(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

Mrs Tan, Sneaky.. long time no chat.. hey I'm taking Tammi for Kindermusik too on Sunday... 1pm one. Only one left - 1 seat only so I took it.. I wanted 4pm one originally they said full already...

Sneaky, my tammi's bday on same day as MIL .. Where cake is concerned, I m getting one just for Tammi..

morraine, that's my question also; wierd or not har? but it's Samuel's 1st birthday wor...i can't make it as common as the 2nd or subsequent birthdays mah...i also hope he can have a cake exclusive for his birthday...but if i really wanna do that, how to initiate leh? my friend taught me to say only for this year because it's Samuel's 1st birthday. subsequent ones can share loh...
my tammi also woke up in middle of night some 2 nights back and i was v v tired for about 4 - 5 days.. after that she revert to normal..
<font color="ff0000">yeah i agree wif ur fren lor.. den say things like u would like to get something diff on the cake to show its first birthday lor.. either the cake is shaped like one or erm.. the candle is shaped like one lar.. hee..</font>

for those design shaped in One huh... usually needs 2kg and above can finish bo... or u can get candles! like this!
den get no. 2 also for cousin lor.. den use same cake just use different candle
sneaky: why would u even think of sharing a cake with samuel's cousin? i mean for christ sake.. jus be frank and insist in getting a cake jus for samuel.. surely another cake wouldn't hurt right? if cannot finish, u give me.... kekeke.. jus kidding.

anyway, make it more meaningful for samuel ba..its jus gonna cost u like another 50-100bucks or so.. and there wun be... one more one year old birthday party for samuel le.

as for me.. i am still kinda clueless on how to celebrate.. its like still quite a while later.. so will hang on and see.. what good ideas i can get.. hehe... Brent not as fortunate as samuel.. lah.. got this kind of good mummy! Btw, wad puppet show u toking abt? engaging someone there or? dun understand wor.

Kaiser naps at 930am &amp; 230pm after some playing to digest his milk &amp; lunch
And bedtime is ard 7.45 - 8pm. Usu his naptime is ard 1.5hrs. How abt Brennan, does he has long naps? If yes, maybe like you say could be sleep too much in the day, cant get to sleep easily at night. maybe can try to reduce 1 nap in the afternoon.

Glad to hear Xaby will be going home soon. That's gd.

I think Samuel shd have his own cake. They can sing the birthday song together but the 2 boys will cut their own cake lor. So each will feel special in their own way during the birthday party
What do you think?
pammie, you went missing har? hey, your trial is 1pm one...by the time you're done, it's only 2pm at most. aiyo, so early...can't meet up with you loh...MIL and Tammi got such a big age gap...still okay...MIL don't have cake nevermind...but Tammi must have loh...

adel, i'm just worried that my suggestion would make them feel i'm calculative and not united. you're also a good mummy lah...at least i think you've made an effort to love Brent. i think you weren't patient with kiddos in the past, right? i'm thinking of getting an entertainment company to stage up a puppet show to entertain the kids. well, i've not really drawn up a plan for the party but i guess i'll do it shortly. maybe the party will opened by the puppet show at 6pm.

fun, i'm also wondering who and how to finish so many cakes...my friend said --> cut bigger pieces for the guests lah...hahaha

thank you all...i have decided to get Samuel his own birthday cake because i'd like him to feel special. as i read your replies, i cannot help but feel so guilty because i had THOUGHT about sharing a cake and not fight for him when SIL suggested. now, i'm very certain i'll get him his own cake!

oh.. its ok
brennan's cake will in the shape of numeric 1.


Brennan sleeps in sarong. usually nap time about 1/2 to 1hr. unless u rock him, he probably sleep longer. Maybe can try not letting him sleeop after the 3pm milk. But he will start to fuss around 7+ but he can only have his last feed before bed around 8.15pm cos by the time hubby and i reach home, its about 7.45pm and we need to eat and bath ma.
morraine aka Chan ka

I am sure u can FINISH the cake lor.. no doubts man.. keke but i talking abt sneaky prob le.. two cakes if both is 2kg.. siao liao lor.. hehehee

I think i dun need to wait for yr invitation card rite? Parents in law liao ma.. kekekee
fun, yah loh...i think i don't care lah...at most distribute to friends to bring home loh...get ready some takeaway containers for dapao loh...
lol.. sneaky: i am sure u know what you should do.. whether to share or a cake for samuel. the final decision is ur choice. u wont be spending alot more just to order another cake for sam sam.

like adel said, cant finish, u can always bring to us! whahahaha
<font color="ff0000">Fun Chan Ka - haha dun worry invitation card all the ppl here wil kena!! hahahahhaa *scared bo*

Sneaky - Good Choice!! Samuel will be delighted for sure!!!</font>
which mummy brought bb to genting before? how many seater coach u took? isit a direct to genting or cable car?

cos i m planning a trip up in mid Sept, but not cfm yet, as i am waiting for some outstanding issues to settle.
fun, okay...i've never thought of getting an ice-cream cake. i think SIL is more likely get one cos her daughter's recent bday cake was an ice-cream cake...
you brought your bb to foto-u to take pic as well? Who is the photographer?

This album is a gift from me to my bb for her 1st year birthday. I don't intend to throw a elaborate party. Just a small family affair.
Hi Fiona

U also went to foto-u
me too. my photographer is Benjamin. what about yours? your ger ger looks very adorable
Fiona and SSL: How much did the photography package cost ah?? Heh.. DO they charge per person? What abt costumes? I wanna take family pics with my 2 gals and hang all over my new house! Heheh!
which mummy brought bb to genting before? how many seater coach u took? isit a direct to genting or cable car? cos i m planning a trip up in mid Sept

Trip is not cfm yet, as i am waiting for some outstanding issues to settle.
yipee ya ya: actually zoe loved kindermusik
she was happily jumping and baby talking throughout the whole class! the noisest baby there :p it was a pretty good experience for her..quite a few of the babies had blond hair and blue eyes which is new to her and she kept staring at this little blonde baby boy.. haha.. nope, no bias shown by the teacher at that lesson..

patsy: glad to hear xaby is better

wah got ang mo kids de ah.. kekeke gd.. so my alden can get a angmo gf.. kekeke.. gd start..hahaa

I guess we all nv tried bring bb to genting leh.. still too small a bb to do so ba..
why not go KL? can take short plane

CHk under www.foto-u.com, promotion
look for family portraits

I took family outdoor with my dog and Pregy pics by Benjamin.. i heard that he wont be handling the family portraits anymore.. will pass to the rest to do it... going for family portriats again on 2 sept for Alden's first bday...
fun: haha.. actually i prefer zoe to go for classes where english is spoken to have more expats, think the english is better..but if i send her for chinese classes when she's bigger, must be taught by china/taiwanese teachers.. hee hee.. the expat parents are also v friendly and talked to me and zoe too.. there was a short water/milk break and i was latching zoe.. and so were half of the other mummies there so i didn't feel awkward..

fun, which album is u and alden ?
is it"magdalene and alex"? :p
Fiona: Gen is very cute!!

Finally back home! Fortunately Xaby has no more fever.

Jen/Fun: will transfer the money to you by today. (need to figure out how to do internet transfer

Pregy pics are under benjamin's portfolio, he didnt post up my family portraits with Alden last April

here are two pics to share:
<font color="ff0000">carole - sorry cant b of any help coz i did not bring ash to anyware overseas before</font>

<font color="ff0000">Fiona - the pics are very nice!!! how much u spent arh? i wan to take but den scared the results not nice.. coz so fat..
Sneaky - glad u sorted out the cake issue. ya i'm all for samuel's own cake! sorry didn't go missing la, just tat the thread moves so quickly and i dont always hve the time to sit and read all that's going on so when I post one line, and then come back to read it, i find that 3 pages have gone by and it's hard to catch up!

I'ts a pity we can't meet loh, cos' i really want to meet other parents with kids who are Tammi's age. I think it's a waste of money to spend on gym la, music la, cos' basically I can also organise in my house - just get all the babes into 1 room, turn on music and we dance wildly! what's the difference?? but who will come to my party?!
morriane: i'm the same! thinking maybe that's what i give my parents for christmas... photo session with xaby!

fun: aiyo!!! alden is really soooooooooo cute!

I didn't do anything different, she just started to sleep all the way. Oh wait, yes I gave her Mamil NITE feed rather than the usual Mamil GOld cos' Nite one has extra cereal to make baby more full at night and can sleep better. But actually i dont think it's just the NITE feed la, she was probably tired from waking up at night also.. now she sleeps till 7+am so at least I have some peace.
pammie: arrange it and we shall come

BTW, spoke to GUG, they will try to arrange for a trial class for us on a weekend 4 pm, max 8 mums/kids. No definite date yet but I'll keep you guys posted.
<font color="ff0000">patsy - i wan to try the GUG trial!!

mrs tan - tmr can meet u laioz!! im going to the trial tmr replacing SSL</font>
Fun: of course! used my american accent and gave C &amp; B story of how they were recommended by friends back home, etc, etc, etc! :D
GUG Trial - no confirmation yet but who would like to join if ever:

1. Xaby/Patsy
2. Alden/Fun
3. Ash/Morriane

i would think that priority would be given to mums who are regulars in this thread...
<font color="aa00aa">Patsy: I'm also interested.. here's the updated list..

GUG Trial - no confirmation yet but who would like to join if ever:

1. Xaby/Patsy
2. Alden/Fun
3. Ash/Morriane
4. Sherisse/San
GUG Trial - no confirmation yet but who would like to join if ever:

1. Xaby/Patsy
2. Alden/Fun
3. Ash/Morriane
<font color="aa00aa">4. Raelyn/Flotan</font>

i would think that priority would be given to mums who are regulars in this thread...
