(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs


What brand of body liquid to recommend for 1 yr old baby.
My gal is no londer using the bath tub. I used the J&J top to toe , but heard that it's not so good, so any recommendation?

hi coffeedrinker

I'm still using pigeon brand for my boy...but started to use J&J shampoo... He doesn't cry as much... so really no more tears! :p

I'm tryin to stop using the bath tub as well but my boy refuses to stand in the shower...
wendy, how come? u loaded off the shelves during ur JB trip arh? :p

any one catching the korean serial "Gong"? I was totally immersed in the show! finally bought the vcd set and watched it through a marathon night (plus the following day!). so now super concussed!
no, not bought from JB
if no one else wants i'll just keep them all for isaac. Just gotto clear some space for storage.
finally, someone who's crazy abt korean serials like me in de thread. as there were 2 many collegues q-in 4 de 1 set of dvds, someone went 2 make copies n everyone was happy.

wonder wat's nice next 2 watch. hubby's in china now; can ask him 2 bring somethg back ...
Hi mommies

I'm trying to sell a brandnew LV men's wallet (UTAH leather, 6 bill fold and card holder). You can get details and pic from www.louisvuitton.com. Bought last week from Paris boutique. Meant to be my hubby's gift for anniversary but kenna rejected coz he wants to have the same design that he is presently using... Men... ungrateful pigs. PM me if there is any interest.

Nice seeing YC, Megan and Tyanne last Sunday at GUG class. Missed Jeremy though.
tingting ...

yar its a v cute show ... i dun have the VCD though ... but I v cheap trill one lar ... cos the de-throned crown price is oso called yicheng ... so now i oso call YC : yicheng jun hahahahahah
seabreeze, yah hor! hehe.. just realised that too.. hehe.. now i call zephan "huang tai zi", cos he's like the crown prince where everyone wants to keep him happy! haha.. maybe he'll also grow up to be as charming! :p

jh, i'm already watching the show for the 2nd time now! also dunno what came over me, being so attracted to the show. i seldom watch the same serial twice consecutively. i usually like to watch korean shows, but not so crazy like this. But hor, i do have a reputation for watching movies repeatedly, the most frequent ones were "You've Got Mail", "Grease", and "Parents' Trap". I've watched them for like at least 20 times each! But for serials "Goong" is the 1st! Dunno how many "runs" will i go for.. hehe.. Today I googled for the Goong MVs, and found blogs where people confessed to watching the serial for more than 20 times! wow, at least i know i'm not the only one! Btw, I did find some links that have great pics and MVs. If you're keen can PM me.

right now, am listening to the OST and distracting myself from work.. :p

I find buying DVDs from China pretty risky in the sense that the subtitles are pretty lousy. I bought the "My Lovely Samsoon" the other time, and can't understand the subtitles! As I always watch in their original language, I couldn't follow the show well. But the other one I bought "Lovers in Paris" is fine. I also got "Full House" but haven't gotten around to watch it yet, cos got "waylaid" by "Goong".. haha! But my friend highly recommended "Full House" though.
i also try 2 catch 'goong' twice but 7pm usually still not home yet ...

u r rite. de last time my hubby bought 'full house' fm china, de 1st half of de discs had both chinese n korean language but de 2nd half only had korean! so can u imagine how busy i was when i was watchin de show.

but cos it's cheaper there; i've never bought any fm sin. tink our best china buy's 'da chang jin'.
oh no, my "full house" is also from china. but if it's in korean then i'm ok, so long as i can understand the subtitles! hehe.. actually, the DVD price in China is about the same as VCD set in Sin. so i'll prob downgrade and take the vcd set from sin.

i usually tape the 7pm shows and watch later. dunno when i'll resume the tv shows. prob after i stop watching "goong". haha...

anyone given their babes lady's finger & brinjal yet?

cat tail
isaac not interested in the weather forecast liao. Last time very punctual 6.35pm & 6.45pm he'll standby in front of the TV to hear his fav music. Now even i point to the TV also no use. Dunno what kind of no-tune music they play, i can't sing it to him anymore either!
re : molar
any babies here experienced high fever when the molar came out? If so, how high was the fever? We are suspecting that the molar is causing high fever for my son but the fever is rather high. *worried*

Kai is also having fever on and off. Plus bad cough (again) and running nose. Poor fellow can't sleep well. Every time he tries to sleep, will be coughing very badly. Didn't take a nap today.
Just came back from hospital and realise we fed him double dose of flu medicine. Sigh...
Luckily we went to the hospital and brought his medicine along.

But i'm not very sure if his molar is coming out. He only has 3 teeth at the moment. Hee...

Can i check how u all take bb temperature? Using clinical thermometer on their armpit or ear thermometer?
Still left the same share market music for her to shake her butts...keke..

No fever when her molar teeth comes out. Only very fussy on her food & milk.

Am using the Braun ear thermometer. Easier & faster.
Braun is a good brand hor? But i cannot part with my $100 leh. hahaha...

The antibiotics given by KKH is alot leh. Every feed has to give him 7ml, and have to give 3 times a day. OMG. I have to try to feed him his cough med, flu med, fever med, and the 7ml antibiotics. That's madness leh. Any mommies came across that antibiotics before?
Hi mummies
I'm back!! Survive my first trip with haowen to perth but dead tired...As for hw, he enjoys the trip v much and masters the art of walking unassisted there
but poor boy came down with flu and cough due to the cold weather, so was v grouchy on the flight back... will try to post some pix once tidied up.
previous time when isaac was ill, i had to give him antibiotics 4ml x twice a day, plus some other cough/blocked nose medicine 3 times a day.. it was a struggle for the whole family. Then i took the easy way out & spiked his milk. Thank God he drank most of it.
wendyg ...

u are lucky that isaac drank most of it and he didnt reject food after that

i would advise not to spike their food cos once they know that you put med into the food ... they might reject the food in future, thinking that you put med in it. cos it happened to my fren's son, she put med into the milk - he rejected that bottle of milk and many feeds after that. she then had a new problem - to convince the bb that the milk is normal
initially had that problem: hubby spiked the Friso with the purple medicine (for dunno what la), Isaac detected & rejected whole bottle. He didn't want to drink even after we made a fresh bottle without medicine. Lasted abt 1 day.. then i bought more yummy FM - Neslac Honey. And he happily drank it. And i happily spiked it.
After he recovered, i re-introduced Friso slowly.. he's happily drinking it again.
Wah, lucky you leh. I dare not spike his milk leh. Now, it's not so bad cause sometimes, he doesn't fuss when drinking the medicine. But during some rare moments, he fuss lor. So, giving him cough, flu and the 7ml antibiotics is a struggle. I'm just very heartache to see him drink so much medicine at such young age.
Nevermind lah. No choice i guess. Hope that he recovers soon... Flu and cough still quite bad. Sigh..
wendyg ...

yours 1 day only ar ... mine was for the whole period when he was sick and the most frustrating was that - we have NEVER spike his food with med. wonder where he get the smart aleck idea that we might spike his food *faint*

so from then on ... i no longer wan to take the risk

eileenp ...

yar i can imagine ... we rather tat we are the one who is sick right
strangely, Cayden loves medicine. He will bark at me until i feed him. ????!!!!!!! serious, no joke. maybe too sick liao!!! heheheh.......the next time he falls sick (oops, i hope not!) i will tape it down and show you gals.

eileen, hope your boy gets well soon. u must take care too. 7ml is alot hor....the last time when he was sick, we only gave 3ml each time.

seabreeze, thanks for checking out the details for me. been really busy. just cleared my yahoo emails. nearly burst!

so did YC enjoy GUG class? i signed up for the JG Nov programme. Hope it will be fun!

ixwong, welcome back and well done!!!!!!!!!!
Re: poo poo
can you share?
a) colour of poo
b) texture

sorry, cos my mom commented that cayden's poo is not normal. wants me to bring him to a pd.
REason: greenish browm, soft but well formed (not wet), indigested food (eg, carrot, or sometimes, abit of veg etc...) is it normal????

my mom thinks he is not digesting the food well..........hence, should see a dr.

When he was on Gain, his poo was more yellowish brown.(i switched to Enfa cos gain is very sweet....he was putting on weight....well, in my opinion, too fast....) but since introducing enfagrow, the poo is more greenish. She also says that maybe the FM is not suitable. ????????????
anton poo poo is so smelly that I did not even bother to analyse it!! hehe

I think just ask the PD instead of bringing him to the doc. Maybe can try to cook the carrots or mash the carrots finely? Anton loves his meds too... but what do I know? He is a bit psycho...haha
Nowadays he has been clingy to me, always wants me to carry him. I hope this will not last too long or else its hard to concentrate during his class. Anton is also going to the Nov holidays programme at JG at Evans. The first week is English classes and the second week, Mandarin Classes.
hi hi triniti,
thanks for replying to my smelly question. hahaha...i think sometimes there are also indigested grains from the rice/bread....or rather my mom has never been used to the way i feed him......those old days of hers, the bbies/tots only took rice paste with little veg... hardly wholemeal or meat. nevertheless, i will still consult my pd to give her a peace of mind. well, i thought his poo was pretty normal.

hey, what time is your class in the first week? my sis who sends her boy and gal to Evans, told me that there are many cases of HFMD....so must be mindful.
Anton is attending playnest for 7-8 weeks now in Evans and forum. His lessons starts at 3pm -430pm. His Nov programme is also at 3pm
HFMD? I thought there is one case so far?
Been AFK for quite a while. Did I share with u that I send my mynamar maid away after working with us for 2 days? The new one just joined 2.5 weeks ago. She seems honest and English proficiency is slightly better than the first two maids. But ONE MAJOR CONCERN, my dd doesn't really like her. Still can't figure out why. She reacted very strongly when I got the helper to play with her. The latter is very nervous with her. She has no experience with children and doesn't really know how to play with her. Wonder how to train her to play with bb...*sigh*
You're right abt the bird nest thingy. Baby developed bit of rashes around her neck and chest area for two days after consuming just a bit of that. She didn't like the taste and I tried to spike her milk. She refused to drink and like what Seabreeze's friend's experience, I had difficulty convincing her on the night feed that the milk is normal.
Thank you for the picture via email. Can't open the attachment though as file's too big for my account. Will forward to my hb to download.
Feed your bb with lots and lotsa water. My dd doesn't like to drink water. When she fell sick beginning of this month, got to feed her with 5 types of medicine for running nose, cough, phlegm, one to clear airpassage, and anti-biotics. She struggled and cried like mad. In order to make her drink water, I fed her with water before milk during her feed. She really drank lotsa it before I switched to milk. She recovered much faster than what it usually took.

I just switched from Gain to Enfa too. BB was always constipating, n so decided to change though not sure if that's the main reason. Her poo is like what you've described. Sometimes, will see those carrots bits too. If you're checking with the PD, let me know if its not normal.
isaac's poo = dark brown, soft but well-formed. I've given up examining his poo for undigested food. Last time b4 he turned 1YO, i looked at his poo & showed it to everyone b4 dumping it. Even took picture. But doing it everyday = no kick liao. kekekeke. Now i just glance to chk any blood in stools. Most times hubby gets him to poo, and the smell just knocks him over, so no chance to get hubby to examine poo either.

hi, someone selling ear thermometer.
eileen, poor kai. i hope tt he gets well soon.

ixwong, welcome back.
m v glad tt u guys njoyed d trip.

aidanee, cayden's poo sounds normal 2 me leh. my boy's poo can b dark green, yellowish, dark brown, etc. as 4 texture, it can b hard if he gt constipation or soft if he's nt.
Sarah's Mom,
2 days?? That was real fast! What have your ex Myanmar maid done?
Quite normal for your dd to react like that especially when Sarah at this age gets more uneasy with strangers. My dd oso disliked my maid in the beginning. It took them almost a month to settle down & familiar with each other. Just be patient lor. Btw, this current maid is Myanmar too?
Oh dear, u better stop the bird nest. It's better to give them later when they are around 2.

U sure got lots of lobang. Heehee..
Vone, Wendyg, thanks for your feedback re: poopoo.....maybe there is really nothing wrong with his poo???? Since i will be bringing Cayden for the chickenpox jab this weekend, i shall check with my pd. anyone knows if chickenpox vaccine will cause any discomfort? Still undecided about the pneumococol (spelling??) jab.

Triniti, at first i wanted the 3pm slot too....but then it is pretty disruptive for me. hahaha....so decided to go for the 9am slot. HFMD: heard many cases over the past months......

Sarah'smom, when Cayden was on gain, his poo was more yellowish....now on Enfagrow regular, very greenish. maybe too much iron. hahahaha.....

my bro just got a filipino maid to help out at my mom's. so now at least Cayden has a playmate when he is at my mom's place.
re: poo

zephan also has undigested food when he poos. i think that's ok lor, cos adults also have that, except that we dun examine them! colour n form depends very much on what they eat during the day, so not to worry..

Ethan's poo sometimes like goat's stool. Sometimes well form but at the front is hard after that is soft. Mostly brownish and very smelly. Been switch from Enfa to Gain IQ. No improvement of the texture of poo. Feed him 2x fruits, 3x plain water 60ml each a day. Still very hard.
re: poo

Kai's poo is quite varied. Sometimes musturd, sometimes dark greenish and sometimes brown. Sometimes hard,(cries when he poos the hard ones) sometimes soft and sometimes watery. Hahaha... Sometimes also has carrot or vege bits in his poo. He's taking Dugro 1. Switched from Enfapro. Too costly man. Hee...

Thanks for mummies regards to Kai. Hope he recovers soon. Cough is getting better. But running nose is still quite bad.

Thanks for the lobang.
re: poo

Think my ds's son poo is somewhat like Ethan's poo... hard then soft... but he doesn't pool everyday, about once every 2-3 days... he used to have constipation or hard stool problem... so we gave him drink lots of water, eat lots of fruits and he drinks a bottle of prune juice almost everyday... he's on Friso 3 and I mixed with Friso Comfort which is supposedly to aid in digestion as recommended by my pd...

Sarah's mom,
Think your dd will need more time to get used to them since they are beginning to recognise people... my ds was also resistant to my new maid initially but is now ok cos my new maid very good in 'hong' him...

Anyone's darling super sticky glue to you...? For me, I have to sneak out of my house every morning to work and when I comes home, I must carry him first before doing anything else... do they still wake up in the middle of the night..? Mine will about 2-3 times every week and he won't get back to sleep on his own, keep tossing and turning real vigorously...

Those who have went overseas with babies, any problem with them on the plane eg. ear pressure... so where do they sleep? How do you cook his porridge and do you bring alot of his diapers or should I buy over there..? Any medication to bring along just in case...? Going Sydney this Dec and I forsee that I will need to bring lots of stuff there... any advice..?
My 1st Myanmar maid tried to get permission to colour her hair, told me that she's gonna Yangon to find a bf and get married after working for two years. But told my mum that she wants to look for a Singapore man. Acted quite strange...One moment she would be weeping and other moments very happy. Took nap openly without my permission, and closed door at 9.15pm to write her own stuff after coming back with us from shopping and clearing half of the shopping bag. Thereafter, retire without telling us.

2nd one also a Myanmar maid. No initiative. Already went thru with her what to do and how often, on the first day. Still have to push the start button before she would execute the tasks. *sigh* I hope baby will settle well with her soon.
i brought isaac overseas, but not on a plane. Drove to M'sia - JB. Malacca, Genting. No problems with ear pressure whatsoever. kekekeke
haha wendy, that's not really considered lah.. :p but curious how u settled issac's meals for the following day? cereal n jar food?

hosanna, i've been thinking about the logistics too, cos planning a trip to Melb next year. if ur boy can already take table food, can feed him whatever you're having, e.g. rice, baked potatoes for carbo, and bring jar foods for veggies/meat intake. suppose fruit will be easily available, else can also bring jars. i would think sydney's supermarket has a lot of choices for instant baby food. you may want to check out some of their online grocery websites to get a feel. of course, how you plan your trip affects how much to bring from singapore. F&E allows u to stop n shop where necessary, but may be more difficult for packaged tours. Check out the local maps to get your bearings. HTH!
yes, to me it's considered going overseas. Coz passports are involved. I'm a simple gal, enjoy the simple life.. i'm happy with just 3 of us spending time together, as our work schedules dun allow it unless it's public holiday or one of us takes leave from work. I'm more concerned abt budget than anything. If i were to blow a few thousand dollars on overseas trip, i dun think i'll enjoy the holiday too much coz i'll be worrying abt bank balance & curb expenditure etc. Different people hv different pre-requisites for what constitutes a 'holiday'.

2nd day in JB - Isaac ate sumptious buffet b'fast. He had porridge with loads of goodies like broiled cauliflower, egg, fish etc. We were back home for his lunch.
re: ear pressure

What I normally did is, when the flight going to take off or landing, feed milk or water to your bb. It will reduce the ear pressure. So far Ethan had no problem with ear pressure for all plane travelling. Hope this help.
my son is quite sticky....but it is getting better now. Everyday when we send him over to my mom's, he will bid us bye bye....even if he wants to come along with us, we kindda ignore it and continue waving and kissing.....my mom will settle him down after we leave. There was one night i left him at my mom's place without kissing goodbye, he cried throughout the 4hrs and kept calling Ma-Ma....i have since learnt my lesson.

maybe try to have a proper farewell instead of sneaking away.....

your getaway trip sounds great. would like to have one too.......not so tiring...where do you stay at malacca?
would have been nice to stay over at malacca though... next time can target genting..

aidanee, zephan totally bo chaps us when we drop him off at my parents' place each day. just wanna play with the lock on the gate. my mum gotta pry him off the lock and make him wave goodbye to us, before he reaches for the lock again! when we go back in the evening, he'll only be happy to see us if he's in his play yard (read: he needs us to rescue him from there.). If he's watching TV or playing, he'll just give us a look and return to what he's doing. Haiz... totally like his "doggie sister", doesn't matter who's taking care of him, so long as his needs are met!
maybe I can give u some inputs on travelling to Australia cos just came back from Perth.

For the flights, I let ds sucks on his pacifier and take occasionally sip of water or juice during take-off and landing, so no problem at all with ear pressure. For sleep, I reserved a bassinet when I book the ticket. Was lucky to get the bassinet on both to-and-fro flights cos many babies onboard and some din manage to get the bassinet so got to carry baby in arms.

We stayed in self-contained apartment with kitchen facilities, so we can cook if we want. My ds takes rice now, so we bought rice from the supermarket in Perth (apparently quite common nowadays), and use the pot and stove provided. If we eat out, I'll feed pasta or any type of noodle or bread.

Yes, bring enough overnight diapers unless u are currently using Huggies or Babylove (only these 2 brands in australia). I made a mistake of not bringing enough pampers, so haowen had to put up with a few "wet" nights.

As for medication, I brought those for fever, cough, stomach wind as standby.

Ya, a lot of stuff to pack. So end up the luggage for hw is a hefty 26-inch, 20 kg load.

Hope you have enjoyed your trip.... I have reserved a bassinet too but was told that priority will be given based on the ages of the babies... we are taking F&E and staying in self-serviced apartment too... the thought of 35 diapers (maybe will try him out on Huggies now... do they have the pull up kind over there), food (and my hubby quite particular about those instant food), his clothes etc etc is already quite overwhelming not mentioning our own luggage....

will try bidding him a proper farewell for short 'outings' and see how he reacts first...

tingting, Your Zephan very independent and practical boy hor... :eek:)


My dd doesn't really wake up in the middle of the night unless if she's really unwell. Yesterday, she had a real bad cough in the middle of the night, as if she was gonna throw up. I tried to feed her with water, she refused. Tried carrying her up, she cried. She was digging her head to the mattress trying hard to sleep. Guess we have trained her not to wake up in the wee hours. Hence, she didn't like the idea of us disturbing her sleep. So, just ignored her and she was alright.

How long was your Perth trip? We'll be there for only 7 days at the end of Dec. But within the week, will be staying in 3 locations (mandura-time share apt, margaret river and perth city). Hopefully, bb could take it. Farm stays are fully booked. Which location did you stay? What are the attractions that interest HW? Haven't really plan the detailed itineries yet. Thanks.
