(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

i think nurse not necessarily noe abt baby/child nutrition leh.. my PD say before that cannot give all these salt, sugar, etc coz their body system have not fully developed. wait kidney failure how? inside body, cannot see... think better to be safe than sorry... mebbe chk with the doc/PD on your next visit.

i haven't confirmed if going this saturday also.. hope to go...

sabrina so adorable!!!

Dear Mummies,
Wanted to check when you feed porridge how much is that. I think my mum is feeding the baby alot coz he cries loudly, closing his mouth with force (but finishes it in the end) when he is fed breakfast, lunch and dinner but sometimes he is ok...so erratic but recently the crying is more frequent and it really breaks my heart.

This is not the case when we feed him biscuits he is so happy.

Tyler's makan schedule:

8am Cereals with grated fruits (8- 10 tsp of nestle or Heinz cereal)
10am half grated fruit (apple or pear...)
11:30am Porridge (1 full bowl - small soup bowl size)

2:30pm milk (140-180ml)
4pm Biscuit or bread
6pm Porridge (1 full bowl)

8:30/9pm milk (140 - 180ml)
12am milk (140ml)
4am milk (140ml - 180ml)

Sigh... have just bought baby cookbook to try new receipes. Hope it will be better.
flo, i agree with you actually. i think we shdn't intro salt and sugar when our kiddos are so young. shd flavour the porridge with more fish instead...don't know what brains they have ah...

btw, hubby asked mil how much does ngoh fish cost and said Samuel's not taking enough...she got very annoyed by it...hubby's also very pissed with her reaction and is contemplating to move out...haiz...i feel so helpless...
Did ur BB starting crying halfway through or right from the beginning? If right from the beginning, he may not like the porridge. If from halfway, he may be full already. Did he try to move his head away or not eager to open his month when ur mum feed him?

1 full bowl to me is a lot leh.. my ger only can take about 1/2 soup bowl right now. If we try to give her more than that, she will still eat but you can tell that she is not very eager and may appear to have difficulty swallowing.
Jen: Wow the amt of food seems alot & its like every 2 hrs. mayb u'll like to feed every 3 hrs instead or reduce the amt & try if bb still crys.
My boy refused to drink milk from the bottle. no matter gv him 180 or 100ml EBM he only drink like 50ml only.Tried for weeks aledi. still the same. So thot of changing his diet. pls advise wat u gals think of this schedule? Thanx
Est Milk (ml)
6:30 am Latch 120
9:00 am Cereals / EBM 80
1:00 pm Fish Porridge
5:00 pm Cereals / EBM 80
8:00 pm Latch 180
12:00 am Latch 120
4:00 am Latch 120
Your boy's schedule looks alright to me but is it because he don like bottle feed or the teat? What teat do you use?

Previously, when I was latching my ger and try to bottle feed her using Avent bottle teat, she took a long time to finish her milk or don even finish her milk. Subsequently, I tried using Pigeon teat and she is alright with it till now.
Adeline: Pigeon teats. Tik not the teats prob. cos last time he was on Avent. Don like also. Ever since change to Pigeon ok. can take 180 - 200 ml also. only like last mth start he keep chewing on the teats. mayb teething. thats the new schedule i intend to try out. cos day time milk intake very little i compensate with nite feeding. but very shiong. super sleepy
Have not been logging on. Have been bz with work even during June Holiday now. Sigh.

Glad to read that all bb are developing fast...Mine just started to crawl forward(on all fours) yest (she's 8.5 mths) though she started creeping backwards since 6 mths. But I am letting her take her time to develop and learn things on her own lah. Every bb is different rite? haha.

My Gen fell from the bed 2 days ago, after her dad bathed her and put her there unattended. OMG...she landed on her face and her gums and lips are bleeding profusely for a good 10 mins or so...my heart skipped a beat and I almost fainted.Luckily she's alright now...
Fiona: My boy learn to crawl 2 days ago forward. used to crawl backward. I assisted him in pushing his soles to the front & use a moving toy to attract him to move front. after a while he realoised he can move front. every bb is diff, hehe but i'm sure parents get excited every thing their bb moves on to another stage. I'm so eager to se new development, hehe but Kayden is on the slower side.

Oh no poor Gen. Kayden fell twice also but lucily mine is just a mattress off the ground. But after seeing him cry so pitifully. I promise I;ll never let him suffer again .Heartache!
3rascal: the one I saw was at Bishan. Am aiming to move there. Hee.. It's those point blks 24 stories high and there are 4 units on the 23rd floor that are mansionettes. These have a huge open balcony. The blk is also near Junction8. Really quite sayang cos we dun have the cash right now. We're considering Jumbos at Bishan as well, more likely to demand less cash or even zero cash. The unit we saw was valued at 490k but owener wanted 30k cash. Another jumbo we saw at Bishan valued at 500k but zero cash.
Hi kris and sneaky,
Sorry to ask this personal qn. Why do u choose to stay with you in laws?

After I married my hb, i've been staying with my in laws. There's basically no freedom at all, from hanging out laundry to sleeping late, etc...everything I do is like wrong in their eyes..and especailly my mil, she doesn't need to ask me permission before she do anything. She can basically walk into my room while I am sleeping, without knocking at the door. She can give her friends the chocolates I bought from USA, without asking me for permission or in fact, without telling me...

After my bb was born, life was even tougher. She will want me to heed her advice pertaining to rearing kids...hers is the traditional methods...and unhygenic kind...I've been tolerating and has nvr complain anything to my hb as I do not want him to be caught in between. However, one fine day, very early in the morning,immediately after my hb left, she barged into my room, and scolded me for something which I din do. I felt hurt and humiliated...and hence decided not to be a fool who will endure for no reason. I decided to move out...told my hb i m real determined now and finally told him how his mum has treated me. He got a shock and felt abit remorseful and guilty not able to give me good life....

Now, staying on our own is really a joy. I am happier and my freedom is not restricted. Though mine is oni a 3 room flat, it's small and cozy enough for my hb, my bb and I.

I think 9 out of 10 have prob staying with in laws. They are a real pain in the ass.dun u agree?
hi fiona, before marrying hubby, he had already told me he'll not move out. i thought to myself "who wants to move out of a bungalow?" and so we stayed on. furthermore, mil is a modern woman who dotes on her eldest dil. i thought she's not a bad mil to stay with. she's not that bad actually. it's just that i'm a sensitive and jealous person. i just can't take it when i see that she's favouring everything that belongs to the eldest son.

my hubby got so pissed off and started pouring out his woes to me. this were some of the words he mentioned during our msn conversation: -

"so what u think? sooner or later got to move out cos getting crowded"

"and I don't like mum to be so unfair, unfair to me nvm, unfair to her grandchildren also I can't take it"

"I give her every month $XXX compared to XXX (elder bro) who did not give anything yet she still treat them better then us"

"I can't take it anymore, everything also ask us to do, never ask them"

"things spoil, need fixing etc ask me and u to do"

i felt so hurt and sorry for my hubby. i kept asking if i'm the starter of all these and that i'm sorry. he replied...

"don't need to...sooner or later gota move out one, might as wel be sooner. nope, if she is fair, then you got nothing to start about

bil's family (total 4 pax) and my family (3 pax + maid sleeping outside our room) are living on the 3rd level. if we move off, they'll be the happiest people in the whole wide world cos they can have the whole of 3rd level to themselves...wow...what a happy family! no need to pay a single cent and get the biggest pie and mil pouring money on them for their kids...and we...if move out, gotta slog like mad to make ends meet.

what do you suggest, fiona?
Hi mummies,
long time no chat. but i've been logging in to catch up on our thread.

I am also one of those who stay with inlaws. So I totally understand wat u mean abt them being a pain in the ass. But I'm so glad that we will soon have our own place! We're looking around right now in fact and plan to move by end this year.
Btw do u have a maid? How do u cope if its just ur hubb and u at home?
hi Sneaky,

wah u also got inlaws problem ah...sama sama lah. true that once move out, finances will be tight. But I'm pretty sure we'll be much happier to have own space and privacy. So you guys got any plans to move out?
Those mummies planning to move out, any plans to shift to the west? I'm planning to move and sell my current place. If any of you are interested, let me know.
Like wat mrs tan mentioned, living on your own, will incur high expenses. But since I am living in a 3 rm flat, costs are quite low. however, we r much happier now. I do not have to look at that old woman's 'face colour' u see...and this will not strain my marriage.

I am not in a postion to advise u to move out or not, but i do feel that private space and freedom is impt to our marriage.

Mrs. Tan,
When my hb is not ard i take care of the bb myself. We do not have a maid..must keep cost low mah...so I am a superwoman...basically everyday after work, I will come home wash the laundry, iron clothes, vacumm and mop floor...of cos all these can be done after my bb sleeps at ard 8 plus or 9...after i've done my housework, I will do my school work like marking and planning lesson..so u see...am i a superwoman? luckily my flat is small, so cleaning is fast...
mrstan, i'm not deprived of any privacy now. in fact, my mil hardly steps into our room (almost never). i don't know lah...seems like she's making life a little more difficult for me, that's all....
Fiona: You still can mark AFTER hsework ah??? You are v super! I've abandoned all my markings for dunno how long liow! Now I just let things pile up until CA is due then I do marathon marking for a week to clear all. Otherwise I also can only mark in school cos once I am home my toddler will not let me do anything!
But luckily I've learned the art of not killing myself over whether to give 1 mark more or less, otherwise I long long time ago die till straight straight liow! haha..

I guess I'm lucky in the sense that I'm really getiing the best deal there is to expect realistically from pils lah. I didn't move in with them. They moved in with me. So this is MY house. When my hb and I got married his family was not v well-to-do and my mom demanded a v v high dowry price, so to try to loosen things up my fil sold his flat and gave my hb some $ to help with the wedding and everything. So my fil and bil actually moved into my hse even b4 I moved in. I was feeling a little 'cheated' of my er ren shi jie initially but I know that it's only right that they live with us cos otherwise they live where? But after 1 yr or so my fil moved out and remarried. (My original pils divorced and each remarried, but have no kids of their new marriages) My bil also moved out cos he too got married. And so for a while I got my er ren shi jie. And guess what? I found it v lonely and quiet in the hse.. (you must think I'm mad.
) This went on for abt 2 yrs then my fil with his new wife decided to come and stay over at my plc over weekdays to help since I now have 2 kids. They go back to their own home on Fri nites and then my original mil comes over for the weekend to spend time with the grandkids. I am quite glad I am not spending most of the days with my original mil tho, cos i am quite sure that if I were I'd be facing similar problems as most of u staying with ils. My original mil likes to comment on the things I cook for my hb that it's unhealthy etc etc and then the next moment she'll offer him the exact same thing that she said was bad. It's just my 6th sense but I know she doesn't REALLY like me.
I suppose she's a bit threatened sometimes.. heh.. her eldest son is in my hands!

Sorry for boring everyone with my grandmother story! My life is a bit complicated lah.
u are a superwoman!! FT working mum some more. eh but then since u got no maid, then daytime u put ur bb to infantcare is it? wah arent u tired then, must do chores some more. amazing lah u.

well at least gd for u, u got privacy still.

which part of west? how come u wanna sell leh?
sneaky: i really do not know how do u feel about the situation.. but for me.. if i have to stay with someone else besides my own family members of whom i grew up with.. i think i will jus die. well.. we may be modern but the relationship between mil and dils.. has never improved down the so many generations and etc.
somemore.. if u say tt u are someone who is more sensitive and gets jealous easily.. u will definitely be happier moving out. trust me on tt! u have ur own small space.. w/o having to notice anyone besides ur dear hb and son.. its jus so wonderful lor.. staying together jus creates conflicts... like for me, both my mil and myself know tt we will not be able to live together harmoniously... (deep down inside my heart and hers) we didn't say out lah.. like for eg.. if i am sick, she will ask Brent to stay at her place and asks me and hb to go back to our own place. hehe.. not tt she is chasing us away but rather.. she feels tt i will definitely be more comfortable at my own place lor.. at least we do not have to pretend to really like each other.. u get the pic? its all quite superficial.. unlike our own mum's never dying love for us!
take a step back and think about it. its not really going to cost tt much if u move out lah.
fiona, you're really super manz! i find it quite tough to face baby all the time. sometimes, i'll still geng and pass Samuel to maid...keke...

adel, i agree...but it really takes a lot of courage and planning to do it...furthermore, i'm now stucked with a house, which i cannot stay cos my mum's living there...stucked!!!
sneaky,kris, mrs tan,

Ya sometimes I oso think I am a superwoman. No choice lah, women are born to be 'ill fated' haha. Because of this family, I actually make a painful decision to step down from position in school...sometimes after doing all the housework and taking care of bb, i feel so frustrated, especially when i see my bb crying for attention and yet my hb didn't do anything.

last time when i was staying with my ils, i must pretend to like them...very hard to act u noe...why do i need to be so superficial? can't I be myself? trust me, staying on ur own has so much more joy...u can do whatever without been criticised or told off...

my mil dropped by one fine day and the moment she stepped in she critised my floor never mop, my cupboard nvr wipe,the porridge i cook for bb not healthy, etc...i immediately showed her the black face...and told her I am gng out soon so she must leave now...she was so pissed off and fr then she nvr dare to come to my house...I got the courage to 'show her face colour' becos this is my house, she has no right to comment this and that...on the same day, i told my hb that I ernestly do all the housework everyday, and I dun like her to criticise...and I do not want to see her in my house anymore...I really hate my mil...i really felt cheated like a fool to have endured all her nonsense in the past...wat did i get in return? nothing...not even her gentle care lor...i guess if we have not stayed together, our relationship will be slightly better.
fiona: cool... down... maybe she is trying to strike a conversation with you but dunno how to? jus relax lor.. if she complains.. jus say ya lor... i've done it already but it doesn't help when your son is busy too!
hiak hiak.
Hi Adeline (charmaine)

Tyler cries after like 1 -2 spoons, i suspect he is either bored with the food or really dislikes. Today we tried to add a little unsalted butter to the porridge and he gobbled down his porridge so i guess he wants more flavor.

currently only giving one type of fish - ngoh fish but read all the mummies postings so will be trying out salmon and cod fish. Thank goodness I am able to read what other babies are eating
so I can let Tyler try too.

I must commend you for your preseverance to continue to give your baby BM. I stopped at 6 months and every day I would say i will be stopping next week hehe my hubby got so immune to hearing it.

Your schedule looks good. If your boy likes porridge you can consider it for 2 meals lunch and dinner.

Tyler just started teething...now has 2 teeth so I have started him on chicken porridge but will be trying beef with mash potatoes soon.
Hi Fiona,

I can understand how you feel when your baby fell off the bed.

Last week Tyler fell off the bed, face flat on the floor under my supervision despite me putting pillows to block. Sigh! I turned around to change the music CD and next minute he slided down the bed... wow my heart ached but luckily it was a little bruise.

My hubby very nice about it. If it was him supervising I would have chided him hehe... double standard
Fiona: I think your mil is reacting to your moving out that's y she reacted like that. Cos she's not the one now to 'supervise' the chores and 'make sure' everything is up to 'standard' and so she sees everything out of her control with coloured specs. My own mom is like that one, long time ago when I just got a maid and she didn't like the maid she also complain my house is filthy, kid is dying of malnutrition, my clothes are yellowed etc etc, when I see my maid cleaning the house meticulously everyday etc. I'm not telling you to endure her nonsense lah, just offering my understanding of y these pple sometimes behave in such a way.
Mrs Tan,
I stay near to Jurong Point. Am planning to shift to be nearer to my parents cuz currently I am shuttling up and down twice every day to deposit kid before work and pick up after work. The journey itself is time consuming, so we decided to move to be closer to them to cut down travelling time.
fiona, you're really wei da, you know? Gen is very fortunate to have you as her mummy!

i think i agree with adel that your mil is probably trying to strike a converstaion with you but she could have done it the negative way. maybe she'd like to offer her help initially but because of your reaction, she backed out? i don't think she meant harm lah...

as for my mil, i really "you4 ai4 you4 hen4". sometimes she can be quite alright but at times, she'll show black face and do/say wierd things. the worst thing is that i dare not call home to check on Samuel cos she's always the one picking up the phone with an unfriendly tone towards me. always say "shen3 me4 shi4?" in an annoyed manner. it's been 6 mths since i started work and i merely called home to instruct my maid to do something and at the same time check on Samuel less than 10 times.

sometimes i wonder if i'm the one thinking too much and creating a scenario which is not the truth. perhaps mil finds it difficult to communicate with me cos i'm not the talkative type at home; unlike my sil loh, talk and talk non-stop.

i think we should only move out with FIL's blessings (both emotionally & financially). i don't want to break his heart for making his son leave this house. FIL's a nice person; man of few words and seems fair. even if he favours someone, i think he's good at hiding it. that makes him a gentleman and a nice person to live with. we will most likely be staying on for FIL's sake unless we really cannot take it anymore, then we'll move.
BJG - Crawler 2 Class
anyone interested in joining? the next class starting on Sun, 2 July @ 3.30pm. fee is S$365 for 10 lessons.
Hi Sneaky,
My Gen will be continuing the BJG Crawler 2(Term 3) at pasir Ris. Hers will start 8th July at 2p.m. However, the fees is $330 for 10 lessons..and I'll be getting a 10% discount for being their loyal customers. All these rate are stated in teh application forms leh..how cm urs so exp? Whose ur teacher?
hi Fiona, hmmm...how come bt batok more expensive har? i'm not certain if i'm joining yet. just jio only...teacher shd be April...why leh?
<font face="calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Sneaky</font>.

OCC onli charged us S$300 nia for 10 lessons w/o having to place depoist somemore leh. Or u join us @ OCC lah
Sneaky, just askin lah. btw, yesterday i made payment for the Term 3 course, they charged me $285 only. It works out like dat: $300 x 0.9 = $270 + $15 for materials = $285.

Do your child become more active after joining the class? mine certainly is...dunno whether it's good or bad...wat say you?
hi hi me back again..

just like to check how many hrs ur bb is sleeping daily cos mine is getting more active and less sleep..
wah...how come different price one? i'm considering GUG and kindermusik also...don't know which one to go to...

venue, i'll let you know if this class will start or not by end of this week, k? cos i'm still considering...we went for the trial before in march, i think...not bad..
venue, we've been to the kindermusik one...GUG one haven't...i'm keen to see what GUG has to offer...but must pay one...
how come i keep spelling VENUE instead of venus...so sorry, venus

anyway, GUG's programme is something like that: -

Gifted Babes (8 to 18 months)
Accompanied by a parent or caregiver, children aged 8 months to 18 months participate in these 1.5-hour sessions held 2 or 3 times a week. We know that this is the 1st half of the critical 3-year period in a child's life, as the brain undergoes rapid growth and development provided there is appropriate and sufficient stimulation.

We build on children's natural curiosity and sense of trust, which encourages them to respond openly and confidently to new learning, challenges and socialization. Children are presented with stimulating objects, prints, sounds, colours and textures to motivate exploration with their five senses, and to promote early speech and language developement. Whether it is observing the scientific changes that take place during popcorn-making, playing bongos to African beats, getting acquainted with friendly puppet characters, hand-painting with jello and ice cubes, or discovering the different aromas of spices... our infants and young toddlers are exposed to a wide variety of enriching experiences so that their earliest learning adventures are interesting, appealing and safe. We also introduce a 15-minute Mandarin playtime with stories, puppetry, hands-on fun and games.
hi sneaky.. it's ok.. used to it liao..


how is the trial class at kindermusik? what did they do there?

wan to go for GUG trial class together?i heard long waiting list man
hi venus, sorry again for the typo hor...i almost did it again! haha

the trial at kindermusik was not impressive because the actual teacher was not around that day. but i believe it is a good programme consisting of sing, play, move, listen &amp; story-telling.

i want to go for the GUG trial class...how? wanna arrange for it? any mummies interested in going for the GUG trial class?
