(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

i've got 1 question pertaining to making milk for babies for all mummies to think think...

when you say you make 120ml of FM for your babies...
do you add 4 scoops of FM to 120ml of water or FM + water = 120ml?


i also got 2 pigeon wide neck bottles free from the steriliser i bought. is the teat that comes with it a peristaltic one? i think the free teat is not peristaltic type thats y i bought one to try.

brennan doesnt like silicon teat leh
he is still drinking from latex ones. let him try silicon one he drink half way dont want liaoz.... we change back to latex one he happily finished the milk.

any idea if pigeon l size teat got latex one? he is still using s n y teat. tried m teat the milk leak, unless we put the regulator. he is now drinking 150ml n takes 15mins. used to drink 120ml in 15mins.

for similac, 1 scoop of fm is to 60ml water right? so 2 scoops for 120ml. i put 120ml water, then add fm. think the resulting mixture is more than 120ml.

one question. nowadats he likes to push the teat to one side n chew. mil says could be teething soon. issit true? is it about time for them to teeth? he is 3mths old tomorrow.
Hi mums,
here is my son's recent photo to share.

Do you have a website address that show about peristaltic nipples. because i think my son dont like avent nipples and latex nipple that i using right now. He is drinking only 20-40ml if we bottle feeding.
thanks for your offer.. but have do my rebonding
today already , I paid $180.00

.how old is baby already ????

sweetie,Want to ask you, how much did paid to your nanny??? did you paid deposit ?

I put 120ml water and only add 3 1/2 scoops of FM
because i find that very sweet.
snow, kuririn, sneaky, niu niu, gracemum

all your babies so cute.... i find that its kinda difficult to capture our bb's smile on camera or video. dont u think so. whenever i take the camera (be it HP or normal type) out n focus, brennan will stare into the camera and forgot to smile....

so always got to be sneaky when we take pictures of him.... n i realised that he likes to smile when i peep by head into the sarong. haha..

as he always likes to scratch his face, me still letting him wear mittons. only when i bf him, then take them off... sleeping time too. now we put his hands into his long pants when he sleeps. acts as if he is being swaddled, he can sleep better this way. otherwise will be brushing his face so much that he cant sleep. any one of u face the same problem. how har
Peristaltic Nipple
Using unique technology, the Peristaltic Nipple combines ultra-soft silicone and a special expandable section in the teat that allows the Peristaltic Nipple to stretch just like a mother's nipple.

Peristaltic Nipple features:

Super Stretchable Nipple: The teat has an expandable section designed to stretch in response to the natural peristaltic movement of a babys tongue

Ultra-soft Silicone: In combination with the expandable section stretches just like a mothers nipple

Round Contoured Shape: Supports and moulds to babys mouth for a perfect fit

Ventilation Valve: Minimises air intake and reduces colic

Ribbed Inside: Prevents teat collapse, providing a constant and steady flow of liquid.

Here's a pic of the nipple

SSL, how come mine is leh??? so wierd? is it wide neck bottles? i don't think they have latex ones...taka children department has the widest range of Pigeon products. can go check it out. btw, the teats come in 4 different HOLE sizes namely S, M, Y & L. the whole teat no difference in sizes. i've just changed from S to M teats cos my boy is coming to 3 mths old. he's also drinking quite slowly with the S teats. now, he finishes his 120ml in 5 - 8 mins...so cool!!!

Snow, the write-up of Peristaltic Nipples has been posted above. the link is

FM & Water
the reason why i asked was because my friend actually put 4 scoops of FM into 60ml of cool water then add hot water till 120ml. i really wonder which is the right way...

just went to check. aiya, i so sotong. so stupid, go buy another one when i have 2 sitting at home. ya its the same.
. And i realised that perislatlic nipple only got 2 sizes, s and y. I bought the y teat but cant seem to see the Y cut???

do u have to put the flow regular when u give samuel m teat? oh, i mean for the normal small teat, L size got latex or not. I know the wide neck ones dont have.
btw, anyone using pigeon sterilised bags or intend to use? I have a new box which I bought it before i deliver but doubt i will get to use it. so tot of selling it off.

Let me know la if anyone of u are keen ....
Thanks. My son also like to scratch his face so i have to always keep his nails short. i didnt let him wear mittens already. in fact it's time to let him practice to hold things.

Thanks for your info. Do you know where can found this Peristaltic Nipples, is it use for only pigeon wide neck bottle or can it be use on normal bottle?
I would strongly recommend Pigeon Peristaltic bottlesa s well. It's soft and there won't be any nipple confusion. My bb loves it too. The teats comes in S, M, L and Y sizes. Bottles comes in 2 sizes, 200ml and 300ml.

Just came bk from PD, my bb has grown sooo big. She's 62cm, 7.1kg at 3rd mth. 97 percentile...oh my god.
it's 120ml plus the no. of scoop of water indicated on the tin.

My girl's neck is not stiff yet. in PD's term, it means, head control not dat strong. Most of the bb's neck will stiffen ard 3rd mth rite? Is Samuel's neck stiff alreadi?

Hi mummies,
How did u manage to upload ur pic here? My image is always too large to upload here, though I've saved it in Jpeg format.
anyway, here's some recent photos taken with my bb Genevieve.
my little girl also likes to scratch her face le ,i only let her wear mittens @ night

,my girl like to eat hand, anyone baby ???, any mummy know how stop them for eating their hand?
Hi all,
What Fiona says is correct. If you are using Pigeon Perisaltic bottle, the teat is the perisaltic one, used to come in S and Y only but now have M and L size liao. The teats and the bottles are usu. displayed side by side.

BTW, I have actually tested the fitting of wide neck bottles - namely NUK Premium, Avent and Pigeon Peris. with the teats. Found that all wide neck bottle teats - NUK premium, Avent and Pigeon Peris. can be used interchangeably with the wide neck bottles. So, it's possible that you just change the teat if your baby does not like it. No need to rebuy full set of bottle and teat.
hi, do your find that very difficult to cut the nails short.. because i have 2 time have cut my little girl hand already. can advice..
I am also using Pigeon Peristaltic bottles, no complaints. The teats are very soft also.

Ya, I had tried avent bottles with Pigeon Peristaltic teats.They are compatible. Think as long as its wide neck, all are interchangable.

btw, I am bbmum.Changed my nick cos juz found that there is another user by the name bbnmum..haha..dun want to cause identity confusion.
there are many places like Robinsons, John little, seiyu etc selling the teats.Like wat Sneaky mentioned, only taka carries all sizes. Quite difficult to find M size teats elsewhere except taka.S & Y size teats can be found in most shopping malls.
snow, gracemum

I already cut his nails short, but its still quite sharp when i feel it. I usually ask hubby to cut when i BF or bottlefeed.

Brennan also likes to eat his hand, but only if he is sleepy. i let him suck heehee cos he only do it for a while, after which he will auto remove his hands away from the mouth.

peristaltic teats are quite expensive. $3.30 per piece. I got mine at robinson city hall but saw it at many places that sells baby stuff.
SSL, i'm still using S teats for the standard bottles because it's for either water or EBM. M sized teats might be too fast for diluted liquids. i don't know if they have the latex version for this leh. when samuel was younger, i used the flow regulator with the standard bottle for water and EBM. now no need liao. in fact, i find he's drinking quite slowly from the standard S teats already...i might change to M size soon. i've bought the new MagMag and it comes with Y peristaltic teats. i could see that it's Y cut leh...cannot see meh? i intend to use the MagMag when Samuel's ard 4mths old...the cup is so cute!

snow, a full range of Peristaltic nipples are available at takashimaya level 3. so far, like justamum had said, i've tried on Avent bottles and it works fine. i'm going to try on my useless NUBY bottle now...heehee

fiona, ^5...we think alike abt the bottles and the way to make milk...hee hee

gracemum, i've also cut my son's fingers twice already. i leave this task to my maid now...she's more experienced...
is it alright to continue using latex teat for my boy or i should really try to let him get used to silicon and change all of them to silicon ones?

i thought if he is comfy with latex ones, i rather he continue with them....
Justamum,SSL & Sneaky,
Thank you for the info, I will passby Seiyu tmr and take look after my half day work. Hope my boy will like the new teats if I can get one.

maybe i try to see tmr day time. clearer. keke. i can see y for larex one though. ya those colourful magmag so nice. maybe should get one during sale too. is taka having sale? pigeon having 20% discount at metro in causeway point.
snow, hope your son likes it too!!

SSL, maybe taka's Pigeon sale is still on...

ling: wah, such a nice pic you've got!! clarisse look so diff now. time for me to take some nice pics of sam with good poses too...
fiona, Samuel's neck has not stiffened but he always tries to be. my MIL is so worried he might sprain his neck at times cos he likes to be carried in a sitting position facing outside. nowadays, he likes to watch tv ah. he will stare at the tv and not fuss for abt 5 - 10 mins...goodness, so young already like that. when he grows up, i really cannot imagine!!
Hi Sneaky,
Same here, my Genevieve likes to b carried in sitting postition facing outsides...she's so curious abt anything and wants to kpo see see look look around. I guess all bb like TV lah mine as well...they all like moving objects...dat's y whenever i put her under a mobile or play gym...she can self entertain herself for sooo long...hahaha.
Aiyo! All the babies super cute. =) Snow: your baby made me laugh, cos the way he smiles reminds me of my girl. =)

Syl: I'll check the Nan price next week when I go there to teach.

Clarisemum, clarise very girl, mine looks like boy. =P
Sneaky: aiyo ... same same leh ... tennyson also likes to watch tv, carried in sitting position ... the eyes move here & there ... haha

ling: clarisse's v chio leh .. her double eyelids so obvious leh ...

Fun: Alden v chubby ...
Clarisse's Mum:
Clarisse is so cute and beautiful.. when she grows older sure got lots of bees n butterflies flying around her.. kekeke..

my girl also got boy looks.. my mum said one.. said she dun like like a girl.. maybe cos she looks more like her daddy..
hey sneaky and other moms, thanks so much for the info on bottles!! now i have a good idea of what i have to buy!

another question: which breastpump are you all using? Is dual pump better than single other than time saved?
hi ginger, when you pump on 1 side, the other will leak...so, if you pump both sides, you don't waste it. furthermore, pumping both sides encourages let down. i'm using an Ameda Lactaline dual electric pump. affordable and good ah...you shd get something like that if you intend to breastfeed at least 3 months and up. else, i think the Avent manual pump shd be sufficient.

write up abt the ameda pump can be found here: -

sneaky, oh yah it will leak huh. What is letdown?

Originally I wanted to buy the PIS after hearing so many raves about it. However, my cousins and some friends were telling me other pumps such as Avent or Ameda is as good, esp Ameda!

thanks for the link!
Hi all,
i'm new to this thread. mum to baby matthew born 15 oct.
think there was a prev qn on when sale at taka starts. it starts tomorrow.
does anyone use videocam to video bb's devmt and growth? if so, any recommendations on an affordable and easy to use videocam? tks!!
Happy New Year to all too!

ameda's good
my companion this 3 mths. Dual pump can help build up supply too.

anyone has blocked ducts before? I am having a big lump in my breast. Painful and even had fever last 2 nites. Tried to massage it but it reduced in size only. Tried massaging under shower, hot compress, lump is still there.

here's charlize saying hi
ginger & all who wants to know abt let down...

The Let-Down Reflex (Milk Ejection Reflex)
What is the let-down reflex?

When you breast-feed, your baby's sucking stimulates nerves in your nipple. These nerves carry a message to your brain, and a hormone, called oxytocin, is released. Oxytocin flows through your bloodstream to your breasts, where it causes tiny muscle cells around your milk glands to squeeze milk out of the glands and into the milk ducts. This is known as the let-down reflex or the milk ejection reflex.

Once your let-down is working well (usually by 2 weeks after delivery), you may feel a pins-and-needles or tingling sensation in your breasts when you nurse or pump. Milk will usually drip from one breast while you are feeding on the other side. Sometimes your let-down will occur when you hear your baby cry or think about nursing your baby. A well-functioning let-down reflex helps ensure your breasts get emptied and your baby is easily getting milk.

Sometimes a woman's let-down reflex doesn't work as well as it should. This can cause breast-feeding problems. For example, you may have problems emptying milk from your breasts or your baby may not get enough milk.

What causes a poor let-down reflex?

Several situations may prevent the let-down reflex from working well.

* You may have severely sore nipples that cause you to tense up before each nursing.
* You may be stressed, anxious, or tense. For example, you may be trying to pump breast milk during a short break at work.
* You may be separated from your baby. For example, if you have to pump at home while your premature baby is still in the hospital.
* You may have had a previous breast surgery that has damaged the normal nerve pathways to the nipple, such as breast reduction or enlargement surgery. If you have altered sensation in your nipple after surgery (that is, your nipple is either somewhat numb or super-sensitive), it is possible that nerve damage from the procedure could interfere with your let-down reflex.

What can I do to improve my milk flow?

The following suggestions can help trigger the let-down reflex and improve milk flow:

* Try to nurse or pump in a place that is familiar, comfortable, and restful.
* Drink a beverage whenever you sit down to nurse or pump.
* Play soft music or do relaxation exercises before you nurse or pump.
* Gently massage your breasts before you nurse or pump.
* Have your partner give you a backrub before you nurse or pump.
* Put a warm washcloth or heating pad on your breasts, or take a warm shower before you nurse or pump.
* If you are pumping because you are separated from your baby, put a photograph of your baby by the pump.

Are there medical alternatives to improve my milk flow?

A synthetic (man-made) form of oxytocin was formerly marketed as a nasal spray known as Syntocinon. The drug was sometimes prescribed for mothers of premature infants who needed help conditioning their let-down reflex when using a breast pump. Syntocinon is no longer on the market. However, a compounding pharmacist can make the same drug with a prescription from your health care provider.
wah...finally the forum is up!!!

whiteflora, i'm experiencing blocked ducts since this morning. i never knew how it felt until today. 2 nights ago, my son suckle my left breast only. then, i did not express out for 12 hrs cos i was lazy to wake up to do so. the amount i've express on the next day was healthy. until this morning, my right breast, though very full, only expressed 30ml after a long time. this is not normal loh...so, i got my son to suckle my right breast for a while and then i starting expressing again. a little more milk came but i could still feel my ducts blocked. just now in the office, i expressed again and my right was also low...how ah???
sneaky, thank you so muuch for the information. very useful.

one question, do you all use any special pillows while breastfeeding? i m wondering whether i need to buy a nice armchair for breastfeeding too!
your gal is so pretty!like her eyes! btw, is she lying on a carseat?if so, may I know which brand n model is dat?fully reclinable?

All the babies are so cute...!

You can use a hot compress on the breast with blocked ducts. Also, massage the blocked area really hard to clear it. No pain no gain! It might take a while for the supply to come back (a day or two), but using the hot compress (or hot towel) + baby suckling + massaging should help to clear it. I've learnt my lesson as well and will pump diligently as having a blocked duct is really painful.


Don't have to spend $$$ on new armchair. Sofa will do. But I did buy a nursing pillow. It frees up your hand when the baby is lying on the pillow and suckling on his/her own.
ling:yr gal has nice eyes.

tennyson mummy:is your baby of mixed blood?

gracemum:my bb is 3 mths old today! juz wen for jab today.

jenifur: can u pls update for me. my bb at 3mths is 57cm at 5.9kg. thank you!
Tennyson Mummy, Clarissemum, Fun.snow
All babies girl very beautiful, babies boy very

my babysitter says can not cut/apply things when
they are sleep le...

So good, your HB can help..

your girl very cute, wa .. got very deap double eyelips

I had a similar experience as you. After trying hot compress and massage it still didn't work. I discovered a milk blister on the nipple. I placed a cotton pad soaked in warm water (not too hot) on the nipple, and nurse my baby. The suckling helped to break the blister and milk starts to flow better.

Very lucky , I only pay $450 also exclude nights, weekends and holidays

last week, christmas eve , my girl go to jab,she
got fever 37.5
