(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

cakey, wat i do is tt i'll set aside a portion of our food 4 my boy when i m cooking. if he can't finished it, then mummy will finished it 4 him.

lib, great 2 c ur post again. hw's wk?

sea, my condolences 2 u & ur family. take care k. call me if u need help.

jkids, i'll let my boy sit straight & let him drink fr d cup like wat we do.

anissa, if tt's d case, then u better ask ur mum 2 stop feeding clarence strawberries. in addition, tink a gentle reminder abt d carrot incident might aso help.
Hi Vone, work hmm.. ok loh.. notin much.. everyday juz come here do work.. maybe now not in sales mktg so less drive to work.. haha..

seabreeze: pls do take care of yourself..

Prob with my mum is, she is very sensitive
Now she said I so much prob ask me to go look for an infant care center. *sob* *sob*
lib, oic. nvm k, tink of d $$ tt u r earning 2 buy toys 4 kylie.

anissa, clarence is ur boy afterall. u can't always let ur mum do watever she wans 2. fr wat i c, i dun tink ur mum can bear 2 let u put clarence in infant care. if she still dun listen 2 u, then make a big show of looking around 4 infant care. tink she'll change her mind liao.
haha vone, i dun think "ji jiang fa" will work on anissa's mother.. more likely she'll feel hurt and unwanted. anissa, why dont u show her some articles about high risk allergy food groups? the fact that clarence has not shown any signs of allergy prob helped her case, but it's better to be safe than sorry. or bring her along for clarence's next check up and ask the PD abt food allergies :p

lib, kylie is so cute! all grown up already huh? hehe.. u working on sats? if not, we should arrange another punggol gathering.. let the boys take a look at the mei nu.

i'm also quite unmotivated to work beyond "due diligence" cos just want to go home and fetch zephan.. haha..

sometimes, it's also not v reasonable to expect equal career opportunities for women with children as men, cos for a fact usually our commitment and drive will dwindle with kids. For me, i used to be ok with long hrs, weekends, or even travel abroad. but now, i avoid them. so comparing a one who gives 100% and the other who is willing to give 150%, bosses sure take the latter. but of cos, bottom line is that all workers should be given equal opportunity if they are equal in terms of ability and commitment.

seabreeze, hope you're coping fine.

jkids, i let my boy drink straight from the cup sometimes, just drink upright and tilt the cup to let the water flow slowly. erm, dun think can sterilise straws.. will melt under the high temp! i'm not too keen with the rubber straw that training cups come with, cos it's difficult to clean the insides of the straws. think will be better off buying a pack of disposables. though not v environmentally friendly lah..

wah, today feeling v chatty, cos i'm off this friday! hehe.. so today is friday for me...
wah, so many postings! Haowen is 9MO today!!!Time flies.

clearing your GE off-day huh? That's remind me I have not cleared my off. probably next week cos this week quite busy.

Re veg puree
errr...I do cook and freeze veg puree, including those leafy ones, cos useful when feeding cereals. For porridge I just cook direct. I tell myself that although frozen veg nutrients not as high, but still better than jar food?

Re drinking from sprout
haowen oso like to chew his magmag soft sprout, but at least he would drink from it. We oso let him drink direct from cup, but he still can't control his hands well and sometimes choke on too much water.

hope u are feeling ok....
ladies ...

thanks!! have already accepted this when my grandma first suffered from stroke last year ... guess this is actually a relief for everyone anyway she is already 94 ... so v good life liao =)

re: drinking

i am still giving him is milk bottle hahahaha he is always chewing on the magmag sprout only ...

adidanee ...

thanks for your support hor ... lets keep the party going!!

re: Children's Day Party
Date: 30 Sep
Venue: Bishan Loft

1. Tingting & Hb
2. JT and family
3. Cakey & family
4. ixwong & family
5. vone & hb
6. smallbell & family
7. applejuz & family
8. aidanee & family
9. cookies & family
ixwong, hehe.. yah, clearing my OIL.. actually we have 6 months to claim it, but if dun claim early, will tend to forget n "lugi".. haha..
hi seabreeze,
Hope everything is settled and you & family are not too exhausted. and thanks for organising the gathering
Hi mommies who went for the GUG trial class. Any review? My gal juz turn 8 months and I am wondering if she is too young to go for the trial. Dun wanna stress her and myself. She can sit but cant crawl still. Wondering what kinda activities are introducted during the class. TIA
ting, haha... notti me. tink anissa will noe her mum better. so it's up 2 her 2 decide which mtd she shld use.
ya, i share d same tots as u. i feel tt my boy is more impt 2 me nw. previously, i dun mind d long hrs at wk, bt nw, i can't wait 2 go hm & b wif him. so shiok, being on leave tmr. any plans?

ix, happi b'day 2 haowen. he's a big boy liao.

hi tinkie, welcome.
Thanks, vone.

so gd, got 6 months to clear. We only got 1 mth, so must act fast!

I felt the GUG is too advance for our baby. More suited for walkers than crawlers. So, end up it's the mummies who are the main participants in most acitivities.

welcome, tinkie.
hi tinkie, welcome!

ixwong, last time they gave only 1 week..prob bosses complained cos that week v low on manpower.. haha.. so they gave 6 mths, maybe hoping that some people will forget to claim ..:p

vone, me going for a spin cos we just got a new car, so will be jalan jalan, waste $$ on petrol n parking..haha...
Hi tinkie, welcome!

Tingting, no i'm not working on sat.. u organise loh then can mit up..

Vone: yalor.. since i started working i became more spendthrift.. keep buying things for kylie.. my mum keep nagging haha.. maybe bcos me & hb were worried tat she may get bored @ my mum's place cos now less gai-gai so every now & then will get her a new set..

Ixwong: hehe.. time really flies.. soon we will be celebrating their 1st bday!
Hi mummies

Re- discipline

when is the right time to start disciplining our bbs? sometimes my girl will just scream or shout at the top of her voice (really very loud!!) for fun or to get attention, especially when we are having dinner. Tell her sternly no, or try to distract her with toys or biscuit also no use...want to scold, also worried she dun understand and think its a game. Also, i get very pissed off when she crawls around or twist and turn when i am trying to change her diaper, sometimes even with a soiled butt! i am so tempted to smack her backside but i dun know if she will know why i am disciplining her...sigh..any tips to share?
Hi pretty aunties, i came back from my trip liao.. here are some pics..


My first time on the airplane, see.. i am sleeping so soundly. So small already travelling like a frequent flier!


i like this hotel bed better than the one at home.. this one has funny colored rings for me to play with!


Got no where to put me so my daddy dump me into the tub to crawl around...


My first time bathing in a tub. Yeah! Water water everywhere!


i like this cute horsey.. can i bring it home?


Yipee! Safely home...
i'm a mummy, the changing diaper saga always happens to me too! Every day need to change 4-5 times... every time she will struggle and cry, like i am trying to slaughter her like that.. Some more these days weather so warm, when the baby is un-cooperative, really feel like smacking her hard. Hai...

There was once, she poo-ed, and i was trying to change her but as usual, she struggled and almost stepped into her own poo. I smacked her butts but she still didn't want to lie still for me to put on the clean diaper. Then guess wat? She pee-ed all over the bumper mat! I was so furious that i threw her into her cot and let her scream for half an hour before i went to attend to her..
Here's how she looked after crying non-stop for half an hour.

HI tingting
Din see your previous message about the vege for brekkie. Actually I dun serve vege for breakfast mainly carbo and fruits. Now anton is also eating bread for breakfast

I'm a mummy
Anton has not shouted really loudly at dinner time but at play time, sometimes he will just shout for fun, I usually let him cos he does not do it often but if he really does it often, prolly the only way is to distract him with toys. I think distraction is the best way to stop what the baby is doing.

As for diaper changing, the only method which works is do also distract with toys they like. Like I know Anton loves to play with my cellphone so I would let him play with the cellphone till we finished diapering him.

Hi tinkie
Anton is born on the 5th Sept so your son is only 2 days older than my son hehe....He is also born in TMC by Dr.WK.Tan
re: diaper changing

oh so its a common thingy hahahaha i tot that only YC was been difficult ... yar he will always try to flip and crawl away when i try to change his diapers or put on his clothes after bath etc etc

the most frustrating is when i am trying to apply the diaper cream on him and there he is running away from me ... got to catch him back while be mindful on the cream on my finger

and yar i have already smacked him lots of time liao ... so now whenever he needs to change ... my hubby will be on standby to play with him while i quicky do the necessary
ting, oic. njoy ur off day tmr.

lib, tt's veri common. tink all mummies r d same. i aso do tt sometimes. so hv 2 control. haha...

i'm a mummy, i hv oledi started 2 discipline my boy nw. he aso screams at d top of his voice when we r hving dinner coz he wans 2 b carried. i told him no sternly & i ignored him. he cried so loud tt my heart pained. when he stopped, i explained 2 him d reason y. he seems 2 understd wat i m saying. hopefully it stays tt way. as 4 changing his diapers, my boy aso refused 2 lie still. he'll flip over & start 2 crawl. tink his butt & thigh r veri sore fr all d smacking tt he was given.
re: Children's Day Party
Date: 30 Sep
Venue: Bishan Loft

1. Tingting & Hb
2. JT and family
3. Cakey & family
4. ixwong & family
5. vone & hb
6. smallbell & family
7. applejuz & family
8. aidanee & family
9. cookies & family
10. snoopy & family
re: diaper changing
My boy also like to twist and turn so much that now, changing him is quite a challenge...

My boy also like to play my handphone and i will usually play the song "schnappi".. he loves it....

Where did you go? ? The hotel has such nice cot?
Anyone of you mommies recently wean your babies off from boobies? How did you do it?

I'm going back to the Crying it Out method...BTW did you received the TT?
tingting & vone,
I've tried asking my mum to join me at those seminars organised by Polyclinic but guess what she told me? She said she probably knows more than those nurses! I also dunno what to say to her.

My only concern is, she is overfeeding Clarence. He can finish a bowl of porridge all by himself (the usual size you get frm foodcourt). Yesterday he finished half a papaya and 3 strawberries. With 1 cereal feeding and 2 porridge feeding (noon & evening). In between he had milk.

Yeah, where did you go? Looks like so much fun. Is it a resort???
anissa ...

thats ALOT of food that Clarence is eating ... u might want to check with your PD and let her know your concern ... cos our stomach is an endless pit ... the more food u stuff the bigger it gets ... so the more food u need to stuff

moulinmum ...

hey julia looks like she had lots of fun ...
passing guest
re: $$
i really don't know... coz i dun check! Nvrmind lah, take it as rcv'd. Hey, anymore yummy brownies coming our way? We thought of u ystrday when we bought ice-cream =))

how come they dun seem to improve with the CIO? Sometimes Isaac would sleep like an angel, sometimes he'd bawl for 15min, sometimes he'll only go back to sleep after having some milk. Nowadays we standby some formula & just try our luck, instead of having him cry in the middle of the night. Sometimes it works, sometimes he just wants water! Or to be carried.
i'm a mummy,
so far *touch wood* kylie has not been too mischevious when we are outside.. sometimes we know while we are hving dinner, she will get bored.. so will distract wif toys, & biscuits..

As for changing diaper & clothings.. haiz sad to say all babies are like tat.. like to crawl here, toss her.. tink like all mummies, usually i will distract her wif toys, hp, combs or anytin that i can grab within my distance.

RE: discipline
In fact since kylie is barely 2mths, i have oredi start to discipline her.. **Stern 'No', smacking her thigh, scold her.. then will explain to her why.. somehow she can understand loh..
Yeah, tell me abt it. I also get frighten when I see how much Clarence is eating. Actually now I'm keeping a lookout for Infant Care Center - Just in case.
Hi Anissa,

Hmm...seems like a lot of porridge Clarence is eating huh? My boy now takes only a bowl ( those that contain the soup when we eat noodles) per meal. Plus another half a bowl or so of pureed fruit. Weekends then I will feed mashed food or some rice/bread.

Oh...if u are interested in infant care centres, my son goes to Babies Resort.(www.babieresort.com ) Both the place and teachers there are very nice. They also have Baby Gym and Kindermusik classes for the kids. Centre a bit pricey but I like it for the socialisation and care aspects
where u fly to? Julia is sure enjoying herself, esp in the Big Bathtub! hee...

re: discipline
I oso have a headache disciplining Keyon.. he's getting more naughty. In car, he refuse to stay still, i always tell him tt daddy driving, gotta sit still. needs lotsa strength to press him down.

re: diaper changing
Diaper changing is oso tough man...never fails to flip & crawl away to my bed's head board & pull my telephone cord / tissue papers!

Btw, anyone tried to put ur bb on those 20ct/50ct slot-coin machine/car?
Is ur babies scared?
Mine seems tensed up initially, but afer a while ok when distract him with the steering wheels etc) .. dunno whether shld try more often to counter his fear.
BUT my mum says everytime, sit once will do, else next time, they dun wan to come out...
& u'll be spending dolloars!
moulinmum, u went 2 penang rite? looks like u guys had fun. julia looks veri boyish in d pics.

anissa, tt's d prob wif d older generation sometimes. u need 2 hv a gd talk wif her oledi. wah, tt's a lot of food leh. u sure tt it's okie? hopefully clarence will nt turn out 2 b like my sis. when she was young, my mum was veri lenient wif her re food coz she's d youngest. as a result, she overeat, thus she dun really noe wat's d meaning of fullness. thr was once tt she ate so much tt she kena severe stomach pain. nw tt she's grown up, she gets gastrics veri often. if she doesn't eat regularly, she'll kena gastric.

apple, my boy seems 2 like it leh. bt we oni put him inside w/o putting in d coins. ur mum is rite. my fren's daughter's always wan 2 sit in it. so it's best tt we dun start.
No brownies for the time being coz my hubby is sick and tired of them (ungrateful man). But might make blueberry muffins this weekend if have time. Let's see if you get some for Sunday breakfast :) I still owe you some VIA cups.

Growing Up Gifted
Any babies signed up for GUG yet?
Hmm... Seems like most of your babies are eating more than bb Kai leh.

He only eats 1 meal a day and it's only porridge in the evening. it's normally just porridge cooked with meat and potato/carrot/brocolli. He will just eat the porridge and the mashed vege. I didn't even give him any fruits after that leh. Lazy mummy...

And he eats very little of the porridge. He only takes about 1/4 of the normal soup bowl.
hmm.. on the hand, can train his guts too. :p
my nephew loves to climb up & sit, but whenever his dad put in coins & the whole thing starts moving, he's quickly get out of it... hmm...

hee.. my boi oso big eater:p... he can eat 1 whole corelle bowl of porridge! Maybe can try to add pumpkin & dry scallop. He loves it... *yummy* (scallop oni for taste)
zac eats rather little too... cereal for lunch and for dinner, it's porridge cooked with ikan bilis soup/carrot/pumpkin/potato/green vege. No fruits given unless it's weekend when I take care of him on my own. He takes about 1/2 to 3/4 full rice bowl of porridge. He takes 4-5 feeds of 140ml milk

Hi Wendy
I've tried CIO with Zac. Last 2 weeks, he was quite jialat, wake up 2-3x a night. make us so tired. For the last 2 days he became kuai already...sleep at 830pm, wake up at 1030pm for milk feed, then sleep till 4 or 5am. Hope he'll stay like this or progress to sleeping till 7am.

Hi Coffeedrinker,
does your girl wakes up at all during the 830pm to 7am sleeping time?

re: meat
I have not started feeding zac with meat yet. How do you all feed pork/chicken? It's quite rough/chewy, difficult to bite off right even if they are in small pieces.
passing guest
ungrateful man in your house, but u got some grateful neighbours in Punggol... when u want to open your own deli? Relax abt the VIA cups lah, can return me when my #2 is due.. that'll be abt 2 yrs time. hahaha

all the best for your CIO.. remember - must be consistent huh!
For all sorts of meat, i buy them minced from the supermarket & just throw in the slow cooker. Before feeding each mouthful, will further mash with back of spoon. So far it works pretty well
hi wendyg,
Haven't seen your post for some time.. I've PM you for some advise

Keyon eat so much porridge? How do you know it's enuff or not for him? Do you feed till he refuse? Or is it he keep asking for more so you topup the bowl? My gal eat only 1/2 a rice bowl and will shut her mouth and turn away her head already.. Trying the warmer bowl this weekend.

re: pasta,
I tried pasta last weekend and end up eating them myself and hubby
Not sure is it not chopped up fine enuff... bb doesn't seem to know how to chew but just kept the food in the mouth.. She refuse when feed her then realise the previous pasta still inside her mouth! She seems to keep them inside until soft then swallow...
She's been eating bb biscuit and bread but still not really know how to chew...
I tried feeding haowen pasta before, but he dun like it. Keep protesting and turning his head away. I tried blending it to fine texture but oso no use, dunno if it's too dry....so now left 1 big bag inside the fridge. Thinking of trying again when he's older....
yes, she do wake up.. but I would say is not those fully awake type, just give her a pacifier she will turn and sleep again.. or if she cry after giving pacifier, I transfer her to sarong, and she immediate close her eyes and sleep

average about 2 times
I agree. That's why I don't feed him anymore when I pick him up in the evening. If he wants food, he will have to wait till the next morning when he goes to my mum's place.

Thnks for the recommendation. Will check it out. So if I leave bb at the center I give them the milk he drinks and they will make it for him? How abt for stuff like cereal/porridge. Can we request for a particular brand etc?? And diapers? How does it work? Sorry for all the questions.

I really have half the mind to take care of Clarence myself but it will mean a reduce in income and I'm not sure I'll still be able to get a job when I wanna return to society later on...
Hi Anissa,
Well..guess that is one way of not letting him eat too much

U are most welcome. Yup, whether EBM or formulae milk, can just leave the milk there with them and let them know the how much to feed and when. But of course, they will also adjust the qty/interval if they feel that it is more appropriate. Cereals/porridge is provided...if u want specific brands then guess would have to provide them with it.
Cereals : For me what I did ..was to check what they used and I started bb Matthew on the same brand.
Porridge: Now Matthew has both lunch and dinner and it is porridge + veg + fish/chicken and then pureed fruit usually either apples or pears.

Diapers is also provided for. They use Pet Pet so similarly if you want another brand then got to provide them with it.

No worries...happy to share what I know
Matthew has been there for abt 5 mths plus already and he is one happy kids
Antons loves pasta and rice cakes . I have not fed him porridge for a long time. I just cook the pasta (ABC pasta)until really soft and I did not even blend it and anton is taking it very well. I think because he learn how to chew so it is ok.
hmm...gd question. But Keyon never know when he's full... he just keep eating & eating. But I'll usu gentle press his tummy... if hard hard, then he's full! Normally limit to 1 bowl... else too much for an 8mth bb! :p

for me, i dun feed Keyon meat/chicken yet. Only cooked with porridge to make it tastier.
You may have just answered to my prayer.

Can I just check what's the teacher to bb ratio? Does your bb fall sick very often? And lastly, what's the charges like? Sorry for all the questions

Hi again..


The ratio there now is abt 2 to 3 kids to 1 teacher. So far, he has only been sick twice and that is cos he also just had his vaccination. So guess immunity then was lower. That was in his 3rd and 4th mth, has been okay since then. But I do think that for each centre, apart from the hygiene levels at the cenres, the parents also play a part in keeping the kid away when they know he is sick....

We are paying 950 after the subsidy. Quite a lot but then think for bb's well-being and development, Ok lor
