(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

ginger, no prob...we are here to share info mah...i did not get anything. better not buy too many not really neccessary stuffs pertaining to bfing cos you may not know if you can bf until you've given birth. even during confinement, you can get hubby to buy if you really need it. just show him when you go shopping b4 delivery...

syl, mine doesnt hurt very much (lucky me), but i can feel some lumps and whole breast feels hard. doesnt the flow return to normal after it's cleared on the spot?? must wait for a day or two ah?? then i'll feel engorged loh? it seems that my right breast's ss is low. how ah? will it get back to normal?

mummyjan, lucky i don't have blister ah...well, i'll take note of your experience and apply it if necessary...thks!!!

syl, thanks for the info. what brand of pillow you using for breastfeeding?

sneaky i found out that my friend is using ameda pump too! she told me not to buy and she will lend it to me to try, if i like it or need it then i will buy!

How's your supply? Is it back to normal? I had engorgement once on the right breast & it took days for the supply to return, but it is now less than before I had engorgement. The second time I felt a lump on the left breast & immediately I used the hot compress & massaged, so the supply on the left wasn't affected at all. Guess you have to be prompt to clear the ducts so that supply will not affected.


I have 2 pillows - a lollipop one (around $30) & a hand-me down mothercare one (which i think is double the price). Both are just as functional.
for those going for 3rd mth jab, i heard that canb let bb drink some "yang sheng" water a day or 2 before the jab to prevent fever...

brennan going for his next tue....


ur lollipop one issit moon shaped? i also got that. did u managed to find extra covers? i been to alot of places dont have. i find that it can be quite low wheb we put the pillow to support bb.. do u find it too?
syl, my supply on right breast is not normal leh. after expressing a mere 30ml, i still feel lumps and the whole breast is still hard. i've tried the hot compress and massage until sore liao. just now before left home, i got my son to suckle my right breast. but now, i could feel it's still full and hard after only 2 hrs...how ah?

i feel my block ducts are not cleared yet!!!
Hi all mothers,

All the babies such a cutie

Hi Jenifur: can u pls update for me. my boy at 3mths is 61.5cm & 5.9kg, thanks
Hi Sneaky,

U can try to soak your breast in a small pail of hot warm water roughly for 10-15 min.

This is what I have done when I did not pump out my milk when I visit my mum in the hospital. Itry massage and put hot towel on my breast but it did not work. So I put the whole breast inside the pail of hot warm water for about 10-15 min and after that pump out the milk and can feel that the breast is less full. U can repeat the process again and again till it's okie.

Hi Mayday,
Ur bb really look like mixed blood hor. Ur hb chinese?

Gracemum & SSl,
My gal also like to eat her hand too but I think it's okie as it help to soothe them. Maybe if u wan, u can give them pacificer instead.

Hi Fun,
U let Alden try out on the Pooh Mat liao???

Hi CM,
Your bb got the innocent look leh..Look so guai and cute leh...Now she really look more like u than ur hb liao...

Charlize same as my gal like to stick out their tongue...
nuttnuts, thanks for the suggestion. i'll go try it out today....first thing i'll do when i get home after 1pm is to get my son to suckle first...now it's super full and sore...chamzzzzzzzzz....

Yes, mine is the moon shaped one. It's quite low, but I prop my foot up on a small stool which gives it enough height.
I don't know where to find extra covers. Got my mum to sew extra ones. What I do sometimes is put a diaper cloth beneath the bb's head in case of drip/puke.

i tried propping my foot on stool also doesnt really help. maybe my boy heavy :p me sitting on sofa with no side arms to feed lor. you leh? is your pillow resting on the armchair handles?

i wash the cover regularly lor. sometimes kenna his urine cos he feed and urine... naughty boy. kekeke

I sit at the sofa, so no handles. Maybe you can try sitting more upright. I put 2 cushions behind my back so that the bb can reach the nipple.
i heard that from the old folks too. but i didnt follow it. If we not cut his nails while he sleeping we got no chance to cut his nails at all. He very active when he is awake and keep moving his hand.

i bought the peristaltic nipple yesterday and let my son try but he dont like the nipple too. He only drink 10 ml then don't wan already, after a while i offer again he just drink about 10 ml again.

My son feeding interval can be vary from 3 to 6 hours. Anyone here the same?
I let my son direct lacthing 80% of the time so i don't how much he is drinking. Im now only working half day, so from 9am-1pm he is bottle feed and only drink total about 70ml for two feeding. im worry that when im on full day work he also drink so little.
wah! your cutie baby has so much hair! how many weeks?!

1)how often do u sterlise the pacifier?
2)if the pacifier remains unused, how long can we keep it wifout sterlising?
3)under what circumstance do u let your baby suck pacifier?
4)any one have not let baby suck pacifier?
syl: ur bb so much Hair!!!!

lol who say wanna Q for to be my Future Son In Law? better go ask Sneaky first.. whahaha..

my girl innocent? kaoz.. pls lor.. she is a monster at times manz.

gracemum: ya nice eyes.. kekekek.. dunno how many boys will be "SOT" by her.. whahahah

what i did was i cross my leg.
your gerger so cute. heehee


i usually sterilised the pacifier every day, but now, brennan dont use it anymore cos he rather suck his own fingers, so i only sterilise once a while. But will wash it before sterilising it. Used to let him suck when he is sleepy but cranky and didnt want to sleep.
any mummies bought bumbo seat for your BBs to try? Any idea where can i find them and how much does it cost?
Yes, Christine has lots of hair & my MIL just trimmed it last weekend. She's 8 weeks old.

Those of you who did the malay massage & wrap, did you put on the binder overnight? I'm asked to, but cannot tahan..very tight & hot.

My Alden lor... soninlaw wannabe...kekeke... wah...Sneaky's son Q~ing liao ah?? haha... my son better leh... sure can feel the sense of security from him.. hehehe...

Mine is angmo style wrapping.. with bao xian zhi de... onli wrap for 1-2hrs.. but i heard my frd's massage malay lady also onli wrap for half aday niah leh... whole day and nite... wah... not itchy meh? U will tend to sweat rite??
ling: wahhh...ask me??? shd ask my son ah...keke...

syl, i put on the binder till the next day just before my massage comes. this went on for 2 weeks. it is really itchy and i always stick my hands in to scratch...
Mixed blood?? No leh ... is pure chinese blood ... kekeke

I sterilise the pacifier everyday together wiz the bottles. In fact I got 2 pacifiers using it alternatively. I keep it in the steriliser for 1 whole day if never use. I let him suckle everytime before his bed time and he will spilt out when he sleep.

U let Brennan sucks his finger? Me always stop him whenever I see it coz I scared he will followed his daddy sucked till 7yrs old and the thumb become 1 big 1 small ... haha

Tennyson also starts to chew on the teat when drinking milk ... this is the sign of teething?

Where you got yr nanny from? Is rather cheap leh ... me paying 500

Which pooh mat u bought? Me bought the playmat one ... cheaper version ... so we must air it how long before we use?

so many hair ... all standing up ... so cutie cutie
your girl very cute.. really got alot of hair and her hair very black..

Clarisse's Mum dun wan.. how abt my girl.. haha.. although not as chio as Clarisse but still not bad lah... kekekeke

brennan dont suck his fingers, he suck the whole area near the thumb n second finger. heehee. he doesnt do it often thats y i allow. so cute..... got the tsk tsk sound when he suck.

the seller told me one day airing should be gd enough... i planning to wipe it with pigeon washing detegent... got edible ingred inside so i feel its safer than dittol lor..
ssl, my son exactly the same...i'll try to stop him whever i see him doing that...it's especially loud when he is in the sarong...haha...so loud it can wake me up...
My baby loves to suck her thumb as well. It cute in a way and I let her be since I don't give her the pacifier.

How often do your babies poo nowadays? Mine seems to be getting less frequent. Doesn't seem to be daily anymore. Same with the rest of you?


You really can tong man..2 weeks in the binder and overnight? Did it really work for you..ie back to pre-pregnancy state?


How much are you feeding your girl now? Has it increased a lot?

i let brennan continue...
unless he wants to sleep n sucking doesnt help.


brennan used to poo on alternate days, then change to once every 3days, now back to alternate days, but sometimes everyday.

i think they change their pooing habit..
my girl also bite the teat when drinking, sometimes she needs interval then continue to drink. did someone said its a sign of teething? i read that teething signs are lots of seliva, mild cough......
I have put some notice on the blk around my house, quite good repond,..a lot of house wife
and retire aunty, I choose retire aunty because
their children all big big already, they can put

your bb got a lot of hair,you never shave after
full month ??

I also stop my gerger for doing it le.nowaday
when she wakeup she will not cries,she suck the
finger very loud,i hear fm baby monitor.

I sterilise the pacifier everyday together with the bottles

I have start to giving my gerger "me gu" already
San: wahaha i wan, but clarisse dun wan oso like tt.. kekeke...

sneaky: ask ur son? no lahz. ask Raymond.. whahahaha

syl: wahha same same.. suck till very loud one leh.. like u i dun give pacifier, actually not i dun give, she always spit it out....

gracemum: wats ME GU?
My baby hasn't pooed for the last 3 days..is that normal for bb fed EBM? I hope she does soon...otherwise I will be worried.

I think me gu is cereal? I thought that is only from about 4/5 months?

Do you add that to the milk in the last feed?
clarisse's Mum, syl
Yup! is cereal, but got add some chinese herb, a lot of people start @ 3 mth+ and i only add one spoon.

Syl,yes, I intend to give her 3 meal a day first

i think my gerger prefer fingers than pacifier le

i think ME GU is those gluey rice.


3 days is ok cos Brennan last time also like that. If u are worried, either bring to PD or GP they will put edema to make him poo. I bought Microflex from watson to keep incase he doesnt poo, cos its the same type that PD gave to brennan last time


How often do u change the peristaltic teat? Its kinda blur so difficult to determine when should we change...

Oh me using that wide neck bottle with the peristaltic teat liao. Brennan accepts it
Both hubby and MIL say it looks better and resembles breasts. so i kept my long 8oz bottle... Only use the 4oz ones if i feed EBM
my girl still dun drink alot leh.. sometimes 100ml but most of the time around 70ml to 90ml.. but these few days esp at night she dun wan to drink keep crying and crying.. she is tired and hungry but dun wan to drink.. really bo bian.. have to coax her to sleep.. I'm really worried that she not drinking enough.. cos at night she can go without milk for 5hrs to 7hrs leh.. eg. her last feed 9pm plus then will "nao" until 11pm plus sleep and she will sleep like till 5am 6am then wake up for milk... sigh..
oh ya my girl now poo on alternate days.. on some days she will poo everyday which is very rare..

Clarisse's Mum:
my girl also dun like pacifier keep using her tongue to push it out.. nowadays she like to clench her fist and try to push it into her mouth.. but her mouth so small.. hahaha.. so funny see her doing that...

Mummies how often do you all steralise the milk bottles? after every use? I steralise after every use and my mum said dun need just once a day will do...
san:i sterlised bottles after every drink. i think shd sterlise everytime she drank fr bottles, else she stomachache.
Has anyone brought your baby to wedding dinner at hotels? I have a few upcoming ones next yr and baby will be 5 mths when she attends the 1st one.

1)Will the place be cold such that baby has to wear long sleeve and pants? My babys presentable clothes are either sleeveless or cats sleeve ones. Long sleeve and pants mainly for wearing at nite.

2)Is your baby startled with loud noise or suddenly lights that went off eg, during 1st dish?

3)Where u change babys diaper when theres no nursing rooms?

4)Any idea whether theres nursing rooms at these hotels: marina mandarin, pan pacific and regents?

5)Any other advice or things to look out for, pls let me know, thanks.
milk in glassbottles:
did anyone of u receive from hospital nurses during your stay some sample of milk sealed in glassbottles? i am wondering...do we juz heat the glassbottle up and pour into the milk bottles to let bb drink?
mybabydream: It's probably best not to bring to a wedding dinner unless bb doesn't exhibit any sign of recognising places and people. Almost all bbs will recognise their own homes and familiar faces by 5 months. Also, bbs tend to be more fussy in the evenings and many by that age will prefer some place that's quiet and dimly lit to call it a nite in. A wedding dinner would be too boisterous for a bb that young I think. You'd probably be more stressed up with ur bb there at the dinner with you than leaving bb with your mom or mil.

San: The bottles must be sterilised before every use.
san: same same leh.. my girl oso .. haiz..

total EBM and never poo? my girl poos like each time after feed.. but the last feed after 11pm she dont poo.

i sterilised the bottles after every feed. i know old folks will say just sterilised once
cos my mum told me that used to do that.


personally i wont bring. nearly being forced to bring when brennan is about 2+ months old. heng didnt. hubby told me the other couple whose bb was around 3+ months. the daddy has to carry bb all the way throughout the dinner cos he refused to be put in pram... n the bb kenna being passed from one relative to another to carry...

so glad that i didnt bring

my advice is do not bring if u wan to enjoy the dinner ... brought my boi to my brother-in-law wedding dinner when he was 2+ mths and we got no choice to went off after our 3rd dish. My boi have been crying from 7 till 9+ non-stop!!!

My boi simple won't stop crying no matter what we do!!! We were sua to sit near to the speaker, march-in song so loud follow by two loud champagne pop ... alamak ... nearly wan to faint!!

We put tissues in his ear and let him wear a hat and cover his eyes ... still cry non-stop and dun wan to sleep ... not scaring you but a terrible experience for me.

happy new year!

take care of your block ducts well.

mine was so bad i had fever for 3 days, massaged but the lump still there. Went to see lactation consultation yesterday, she can't get rid of it too after a painful session. Asked me to see gynae to get antibiotics and review next wed. If does not improve have to do surgery. Fever finally went down but lump still there. oh no.
if your bb is that kind who sleeps thru every shopping trips, who can sleep soundly in a noisy environment, who can sleep anywhere, anytime...then u can bring him to wedding dinner.

Mine is like dat...she basically sleeps most of the time when we are out, so we just put her on the pram and we can enjoy our shopping and dining.

Brot her to attend a wedding dinner once when she was 2 mths old...she basically sleeps thru..but we fed and change her before we step out of our house...so dat we have less things to bring.

Considering how long a wedding dinner lasts (8-1030pm at least), wouldn't bb require a feed in between? Or did you leave the dinner earlier?

I find it really difficult to bring the baby put for more than 2+ hours cuz anything longer than that, she'll start to cry for milk.

Are your babies still feeding every 3 hours?

syl: standby milk lor.. if not find a good corner to BF. my bro's wedding is ard the corner, and i will be facing this problem. i will be bringing along a pram and of cos will be wearing the nursing dress so in case i got engorgement, i can just find one corner n BF.
