(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

vone & ting2,
Seems like all the boys like to stuff paper into their mouth & gals more on destroying..haha..
cat_tail, haha, boys are more greedy?? :p

ineedmilk, yup, u can apply for the passport online also, just submit the photo according to the required specification and bring baby along for verification when u collect the passport. am also thinking of doing one for zephan.

anissa, enjoy your taiwan trip! i'm also itching to tgo taiwan, but not much point if i cannot visit the night markets cos zephan sleeps so early.. unless bring parents along n rotate, but that will make it a v expensive trip leh... :p
of course need to pay airfare, but infant fare is must cheaper, no seat must request for bassinet. I pay only abt $190 for haowen's fare to perth including airport tax. For adults, the tax alone is $300 for perth, excluding ticket of abt $400-$500.

I need milk,
ya, can apply online. I did it for haowen liao, $50 for 5 years. Already brought him to JB!
adel, different airlines charge differently for infant fares. Jetstar asia only costs $20 (or $50?), but SIA quoted me $300+!
huh.. i feel like bringing him to sh leh.. sigh.. so ex.. ah..i'm taking sq too.. can't imagine the amt of airfare am going to pay for my dear son.... who will obviously.. quite likely.. to ruin my trip. heheh..
Yeah. Precisely why I brought my parents along! Hahaha... else I sure die one cos Clarence won't look for my hubby

The other mothers are right. You will need to pay for baby.

small bell,
You are welcome. Just print and cut out the coupon will do. Doesn't have to be in colour. But best to call before you go cos we don't usually fly. The no. to call is 6338 6877.
aidanee, is that true? cos i mentioned zephan's age n they said got to pay $300+. Jetstarasia also mentioned that infants below 2 years old got to pay $20.
aidanee, i don't think it is free. My baby took M'sia domestic flight (MAS) twice, also need 10% from adult fare leh. The latest we bought his ticket is on March'06. Airasia also needs to pay $20 for 2 yrs old and below.
Hi all,

Can i confirm something? Breast milk can store in the freezer for how long huh? Issit 2 weeks or 3 months? I remember reading somewhere it's 3 months leh. But, when i read the milk bag box, it says can only store in freezer for 2 weeks leh. OMG! If it's really true, my bb Kai has been drinking stale milk wor....

re: slow cooker.

I just bought a mini slow cooker for cooking porridge. It doesn't have a knob for adjusting the low heat or high heat. I tried cooking the porridge yesterday and left it there for about 4 hours. The porridge become super dry and sticky. Hee.... silly me.
Think it's on high heat lor. So, max is cook for 1 hour issit?
i normally cook for around 3-4 hrs.. i just put 1 tablespoon of rice + 3 soupspoonfuls of water. Switch on "AUTO" on the slow cooker.. and then i get the not-too-sticky and not-too-watery porridge, just nice.

EBm can store in the fridge for 3 mths. If use deep freezer, can store up to 6 mths.

is it compulsory to request for a bassinet in the plane for baby? Can they just sit on our laps?

how to get passport photo for our babies? They can't exactly sit on an adult chair on their own for the photographer to snap a pic rite?
i need milk
not compulsory to get bassinet, but it's advisable cos u will get the front row with more leg room. even if bb dun want to sleep in the bassinet, u oso got more space for her. bassinet is quite popular so must book early.
Gd morning galz....

am back!!! :p

i need milk,
i took Ernest passport pic by my own. he was on the bambo chair! tiz is his pp's pic....


i just came back from cruise not long. guess wat, we need to pay for baby too! adult n baby fare r the same! 750 per pax...!

we had a great time.... just tt my boy has seasick! he puked few times on board! ;(

Isaac's passport foto..

i just put him sitting on the floor, against a white wall. show u his passport tmr

Digital photo image file with the following specifications :
- in JPEG format ('jpg' extension);
- file size is no more than 60 Kbytes;
- preferred dimension is 400(Width) by 514 (Height) in pixels.

actually the photo i submitted was only 30kb i think... turned out ok.
And collection of passport is available on weekdays up to 7pm & Saturdays up to 3pm, so no need to apply leave & waste whole day waiting. In fact, it took us less than 15min to collect. Very user-friendly now.
<font size="+1">GUG trial pictures</font>

<font color="0000ff">Left pic:Megan,Haowen and YC. Right pic: YC and Patrick</font>


<font color="0000ff">Left:Megan, Right:Haowen</font>
<font color="0000ff">Group Picture</font>

<font color="0000ff">Left:Haowen and Patrick, Right:Nicole </font>


<font color="0000ff">Left:patrick and Megan. Right:Megan and Haowen</font>

<font color="0000ff">Haowen, megan and patrick</font>

<font color="0000ff">Group Picture</font>

<font color="0000ff">Megan and Chloe</font>

i used store in glass bottles from the hospital. Then after the hospital stopped giving it out, then i stopped using and started with milk bags again. Sigh... 2 weeks how to survive?


my slow cooker is the smallest one. cannot adjust high, low or auto one leh... only switch on or off.
i have problem reducing the picture file size as I do not have microsoft picture in my laptop.. so sorry no pic for the meantime
can use paint brush to skew/stretch the photo. No need ms picture oso can...

Me oso want to share haowen's pp photo. hee hee.

wah, u gals take such nice pp photos! hope i can take a smiley one of zephan.. :p will need to borrow someone's white walls cos mine are not white! haha..

eileen, i keep the milk in milk bag in freezer for 3 months, but sometimes zephan doesnt like to drink milk that's frozen for too long. if kai's ok then no problem lah.. i think the concern was that milk bags may burst if kept under frozen condition for too long.

re: porridge
i just inherited a slow cooker n tried it out this weekend.. think i cooked it for too long n in the end the porridge become v watery.. :p next time learn better. n also bcos when i used stove i added more water cos evaporation faster, so when i used the slow cooker the porridge became too water cos evaporation slower.

just let zephan try sweetcorn in his porridge. it smelt v nice in the cooker, but doesn't taste much of it when i sampled it though..

Since u all talking abt passport photos, let me share julia's one. I brought her to immigration to take. The photo booth at 2nd level is able to take bb photos. They have this highchair put the bb in, and the auntie will wave some toy to attract the bb attention before snapping the photo. Very fast. Hehe.. Julia looks abit shocked cos of the flash.

ya lor, you mummies took such nice pics! my girl's passport photo looks like a mug shot..so hard to get her to sit still..in the end, i took a pic of her lying on a white bedsheet haha ie. i took pic from the top of her haha so her face looks a bit fat..gravity hee hee
Hi moulinmum,
haha.. you gal so cute, somemore her t-shirt says "wanted"!!

Hi mummies who went for GUG trial,
what's your verdict on the class? good? my gal is 8 months, not sure if she's too young to benefit from the class

hi mummies,
my gal still cant crawl on fours though she's 8 mths. any babies like her? the most she wriggles on her tummy but most of the times, she's going backwards
re: GUG Trial

my verdict is that it seems abit too advance for our bb now cos there are alot of walking around ... so we gotta keep bending our back to support them while they walk and i actually hurt my back there hahahaha old liao ... my hubby say that should warm up for parents before starting the class

but the project time was q fun and the teachers are q energetic ... i think it would consider GUG seriously only when YC starts to walk lar ... i dun think i can tahan holding him all the time

cannot leh.. cos if i make it 50kb, the file will be so small like this...


this file is 50kb, so small how to see leh?

Hmm.. Ok. Thanks for your advise.

bb Kai's passport photo. We took this ourselves. But haven't apply for his passport yet. Hahaha...

re:passport photo
wah, didn't know can use own digital camera to take.. okie, me try later.. first i gotta find some white wall.

i am having difficulty collecting the free nan2 tin from that pasir ris lady.. so difficult to arrange a time.. i think i'm giving up that tin. when i have time to go past her place, she say she left the tin in office, then when she bring home, i never go by her place etc etc.
raisintan, my boy also 8+ months and still cant crawl.. he can be on his all four but still figure out how to move. here's a pic of him on his all fours
ineedmilk, ok, erm i'm collecting 2 tins that expire 1 jun tomorrow. will be passing them to wendy cos she said isaac's guzzling the milk powder at a fast rate..hehe.. if u want to take one from her u can arrange with her. else i'll just re-distribute the costs ok?
Re GUG trial
I agree with Seabreeze that the session is too advance for our babies. But quite interesting, seem better than BJG. Will consider signing on when haowen starts to walk. Any idea how long is the waiting list?

my 8.5MO haowen still cannot crawl on fours too. He can crawl on his tummy using his right leg, dunno how to use left leg yet! :p

Ya, pix too small. Hmm..i oso can't help liao. Tink u need your ms picture.
hi hi,
how's everyone? wow wow, so many cutie pix!

Yeay, jus came back fr my cruise trip last wed. I survived! hee hee.. was fun bringing baby!
And Keyon enjoyed crawling ard the deck! I shld say its very baby friendly wif cot &amp; heinz bottled food provided.

skippy, u didn't apply the starkid card? $10 registration fee but cruise free leh, only the $106 seaport tax, otherwise its 25% of adult fare.
re: white wall
my walls are not white... either beige or yellow...
but can't tell from picture right? It was actually a beige wall in his room
i just submitted, hope they accept. My wall is worse.. got texture.. haha. Worse, she got saliva dripping down her chin.. hope they dun notice!!

Anyway, y is isaac guzzling the FM?? Thot u still give him EBM?


sorry abt it.. been 2 weekends of trying to arrange w that lady and i think i shall jus give up. Don't have a car so can't be hovering round her place all the time to collect the tin.
what u do during the cruise ah? Was wondering if its boring for baby.. i'm deciding btw taking baby to Hong Kong or maybe take cruise. My hb is suggesting Sentosa!

jh, raisintan:
no worries.. my girl learned how to twist and turn and flip recently.. and she is almost 9 mths!! And she still screams when she's on all fours but can crawl backwards.. i figured she's jus too laid-back to crawl.

wah, i see the photos like YC on all fours all the time hor? Kept seeing his buttocks/red shorts!
ineedmilk, no problem about the FM. That was for you anyway.

for trips, i was thinking maybe dont be too adventurous the first time, and perhaps should go to a more relaxing place. HK is a shop n eat place leh.. baby wont be able to keep up w ur pace, and u may not feel satisfied that u cannot shop to ur heart's content..

btw, anyone has a single-bottle warmer carrier to give away? I've got a double-bottle one, but sometimes it's leh chay to bring that when i only take 1 bottle out.

<font color="0000ff">One day, a little girl is sitting and watching her mother do the dishes at the kitchen sink. She suddenly notices that her mother has several strands of white hair sticking out in contrast to her brunette hair.

She looks at her mother and inquisitively asks, "Why are some of your hairs white, Mom?"

Her mother replied, "Well, every time that you do something wrong and make me cry or unhappy, one of my hairs turns white."

The little girl thought about this revelation for a while and then asked, "Momma, how come all of grandma's hairs are white?" </font>
hi ladies,
thanks for your feedback and replies..

there's a thread at the market place on this, seems that some mummies find it overrated.. hmmm.. maybe i should wait longer, she still cant crawl..

phew.. am glad my baby is not alone.. got worried when i read that some of your babies can crawl, stand etc..
sigh...am so late for it!! ...i paid the full amt instead of wat u mentioned, 25% of adult fare! geez...must be the stupid agency cheat me!!

i agree wit seabreeze, the class is more suitable for older bb...

r u the one who we met at bishan MRT ....?

re passport pic:
maybe u gals can paste a white mahjong paper on the wall!? :p
i need milk ...

hahahaha u noticed too?? Was telling the mummies that sure see my boy buttock most of the time one cos he just cant sit still to take photo ... will crawl away asap

re: crawling

anyway heard that crawling is not a milestone and some bb skip the crawling stage completely n start to walk ... so no worries lar

re: GUG

i feel that once we hear lots of good review abt the class we tend to have a v high expectations of it ... now that I have been to GUG, BJG, Gymboree and Kindermusik... feel that Gymboree is the most suitable one for YC now cos its mainly play and the most important thing is that I dun have to carry him all the time hahahahaha can just leave him there to crawl around

personally i feel that its good to expose them to at least one of such classes to build their social skills ... YC is like a terror at home but when he is at gymboree ... he is like a mouse like that hahahaha ... cant be away from me for more than 1m and he was the happiest when he was crawling in the tunnel *faint*
Hi Seabreeze,

Sorry for going to your place so late on Friday... was afraid your baby might be woken up by the door bell. Thanks for organising the BP for the leap pad!
