM. i will pump out the remaining.. and collect until enough for one full feed.. then give.. him ebm lor.. erm.. really cannot estimate how much or how many times i give him BM lor.. but so long i feel tt its half half.. i am more than happy le.. i think i can continue till he's at least 1 year old or more lor.. in this case..
Aprilpinky, heh.. ya lor.. should come in n chat together.. keke...

Ladies, during confinement, if u ladies did nt hire any massage lady, u can try asking ur mum or MIL to fry brown rice den use some of the brown rice n put in a cup, pour over it with hot boiling water n add in a slice of ginger, once its warm, u can drink it liao.. its quite effective, dat's wat i've been drinking thru out my confinement, n my tummy slims down really fast.. heh..
sexxy do u have any nipple cream? put some nipple cream on it or use cabbage to cover ur nipple

naughty,i feed my boi formula milk like 6am and 11pm cos i wanted more sleep..his feeding time is like 2 hr interval nowadays..very shiong..

thanks celtricia for the receipe..but u eat the brown rice too?

Sexxy, yes, use nipple cream. In the meantime, use breast pump. Maybe ur positioning isnt correct. Initially I got sore nipples also. After a while I dont even use nipple cream cuz v troublesome to clean before u can feed.

Threadfin is the wu3 yu2. Nowadays i can pump out on average 120 ml.

venus, it's v good to pump and feed at the same time. cuz sometimes no milk liao then suddenly boy comes along and feed then got letdown again!
