(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

aiyo pls dun dilute the FM.. must always add correct amt of FM to the water, o'wise Nathan wun get the nutrients. Gain IQ very sellable wan la, post on Mktplace to sell la.. after Nathan has accepted the new FM. I hv 2 tins of Enfapro A+ 400g, if u're interested.

ladies, dun worry so much abt weight gain. bbs are supposed to triple their birth weight by 12mths and tt's abt it. a lot of bbs are actually overweight and hit their targetted weight much earlier.
OMG angel, i just saw the vid clips, what a beautiful sight. oreo makes such a good playmate, i love it when megan chuckles in delight as she pats d dog...
Megan is so smart...can walk so well. I went to buy the Little Tikes Walker for Zac yesterday. this morning b4 leaving for work, my hubby let him tried it and he fell backwards really hard onto the floor and hit his head...so sad
my hubby lor never hold on to zac. haiz...man!
huh? Gain IQ causes phlegm?

bronchitis? tat's serious. Hope Nathan gets well soon. I had bronchitis last time.. it was terrible. Can't imagine if a baby has it.

maybe becos the little tikes walker got no traction control.. that's y Zac fell.

why r u worried? Kai seems heavy leh.. 9.27kg! He's prob in the 75th percentile so that's good.
Children's Day Party
Date: 30 Sep 11am - 3pm
Venue: Bishan Loft
Cost: $5 per adult/ Children FOC

1. Tingting & Hb
2. JT and family
3. Cakey & family
4. ixwong & family
5. vone & hb
6. smallbell & family
7. applejuz & family
8. aidanee & family
9. cookies & family
10. snoopy & family
11. Sarah'smom & hb
12. featherG & family
13. Hosanna & family (13 my lucky no. my baby's bday!!)
14. eileenp & family
15. dressaholic & family
16. Samantha & Family
17. jh & family

Jh ...

its during the day time
I'm worried about kai's weight cause he has been 9kg plus for almost 2 months. So, like never increase lor.
But since you all mentioned that it's ok. Then i won't have to worry so much oleadi. Hee..
Thanks alot.
it's like that one.. first 6m they will get heavy very fast, then after that the weight gain slows.

well, the receptionist didn't say Gain IQ. She said Similac, coz it's sweeter than other FM.
to compare, i think my boy is the lightest baby here.. he's not even 9kg at 10.5 months. and 'bohgay' also..
but i think he start teething as he refused his nap these few days and i cant feel 2 hard lumps on his lower gum..

vone, daryl so cute... keep on shaking his head.. hahaha
my hubby commented after seeing Daryl that his son is such a little petite boy..

angel, megan is so adorable.. love watching her clips..

your maid very funny lah.. dunno how to take the initiative, u have to guide her to keep on turning the walker.. hehe
hey today i saw the toddler bed with raised sides selling $128 @ Carrefour (Plaza Sing)

& i bought a box of 6 pack Pigeon wipes @ $18+.. new packaging i think, last time only comes in 3x82.
Oriental Hotel quoted $800+++ (outdoor service charge) + $75+++/person. Tot I've set quite high a budget ($40-50)/person, but its still beyond me. Hb won't approve...So, have to stick to the three choices.
cat tail
fwah! Your girl show off sexy legs & looks like want to dance.. was she holding her tummy & laughing? So funny.. & walking on the beach too eh? Got wear shoes?
cat, mine is boy leh.. so light. its alright for girls to be petite..

but she doesn't look thin at all. in fact i like her chubby cheek..
Why is Edna's cheek so rosy? Was it durian again? Hey, I ate lotsa of durian too when I was pregnant. Maybe, few kg less than you, huh? That's why result varies.
Wah... very sarcastic leh. I want to go bang wall already. Hahaha...

Thnks for your suggestion (which I took up). Have managed to clear the air with Chin Leng and Bee Lee. They offered to have my a/c restored but I am beginning to like this new nick.

Megan and Julia are sooooo cute! How I envy those mummies with little gals to play with.
phoebe, dun worry abt it lah. i tink tt daryll takes after u.

cat_tail, aiyo, edna is so cute!! can dance somemore.
Boy boy like monkey like that leh (no offense to other bb hor. Me referring to my own). Gal gal sweeter. Next time pak tor will still remember mummy
Thnks for sharing. I finally know what those marks are called. Always mistaken them for 'birth marks'. Anyway, from the description, I think Clarence has the so called 'Mongolian Blue Spots'.

Edna is sooo cute. Love her rosy and chubby cheeks.
Yup. Prefer a boy before i gave birth. Now, after seeing all the cute baby girl videos, wish i have a girl as well. Hee...
you buy the bed liao? the one you said got raised side one? do they have smaller version or just the normal one? I was thinking of using back the cot's mattress and let him sleep on the floor, but he will roll off leh? anyway to corner him? my room too small to accomodate denzel's and the maid's bed leh....headache
for those who wish for a gal (like me!), try for one next time lor.. haha...

anissa, saw ur exchange with chin leng.. hmm, guess communication is still the key here.

now typing like a toddler/ah mah... was using the peeler to peel an apple for my dog last night, and accidentally "peeled" off part of my nail of my middle finger. lucky thing did not bleed, but still quite painful when in contact. so bandaged it up, knowing that i'll surely knock it somewhere. so now only single finger typing... hmm, maybe shld have used it as an excuse to be on mc? haha...
Thanks Mummies,
Edna says next time will show u all her "shake her bum bum move".. keke..

She will always hold her clothes when she is scared on walking by herself. Oh, I din give her any shoes at the beach. The sand is soft & the water is quite clear, so should be quite safe for her. She almost wants to cheong into the sea, so I dun dare to let her walk by herself.

Btw, u got the toddler mattress with those kerbs at the sides from Carefour? I think maybe it's the same one I had but I was paying around $99 last year.

Phoebe & Sarah's Mom,
She's actually looks thin but maybe her cheeks bluff u all out.

Sarah's Mom,
I ate durians almost every week during my preggy days!

eileenp & ting2,
Tonite "work harder" for a gal..heehee..
Hi mummies,

re- baby screaming

my girl has turned into a monster! she screams at the top of her voice (very high pitched scream) when she is bored or just for fun. especially when she's in the high chair, or in her pram..when ipush her around, if i just stop and look at stuff, she starts screaming...in the high chair in restaurants, she screams when she is bored (she throws all the toys on the floor..even biscuit she also throw on the floor. normally, she won't refuse food one..but when she's in one of her moods, everything goes onto the floor)..she will scream like 5 or 6 high pitch screams in a row..wah lau, nowadays i dun dare to bring her out for too long..

any mummies have similar experience? any advise? i tell her no, to stop screaming, she scream even louder, like very fun like that..i ignore her, she also scream louder..i put her in the corner, she stop screaming. then when i carry the chair back to the table, she start screaming again...

she only does this when she's in one of her moods, which is like 50% of the time these days, when she is confined to a chair or pram...

alamak, headache
I recorded it in avi format, haven't try to convert to VCD format.

Hee, din cross my mind. I brought her to the Bintan beach, so I guess should be better than Sg ones. Any beach wear shoes recommended for baby?
my girl has been eating 1/2 bowl of porridge every day for the past 2 mths but she still does not wake up at night leh....and she doesn't drink alot of milk too. Around 120ml-160ml per feed. I think for Justen, it could be a habit. He's used to waking up and getting milk. Wanna try giving him water instead?

edna so cute. She looks quite tall too!

i tink most babies have these mongolian marks on their buttocks...

Girl more fun lah.. can dress up!
cat tail ...

edna can be a model next time liao ... pretty and slim

i'm a mummy ...

hey jasmin is not alone lor ... she got YC to join her man ... he is always screaming away too!! and he thinks its fun *faint* but i think they are trying to 'talk' thats all

i got milk ...

hey u are right ... YC got the mongolian mark on his buttock too ... we tot it was blue black when he was just born heehee
re: screaming
sometimes it's just attention-seeking? if u ignore them they may just get bored n move on to other things. zephan doesnt "talk" like that leh.. he'll just talk in loud voices, or just mumbles to himself quietly. erm, i hope they didn't associate screaming to the way they usually hear adults talk n think this is the way? i always tell my parents not to quarrel or shout in front of him cos worried that he'll think this is the normal way of communicating.

vone, thanks. just realised how dependent i am on my 3rd finger in front of the pc.. haha..
i din buy the toddler bed, i just saw it in Carrefour @ $128.

I got 2 spare single beds at home, likely will shift Isaac out of his cot soon, coz sometimes when he flips around, he'll bang his head & cry. If he can flip around without any obstruction, likely he'll hv better sleep. So we gotto figure out how to 'restrain' him on the single bed so that he doesn't just roll off.

i got milk
next time u'll change to "i'm done with milk"
haha vone, dun xiang wai le... :p

hey, anyone free to meet up at raffles place for quick lunch today? bet 1.15pm to 1.45pm only though, cos gotta rush back to office at tanjong pagar. i'm collecting my bobux shoes there..

wendy, will cot bumper help? so far zephan has not woken up from flipping. or u may want to get a toddler-convertible cot? he'll be able to use it until quite old, and you can save ur present cot for #2. my godson at age 2 plus is still rolling off his parents' bed, even though they co-sleep.
I got milk...
I also suspect Justen just used to the routine of waking up, I try ignore him, give him water but he will cry and cry until we give in... We can't tahan too long as the next day still need to work. Thinking shall I take a week leave to fight with him in the battle.

I didn't sleep a lot yesterday nite, or shall I say I didn't get to sleep at all... He didn't sleep well too as we off the aircon as my SIl suggest to my hb that sick should not sleep in aircon room... So end up 3 of us don't have any sleep. I am so fedup with my hb this morning that I told him all of us will end up falling sick if all of us don't have enough sleep.

Do you all put soya sause in BB porridge, I put pork stock, two type of vege and fish but he don't seem interested. I really feel like giving him some seasoning so that he can eat more 8(
cot bumper doesn't help, coz his cot is smaller size.. not the regular large cots bought from Robinsons/ John Little. Borrowed from my SIL.
Get toddler convertible means spend more $$ & takes more space, but i dun think we'll do that coz we already hv 2 spare single beds. We just gotto figure how to block him from falling while letting him flip around in his sleep. Coz when we transfer him to sleep on the single bed, or our queen size bed, he just stretches out all fours & goes back to sleep without much ado.

Isaac's porridge no seasoning yet. Only 2 small dried scallops at most.
Cry it out = not giving in, o'wise may as well not let him cry at all... it's tough, i agree. But read b4 that it's tougher on parents than on the baby.
The CIO on his bed time is useful but not middle of the nite, I think I got to really take a week leave to tackle the issue. But now he is sick so when ever he cry he will throw out what he has taken... Really headache, sigh...
poko, take 1 week to go battle? haha.. u can take 2 days during the national day weekend to have a 5-day battle
shouldnt take longer than that.

erm, if hb cannot take aircon, either shift baby to another room or let hb sleep in living room? ok, quite mean to make a sick person sleep in living room, but better than spreading germs to everyone. my hb doesnt come into near vicinity w baby when he's sick. when baby was sleeping in our room, he'll sleep in study or spare room.

may want to spread out the mattresses on the floor then. zephan can't do this cos find that he needs to crowd himself into a corner before he sleeps. and can't imagine having to clean floor every day! gotta keep room hazard-free too :p

i also dun put seasoning. flavours for porridge comes from sweet veggies like corn, carrots, and recently old cucumber.
Problem is my hubby is going for outstation in Aug for 3 week. So wanted to do it before that so that he will be more fang xin to leave...

Hb is not sick, Justen is sick so we off the aircon but he seem to be very cranky after the aircon is off.

I also put sweet veggie, my mom try his porridge and comment that is very sweet but "bo bee bo saw"...
cat_tail & i_need_milk,

I know girl girl can dress up. That's the fun part. But will spend more money leh. Hee....
But looking at all the girl videos, so interesting and cute leh. My boy not cute. Hahaha...

Don't wanna try for another one oleadi. Scared. 1 is enough.
hi clarence_mum,
opps.. not trying to be sacrastic lar.. just kidding

hi poko,
I think my MIL is also putting abit os soy sauce to my gal's porridge I did advise her not to but then she kept saying abit is ok... Since bb so far OK i just close one eye lor.. Sometime I hope bb could grow up soon then can feed things like adult and not so vulnerable then much easier hehe...
Maybe you can try feeding Justen just abit before he makes noise in the middle of e night to avoid sleepless night for the time being
I also hope to have a girl... Girls are so sweet and adorable 8)

If can 100% strike girl I will try again... Now still no courage to have another one...
ting, haha... notti me...

poko, poor thing. it does take a while b4 justen will learn 2 sleep thru. thus ur idea of taking a wk off is gd. nope, i dun put any seasoning in my boy's porridge. mayb u wanna changed 2 cereal 4 d time being? then u can switched back 2 porridge after a while. coz thr was 1 period of time whrby my boy refuses 2 eat porridege. so we stopped & switched 2 cereal. after while, we re-introduced porridge & he started taking it again.

wendy, hw abt putting bed rails on d single bed? issac's way of sleeping is similiar 2 my boy's. he's like d king of our bed nw.
i hv a bed rail liao. We're afraid that when he wakes up, he'll try to stand while holding the bed rail, then topple. We haven't used the bed rail for some months liao, since he learnt how to move around on his own.
