(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

cat, i'm still the main caregiver to my son.. lots of bonding but still cant figure out why he likes the maid so much.. n she's not very good in taking care of him tho.. caught her doing some stuff that i asked her not to do before... like lightly hitting my son when he's notti and teaching him some bad habits..

congrats serene.. seems like tis a season of making babies
re: sitting on pram
Thanks mummies for your suggestions. For the past 2 weeks, I've brought my gal out for walks in the mornings in her pram, and she was sitting in her pram quietly, except for a few occasions. For the 1st 3 days, when I was placing her in the pram, she cried. I quickly buckled her, and pushed her, pointing out things to her. Subsequent days, she let me place her in her pram, without making noise, and I can take my own time. I'll tell her that "we're going for a walk".
However, there's one thing I have to do - sing or talk to her while walking.
Where I live, its by a big river with many trees and a very big pond. I've yet to try sitting her in her pram in the shopping centre. I'm praying very hard that it'll work as well.

re: toys in pram
Do you mummies place toys in the pram for your babies/toddlers? What kind of toys do you put in there for them to play now? I'm using Maclaren Quest, so no bar in front.
hey my boy dont like to sit pram leh. always so tired to carry him. even i put toys he also dont want. he dun like to play toys. hmmm....
hi boise, i don't have toys at the pram, cos wanna encourage him to observe his surroundings, and hopefully he wont turn out to be like one of those kids who are glued to their handheld gaming device all the time. (though my friend says it'll be inevitable!)
Hmm.. the maid must have some kind of chemistry with Daryll. She's a Indo?
Dun worry abt it, baby Daryll somehow will still knows that u r her mummy. Just give him lots of love, k.
Congrats to dressaholic and serene!!

Hi boise,
although I have a stroller bar toy for my ds on his XT, he doesn't play w it that much and prefer to look around. To get him to sit quietly during our meal times outside, I would let him face the main thoroughfare (e.g. collection area, drink store, etc) where there are constant activity for him to see....

Thanks for the instructions to daiso. Me going to Tokyo in Sep and this info will be helpful. BTW, heard Daiso is opening new outlets in Vivo City (harbourfront) and Plaza Singapura....

Any must-buy brands in Tokyo or Nagoya?
dressaholic & Cakey,
thanks for the info on Japan. Me planning to go there in October to visit my friend plus tour around.

I don't place any toys on the stroller bar...Zac loves to sit in his pram cos he knows it's gg out time. He loves to observe his surroundings very much so even if u call his name when outside, he usually won't respond cos he's very focus on what he is looking at....kakaka

not to worry, u r the mummy and no one can replace your position in your boy's heart. He'll know that you are the one he can depend on.
cat_tail, can meet you at Mar'07 MTB bor? I was tested positive yesterday. Quite shocked as not prepared for this mth. Now all my plan gone. Even my CNY may can't celebrate with Ethan. erghhh......Dun know should I sad or happy!
wah, another 2nd-time mummy! congrats cmy! u gals are making me tempted to ttc liao leh... haha..

zac, reminded that we havent arranged on collection of the diapers? have sent u a PM some days ago. u received?
just remembered someone mentioned this old wives tales... they say if babies like to eat/lick their own toes, they will be getting a sibling soon... so the 3 expecting mummies, does your first born like their toes? hehee
wow!! CMY congrats!!! Now we got 3 #2 coming along heehee

ting ting >> go ahead to TTC lar if you are ready ... me not ready yet heehee just YC alone is enough to keep me busy the whole day liao

yest shared my happiness too early ... he kept waking up last night sianzzzzzzz ... i wonder if he reads the forum hahahaha as I try not to show my happiness in front of him cos he bound to do the opposite the next day one

Children's Day Party
Date: 30 Sep 11am - 3pm
Venue: Bishan Loft
Cost: $5 per adult/ Children FOC

1. Tingting & Hb
2. JT and family
3. Cakey & family
4. ixwong & family
5. vone & hb
6. smallbell & family
7. applejuz & family
8. aidanee & family
9. cookies & family
10. snoopy & family
11. Sarah'smom & hb
12. featherG & family
13. Hosanna & family (13 my lucky no. my baby's bday!!)
14. eileenp & family
15. dressaholic & family
16. Samantha & Family
17. jh & family
seabreeze, i'm planning one trip end this year n one other early next year.. if preggie then my parents wont let me go on the plane already... i haven't gone away since my honeymoon in 2003! sob sob... though it does seem a bit petty to delay pregnancy bcos of trips hor... :p
seabreaze... dun noe the rest will welcome me or not! heee... all of sudden.. pop out from no where :p

Children's Day Party
Date: 30 Sep 11am - 3pm
Venue: Bishan Loft
Cost: $5 per adult/ Children FOC

1. Tingting & Hb
2. JT and family
3. Cakey & family
4. ixwong & family
5. vone & hb
6. smallbell & family
7. applejuz & family
8. aidanee & family
9. cookies & family
10. snoopy & family
11. Sarah'smom & hb
12. featherG & family
13. Hosanna & family (13 my lucky no. my baby's bday!!)
14. eileenp & family
15. dressaholic & family
16. Samantha & Family
17. jh & family
18. eggie & family
Ting Ting
Actually I am also planning for trip first before preggie... Not selfish lah just that 1 already very dif to travel 2 I think worst...

Let Plan for 2008 BB lor 8)

Also like to check, on BF how to BF and don't let BB fall asleep? As Justen will dose off everytime after latching. What I do yesterday is let him play until he feel tired and sleep and after he is asleep then I latch him. Is it the correct way?

The rice cakes I bought has no added salt so the main ingredient is just organic brown rice. The brand is Kallo Organic. I just add in with the mashed veges and meat, he just 'dissolve' within the moisture of the food
so no cooking required

To all preggie mummies

Hehe, I think it is great to be preggie again
I only have have the courage to try when Anton is 2 though hehe
hi eggie,

hi triniti,
I manage to get the rice cake from the marketplace and looking forward to trying them out

May I know how many pieces you give to anton each meal? (i bought the square thin slice one).
Abt cooking the veg/meat just dump them in a pot with abit of water (to make sure not burnt) is it? When cooked just take out all the veg/meat w/o the water and mix with rice cake?
I don't have a blender so will usually chop the vege/meat till fine then throw them to boil.

Btw. any mummy giving bb tomatoe?
poko, u mean u wake him up to feed after he sleeps? hmm, i usually feed before he sleeps. sometimes when he's tired he may start to close his eyes midway through feeding, but never fall asleep ever since 5-6m. u can reduce his activity level at evening time so that he's not too tired at feeding time. what i do is to first schedule his feed times, then moderate his activities around those times.

hi lynette, i'm sure most of us will recognise u fr all the sprees.. haha.. i still have yet to collect the mats from you yet! didn't know that u're kid is aug/sept too!
Ting I bring him back at 7pm and reach home after a walk at 7.30... Then we will play in the room for another 1 to 1.5hrs and will dim the light and latch him... He so used to sleep after that liao. But yesterday we let him roll around to get into sleep mode and he sleep after that. But his milk intake is not a lot so I latch him after he sleep. He will open his mouth while asleep for the milk one 8)

Congrats dressaholic, serene & cmy!

Me and hb still cannot decide if we want no. 3!! Aiyo..

Anyone got suggestions where i can go for a weekend? most likely tomorrow go and come back on sunday or monday kind..
Congrats!!! U r no. 3!! So happy for u!! Think I can't join u liao in Mar 07.

Tokyo got Gap. Think it's at Harajuku side & lots of yuppies stuff to shop.
poko, ur boy so cute! can drink even when asleep.. haha.. but i think i wouldnt encourage that behaviour. better to have clear feed times. i have a nephew who was about 2 years old and still having the habit of a drink in the middle of the night. so jia lat on the parents! but then there're 7 adults in the house looking after 2 kids, so maybe not that bad for them. still, it's not a good habit.

nicky, i told my hb if next kid is a gal we may stop at 2, but if still a boy then maybe will try for another one.. haha..

lynette, no time to collect leh.. will try this weekend.

haiz, just got call fr hb that his trip may be extended, even beyond zephan's 1st birthday celebration! praying hard that this wont happen...
hi tingting
sorrie I can't login to my yahoo mail in office and these few days quite busy so didn't check my emails at home. Will respond to you 29.

so many mummies preggie already..I'm sure there's more to come..kakaka

I've given tomatos to zac..He loves it. I remove the seeds from the tomato and cut into small pieces and throw it into zac's porridge with a piece of lean pork. may add a little potato...taste good.

thanks...I'v seen the kalla ones b4, will go get some and try out.

It's available at cold storage for those mummies who are interested to buy. cost $4.25/ round thick pieces or $3.75 for square thin slices.
hi congrats to you Chris, Serene and CMY!!!! You are doing us proud!!! hahaha....

My newborn nephew just arrived, and think my my mom is not able to bbsit cayden....we have to look for alternative. I am pretty keen to put him at Babies Resort. Anyone has friends who put their bbs there? Visited the place before when he was 2 months old, but decided that he was too young then. Now i have no choice but to send him to infantcare. Nanny is out for me.

is my ON order in? hehehe...so your bb was born on 11 Sep.
hi aidanee, u mean when u shift over to punggol is it? i'm scouting around for some ad-hoc day care arrangement, like alternative day, etc, so that my mum can take a breather. think zephan's getting too active for him.
hi hi Tingting,
i mean before or when he turns 1yo. dun think my flat can be ready by year end.

Cayden was taken care by me solely for the first 7 months. So when my mom took over for 5hrs aday, she only needed to feed lunch (i bring over from my place) and afternoon milk, and occasionally dinner. Actually quite easy for her cos Cayden will sleep after meal...But then she has never taken care of a new born for 30 over years...She has to start from scratch with the newborn. Dun want to add on her burden and pressure.
ting ting,
yar....tiring man! sometimes not enough time to travel or mom not at home , so bring him to the office....aiyo, this little CEO (see entire operations) causes alot of disruption to the office cos everyone will stop work and take 5 to play with him.

ixwong, thanks i will send her a pm. eh, thought you are going to Perth? is your japan trip a business trip? when r you going?

As i seldom come online, i notice that there is BP for swiss rolls..are they nice? suddenly there seems to be so many bp on it. like bubble tea!!

didn't know you stay in punggol??
i am staying with my mum in jurong now. dun think will be able to bring him to/fr jurong and punggol everyday. very siong.
Hi samantha,
i stay with my inlaws in Jurong but my mom stays in Ponggol....still waiting for my flat in ponggol to be ready... applied in 2002!!
cat, yup.. mine is an Indo maid

zac, i hope so loh.. sometimes i wonder whether he knows who is his mummy anot. when he cry, he prefers the maid than me

CMY, Congrats!!

hearing so many mummies are expecting.. makes me itch to try for no#2
my perth trip is in Oct. Ya, going HKG and Japan on biz sometimes in Sep. So sian! Where u work? how come so flexi one?
i got my flat walk-in selection end '03, got married in early '04 & moved in, Isaac Made-In-Punggol, celebrating 1st bday soon... in the meantime u still waiting... *hiak*
i guess this is what's called TANG KOO KOO!

i went for short trip when i was 5m pregnant with Isaac. Mid-trimester can travel la.. If u're pregnant with #2, maybe u can sponsor a set of parents come along with u so that can take care Zeph then u not too shiong. Take budget airline, cheap cheap. Or leave Zeph with your mum for few nights? But trip too short not shiok hor.

i scared tomatoes will make the porridge sour? *pardon my ignorance* U bought regular large tmt or the small cherry tmt?
wow! Congrats dressaholic, serene and cmy!
For sahm, how are u gonna cope with a toddler and a baby alone at home next time?

I dun mind having #2 but my hubby thinks i can't cope cos my gal is very active.
ixwong and zaczac,

re: tokyo
i m a sucker for nicely wrapped traditional japanese sweets and cakes so that's where my money went to.

i bought some gap items for chloe but also found out they were abt the same price, if not more expensive than online shopping.

okay if u r into mascara, the japanese gals all swear by this cult brand dejavu fiberwig. its available in sasa, but i found it a lot cheaper in japan, more colours to choose from too. oh n shiseido pdts r good to buy, good variety fm shampoos to body lotions, which r not available in sgp. its like a common pharmaceutical brand there. u can find these pdts at the many sasa-alike toiletries shops in tokyo. even my hotel provided shiseido pdts.

bb stuff, aprica and combi toys/ accessories if u r interested...eh i bought a combi toy thinkg it wld be unique, lugged it all d way back only to find 'em in takashimaya. strangely u'll find a lot of japanese wives wheeling maclaren prams, imported brandnames r hot.

Happy shopping!
juz pop back in & saw d good news!
Christina, Serene & Cmy...Congrats! u r MTBA
me too tryin leh, but aiyo, so stressful at work, like tat how to 'turn on'..Arrrgh.
hi mummies!!

alreadi 3 preggie with no.2.... so happy for you... i do enjoy being preggie and hope to try for 2nd baby, but HB think better wait for ds to be older as i was a c-section.

i am still praying for a career change and also planning to move house next year to be closer to parents... guess ttc got to wait for a while...

btw, have you decided what FM to give once ds/dd turn 1yr old? i dun think will give gain iq, so expensive, and is thinking of dumex.
Congrats Christina, Serene & CMY! That's good news. Enjoy your pregnancy. Remember to stay relaxed and be happy. Happy Mummy = Happy Baby!!

re: trying for 2nd baby
My husband is keen in trying for a 2nd baby when my gal turns 1 yr old. My gal was also c-section. But still deciding if its a good time to have a 2nd one, cos I'm looking after my gal alone.

Dressaholic (Christina):
Read yr post some while ago that you may be moving to China? Are you still going there? I'm currently not staying in Singapore. Still thinking if I am able to manage taking care of my gal and a new born, without any help.

Mummies who are thinking of trying for a 2nd baby.... Any of you a SAHM? When 2nd baby comes, you'll be looking after newborn plus current toddler, all on your own? Any thoughts to share?
Hi Cakey,
I've tried both Healthy Times and EarthBest. Both brand are quiet similar in terms of texture. When comparing nutritional value, Healthy Times is higher in their brown rice cereal.
Hi Serene,
Try bringing your girl to parks in her pram. My gal is very sticky to me, and wants me to carry her all the time when we are out. I am very surprised that she took the pram well these 2 weeks - we walk by the pond and river with trees, peaceful with only few people jogging or strolling. Initially, I keep singing or talking to her. I did not place any toy for her to play, but at times I can see that she starts to get bored, that's why I'm asking mummies what toys they give to their baby in their prams. Perhaps timing plays a part too. I bring her out early in the morning when she has just woken up and finished drinking her milk. Think she's in a better mood in the mornings. Our walk last for 1 hour.

I've yet to try putting her in the pram in shopping centres. I praying hard that she'll take it well. The last time I tried, probably 2 months ago, she refused to sit in there, and straightened her body, so that I cannot sit her in.
Hi raisintan,
re: baby sleeping
Sometimes my gal falls asleep after latching on, on my bed. However, the minute I place her in her cot, she wakes up. Her cot is near to my bed. I'll pick her up, sit on my bed, and place her sitting on my lap. She'll put her head near to my chest, trying to sleep. Sometimes, she falls asleep. Sometimes, she'll turn active, and I'll put her back to her cot. She'll stand up in her cot,wanting to play, and crying a little. I'll let her cry, while I rest on my bed,until I sense that she's getting tired, maximum 5 mins, then I'll carry her, put her on my lap till she sleeps. If she turns active, I'll repeat the whole process. In this way, I get to "rest", while she "work out". Usually she sleeps in 15 mins.
When she was younger, I tried CIO, but it didn't really work for her. So I adopt the more "peaceful" sleeping method.

In the middle of the night, when she wakes up, I'll carry her to the living room, cos don't want her to disturb my hb. I'll lay on the sofa, with my gal on top or beside me. When she has fallen asleep, I put her back to her cot. This way, not so tiring for me.
However, on days that I'm really tired, I let her sleep with us when she wakes up in the middle of the night. My gal likes sleeping with us, and she'll sleep thru the night.
hi boise

re:2nd baby
i will probably be working.... cos quite difficult to live on single income in sg. will continue to employ maid to help out with looking after kids and housework.

you SAHM??

heard from a midwife fren that it will be best to wait till 1st child 18-24mths before having 2nd baby for c-section mummies, but i dun want to hav 2nd one when i so old(29yrs old tis yr). it wasn't easy for me to get preggy so tot better hav all the kids we want while we are still young.
boise, i tried b4. but my boy still refuse to sit inside the pram. he like to be carry.
so naughty.

hey anyone got any gd post-natal massager to recommend?


i dun mind short trip, just that can't bear to leave zephan behind... best solution is to bring parents along, but it'll double our travelling expenses. plus we now still servicing our car loan so it's quite taxing.
