(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

Hey Patsy - very nice of u to offer! ok ok.. i'll make a note of it. Get those foam mats and lay it all around the room then place mirrors on the wall and the kids can watch themselves dance.. how nice!

are you organizing a GUG trial cos' that one i'm interseted in .. can you count me in too?


this thread really move super fast...

patsy, i also have the haenim play yard (old model).. really useful.. i put mattress instead of the ABC mat.. at least i dun have to worry abt her hitting her head on the plastic when she falls.. Rae will entertain herself in it while i go n prepare her meals, etc. she even likes to lick on the panels! sigh...

fushiastar, i emailed u my mobile number liao. sms me so that i can arrange to pick up the brown rice from u... thanks

Fiona, Gen's so sweet

sweetie, could it be that she's teething? not enough milk or solids in the day?

Rae now fights to go to sleep. can tell she's very tired but just wanna play and refuse to sleep. put her in the sarong... she'll flip over and try to sit up... very dangerous...
try to keep her down, she'll cry... aiyo.. tearing my hair out liao...
GUG Trial - no confirmation yet but who would like to join if ever:

1. Xaby/Patsy
2. Alden/Fun
3. Ash/Morriane
4. Raelyn/Flotan
5. Tammi/Pammie
think San and me posted at the same time.. haha. i updated the list..

1. Xaby/Patsy
2. Alden/Fun
3. Ash/Morriane
4. Sherisse/San
5. Raelyn/Flotan
6. Tammi/Pammie
Oi! you all deleted Sherrise and San!!

. Xaby/Patsy
2. Alden/Fun
3. Ash/Morriane
4. Raelyn/Flotan
5. Tammi/Pammie
6. Sherrise/San
7. (Kaiser/Yippee) --- just in case

I bght kayden to genting when he was 5 mths old. Took the VIP coach (Transtar) 16 seaters. Directly stop outside Genting hotel. Depart from there also. (Highland hotel besides genting hotel) Coach ride abt 6 hrs gging by 2nd link
flo: xaby is the same now... she'll be so sleepy but still want to play! Sitting down her eyes are closing and suddenly you see her shaking her head to wake herself up! Poor thing, must have been so tired in the hossie, can't wake up today. now i'm worried if there was brain damage when she had high fever (over-worry, i know!!)

Sneaky: you can go to this site for some ideas, plus the attached spreadsheet also.


<center><table border=1><tr><td>

Party.xls (14.8 k)</td></tr></table></center>
GUG Trial

. Xaby/Patsy
2. Alden/Fun
3. Ash/Morriane
4. Raelyn/Flotan
5. Tammi/Pammie
6. Sherrise/San
7. (Kaiser/Yippee) --- just in case
8. Janelle/Jenifur
<font color="ff0000">mrs tan - ya lor den we talk more on the play yard tmr.. haha..

aiya.. u all spell my name salar..

its morraine.. not morriane

call me morr lar.. easier.. wahhaha</font>
hi, add me in, izzit ok
GUG Trial

. Xaby/Patsy
2. Alden/Fun
3. Ash/Morriane
4. Raelyn/Flotan
5. Tammi/Pammie
6. Sherrise/San
7. (Kaiser/Yippee) --- just in case
8. Janelle/Jenifur
9. Sabrina/Sharon
sharon: i try to push for 10... their max is 12 anyway. need to put in zoe and fushiastar also.

1. Xaby/Patsy
2. Alden/Fun
3. Ash/Morriane
4. Raelyn/Flotan
5. Tammi/Pammie
6. Sherrise/San
7. (Kaiser/Yippee) --- just in case
8. Janelle/Jenifur
9. Sabrina/Sharon
10. (Zoe/Fushiastar) --- just in case
Hi Patsy
u r back, Xaby must be v happy to see her mommy home!
Thx for keeping Kaiser in mind for GUG trial, we'll be happy to go.

I'll be mtg fushiastar later in the afternoon, will let her know abt the trial on your behalf. She may not log on here today.
patsy, thanks for the links! and your slank did work at GUG har? they really gave in to you?

anyone who doesn't want to attend, please let me replace hor...i'm on waitlist here...
sneaky!!!!!!!! aiyo... how could i forget you!! we up to 12? not sure about the trial yet, not yet confirmed but i'll keep bugging him until he gives in ;)

Yippee: hehe... FSIN
say hello to fushiastar! actually really forward to meeting some of the people off here. if Xaby wasn't unwell I'd ask to join you guys too!! (no paiseh, hor?) Xaby's much better, sleeping like a log up till now, guess the past few days really tired her out! Didn't sleep much in the hossie apparently.

BTw, my SIL stayed with Xaby the whole time (took leave) so my HB could attend some meetings, would like to get her something along the price range of $100 to thank her, any suggestions?
flo: ok.. will go check my email later and get back to you..

fiona: gen has so much hair! so nice..

that series of photos was the only one with a dog in it, so guess should be lor..

patsy: good to know that xaby is better.. actually the worry about high fever is not so much brain cells dying but that they go into a febrile fit.. if that ever happens, put baby lying to the side, hold baby in that position and v impt- clear airway (so that baby doesn't choke)..til fit is over.. also time the fit and call an ambulance immediately.. cos in the ambulance, they have a medication- i forgot the name that can stop the fit if baby is still having the fit.. when zoe had high fever, hubby drummed that into me, told me must remember and do just in case, cannot freak out.. but of course hope it never happens lar..
Mrs Tan

Ya, Brennan got fever suddenly last nite and this morning. And cough still there. So better not spread to other Bbs lor. So let Morraine go since they are ok with it


I paid $98 for 30soft copies of the photos in CDRom. And i paid extra for an 8R to be devloped for 1 selected photo which benjamin helped to touch up. Just got it
he delivered to my home. very nice guy


u mean he is not doing family portrait liao ah.. pity hor... must be tiring dealing with bbs. heehee
The package I took cost $250 for a 16-18 pages of 8R album, with minimum artwork. However, a 16-18 pages of 6R album will cost oni $180.

My photographer is David. You may want to email or call him to find out more about his charges as I last heard from him that he no longer has such promo prices.

Genevieve has lotsa hair when she was born. I shave her bald at 1 mth, but somehow her hair grows veri fast. Till now, I've trimmed her hair umpteen times already.
fiona, how time flies hor?? i still remember your visit in my room with baby Genevieve in your arms...haha...now..they're so grown up liao...
Patsy : Very glad that Xaby is all right now... and wanting to play... Was worried when saw your msg but now relived...

Yeah i agreed totally that this thread is very active... there are about 100 posts a day i think... or even more... so much information until i dun really remember who said what and have to keep refering... haha :D
Yes, Sneaky,

Times really flies. Before I realise it, our babies is turning a year old in less than 2 mths time.

My Gen is growing so fast that I am not able to catch up with her...i mean, her mass is too heavy for me to carry liao. But good in a way that i can skip those Gym session and do 'weight lifting' at home by carrying my Gen!haha. Now, my arms develop muscles alreadi!
Cherlin: thank you!! she still has slight fever tho, so am deciding if we want to take her to her cardio.... or wait a while? what do you guys think?
Patsy : Could Xaby be teething? What did the cardio said the other time? My Royce had fever too last week but only lasted 2 days due to virus infection. Then when he was well, another tooth came up... So now he got 6 teeth... However i realised whenever he is teething, there would be virus infection... wonder if it is just coincident or what?

You can sponge her with wet towel but don't use ice water just normal tap water to bring down the fever if it still persist. Maybe you can observe her for awhile and if you are still worried then go to see cardio... hope this helps...

Carole : So adorable... they really look like the crown prince and princess... :D
hope Xaby's ok liao.. fever gone?

yah.. same here... on aircon for Rae, she slept almost 3hours in a row. very rare... guess the weather's real humid these days...
cherlin/flo: so far whole day today no fever, but took her to her Cardio anyway coz her lips were very blue this morning. he said nothing to worry about, just viral caught in the air and nothing serious, and her blood oxygen level finally up to 81 from 60 on Weds night (normal baby has about 90+). Hoping it's all smooth sailing from now!!

Fun/jenifur: transferred the money to your accounts today, please confirm receipt.

Carole: which one is clarrise? and who is the other baby?
<font color="aa00aa">Patsy:
Glad to hear that Xaby is fine.. If I'm not wrong.. on the left is Samuel and Clarisse is on the right..

Hi all, share some photos on Sherisse's 1st Zoo trip :p</font>



Hi Morraine,

sorry yest didnt go to BJG in the end cos hubby had to work last min so we couldnt make it. How was it? Did Ashley enjoy it?
fiona, me arms too have developed muscles...keke...actually, i missed those days when we were still so inexperienced. now if we have the 2nd babe, we won't feel the same again...first-times are always memorable...

carole, wah kauz! this one history liao leh...didn't anyone notice Samuel's middle finger?!?!?!?!?! haha...
<font color="aa00aa">
Dun dare to get it wrong.. haha..

ya ya saw... keke.. My Sherisse also got 1 photo with middle finger de...hee </font>
Patsy, haha...how could you have guessed the other way round?! The baby on the right, has a girly look ie she must be Clarisse, while Samuel still retain some of his babyish looks

I just look for Kaiser's pic when he's ard 3mo. Seems like he looks different 9mo. See below for comparison.

Yippee: hehehe.. sorry, bit blur, lack of sleep! Xaby has been waking me up at 4 am the last 2 nights... think her sleep sched got disturbed after the hossie stay.

Xaby looks different also... Kaiser loves mobile phones too??? what is it about kids these days???


<font color="aa00aa">Patsy:
Can't really say she enjoy lah.. dun think she appreciate loh.. but she super active keep looking around loh.. tired liao also dun wan to sleep.. keke.. I was there at 9am stayed till about 1pm.. but din managed to cover the whole zoo.. cos hubby's company's family day mah.. so we sneak off to walk around then went back for lucky draw and lunch.. hehe</font>
San: thanks... think we'll hold off going to the zoo for a while then. what about the Botanic Gardens?? You guys know i've been here for 10 years but have never stepped into the botanic gardens or sentosa!!

Patsy: Me 2. Hvnt been to Botanic for a long time. But my cousin loves to bring his daughter there for pics taking. I went to the zoo 2 wks ago. Kayden kind of enjoyed himself. (on the train rides)( he gets excited watching the polar bears &amp; penguin swim) birds fly. mayb can try the bird parks.
