(2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

Hi Meixue,

Hope you are feeling better now. for my first gal, my labour, del n recovery was not enjoyable at all! i had bad side effects of epidural too
..n was not in the mood to carry her n bf her right after birth. recovery was slow as well. i guess the not so nice experience causes bb blue for me too...i was always crying or in bad mood.

hehe but to motivate u (to have more kids), my 2nd gal was totally different! everything was so easy n smooth, recovery was very fast that pp said i din look like i juz gave birth..i was full of energy n cheerful...so every birth/child is different.

as for BF. juz remember to empty ur breasts (be it direct latch or express) maximum of 3hrly interval (counted from the time u start feeding to the start of nx feed). if bb cant empty both breasts, you have to express, so that your body will continue to produce more milk. the ones u express, you can freeze them first. incase you need to be away from bb (eg ur chk up, run errands etc) you can pass the EBM to bb caregiver. this is wat i did, my excess i give to my elder gal (she enjoys coz she was a bf bb too), n the rest i freeze them.

Meixue, I'm at Suite 9, hee hee! I checked in ard 2am on 25th Nov and delivered 1700hrs!

I can hear some woman SCREAMING away her lung besides my suite... SCARY!!! And all the nurses and midwives seems running here & there...

Here is my story...

Stomach abit uncomfortable very high and bloated...

"Show" sign thot waterbag bursted but is blood stained

Admitted hospital cos "SHOW" but no contraction
Nurse put me on monitor thru out e nite...

Gynae came to check on me

Gynae bursted my waterbag and said let me delivered (No contraction still?)
Ask me if i wanna epi (I said "Yes Yes")

1cm dilated

2cm dilated (slow... so speed up)

4cm dilated =)

Almost/Quite fully dilated (Hb went lunch so Gynae said come back later on me since im on epi???) He beri bz that day

Wait & wait....

Finally is "SHOW TIME"... start pushing for about 15min can see e head but still need assisted (vaccum)!!!


Baby Jayden is OUT...!!! =)
Ya YP Lee I agreed with ya! My Confinement lady also said must clean bb's gum / mouth / tongue everyday cos if not it will get stain and they will not wanna drink anything!
Hi Ah Fat, do u have the contact no of Kids Clinic at Rivervale Mall? Is it 68811711? I tried to call but no one answer.. do u happen to know their opening hours?
Sunday today leh... most clinic close one mah.....

tue, thurs, sat open till 3pm
mon, wed, fri (9am-3pm) (7pm-9pm)

contact number: 68811711
emergency: 65358833
hi all,
im a dec mtb. wld like to gather some impt info, hope someone can help...

for mummies who have already gave birth, did u opt for full or partial BF at the hospital? for those who opted for full BF, was it tiring n disruptive to ur rest when nurse brings bb in every 2/ 3 hrs, esp at nite?

for mums who chose partial BF, at what time do u stop BF n at what time bb will be put on FM each day?

n wad brand FM did u choose?

how soon can we start? has everyone decided on who to hire?? BF wiv all the oil over our bodies wld it be unhygienic/ harmful to bb?...

i c. can i ask when u choose partial BF, at what time do u stop BF n at what time bb will be put on FM each day?

n wad brand FM did u choose... i bought a tin of NAN Gold Premium but now im keen to switch to Similac Excellence Infant. if later on switch, i wonder if bb will reject.

on the contrary im trying not to sleep too much for fear dat i cnt sleep well thru the nite...

how soon can we start? has everyone decided on who to hire?? BF wiv all the oil over our bodies wld it be unhygienic/ harmfull to bb?
hello hello..

I'm here lah..hehe..y'day had mini full-month celebration..today still got some cakes to distribute..bb botak already! ahhahahaa..shaved his hair y'day to make the scholar brush

Naughty, Ur bb ok already?
Well, I did full breast feeding in the hospital.....
I did not find it tiring at all.....
Most of the time, i'll be resting other than the feedings....
Your baby will be well taken care of in the nursery....
So, when bb sleep, you sleep....
when bb wake up, you wake up....
GO for it...
it is worth a try.....
If you find difficuties....
hen can still opt otherwise.....
BUT, breast milk is still the BEST milk for your baby.....
Aprilpinky, u shaved ur son's hair ah.. who did the shaving? kind of scary leh to shave for a baby.. coz they keep moving.. heh..
hw come u celebrate his full-mth so early? but time really passes by so fast.. n our babies r all ard one-mth old liao.. tinking of the days when we were juz having the 'waiting' game n wondering when the signs of labour would show..

first_mum, i did full BF during my stay in hospital. U also delivering in TMC right? During my stay there, the only nite feed in the middle of my slp was ard 2am - 3am.. but i dun feel tired at all.. n it wasn't disruptive to me.. I only started giving my son FM last week, coz he kept wanting to latch on, without any break.. the FM i give my son is enfalac A+..

The scholar brush ppl came to my hse to do the shaving for "free" since i'm making the brush..not painful cuz he was sort of enjoying the "music" fr the shaver and didnt even cry or scream a bit when my mum carried him for the shaving.

My actual full mth date is fri but lei chey to do on weekday so the latest wkend wld be y'day loh.

Oic.. but its still too scary for me i feel.. heh.. i wouldn't even dare to c it.. coz i would b very worried.. kekeke..

ah.. mine juz nice.. exact on tis saturday, so i'm having a big celebration.. would b a busy busy day on saturday liao.. haiz..

btw, dat time ur hubby bot the sterilized cotton ball is frm NTUC right? whh branch ah? coz i dun seem to b able to find it leh..
Hello everyone, I'm back in action . WAHAHAAHHAAH. Finally found time to write a "short" synopsis of our experience - which was great - though the aftermath was horrendous -- no, not my cub (she's great), but for me.

The "short" of it on 11/23:

8am - Reached hospital, shown to the suite and asked to change. Took blood samples, started IV, strapped to CTG, midwife & doctor arrived to review files and do the once-over. 1-1+ cm dilated, 70% effeced.

9am - Did internal and broke waterbag, all clear fluid. Midwife expects us to deliver at 4-5pm that afternoon

9:15 am - Pitocin started. Midwife instructed nurses to let me off bed to walk about in about 45 mins time.

10 a.m - Midwife came to check on us and told me to get off the bed, go to loo and walk around. Pitocin increased.

11:30 a.m - 2-3 cm dilated. Contractions getting stronger, still tolerable, though being strapped back on the bed and on my back was bad. Pitocin increased again.

12 p.m - Shown to the jacuzzi in the adjoined bathroom to labor. Labor got very bad after a while and I was thrashing about in pain.

12:30 p.m - Begged Bear for epidural. Nurses were called back in and I was shown back to bed. Midwife came back in and I begged for epidural whilst asking for her to do another internal check yet again.

12:35 p.m. - Midwife exclaimed that we are good to go at 10 cm and commands her staff to get prepped for delivery.

1p.m. - After 6 contractions and a few pushes, Cubbie is out, screaming at the top of her voice. She weighs 3.39kg and is 50 cm long. Bear cut the cord (which he had said he wouldn't want to at first).

Unfortunately, the ordeal was not over for me yet. I was apparently bleeding a lot which worried the midwife and was given a shot to try to stop the bleeding, which didn't help. She and the doctor then looked over the placenta thinking the problem may have stemmed from there, but it didn't. Midwife then found that I had 2nd and 3rd degree tears internally (turns out cos cubbie arrived too fast - we then realized from our friends that many people spend a long time pushing before their kids arrive...) and had to be stitched up - without anaethesia as it was too deep inside. I didn't need an episiotomy but man, these stiches were BAD!!

Bear didn't even have time to spend with Cubbie and the PD wanted to transfer her to the nursery (which was out of out birth plan) but was thankfully stopped gruffly by the midwife. My parents turned up and took over cuddling cubbie instead whilst Bear stood by me trying to calm me down as I was sewn up. Each stitch was literal hell as it was so excrutiatingly painful. In comparison, labor was a walk in the park. Serious.

Turns out I had lost a lot of blood and couldn't even stand up straight. The nurses wanted to wheel me as we transfered to a smaller room but I was still strong willed enough to insist on walking.

On hindsight, unmedicated labor was ok - just that it was a bit like riding an elevator from basement to 100 floors in a few minutes instead of taking time to stop every few floors to allow the body to adapt as our labor progressed so rapidly. Its the thought of possible stitches that puts me off. I intend to get a proper debrief from the midwife during my next appointment to see how we can possibly prevent such a repeat. Many people say subsequent labours will be shorter, so Bear and I are now a bit concerned, will the next one be done in 1 hour? Imagine the repurcussion then.

Thankfully, now, 12 days later, we're doing much better. I can sit on my rear end again (well, not too long) and can walk again (again, not too long) and my color has come back again. Through it all, I'm really thankful for Bear - he's been great as a husband and as a newly-minted father. I'm also very thankful that God has kept watch over us all and helped us through this experience. To God Be the Glory!

P.S. Feel free to shoot any questions though... be glad to share what we went through if it would help anyone.

thanks for ur birth story.. Happy to hear tat everything is well for u liao.. Ur cubbie is 0.01kg n 1cm lesser den my son leh.. heehee.. My son weighs 3.4kg n is 51cm long.. hehe...
Anyway, do rest more n walk less if possible to avoid any more tears.. take gd care of urself.. Cheers!
First Mum,
I also TBF in hospital, not tiring la cos can see yr baby every 2-3hrs mah. I let my baby latch on immediately after he deliver, so cute!!! =)

I gave my bb Enfalac HA+

Ah Fat,
I think u got to let bb rinse his mouth aft every milk feed... if not u take a soft clothes stick yr finger to clean e tongue during his bathing time.
Hi Celtricia, read that you've started giving your baby FM. I'm thinking of supplementing with FM when my baby turns one month this thursday -- we have the same marathon feeding 'problem'. Would like to find out how to start, could you help please?
1. how many times in 24 hours do you give fm?
2. how much fm to give each time?
3. has it made things better for you? does baby sleep after feeding fm?
thank you!

where got scary..v fast one..anyway got to cut one day..somemore his hair shed a little a few days ago..the cotton balls we bot fr bukit timah plaza outlet. If I happen to c it again will sms u cuz I think it's not one of the regular brands.

Furry, take care. Heard fr one of my colleagues that her bb also "dashed" out and as a result her wound also tore terribly (not sure hers internal /external ) but she sat on the air ring for a long time for relief.
thks for ur encouragement. seems that opting for full BF is not that scary after all! but if milk only comes in after 3 to 5 days, wld we have enuff colostrum to keep bb full every few hrs??

yes i wld be delivering at TMC.. can i check whether TMC provides red dates drink at extra charge?

also for mummies who BF, does the nursing pillow help? im still tinking whether to get it aldou it looks comfortable and useful for BF.
Youpi, would b most glad to help

I started feeding him FM last Monday n i feed him abt 2-3 times of FM in 24hrs. For better slping time, i would start FM once i'm prepared to go to bed, usually ard 9plus to 10plus n most of the time it mits his feeding time. Feeding him FM in the nite helps as he will usually dozed off into deep slp n will slp for 2-3hrs n exceptional cases will b 4-5hrs until his next feed.
Last week, i started off with giving him 60ml of FM, but nw i gave him close to 120ml per feed. If your baby mouth still appear in the suckling pattern after u took out the milk bottle, dat means the amt is not enuff for him, den u try to increase ard 10ml the nxt feed, haf to trial n error so dat u can noe hw much they can take.
Feeding him FM definitely helps me a lot in getting enuff slp, but nt all the time FM helps. Coz like last nite, after feeding him FM he was still wide awake.. heh.. so u haf to c wat other methods can help him doze off to slp. My mum taught me to sayang his head in circular motion lightly n it helps him to go to slp.

Aprilpinky, i was there yesterday but i din c it leh.. whh section is it at ah? muz go n search liao.. heh..

first_mum, no worries abt if u haf enuff colstrum, coz as long as u latch ur baby every 2-3hrs, ur milk will come n TMC provide the papaya fish soup for ur meals, so it also helps to stimulate ur milk flow. In addition, opt for milo during tea break, coz it also helps for milk flow. i'm nt sure abt the red dates drink, but i tink its still best to ask ur mum or MIL to bring it for u.
hi ladies... finally i am free to drop by after i settled down since last fri.
here is my 24hrs of labour story:-

27th nov, 2.30pm:
after coming in to report... right after tat i went to the toilet n saw alot of white discharge n a little bit of blood stain w it, so i called my gynae. gynae said it should not go wrong n asked me to admit but started getting funny feeling on my tummy which is contraction.

4pm :
reached hospital n immediately on CTG, got contraction n getting very bad sometimes but not that regular.

6pm :
gynae came n checked, was 2-cm dilated! gynae said that i shd have strong contraction around 3-5pm if not next day 8am come down for CTG again. he said tat bb is very big for my size n bb head may not come down cos pelvis area too small so he informed us tat we might have to consider c-sect if there is no show....... :-( but contractions also get painful on off...
arrange for dinner n sent up to ward after CTG, informed to come down if contraction get worse. the whole nite my contraction is stil irregular...

28th nov 8am :
went down for CTG again after my breakfast n see my gynae.

9.30am :
gynae came, checked my cervix but stil 2-cm dilated n bb stil not low enough! he told me to consider c-sect n he wil checked on me after 6hrs of fasting if i going for c-sect n constraction stil not strong. was send up to ward again...

sent down for CTG.

gynae came, confirmed cervix stil 2cm n bb stil there! so told him to go ahead c-sect cos dont wan to wait anymore, afraid tat if i waited n stil got to end up c-sect if bb too big!

went in to opt room, feeling very lost n frightened!

on epid n gynae came in to do the cutting... i started to shiver cos of the epid. hb told to come in n he was so excited. he kept calming me down n stay by my side to support me which i really overcome all this w him.

Finally i heard my bb 1st cry n i was so happy n relieved! my hb was so hb tat he kept telling me tat is over liao but i was shivering like hell....
gynae told me tat my bb really very chubby n big, weight 3.58kg!

after tat was sent up to the ward but i was stil shivering.....

went home on thurs but bb got to stay cos got jaudice. n i only bing him back on fri.
hi mommies,

can i join this thread, i have been reading faithfully but have been to shy to post.. anyway, my baby boy Evan was born on 21 November, and is now 2 weeks old.. would like to hear advice from all of you about taking care of baby, since I don't have any confinement lady.

I have been breastfeeding Evan by direct latch on, dont know how much he has been drinking. He seems to feed quite well, but sometimes when he is sleeping, he doesnt seem to want to drink very much. Or he drinks for about 5 min then falls asleep. He has jaundice (was hospitalised for 2 days for phototherapy). Now that he is home, he is still jaundiced, and PD is monitoring. How much is a normal amt to drink per feed and how often do you feed? Evan's stools are bright yellow and grainy and he poos about 5 times a day.

I recently starting using my pump and only got about 30 ml each time. is this normal? how often should i pump? every hour?

sorry, so many questions.. first time mum. very inexperienced. Please share if you have any advice or similar experiences.
Sexxy, congrats!

Cel, hubby said he went last wk and the cotton balls finished liao..think they only ordered a batch..finished liao then no more..sighh..shd hv bot more..hiaks hiaks.

Shelle, welcome! dont be shy. Just join in. 5 min of latching seems v short. I think average shd be abt 10-15 min per breast?

Ah fat provided the formula earlier on:
150ml * per kg (weight of child)
that is the amount needed to feed him for the whole day....
/ by the frequency of feed (exp: 8 times a day)
this determines the amount at each feed.

I think shd pump once every 3-5 hrs..depending on how hardworking u r..haha..
Finally, just managed to log in .. was busy the whole day ... Aprilpinky, did u shaved Ziyu's eyebrows too? I just had GyAnn's hair trimmed today, just a little bit. Just had simple fullmoon celebration by distributing cakes last Fri, mom made some angku.
Cel, how r u going to celebrate this Sat fullmoon?
Adel, did u botak Brent?

Furry2 & Sexxy, thanks for sharing your interesting birth stories.

AhFat, my girl also having the whitish thing in her toungue and can't seem to be disappeared, got this oral trush from the PD but that white thing still stay.

Firstmum, I'm also giving Enfalac A+ for my girl and got 2 tins from M'sia recently @ RM49.90/tin/900gm.
shelle: welcome... dun be shy... we started off as not knowing one another anyway.. hiak hiak...
i think u really can't compare the amount of feedings.. as every baby differs from one another..

ah fat: use guaze.. go to the pharmacy.. and buy.. should be easily available..then use cool boiled water...
have been cleaning bb's tongue since day 1.. no white residue so far.. very clean..
haha.. aprilpinky: no lah.. i have been feeling bad last week.. now better le.. problems settled.. so can post le mah... if not.. i will jus read n not post lor..
me going to break down soon.....
ytd tried giving bb FM at night hoping he he can sleep longer hours at night.... since hubby has to go to werk today and i am all alone..... so i thought, if bb sleeps longer, i sleep longer... then in the dy time, i'll have enoff sleep.

BUT, bb reject FM leh. any idea why? given similac.....
Good morning ladies...

Been very busy..handling the baby mostly by myself..just letting the maid help out here and there. Having baby's full month celeb this Sat & Sun..so busy with all the prep. Sat - for family & friends..and Sun - for immediate family.

Cel - your Orlando's full month celeb also this Sat?

Furry..wow..what a harrowing experience. Thanks for sharing..very glad to know that your cubbie and you are both fine now. Just focus on getting better now..think abt the next one later ok!

Welcome, Shelle...just shoot whatever questions you have..someone will answer ..if they know.
Think 5 min is a bit short as well..my boy latches on from 20 to 45 min..with continuous sucking..of cos, sometimes he falls asleep mid way..but when he is still hungry, he is definitely more interested in milk than sleep.

Congrats, Sexxy...that makes you the second last Nov MTB to become mummy right?
ah fat: dun.. be upset.. try.. giving bm then.. maybe he hates the FM.. and also.. my son can't seem to take in similac.. i tried enfalac.. both caused him to be colicky.. so in the end. got to take NAN HA... its gentler on stomach coz its dilutes easily.. if he continues not to take FM.. maybe u can try a small tin of NAN HA.. its almost similar to BM.. not so concentrated like enfalac/similac.. hope tt this helps! be strong.. i was struggling more than u during confinment... my hb didn't help me with the night feeds since week 2 into my confinement.. but managed to cope.. somehow or rather..
when ya look at ur son.. u will feel tt.. everything stops.. what a wonderful feeling tt is..

furry: congrats oh!
My maid arrived last Wednesday evening. So far so good. Have left her alone at home with the baby on a few occasions for the whole afternoon. She can handle baby well during the day but have yet to let her sleep with baby at night.

Only problem is she can't cook local food, so have to teach her how to cook. But luckily she picks up things quite fast and don't need me to repeat and repeat the same instructions again and again.

Great to find some time out with hubby and elder daughter going out shopping and eating without the baby. Allows me to find back some sanity!! Hahaha.....
Hi ladies....

Naughty, ur boy also colicky?? My gal too!!! Brought her to the PD, still no improvement....

Ah Fat, i also brought my gal to Dr Tan last week for Gillian's colic, very nice n chatty doc.
nik & naughty,

Terrible when your bbs are colicky. I remembered when my elder girl was a little baby, she was colicky for the first few weeks as well. She could cry non-stop from 10pm to 5am in the morning. I almost went crazy then!! But hang in there, this phase will pass.
Hi dili mummy

This is elser do add me in for the list of Nov babies.

Elser / popped on : 30/11/05 / EDD 01/12/05 / RH / JERON (Boy) /2.88kg

Thanks dear

I'm here again...aiya, my cub loves to latch on 1 side and struggles wth me on the other side. headache. bah...Anyone tried latching on in public yet? Its too cold in SH to really venture anywhere...so I've been really good at home. Can't believe it!

Chin, I'm gd. Now that most aches and pains are manageable, I'm actually not harboring many fears over the entire experience, but rather glad that our birth went as planned - only the aftermath was bad la...but that was unforseeable anyway.Actually 2nd one ah...I leave my BEAR to fantasize himself...hahahaa he's been whining for a 2nd one ALREADY. belive it or not. Mad eh?
Morning ladies!!

Aprilpinky, really ah.. no more liao..
oh! shucks! haiz.. ya.. u should haf gotten more.. heehee..

Heya Shelle!! Welcome! Tink u got to try wake ur baby up when falls asleep by gently tapping on his cheek or chin to make him continue.. coz 5min is really short like wat some of the ladies mentioned..

Susan, i having lunch n dinner buffet.. Getting it frm Neo Garden.. My all-time favourite caterer.. heh.. coz i simply luv their curry.. having 2 sessions coz family n relatives too many, n plus frens also.. had ordered some cakes + ang ku kuehs + red eggs for those who feels d nid to haf during bb's full mth.. heh..
u bot ur FM frm malaysia ah.. did u check if the contents is the same? coz at times the contents is different leh..

ah Fat, u try a few other brands like wat naughty mentioned lor.. haf to trial n error, coz nt all babies haf the same taste.. juz like us adults too..

Chin, ya.. i also celebrating Orlando's full mth tis saturday.. coz exact day mah.. juz nice.. heh.. wah! u having 2 days ah.. so tiring leh.. i rather haf it all n one go, once n for all.. heehee.. so u having whh caterer?
Good afternoon ladies,

Ah fat, yup..try other brands..maybe ur boy is choosy..hehe.

Naughty, they said bring colicky bbs for a car ride helps. Hubby also went back to work liao but he still helps out for nite feeds. However, I feel guilty lah..at least I'm on ML and he's not. So y'day I made him sleep on the other side of the bed that is not beside the cot. If bb poos then bobian I will wake him up..:pP

I think the impt thing abt milk powder is country of origin..for enfalac must ensure that it's fr Netherlands..

Looking fwd to my end of confinem this Fri..going to cut and wash my hair this Sat. Hiaks hiaks..

Any of you need breastpaads?? I still have one unopened box and another half used box available for giveaway. Interested PM me ok?? But self collect at Woodlands hor.
Hi cheerful_mum,

My maid is from Phillipines and she has 3 kids of her own so ok in taking care of babies. But still too early to tell lah..... she's only been here about a week.

Sure..... you can get the breastpads from me. PM me and I will give you my contact number and address.
Is she considered as experience maid? Mine character is ok but very absent minded, naive and simple minded cos her husband is a farmer and they lived in a kampong. But she worked in Middle east before. We consistently have to remind her.

PM you for the breastpads.
A bit headache.
She's experienced cos she worked as a domestic maid before but in the Philippines. First time for her to be in Singapore. She was living in Manila before coming here, so I guess that's why she's quite ok at handling electrical stuff. I only taught her how to use the washing machine and microwave oven once and she can handle it herself liao.

thanks for all the encouragement.....
grr..... will try again.....

for those with COLIC bbs....
trying drinking chamomile tea and breast feeding.....
read from somewhere that it helps.....
