(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

Full already? That's fast. Yesterday she just called to ask if I have more referrals

Actually it's more discipline to hold a debit card. I chalked up close to $4k in my credit card bills 2 mths ago. Was feeling the pinch when I paid the bill

Nicky's mom,
My living room is very very empty and spacious. Maybe I can take a pic and you will see what I mean. Sometimes it makes me wonder if it even looks like it's occupied!

hi samantha, dun be too sad. i also dun get to spend much time with my boy during weekdays. it's the weekends that are more interactive. i think he prefers weekends cos my mum doesn't bring him out during weekdays and we always bring him gai gai or play with other babies when during weekends.

hi anissa, so can we start a playgroup session at your place this sat?
my place got dog, so may not be suitable. oh yah, let me know about the donut lobang ok?
hi bubblyface,
Do you put sofa/tv console, cabinet at your living room? With these items hard to imagine its empty leh.. or maybe yr living room is very huge hehe..

hi tingting,
Maybe can ask yr mum to bring him downstair for a walk sometime... cos according to the happiest toddler book, their nature is like caveman who takes to outdoor and won't like to be bounded by 4 walls.
cakey, my mum is not the "relax n smell flowers" kind. she's too preoccupied with feeding my boy n keeping him n the house in order. pros n cons i guess, so we try to bring him out more often during weekends.

are u reading the "happiest toddler in the block" book? what's your review on it? i'm thinking of getting that, am also considering "the baby book" by William Sears, or the Gina Ford one...
Sarah's mom,
about "something to go" @ regent. yes, the potato thingy is great.

you are rite....purple sage can do wonderful setup, but sometime i find that the food is not so consistent.can you share with me the menu from purple sage that you have tried before? Neo garden is value for money lah..Presentation is quite basic, but you can request or pay for better presentation.

your daryl is soooooo adorable! YES, got a skyblue one...want to post a pix of him in his BMW, but the file is too big and i dun know how to reduce the size....heeeeheeee.
Motor Car
Good idea on the play date, but I doubt Justen know how to move it... Have talked to my hb and we feel that is good to give him a motor one since it can use for quite sometime as for the flingstone type after awhile he will get bore about it. What his concern is his flooring, will the wheel left mark on it? My SIL also got a small Volks Wagen at home and she say that the car hardly move on homogenues tiles...

Ting Ting
Justen is huge when he is born 4.08kg but not now, think now he is slow down on his weight gaining... I show the play date foto to my hb his comments is all BB looked bigger than Justen. Hopefully he is ok so that we can also join the play date.

Vone he is so clever shake his head for no noing 8)...

Now I also try to discipline Justen not to put thing into his mouth... Sometime he will listen but sometime he will bian Jui and cry...

BTW how many teeth do your child have...
Justen got 6 liao wander will the next 2 coming...
to make up for the "lost time" i also bring him gai gai every weekend. Haven't been swimming since the last time i borrowed the suit from you :p

No way to reduce my work load. m considering being a part time sahm. btw, are you keeping your maid still?

wow, issac has 6 teeth! denzel only have 2...hmmm
samantha, u can bring him to a play pool at marina country club near our place. it's open to public but can't remember how much is the entrance fee. nowadays weather's been erratic so it's better to go during evenings when it's cooler.

zephan's got 6 teeth as well, but still no use for them yet.. haha..
aidanee, u can use microsoft photo editior 2 reduce d size. alternatively, u upload d pic onto an online photo album & post d link here. do it soon hor. i can't wait 2 c ur king in his new throne.

poko, hehe... tks. bt i hv no idea whr he learns it fr. tink they r at d stage whrby they r testing our limits. mine does tt sometimes aso. if i scold him, then he'll turn 2 his daddy or my maid 2 help him. my boy gt 6 teeth. tink 2 more is coming out. he's giving me sleepless nites. hopefully tis phrase will b over soon.

sam, hey, tt's a gd idea aso. at least u can spend more time wif denzel. ya, m still keeping her. luckily she's nt so bad. btw, hw's urs? hv u changed her oledi?
That the reason I am asking, I don't have much sleep ever since he is teething since he is 5.5mth. Wander when will I got a good nite sleep. And these few nite is getting bad but didn't see any teeth cutting out yet...

Just ask my hb can I go for a trip with my girlfriend... he ask me to seek approval from Justen 8(
Heheh, my memory has never been good and now worst after giving birth. I do remember that the swiss meat balls were good. While some items are good, and others aren't (its still not that baaadddd..) But the waiting service and food presentation has left an impression. So it sort of covers up the flaws.

Still waiting for oriental hotel's email quotation and menu. Will keep u posted.
poko, if justen still dun show any signs of teething, it cld b due 2 other reasons, such as he didn't eat enough b4 his bedtime, he played 2 hard in d day, etc. y dun u chk it out?
Haii I also don't know why, he never sleep throughout the nite time... And he don't take a lot of porridge the most half a bowl. I being suspecting my BM not enough so he wake up so constantly during middle of the nite. So start him with FM at 11.30pm with 120ml + 1 scoop of cereal hope to prolong his sleep until 6pm but he will still wake up for milk at 3 to 4am. Will cry until he get it.
Hi Mummies,
Just a little update on Edna on her clicking hip. The Dr has just discharge her, so I am totally feeling relief now.

Daryl is sooo soo cute especially when he shake his head.

Geee.. how come all of your babies are so big size, what have u all feed? Edna is only around 8.5kg.

Edna has 8 teeth & her molars teeth are coming out soon. These 2 weeks, she had not been eating well cos of teething. Haiz..
poko, i think he's not taking enough food. 1/2 bowl porridge seems quite little. also, kids their age take in about 180/210ml of milk (3 times a day), either BM or FM. after waking up for a period of time, it becomes a habit for them to wake up, whether they are hungry or not. so u may want to first solve the diet issue, then implement some sleep training.

cat_tail, it could be bcos edna's petite so that she can walk earlier.. so there's pros n cons
so happy for u that Edna is alright...

Daryl soooo cute when he shakes his head.

Haowen got 8 teeth. Think the 9th one coming out cos he constantly drooling and looking for things to bite. There's one time that he's desperate enough to bite his own arm until got teeth marks...poor baby. *me heart pain*
*(&@#()!*#)&$)*$@) *Pissed*

Chin Leng deleted my a/c again. What's wrong? I wasn't doing any sales in the forum.

Pissed off big time.
dear all,
I'm back. have been missing u all... sob sob, so busy wif my work until i can't breathe.

Glad that Edna's hip is alright.

Some updates on Keyon,
Keyon can walk a good distant liao..really cute, looks like penguin! Hopefully can confirm walking by his 1st Birthday on 20 Aug.

hmm... presume all mummies busy plannin for birthday parties? hey, did someone mention purple sage, is it good? Have eaten Neo many times liao... thinkin' of a change. :p
haha applejuz, can walk means can walk lah, still need to "confirm"?! hehe.. 3 cheers to Keyon!

anissa, u may just want to stop publishing things like getting people to do surveys etc. can just keep the lobang to our own thread using our email list instead..
poko, wat we did was, since birth, we'll incr my boy's last feeding, eg. if he's drinking 120ml, we'll give him 150ml. thus he'll b v full at bedtime. then he'll sleep thru. bt it takes a while b4 results r seen. mus persevere k. gd luck 2 u.

cat_tail, tt's v gd news!

ixwong, hehe... tks 4 d compliments. aiyo, hw come haowen bite his own arm? so poor thing. give him a kiss 4 me k.

anissa, y dun u email chin leng & asked him? it cld b a case of mistaken identity.

applejuz, wah, keyon is so clever.
seabreeze, count me in.

Children's Day Party
Date: 30 Sep
Venue: Bishan Loft
Cost: $5 per adult/ Children FOC

1. Tingting & Hb
2. JT and family
3. Cakey & family
4. ixwong & family
5. vone & hb
6. smallbell & family
7. applejuz & family
8. aidanee & family
9. cookies & family
10. snoopy & family
11. Sarah'smom & hb
12. featherG & family
13. Hosanna & family (13 my lucky no. my baby's bday!!)
14. eileenp & family
15. dressaholic & family
16. Samantha & Family
17. jh & family

saw that u bought lots of clothes fm cct. have u rec'd yr orders? r they gd?

yr anniversay's the same as mine - 30 sep but usually go 4 dinner only.

is the party in the afternoon or night?

i need milk,
noticed fm one of the pics that Elizabeth had some grey areas above her feet. r they mongolian spots or birth marks? does she have on other parts of her body? both my gals have lots of them around their body. there goes their chances of wearing bare-back or off shoulder clothes.

super-sticky bb,
hillary's super-sticky; moulinmum can verify that. she only allows me, hubby n my mum to carry her. she's better now. b4, she cries everytime someone smiles or plays at her. there was once we were at a restaurant n everytime the same waiter came to our table, she cries.

aprica pram,
pretty lasting since it survived my elder 4-yr-old. however, a little small, especially for my 9kg 10-mth-old. v ex too. flipmsy on bumpy grounds.

hillary says 'no-no' cos we always tell her that hahaha ... 'ma-ma', me? or her food? ... 'pa-pa', 'nene', that's wat my mum refers to her milk, 'jie-jie' n attempting to say a quick 'bye' while wavin her hands.

did u know prima-deli has barney cakes now? can order for my 4-yr-old cos hillary's prob too young to like barney.
wah, yr eyes very sharp. Yes, Elizabeth has mongolian marks on her ankles, buttocks, back, arms. The obvious ones are on her ankles. The rest not so obvious cos quite faint n small area. Alot of pple tell me these marks will fade in a few years time so don't worry! I'm sure our girls can wear sexy clothes when they grow up!
aiyoh... you going to teach issac wrong things...hehehe...better get denzel to steer clear of both issac and zephan.

I got rid of my old maid in may. i suspect that she is very rough and impatient with denzel cos it was so bad that denzel didn't want her to carry him at all! After i change my maid, she just took 1 day to get him to like her. So much better now. The old maid was so glad that i got rid of her. she happily packed her stuff and didn't even say bye to us when she left. quite pissed, come to think of it. anyway, denzel didn't care a bit when she left. he is happily playing in his own corner.
The last i know is that nobody wants her cos she got lotsa pimple.
tingting & vone,

They said no biz allowed online but I am not earning a single cent from the survey! I just see it as a form of 'extra income' for some mummies so I share the lobang. What's wrong with that? There are many posting on part-time jobs also wah. I really don't see the diff.

He also removed my posting on BP Donuts. So funny. Can have BP for Swiss Roll cannot have BP for donuts meh? It's not even my shop! )*#&^*$^
Today I give him more milk on his last feed and see how... Normally is he reject the porridge will close his mouth very tight to tell us he got enough. Still thinking to add ikan bilis to his porridge or not. How do we prepare the ikan powder? We are not suppose to fry it with oil right?
hi mommies

i have more videos of megan. Today is one happy day. she walked a fair distance for abt 3 mins on her walker. She played with Oreo, our beagle. She dipped her legs into the pool and enjoyed herself (no videos). She also walked independently for abt 12-15 steps and looks like penguin or humpty dumpty. Very funnie.

I found out one way to encourage/give our babies more confidence to walk independently is by squatting down in front of your baby (they stand) but keep a little distance so that you are just beyond their reach. As they try to reach out to you, they'll take their first step and you'll retreat backwards, maintaining the distance so they keep walking forward. Having you just in front of them probably gives them more confidence and security to keep walking :eek:)

If I stand behind Megan, she'll walk max 3-4 steps. I did the above and she walked approx 15 steps today. Below videos taken using handphone but not the walking independently one. My maid lousy with camera plus she is also lousy with guiding Megan to walk. She doesn't seem to understand what I ask her to do most of the time.. haiz

Megan walking the walker for 3 mins

Megan playing with Oreo part 1

Megan playing with Oreo part 2
Hi gals!

Wow! Megan can really walk.. so steady! heehee.. i wish julia can start to walk soon.

Update on julia's developments:
She can stand up independently without holding onto things (but no sign of legs moving leh).
Now she likes to chase after balls.. but has since learnt not to crawl after those balls that roll under chairs and tables, will knock her head cos clearance not high enough! hehee..
She can shake her head when she doesn't want something. eg, enough food.
Can sign 'milk' and 'dog' and wave hello & goodbye.
Recently, she understands the concept of 'give', will give me her toys when i say 'give mummy' and stretch out my hands. Erm but.. will only put into my hands and not release the toy.. then a few seconds later remove her hand together with the toy! *faint*
She can finally say 'mama'! Hooray! Has been saying 'dada' for months but finally my time has arrived!

Here's a pic of her & her fren Patrick. Their fav activity is sumo wrestling. But she always lose cos her opponent is bigger and fatter than her! Haha!
Wow, megan is sooo cute. Wish Kai Kai can start walking soon.
Your dog is so tame. Love the sight of megan playing with his ears. Haha..

So far, i only managed to find out that Mrs Lam is staying in one of the terrace houses in Bedok South Road. I'm trying to get one of her old students to give me her contact number. Sorry to make you wait.

Just went for kai kai's 9 month checkup. He only weighs 9.27kg at 9.5months old. Sigh.. Dunno how to make him gain more weight and drink more milk leh.
eileen, dun worry about the weight lah.. check against kai's healthbook to see whether he's in average range. one worry about having heavy babies is that they may become overweight in future. when zephan was in 75th percentile for his weight/height ratio at 2-3M i was quite worried he'll become a rolly polly, but now he's down to 50th percentile already. my parents think he's getting too skinny but i find it just nice! as kids get active they'll slim down a lot. but their weight will fluctuate a lot over the years, so dun worry lah.
hey angel
Megan steady la! Has she ever tried to eat Oreo's ear or tail? I think that's what Isaac would do to such a docile dog.. your dog seems to be afraid to move when Megan is patting & poking him! kekeke
Maybe show my husband the 3min walking video & he'll let me buy a push walker for Isaac.. he disallows me to buy large toys (eg learning table) coz he say no space liaoz...
Thanks tingting, ixwong, Applejuz & vone,
That's the best b'day guft for Edna when Dr declare her hip is developing normal.

It's quite enjoyable to see Megan playing with Oreo. She is soo gentle with him, not like mine..heehee
Hi Poko,
Besides giving him more milk before sleep another thing to try is to feed him before he wakes up. I.e. feed him near 3am while still sleeping and after that he'll just sleep back instead of waiting for him to wake up by himself and yell for milk. Hope that'll be less tiring.

I quite like the earlier part of the book eg building confidence of child, speaking their language etc. The later part is quite similar to the supernanny techniques. The other books mentioned I haven't got chance to take a look yet.

Maybe they thot you promoting the balloon tour also? hehe..

Wow you so busy.. at customer side huh? Tot you on leave leh.. Congrats on Keyon's big step

I think Edna is just the right size leh... envy you don't have to lug a big baby around...

Wow your gal heavier then mine... She's eating alot? I think mine takes after her dad.. so even if eat lesser might not help.
hihi... how's everyone? didn't post for a long time liao.... just read and read and enjoying photos and videos that's put up by the mummies here. see that we also have some newcomers in this thread... welcome welcome... (hope i welcome back too)

wow... time really flies man... our babies are coming to 1 year old soon... how are you celebrating it?

my poor son has been coughing and coughing for a long long time already. yesterday was the third time i brought him to see a PD. and the PD said he has bontittus (think i got the spelling wrong)and he has lots of phlegm on his lungs and throat... sigh... don't know what to do...

angel, megan is so cute... love to watch her video...

vone, darly is so adorable too... he really gave u a big "NO" man... haha...
heard from receptionist at my GP. She said babies on Similac tend to hv more phglem coz it's sweeter than other FM. Her experience la, coz that clinic is one of the oldest in Punggol, & sees a lot of young babies. She recommend Enfapro. Dunno why??
hi temple,
may U can try as the chinese physician at the 'YuRenSeng' as ixwong tried the 'hou ning' and very effective?
hi temple

Megan used to have phlegm in her lungs too.. but slowly she recovered. I gave her si sen powder from Eu Yan Sang. Maybe that helped?

Hi wendy
Megan has never tried to eat Oreo's tail. Oreo is super docile.. in fact he's a bit boring lah.. He has never welcome us with excitement and tails waging whenever we reach home unlike most other dogs.

However, Oreo got a bit more protective after Megan's born. I think about 3 weeks after Megan's born, he barked once he heard footsteps outside and he has never never barked in his life other when I was punishing him due to him anyhow pee and poo.
I also find that Hou Ning is good, don't need to give the whole bottle but maybe 1/10 or 1/5 of it and you will see effect. Justen is having dry cough too and we try to give him this so that the phlegm won't be develop...

I am also having bad cough and I try half bottle of it and I can feel the phlegm dissolve by itself.

These few day I also make a lot of chinese Liang Tea for myself I give Justen a little bit. Can try Yellow Pear with Chuan Bei or Luo Han Guo, Pao Sheng with Gan Chao...

Justen LS twice last nite, could it be teething? Yesterday at 11.30 I make 200ml of FM for him he only take 50ml and cry for milk at 2.30am 8(

Megan is really clever, I can't use the squating method to Justen I put him near to the wall he will try to hop towards me... And he find it fun to do it. Sigh...
Excuse if u get caught sleeping at your work desk

"I wasn't sleeping, i was trying to pick up my contact lens without my hands"
sam, gd 4 u! m glad tt u managed 2 find a gd 1 aso.

anissa, tt's y i suggested tt u email chin leng & chked wif him. thr cld b some miscommunication somewhr.

poko, justen porridge is jus plain porridge or u aso add some veggies &/or fish 2 it?

angel, megan is so cute. i like watching her walk.
oreo is so docile. tink megan will prob bully him when she's older. hehe...

moulinmum, julia has grown up liao.

eileen, kai's weight seems okie 2 me leh. dun worry so much k.

temple, oh no... i hope tt nathan gets well soon. hehe... tks, ya, he's 1 notti boy.

wendyg, haha... tt's a gd 1.
thanks for the advice, ladies... my nanny also told me to give "monkey ning" powder and said it's good but can be pretty expensive. but now he's under medication and the PD told me to give baby the medicine prescribe by him and to give him on a prolong period of time. so should i stop giving him the medicine and change to "hou ning" instead?

wendyg, i'm still thinking whether should i change to enfapro but because i have brought quite a few tins of Gain IQ liao. so for the meantime will just give him Gain IQ first. maybe i should try to cut down on the powder? maybe will not be so sweet?
temple, bronchitis can be quite serious. if can't recover may have to use a machine to "suck" out the phlegm. i think chinese medicine may be a more effective method. go to a reputable chinese physician and see what he says.

hi temple,
Ya hou ning is very expensive abt 50+ (can't remember exactly). But 1 bottle maybe enuff to cure already. I bought 1 bottle for standby when there's 20% discount for member, so if you need can get from me. Btw. my gal's phlegm problem recovered after I changed her FM from mamax to friso.
