(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

re: organic food purchase

for those who indicated their interest in organic food purchase, sorry we're unable to meet the min purchase requirement. Another mummy sent me a contact for Healthy Times local distributor who does delivery for min $80 purchase. But no fresh produce, only Healthy Times food range. If you're interested, pl PM me so that i can forward you the catelogue. I'm getting some cereals, so we see if can make some orders.

Healthy Times Organic Food Order

1) Tingting
Baby Sweet Peas $2.30
Farmhouse Country Vegetables $2.30
Mixed Grain Cereal for Baby $6.50
Sweet violet baby lotion $8.75

Total: $19.85

Calling Anissa: wanna stock up more HT cereal?

boise, there has been a slight change of plans, as i plan to deliver my baby in sgp. maybe china will come when both kids r older. meantime my hb's company has hired a station manager in shanghai to jagar management

eh i m a sahm, i only have a part time maid who comes twice a week to clean up my place. i cook abt twice a week for my hb when chloe is napping, while she has home cooked meals everyday. i dunno how m i gonna cope w 2 but i dun think too much abt it. it'll all work out when d time comes, so dun worry abt it. the more u think abt it d more u'll delay ur plans! jus do it!!! good luck on ttc. the bb dust is spreading..
hi cmy,
Have you seen yr gynae? U gg to take the same one at blk 840+? U're c-section also right? so it's abt 11 mth apart?
yeah, found an organic shop near my office! well, not really near but walkable.. gonna rackee that place today.
think organic shops will have wider selection of foods. Think NTUC only carries the HT brown rice only. Am looking at the mixed grains one.
Hi cakey,

Yaloh. 11 mth apart. I haven't speard the news to office. Yesterday during the meeting boss still mentioned every yr has colleagues(same dept)married and gave birth. I was sweat in my heart. I haven't visit the gynae coz not that gancheong. I think I will continue to visit Dr Hii as he got my records there.

Actually, before I tested I got the strong morning sickness. Yesterday even worst,first time I was too tired and I slept before Ethan.

Btw, any mummies engaged confinement nanny before? My MIL already mentioned she can't do confinement for me as she is taking care of Ethan, can't cope 2 together and confinement...

Re:lick/suck the toe
Yes. Ethan did it few times recently. Sounds quite accurate loh.
re: organic food

finally bought my HT multigrain cereal! hope zephan likes it!

zaczac, the shop sells Earthbest cereal too... saw the rice, wheat n oatmeal. If zephan takes the cereal well i may go back next week to stock up. Let me know if you want me to get the cereal for you? It's $7 for Earthbest, $6.50 for HT.

so sianz, was stuck at a meeting and missed my pumping session. now all meeting rooms are occupied so no place to pump.
ilmare, i tink i'll continue 2 let my boy drink neslac since he's on nan ha.

boise, i 2nd wat dressaholic, if u wanna try 4 2nd 1, dun tink so much abt d arrangements. sometimes things hv a strange way of wking themselves out.
Hi dressaholic,
I'm staying in the US. The surroundings where I stay is peaceful, hard to find such an environment in SG.
What you is say is true, don't think too much, otherwise we'll never get anything done.
But my gal is very sticky to me. These days, when I nap with my gal, she'll sleep longer. On her own in her cot, she'll wake up after 30-45 mins. These few days, she even hold on to my clothes when sleeping. Hope she'll grow out of this soon.
You're awake so early on a sat morning? My hb n i get up later on sat, including my gal.
When my gal's with us, she can sleep.
Hi ilmare,
Yes, i'm a SAHM, and time passes by so quickly.

re:SAHM mums
What do you do with your baby at home? I don't have much time to do anything in the day, just busy with my gal. My gal wants me to be with her all the time. When I'm in the kitchen, she'll always come crawling to me. I try to let her play on her own, but she gets bored after a while. Sometimes at the end of each day, can get really tired.
hi boise, zaczac,
thanks for the feedback on HT and EB. Zac, gg to try abit of tomatoe later on... will make sure she's ok before trying more

Me too dunno what to do with my gal. On leave yesterday taking care of her alone... ended up letting her watching TV to occupy her while i cook or take a break... Not much energy to play too exciting things with her... so she always get bore after a while hehe...

Also agree that just go ahead and have 2nd one if already decided want to have more than 1... cos there's no ideal plan to taking care of kids or ever save enuff money to do so.... just got to make do with what we have... realise it's really tiring when age catches up..
boise....awwwwwwwwwww lucky u! i miss US, all the outlet shopping and seasonal fruits, bing cherries r my fav! do u do grocery shopping at WholeFoods? i highly recommend that place, u'll be spoilt for choice for good quality organic foods!

i spend some afternoons w chloe at the malls or supermarket, she loves to b wheeled ard in the trolley w a pack of anythg fm the aisle to play w. if we r at home, we'll be rolling in the bed playing tog. if i need a break, i'll just leave her in her play yard. let her scream a bit... we dun do anythg intellectual so far heheh, just eat sleep play =P
Hi boise, my gal also like urs.. sticky.. will crawl anywhere just to find me.

dressaholic, us too! we dun do anything intellectual like flash cards or reading.. haha! We just sit ard, play with toys (mostly is throwing them ard) and sleep! But then, julia sleeps, i do housework..

Btw, she having high fever since yesterday.. hovering ard 39 degrees. Dun know wat's wrong.. my hubby says it shd be teething. Poor thing.
I just came back from 168 Punggol Plaza. Wipped off all the HT cereal on the shelf. I think they still have stocks. You may like to check it out.

Clarence having rashes all over his body... Was still thinking of inviting you, wendy and gang over. Seems like he always have problems during weekends!
anissa, u swiping off the cereals again! hehe, but i found an organic shop around my office, so no need to fight w you liao. i got the HT mixed grain cereal. but this is heavy maintenance leh.. so expensive n finish off so soon... haiz.

oh no, did clarence eat something new recently? nvm, there's always another chance.

i just let ds try to walk using walker and he finally able to, with me holding him. previous attempts always have him tryimg to climb over the hand bar to touch the toys....

hopefully he can learn to walk soon...

think ds getting sick of porridge, kept pushing it out with his tongue, making mealtime a messy affair!


i may want to try neslac... still got 1.5mth to decide...
Hi imare,

my boy also on Nan 2. Was thinking of changing him to Gain IQ and was looking thru all the milk powder cost at the supermarket for weeks already but still haven't decided. Seems to me like it's the most expensive milk on the shelf but then, is expensive = good? Is it better compared to other milk like Enfa, Neslac? My elder son used to drink Gain IQ 5 years ago too.. And at that time, i used to believe that my son absorbing/learning power increased because of the milk. (we fed him with 2 or 3 other brands as well) That time my hb said i chose the most expensive milk on the shelf to feed my son. This time, i feel like choosing the cheapest!! haha..

Am i the only stingy mummy looking at the prices before deciding what milk to give to my son? I've only got 2 more tins of Nan 2 to go before changing milk liao.
Nicky's mom,

Me might be starting Kai on FM. Also been looking at the prices of milk powder. Hehehe... Also thinking of choosing the cheapest. You are not the only stingy mummy... Hee...

Any recommendations from mummies?
nicky's mom
i've got abt 5 tins of 400g Nan2, exp either Nov'06 or Apr'07. If u want pls PM me to arrange collection, tks. At the same time, if u want Mamy Poko or Petpet size M, i also hv unopened packs.
Re FM stage 3
Nicky's mom, u are not alone. Cost is also one of my consideration when choosing FM, other than suitability (i.e. constipation). I got a call the other day from Albott and the person told me how more superior Gain IQ is vis-a-vis Friso Gold 3 (haowen's currently on Friso Gold 2) with more AA, DHA, Taurine, etc. But I noted that Gain IQ is $24.95 vis Friso is only $18....

Re baby rejecting food
Dunno why, but nowadays HW always shut his mouth tight and push the spoon away during feeding. Meal times has become quite a challenge. Sometimes also dun know what to do...any suggestion?
Re: Gain IQ
Any Mummy interested to get the Gain IQ FM & the $3 voucher? Got it from the Abbott & I am giving it away cos my gal drinks Nestle.

Re: baby rejecting food
I am facing it now!! I really dun noe whether she's sianz of the food or hated the spoon..
Hi wendy,
i've PM u..

i was mainly looking at the 1.8kg tins.. and Gain IQ is 46+, enfa 41+, Friso 35+ while Dulac is bout 21+.

Re : rejecting food
Nick only rejects food when he's full. if he's hungry, he can sit there without moving, eat and eat.

Re : Weekends
mummies, what do u do with baby and hb on weekends? i dunno where to go and wat to do.. If i bring nick to the beach or shopping centre, we seems to be carrying him around (and he's 13kg!! faint). he refuses to sit in the pram. How? Weekend seems to be a nightmare these days.
hi nicky's mum,
So nicky is enjoying alot on his meals since milk days.. he's the heaviest of all I think at 13kg! My gal is near 10kg and I already think it's difficult partly cos i'm small size. So no choice i bought the exp ergo carrier in order to be able to carry her w/o always relying on hubby's help.

re: rejecting food.
I guess got to just try different food and timing.. Once my mum talking on the phone catches her attention. So nowadays will pretend to talk on phone and quickly feed her while she focus on observing pple making phonecall and forgot to turn head or push the spoon.
Nicky's Mum,
Wow 13 kg!! U must be very fit by now.

Hi Mummies,
I have seen a sling that is made of net, anyone knows abt it?
rE: weekends
my hubby works on weekends, so most times Saturday i'll be with isaac at MIL's place, Sundays at my granny's place. Sometimes Saturdays i'll be alone with isaac at home, so i'll bring him out for short 1hr trips eg Compasspoint, Punggol Plaza etc. Rather than stay at home & let him drive me crazy following me into the kitchen, toilet, everywhere! And i also can't get things done if i'm chasing him all the time.
nicky's mum, play dates are a great way to pass time in a fun way! can let the babies play by themselves while mummies chit chat. erm, my boy is quite ok with the pram, so we usually wheel him around garden, supermarkets, etc.

cakey, zephan will grab the phone, so cant use that. recently he likes to hold things in his hands, so got to give him things that he likes. and he'll drop them like 30 times at least during mealtimes, and now my back is aching... :p
Last weekend I put Tomato into Justen's porridge and he love it can finish about 12 table spoon... Thanks for your recommandation 8)

Meal time
I know is no good but I will give him toys to play with while feeding him normally he will eat more and must put him on the high chair... If not very difficult to handle him.
I need someone else to stand at a distance and talk loudly on phone (prefer a very big phone hehe...). Other methods tried is to let bb watch her favourite TV program and try to feed quickly when she's focusing on the TV program.
tomato in porridge is nice huh? Will try that. U use fresh tomato - mash and add in?

I'm introducing a bit of soya sauce or marmite in haowen's porridge, to prepare him for more table food when he turns 1....As for toy, I let him play with a soup spoon.
I remove the skin and seed, chop into small small pcs and add into his porridge (which consist of stock, potato, carrot and fish) just cook for awhile as tomato easily cooked. Btw he prefer his porridge not too dry.

Justen hate spoon, I get many colorful spoon for him... He will throw it on the floor 8(
where am i working? haha, me helping ah lau....so earning a small allowance to buy diapers and milk powder for Cayden.
My bro's bb (7days old) just got his lab test on Biru level....very very high 350!!! dr say must change blood...my heart almost break!
aiyo... so many of you also facing a challenge during mealtime.... i agree with tingting that tv not a good option. i end up playing games or act clown to get ds attention, or else he will be turning here and there and everywhere.

i am also looking for a cheap and good fm for ds... hb is leaving the decision to me. i am not going to give gain, thinking of neslac or mamil gold.

i heard that fm manufactured in malaysia very heaty and cause constipation... if milk powder from NZ but packed in malaysia should be ok lor???

change blood(exchange transfusion) will bring the Bilrubin level down, this will prevent more complications in bb. one of the worst complication is mental retardation.... bb in kkh? dun worry too much, everything will be ok...
hi tingting,
Dont' think TV is a good choice too, so I try to avoid that and strictly feed her in highchair in kitchen. However that's only during weekend...
From Mon-Fri MIL will feed her milk, porridge, cereal all infront of TV
Anyway I guess the best I can do now is to make sure that at least at my house bb can eat without TV. At MIL place she's the one feeding her don't think I can comment much...
re: FM
Try Friso 3.. seems to be comparable with GAIN IQ but its cheaper. Now Giant got promo bundle for Friso 3 (2 900g tin, 1 400g free tin) for $34.75. NTUC is sold out.

re: rejecting food
Eliz has been rejecting food for the past 2 mths... every meal time is a PAIN! Last wk, gave her Si Sen cereal n she seems quite ok with it. Plus, i got no choice but to let her watch Football on TV.. apparently, she loves to see men running ard after 1 ball and while watching, she will eat her meals.. I know TV is bad idea but no choice rite...
does HW get more thirsty now that u added in soya sauce? I was at a hi-tea on sat n i let Eliz eat some of the fish porridge (tastes salty prob got MSG) and she drank like 70ml of water immediately in 1 gulp thereafter!!

yah, my girl also refuses to hold... when i put her 2 hands on the bottle, she will instinctively throw the bottle away.... this girl wants to be served...
