(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

i didnt say when leh cos she didnt give me option, so i assume she will just allocate me a wkend slot lor. white border photos on black bg sounds nice.

hey i saw u and fushiastar on the BP for play yard. I am also interested but i think the BP close liao leh. I wanna get the 6 panel ones cos i already have the bumper mat, and it looks like it will fit. but if baby bumps head against the panel, is it ok not?


I wanted to do this as part of Brennan's 1st birthday
I also developed his photos to put into album cos most of the photos are taken via HP and are softcopies

Do you have a picture of how the play yard looks like?
Mrs Tan

Try to develop your photos in square format. nicer too
But u will need to manually crop your photo before you send over to develop lor. they dont crop for u.
mrstan: i think the bumper mat will fit, i tried putting a single mattress inside and it is ok. so far XAby has bumped her head a few times and no red marks or anything, the plastic is not hard so i think it is ok.

SSL: here are the pictures, sorry i don't have pictures of the play yard empty, but the model inside is a cutie pie (hehe biased mummy)

hey thanks for posting the pics of the play yard. appreciate. i see that its a 6 panel yard is it? Does your ABC mat fit nicely into play yard? how much u got it? someone offering $90 for a used 6 panels...still considering it. cos find it ex still lah.
Mrs. Tan, i paid $119 for the 4 panels from Kid's Mall, then $60 from another mum for the 2 panels, so about $180 for 6 panels (very ex hor??) my problem is the 2 extra panels is the old model and it doesn't fit nicely into the new model so am looking for 2 panels of the new one. If you want, can sell you my 2 panels cheap :) there are some other mums who are selling 2 panels also so maybe you can just combine! The ABC mat is slightly bigger but i think it's better that way.

Xaby very cute and chubby leh

The play yard is so cute.. btw, can the play yard move if bb push the thing? cos brennan's strength quite big so am afraid he will lean on the thing or push it till the whole thing shifts. How much is one?
SSL: thanks... i think she's cute too
but may be too fat according to her cardio, but he also says she should lose some weight when she's mobile so no need to put her on diet yet.

the play yard will shift slightly if I lean on it, but so far when Xaby leans on it, no movement. I don't think it will topple over tho, the 4 sides are very secure. The price I paid for is in my post to Mrs. Tan above, although I now have extra 4 panels for sale at $100 only, but catch is that there is no door but 2 activity panels (long story lah) For October mums I will try to convince the other mum to sell at $95 lor, let me know if you're interested!
huh.... Fun: why cannot join in ur trial class? keke... i was thinking of joining actually. hehe.. but due to work commitments.. i can't.

sneaky: how ya doing samuel's birthday! u have been very busy recently ah.

What the length and width for 4 panels vs 6 panels? looks long in the photo so wonder if my house has that space to fit in
mrs tan: i know!! i was confused too until i saw the difference. i bought my original set in kids mall, it was the new model. When the BP came up and someone was selling 2 panels of the old set, i got it only to find it doesn't fit properly into the new model. So i've gone and bought another new set with another mum, so now need to get rid of the 2 panels of the old model --- have i totally confused you now? ;)
ahahahah u dam funny lah! ya u TOTALLY confused me now! hehehe. but i kinda get wat u mean liao lah. the fit is diff rite? I still think $90 for a 1-yr used 6 panels too ex lah. So i will look ard a bit more lor.
I see you can multi task.

I just got a playyard too, a handmedown from Kaiser's cousins. Hv not used it yet, dunno if they wd collaspe if Kaiser push hard enuf
Mrs Tan

I just received a call from the lady that this sat 3.30pm got trial leh. am asking hubby to confirm.

u going??
patsy, no worries...i can understand you...
Samuel's birthday falls on 30.09.06 (same day as his cousin brother living under the same roof; they are 365 days apart) thank you in advance!

yippee, balloon sculpturing and clowning sounds nice too! i'll reserve it as a backup..

mrstan, Samuel's class starts are 5pm. we should be able to meet each other there! what time is the trial class? and i totally agree with you abt the EDD thingy...i feel more at home over here...cos we went through so much with each other, right?

adel, i intend to set up a puppet show and if possible decorate the house with a bit of sesame street balloons. if not possible, then i'll just make do with the normal Happy Birthday and some mega balloons from my hubby's nursery. maybe getting a 2-tier cake from Pine Garden (recommended by OJX). don't forget, this birthday party is for 2 boys; aged 1 & 2...not exclusive hor...yes, i've been quite busy lately...haiz...what about you? how are you going to celebrate Brent's birthday?
sneaky: wow, what a coincidence! Is your SIL going to help out with the deco? or am i being too calculative? I'll email the list to you on Saturday

mrs tan!!!! rather than join the BP for the play yard, just get mine lah... $95 compared to $105!!

how do u pat your bb to sleep at nite?

We used to be able to pat brennan to sleep in the playpen (sort of like restraining him from moving about but lying on his side) after his last milk feed around 8.30pm. Half an hour should do the job.

But after his recent illness, he refused to be restrain and will scream and cry. So now, after his last milk feed, we will bring him into the room and put him on my bed. Then he wil be rolling and crawling and tired himself out after 1hr before he can lie on his side and us patting him to sleep on the bed. After he sound asleep, then carry him into the playpen.

Any mummies encounter the same thing? just wonder how I should bring him to sleep at night cos now got me and hubby ok, but there will be times i need to coax him to sleep alone so i just scared i will be too tired to handle him.
patsy, i think we're gonna share this...i'm the unlucky one cos my SIL's children's 1st year parties are paid by my MIL. this time cos it's for both, i think i'll have to fork out some money loh...
patsy:thanks for e offer..but you stay quite far fr me leh..
by the way the play yard looks good
that's e old model that xaby is in right? you are selling the new model?

sneaky: there are many reasons why we get ulcers.. could be a deficiency, viral.. commonly apthous ulcers do go away on their own.. can apply bongela or kenalog- this is better but need a prescription..

yipee ya ya: me too! fun's kindermusik trial timing is zoe's lunch time.. i went for a weekday afternoon trial at tanglin.. all expat babies..

^zoe still sleeping now.. waiting for her to wake up to eat dinner-yong tao fu and rice
Hi Mummies!

i'm joining the BJG trial class at Bukit Batok branch this coming Sunday at 3.30pm... anybody coming along too? then we can meet up and chit chat...

Patsy : Xaby is really a cutie pie... :D

So are all the babies out there!!! haha :D
fushiastar: aiyo, singapore so small nowhere is really far ;) but Xaby's original 4 panels is the new model, got 2 more coz i thought the old model should be the same but it was smaller and didn't fit properly, so now have to sell off the 2 panels of the old one, and get 2 more one new ones! headche lah!

Cherlin: thanks... and like you said, all babies are cute lah.
HB just called and Xaby has 39.4 fever!!!! He's bringing her to KK now. So worried now... I think she knows i'm away coz she seems to always get sick when i'm away
but my job means i have to travel, so am really lost what to do now.
Dun think too much now, just focus on getting on the earliest possible flight home. Xaby will be in good hands at KKH. Glad to know her fever is down now. She'll be alright.
patsy: oh dear.. but xaby is at the hospital now so should be ok.. do you have a cooling mattress? that's v good for bringing down fevers.. can also stock up on panadol suppositories
thanks yippee and fushiastar... no more fever but they kept her in the hossie overnight to get the specialists to see her today to see why she had fever, worry now that the tube in her heart may be infected. I have stocked up on the suppositories and have the cooling mattress too... but HB panicked and took her to KK first.
Hi Fun,

Er, thanks for being the first to start this thread k?
Can I just share a bit of my personal opinion? I've been with the Singaporebrides forum since year 2000/2001 and I suppose you are like me? I moved onto Singaporemotherhood forum from the time it first started. Frankly I am very grateful for this forum as really it has provided me with a lot of support and useful information. It's really heartwarming to see so many mothers and mothers-to-be gathering at one place and lending each other support in many ways.
I was just a little surprised at the exchange that took place between you, coffeedrinker and venus. I suppose while it is definitely your right to decide who can join your trial grp, it at least FEELS as if this Oct Mum's thread has become OURS, everyone's; a place in the forum that anyone who stumbles upon can read from and perhaps even participate in, regardless of whether their child's edd was in Oct 2005 or not, or even if their child was indeed born in Oct 2005.

I just feel a bit 'rejected' for venus and coffeedrinker lah.
I mean... I really dun think Chin Leng would have wished for this kind of exclusivity within the threads, unless of cos it is under the marketplace branch.

Please dun be angry with me k? I really dun mean to be rude at all. I still fully respect that you are the genesis of this thread.

Er, I think there is some misunderstand lor. I want to open the trial to ppl tat freqs the thread. Not someone which i am not familar with like the two mentioned on yr msg. And kana questioned why cant join the trial etc... I also nv say not allowed to chat here.. which i realli cant stop
maybe next time if i organise such sessions, i shld PM those i know for lesser questions and trouble.

Not angry with anyone la.. wats the big deal of cant join a trial session class? if dun have a thead which they frqs den can wait for someone to organise on new thread ba

dun think too much ok? not gd for health
wah confirm liao ah? nobody called me yet leh, hmm if i still don hear from them, think i better call myself.

aiya i already put my name on the new BP liao leh. Just thot it might be easier to get it together at one go, then no need to think whether old or new design, if match or not. leychey lah.. Btw hows ur girl now? fever gone?

wahh so we might see each other ah? if i spot u or samuel, i will go up to u and say hi ok??
Hi Patsy
How's Xaby today? Hope she's feeling better.

Maybe Brennan is a big boy now. Cd be now he doesnt like to be "restrain" or perhaps he finds the playpen too small for his before sleep rolling & crawling. I have also set a routine for Kaiser, he will usu "retire" to his mattress at ard 730pm after all the cleaning. Then I let him laze ard for 10min, then off all the lights & lie down "pretend" to sleep next to him. He wd fall asleep within 10-15min.

how's your exp with the trial at Kindermusik? You mentioned a class full of expat babies, just wondering does the teacher show any preference towards angmo?
mrstan, i think we might meet each other...i might pop by earlier to see Kenshin in class...keke...if i see you first, i'll get Samuel to wave to both of you, k?
just a quick update, spoke to the cardio in KK just now, she is fine, no more fever, oxygen level higher but still lower than normal. They're doing an echocardiogram on her later to make sure the flow of blood ok. If all ok, and no more fever the whole day, may be able to be discharged tonight. got a 4 pm flight out, so will be home tonight.

also, got a call from Kindermusik, got cancellation for Sunday class, call irene and ask if you can join for trial!
SSL: Oh yes, abt the sleeping thing, it's v normal. Bbs will change the way they fall asleep and the amt of time they sleep. ;) Kyra was like that too. When she was abt 12mths she would toss and turn till she fell asleep on her own. Then at abt 24 mths she wanted me to sing to her till she slept. Now she drinks her milk and sleeps.
my BJG trial this Sat 3.30pm confirmed liao! So i will be seeing u there. want me to wear a red rose on my shirt so u can recognise me? hee hee hee...macham go on blind date.

so i will be seeing u on Sun then. Actually i am concerned if its alrite to let kenshin go for 2 trials on 2 days. wonder if it will be too overwhelming or not...
mrs tan

try calling annie la. btw, brennan has slight cough so not sure if i can go for the trial class on sat. if u want to, can PM me your contact and if i cant make it, can let u go

Yippee, so good ah.... can sleep by himself. mine, if i pretend to sleep beside him, he will try to crawl over us. thats what he did to my hubby. so doesnt work lor. what's the last nap time for Kaiser before his bedtime? i just wonder if i should stop letting brennan sleep after his afternoon milk around 3pm. maybe thats why he cant sleep??

he usually naps after his morning cereal at 9.30am, after lunch around 1+pm, after teabreak around 4+pm. too much??


i can understand where kris is coming from. i guess you also wish to start a trial class soon and thus having more mummies to sign up first will mean the sooner you can have the trial class formed
I do see venus and coffeedrinker's post elsewhere in this forum before. Probably they havent been posting in the Octmummy thread i guess.
mrs tan
yeh!!! err..... red rose. heehee... sunflower better. more obvious.

i think its ok for Kenshin to go for trials consecutively lah. just make sure he has enough sleep before that.

brennan will be awake from 11+am that day cos going to my granny house after his lunch. Just hope he will sleep during the car ride to BJG otherwise he will be super grouchy and noisy during the class
mrstan, i don't think it's overwhelming because at this age, they are most curious and would love to learn new things...yeah, we're gonna meet for the first time...heee

mummies, is it better for Samuel to share a birthday cake with his cousin or have his own 1st birthday cake? i'd like to hear your opinions...

<font color="ff0000">sneaky - of coz if Samuel can blow his own cake n have his own cake wil be great lar.. for pics sake oso nice nice mah.. since its his First wor..but den hor.. if celebrating wif his cousin den wil be weird if have to cut 2 cakes or not arh? </font>
