(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

Currently, I got the teachers to feed her Heinz Cereal twice a day. I am thinking of getting them to start feeding her porridge for one of the meal when she turns 8 mths but got to discuss with them first as porridge is prepared by them.

I agree with 3rascals, prepare your own & pass it to her. If not, just get her to feed cereal & you can give your BB other pureed food after you bring her back home. What time do you normally bring your BB back?

My ger is already 7.5 mths but also cannot sit steadily yet. She will be able to support herself when she doesn't move. The moment she tries to turn around, she will lose her balance.

As for crawling, she could slide herself forward but could not lift herself up yet.

She also got no teeth yet. Thus, you are not alone. Don worry....

Adeline: Phew. I was still quite worried. Currently bseides feeding the cereals twice a day, any other things , eg milk, veg, fruits? How much cereals r they gving?
Charmaine's daily feeding schedule from Mon- Fri:
7am plus : 180ml FM (either at home or centre)
10am plus : 5 scoops of cereal & 2 scoops of FM (at centre)
1pm plus : 180ml FM (at centre)
4pm plus : 5 scoops of cereal & 2 scoops of FM (at centre)
7pm plus : 150ml FM followed by pureed fruits/vegetables (at home)
10pm plus : 120ml FM (at home)

During weekend, I will either make porridge with threadfin or cereal with mashed potato, both without any favouring. I have not given her any meat yet cos I prefer to give it to her when she is older like after 9 mths. That's why I intend to discuss with the centre what do they put in the porridge that they prepare.
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">June</font>,

Dun worry lah as long as Kayden is happy &amp; gaining weight tt means he's getting enuf food. If u intend to give him milk then perhaps u might want to cut down on e cereal.

Too bad we dun live near each other or we can share porridge cuz I wake up every morning to cook for Janelle to bring to infant care.

Do rem tt each baby's development is different. Janelle is coming to 9 mths &amp; she cannot really crawl. She still prefers to leap. Then now if you put her on tummy, she will attempt to stand up by pushing herself. But most of the time she will end up flat on her face lah *hahahahaha*</font>
Jenifur: I suggested cutting down on cereal so that can put in another meal of milk. but hubby say don need too troublesome for his mum : ( . Really "pei fu" u. Can get up every morning to make porridge. These few days I woke up late. ended up late for wk also. (haha don even hv time to eat my own breakfast. not even mention making porridge) . must really try to get up early

Is there a guideline s in latest by age if they cant sit must seek docter's help?
zoe also cannot really crawl properly.. she goes on all fours then kinda pulls herself forwards with her arms til she's flat on her belly then pushes herself up again.. kinda like a worm.. :p

but it's ok.. some babies never crawl and just go on to walk..

i'm gonna cook tofu later.. anyone knows how much to cook? in tablespoons? thanks
Hi Mummies,

When can bb start taking egg huh??

half boil or hard boil? egg white only or egg yolk or both..kekee..
fushiastar: I not so worride abt the crawling part. More of the sitting steadily. Mayb too paranoid. worry abt spine development etc.

Read fr a book everytime when introducing new food just gv 2 - 3 teaspoon for taste only. If they dislike, can add milk to it.

MDl: Best to introduce egg after 1 yr old esp if the both parents hv allergies. But some may start off with egg yolk after 6 mths. not the whites. Hard boiled. nvr try 1/2 cooked.

A friend just told me can start introducing egg yolk(1/2 boiled) to bb 6 mth onwards cos it's soft and bb can swallow but definately a NO to egg white. so hard boiled yolk??...1/2 boiled yolk?? hmm...
3rascals.. i know that on an ave, they sit steadily at 7 months.. as for the latest.. i'm not sure.. cos babies have differing developemental speeds.. will go ask around a bit and get back to you if i have more info..

mdl.. different books say different things.. but generally yah yolk ok after 6m.. white only after 1year.. some also say white in confectionary ok after 10m!.. also although i've read about half boiled yolk being ok.. when you don't completely cook something, there's always that chance that bacteria in the food is not completely killed so baby may get stomach upset lor.. so it's really up to what the mummy believes in..
Zoe falls under the v likely to get allergies list so definitely no no to any egg products now.. but i think may be better to hard boil the yolk.. then mash.. just in case lor..
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">June</font>,

No choice leh. e Infant care gives porridge cooks w Chix/cauliflower/tomato which not suitable for Janelle now. Gota scarfice since I so particular lor. I now lyk Panda liao

<font color="0000ff">MDL</font>,

Actually previous PD also say can give Janelle egg yolk ard 7mo but I'm holding back till she's older as she's high risk BB lyk Zoe &amp; Ember</font>
Hi all, nurse at polyclinic told me that for egg yolk, can give from 8 months onwards but must be fully cooked. As for egg white, the nurse at polyclinic said to wait but to give before 1, before they take the MMR injection because MMR vaccine contains egg white so baby should eat egg white first and see whether baby has allergy before taking the jab.
hi mommies..

i seldom post but always read.. now feeling a little "mixed-up" so decided to share it here..

my company will be posting me overseas (Beijing) for a project for ard 3 to 4 weeks in July. which means i have to leave my baby in singapore and cant see him for dat period..

and i miss him already!!
pepsi &amp; MDL: Introduce hardboil egg yolk after abt 10mths (the safest) and egg white anytime after 12mths. MMR though is a compulsory jab, doesn't have to be given on schedule. It can be given anytime after 15mths and the last compulsory jab, Polio Booster can be taken anytime after 18mths. You drag till 24mths also nvm one. The thing is when bbs take these jabs they must be completely well, and many kids fall ill quite often and these last 2 jabs sometimes get postponed. However if I'm not wrong, if you choose to give your child chickenpox vaccine then it must be before MMR.
Nutnut and Kris : Thanks for sharing your experiences with me on your maids. very helpful. My auntie 'lend' me her maid for the 1st month of my confinement period cos she got experience looking after newborns. However situations started to appear. Instead of helping me when bb is pooing, she walked off. Told me to bath bb like she's the boss when it's not suppose to touch water. After 1 mth, i quickly 'return' to my auntie. Too many stories to tell... haha :D

Flo : Thanks for sharing too! What is SAHM? Yes, i was working till i was 5 mths pregnant. My lady boss was difficult with me after i was pregnant, so i quitted. I came up to this philosophy to comfort myself that giving up working is worth every single cent. "Any job can be replaced but not a mother's role". Yeah i'm very glad to see my bb's every milestone. Very satisfied but there are sure to be very frustrating moments. You can really consider looking bb yourself. I've heard of many horror stories on bb sitters and maids. Yeah, i also dun allow bb to take soya sauce and additional sugar.
yah... better dun bring to zoo 1st.. or even crowded places... taking train in the morning, ppl ard me coughing &amp; sniffing away... weather quite erratic these days...alot of ppl sick

i bring her back abt 7pm plus coz after work.
so by then, she had finished all her meals.
i bring her to the nanny house abt 7am plus in the morning.. so really no time to prepare.
she's quite a light sleeper. if i wake up, she will also wake up. so in the morning, it's a mad rush for me coz hubby leaves at 6.30am for work.
so i'm on my own to prepare for work &amp; bring her to bb sitter's plc.

which infant care u bring Charmaine to?

"pei fu" your determination to prepare for Janelle.

SAHM = Stay At Home Mom.
sigh.. my lady boss also.. tat's why i quit. when i was pregnant, i had to work very late. even till 3am in the morning. told myself to tolerate &amp; get the maternity leave... not worth to resign then...
think cannot survive on single income... so see whether my mum can quit &amp; take care for me...
yah, me too... heard too many horror stories abt maid...

cannot give half-boil egg ah... can give Hard-Boiled egg yolk (i.e. full cooked) from 9mth onward... most materials i read recommended that.
egg white only after 12months.
see the list of food to avoid:

no need to worry... just give ur baby lots of opportunity to practice

chk out this thread &amp; the poll ... some said that their babies sat up for the 1st time after 8mths...

i noe what u mean... even go work, i also miss my bb liao..
Actually I am not particularly abt my maid watching TV as long as she is not too engrossed in the show which neglect my bb and also bbs below 2 yrs old are not suspose to watch TV.

Anybody here install hidden camera at home?
Nuttnuts: I believe if u r serious abt installing cameras at home there are companies that will install for you. Cos some pinhole type camera I think most of us also dunno how to install one...

Cherlin: I think probably the maid has the mentality that you are not her employer so she doesn't need to listen to you. My own maid is actually like that one. She can be quite rude with others but with me she is quite docile...
3 cheers to jenifur!! It must been really siong to wake up in the morning to make the porridge. Same as 3rascals, when my HB was away for 2 weeks, I don't even have time for my own breakfast.

I send Charmaine to Bright Kids at Blk 192 in Punggol which is about 5 mins walk from my pl.
Alright, thks all
shall take majority advise to give only fully cooked egg yolk. and white only aft 12mth. thks ya!! ^^
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">June/Flo</font>,

Why not get a slowcooker then u can cook the porridge e night before? I had intially wanted to do it this way when I start Janelle on Porridge. But realise cannot cuz my stupid MIL lyk to add "forbidden stuff" to e porridge if I leave it overnight so now LL gota wake up @ 430am to cook lor

<font color="0000ff">Nutts,</font>

Check with Sharon, she has camera installed in her home.</font>
mummies who cook brown rice porridge,
where did u buy the brown rice from?
huskless? organic? long grain/short grain?

i use the slow cooker during weekends, coz no time to jagar the stove fire.
btw, is it ok to cook 2 meals (lunch + dinner) at one go from morning? must keep the slow cooker on or not till evening? or must cook twice?
yah.. MIL, bb sitter, etc... sometimes they just don't get it...

i'll see how... i photocopied the list of food to avoid n passed to my bb sitter liao... hope she follows... if not, i'll have to resort cooking overnite on my own n pass to her.

bright kids good or not? what's the charges like? can consider bringing Rae over too if my bb sitter piss me off again...
i colllected my maid yesterday and seems like clarisse is ok with her. by the time i brought them home, its already 11pm. i guess she has lesser chance to watch tv at my plc.
I would not say that they are fantastic but I have no major complains against them.

- about 1:3 for 2 - 9 mths
- about 1:4 for those above 9 mths.

- $950+GST (before govt subsidy $400)

Operating Hours
- 7am to 7pm (fine imposed after 7pm)

Good :
- They normally follow parent's instruction as closely as possible within their means
- The place is clean and have good ventilation
- The teacher are generally nice and caring
- Staff Turnover is low

Not so good:
- Not much stimulation activities
- Not able to attend to BB immediately at times cos ratio quite big

That's what I can basically think of. Do let me know if you have more enquiries.
hi flo
for me, i cook porridge twice.
once in the morning prepare ard 9:30am -10am, slow cooker, by ard 11:30am, will be ready for lunch.

in the evening ard 4:30pm by 6:30pm, ready for dinner.

Initially i cook only once for 2 feedings, but i find that the porridge turns quite watery for the dinner feed and my baby doesn't like it watery and 'nua nua'.
so no choice, cook twice and the texture will be good every time and fresh.

I use to sent my baby to infant care too! when he's 3 mths. however due to work demands &amp; other reasons,we finally withdraw him and give him home care.
Oh I see... so who is taking care of your BB now?

All mummies,
When your cook porridge, do your grind the rice first before cooking? Or do your mash the porridge after it is cooked before feeding your BB?
All Mommies,

Does anyone put mushrooms (regardless of what kind) in the porridge? BTW, has anybody attended cooking lessons for bb from Polyclinics? Pls share. TIA!

Adeline : My MIL don't grind the rice or mash the porridge. We use slow cooker, so very soft.
How long does your MIL take to cook the porridge in the slow cooker? I have not tried putting mushroom in the porridge.

Does all Polyclinics conduct such classes? Sound quite interesting..
my aunt is helping me to take care of my baby now.

RE: grind rice
i don't grind the rice prior to cooking. I learnt that to make it cook faster or to make the rice softer, can soak in water for 1/2 hour before cooking.

usually i will just use the spoon to stir it well and mash the fish meat if its too chuncky before feeding.

for carrots/pototoes, i will use the tray grinder to grind it before adding into the porriage. this way , i don't have to mash it after its cooked.
wow...it's weekend again...seems like it's gonna be a wet one...

i'm halfway through in stopping bf. ss has dropped tremendously and i'm only expressing twice a day. everytime i think of this, i just can't hlp feeling sad and can't bear...hmmm...breastfeeding's the best thing to do!!
hm... seems it's better to cook separately for the 2 meals. now regret.. shld have bot the smallest slow cooker.

Adeline, thks for the info. the prob for me is picking her at 7pm. sure cannot make it one.
i just soak the porridge first then use the slow cooker to cook till soft.

Cherlin, i didn't noe polyclinic got conduct cooking class... went to do a search.. http://polyclinic.singhealth.com.sg/SharedCMS/Templates/Events%20Template.aspx?NRMODE=Published&amp;NRORIGINALURL=%2fCalenderofEvents%2f&amp;NRNODEGUID=%7bA4AD0276-211A-4E9D-9B08-4B71B28ACC1F%7d&amp;NRCACHEHINT=Guest

are u talking abt these? wonder if it's just a talk or really cooking class...

16 June 2006
Singhealth Polyclinics
Event : Nutrition Demonstration for Babies 6-12 Months Old
Time : 9am - 10.30am
Venue : SHP-Queenstown, Room 6
Audience : Parents and caregivers

17 June 2006
Singhealth Polyclinics
Event : Nutrition Demonstration for Babies
Time : 9.30am - 10.30am
Venue : SHP-Sengkang, Room 2.25
Audience : Parents and caregivers

Adeline, mebbe we can go together for the sengkang one. heeehee..hmm.. mebbe i shld bring my bb sitter along ;P

National healthcare grp also got... but must click on the links of each polyclinic to check the schedule.

6. Nutrition Demonstration (6 to 10 months)
Puzzled about when to start baby on semi solids? Our nurses will clear your doubts on when you should start juices, cereals, etc. You can also learn to cook delicious and nutritious meals for your baby.
Adeline : She cooks at abt 7.00am and i'll off the cooker at abt 9/10am depending on my bb timing.

Flo : Yes yes. The link for each polyclinic schedule is what i was talking abt. Thanks for providing all the info. I think it's just a talk.
hi mummies, my boi got cough and running nose. so poor thing. keeps getting up from his sleep, crying. any tips to help him feel better. has already gone to see doc. throws up the milk he drank too.... so heart pain
hi all, can our babies take cod fish now? feel like buying some for Samuel's porridge.

also, what are other good fish to cook porridge besides ngoh fish?
sharon, wah...Sabrina "zhen1 you2 kou3 fu2" ah. thanks for sharing ingredients...i'll get some cod fish for Samuel afterwards...

ask you hor...how much fish do you put each time for 2 meals? my stupid MIL so stingy...only cut a piece of ngoh fish for 2 meals measuring 4cm(L) x 3cm(W) x 1.5cm(H)...that's the reason why i'm topping up fish for Samuel's meal...what about yours?
Dear all
it's been sometime not online. seems like every mother so good take care of little one.

when Darren 5,5 mth old in mid April, he got 2 teeth coming out. and each day that 2 little teeth grow bigger.

now he is 8 mth and he can bite anything that coming into his mouth. so scary

this week he was a bit fussy, don't want to drink milk and when we accidentally touch his right cheek, he cried. So yest i took him to see PD. PD said he has an ulcer. my mom just know that baby also can have ulcer. so PD gave the cream to apply.
featherG: If bb is on fm give it at half strength for these few days. I.e., if making 150ml feed, use 150ml water but only to powder for 75ml feed. Also dun give him the full feed, bring it down to half of his usual intake so he is less full and less likely to throw up. Feed more frequently with smaller feeds. As for his running nose, you can try to get Karvol nasal decongestants for him to use at night. It is like an essential oil in a capsule which you drip onto a hanky and place next to him when he sleeps. It is very effective so far for moms who have tried it with their kids. It is safe for bbs from 3mths onwards. Also try rubbing some ruyi oil on your palm until warm and apply on his chest and back before sleep.
flo.. thanks for the info! will go for the Qt one..
featherG.. my Zoe also.. sigh.. today fever 40 degrees! csn give iliadin drops to dry up the nose.. also Zoe sleeps propped up on my shoulder so she can breathe better then desn't wake up so much..
sneaky: amount of fish for 7-9m old baby per day is one chinese soup spoon..you can go to the health promotion board website.. it gives you food types and amounts suitable for babies..
thanks kris! thanks fushiastar! i will try..
hey kris, where to buy karvol? hey fushiastar, where to buy iliadin drops? Guardian?

will cod fish be too oily after cooking? me only cook threadfine (ngoh fish) for brennan. Now, introducing meat for taste. he also tried chicken before and also only for taste.

mummies who feed bb mashed potatoes, do u add milk to make the paste more gluely?? apart from milk, is there anything we can add to make the mashed potate more gluely?
Hi Yippee ya ya,

Wow, we are on the same boat. You also gave up your job to take care of bb full time? ANy small regrets or are you enjoying every moment? My bb can get very naughty at times and is very active. Sometimes just refuses to sleep in the day time. My MIL is working. Comes home then cook and do housework. So not much time to take care of bb but will play with him.

My bb was also down with running nose. Woke up at night due to blocked nose. Went to PD and was given IIiadin to drip in the nosetrils and Antamin Syrup as well. Better now.

Dear all mummies,
How many hours are your bbies sleeping now for 8 mths?

Any thoughts of having 2nd bb? Pls share your happiness and woes. Thanks!

wah.. while many are taking good care of their little ones, i seems like getting far away from my little girl. heartache n its real painful to hear her cries when i am nt ard. I do wish i have some time at nite to care for her.
