(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

is it? 5 tablespoons is a regular feed recommended on the cereal tin leh..

cereal just have to add water/milk, no need to cook. ive never added stuff to the cereal cos i personally dun like to add things to my own cereal, so i assumed zephan wouldn't like it too!
instead, i introduced veggies when i started porridge, at about 6.5mths.

re: sugar in bb's diet
actually, BM also got lactose, a form of sugar. Noticed formula milk also got other forms of sugar, e.g. frutose. So it's not "something" extra when we see things with these forms of sugar. So long as it's not "normal sugar" we put in tea/coffee.

Hi JT I think $750 is for 3 months.

Hi applejuz, u still keen to go for the BJG trial at BB? Most of the moms are not gg liao left 2 of us.
nestle got sucrose.. naturally occuring form of sugar, not refined.
tingting: yeah my BM quite sweet ley... just like me *hee*
haha wendy, u taste ur own bm arh? i dun dare.. hehe..

last night zephan woke up at 3.30am for a feed arh.. sianz.. think he was too tired when i fed him at night, so didn't sleep on a full stomach...
Just for the info for the mummies that 1 tablespoon means 2 heap dessert spoons ( the normal spoon we eat with rice). If you measure in ml, one tablespoon is 35ml.
samantha u still hv nestle cereal samples give away? i'm interested... u also at punggol issit?

i think a bit was dripping from the bottle & it was instinctive to quickly lick it up... not as thick as HL milk.. watery. But sweet.
at least he wakes 3.30am & really drinks.. isaac woke at 1.30am, drink a bit then fell back to sleep. I really hope not to let him get into the habit of falling asleep at the breast again. Dat's why i give water... but deric seems to think otherwise. EBM via bottle takes too long to heat up, by then isaac would be screaming the neighbourhood down.
sorry for late reply. im sellin it at 26/-...bought it at carrerfour last wk....

i used to buy the heinz/Gerber fruits puree but now i enjoy making it by myself!!
is fun....
wendy, sure u dowan to try pacifier? for zephan, he uses it only at bedtime/naptimes. if it drops out after he's sound asleep, he doesn't wake up n cry for it. also, does he feel sweaty when u carry him at night? if so, may want to consider aircon. not sure if it's a coincidence, but zephan slept much longer at a stretch since we on the aircon for him.
Today is my ORD !!!! finally the day has reach....

im planning for cruize trip with my whole family too!!! prolly ard 11 apr...
i agree with tingting. i thot my son doenst like pacifier. only until lately then he loves it! but only for nap or nite time when he is gog to bed... he slp soundly esplly with pacifier and air conditional...
re : nestle cereal samples

I have a box of it.... if any of the mummies are interested, I can pass some to you. For some reason, my son doesn't like it but he's ok with Heinz one (with baby jar food added though)...

hi angel
would like to say, good for you to speak up on the diaper/items donations. I have personally given Pris some diapers but when i saw her wish list i was quite taken aback as well.
he's not sweaty when i pick him up. will try the air-con trick sometime soon.. but still not too keen on pacifier. I just saw a 6yr old-looking boy still with a pacifier... wow.

re: nestle samples
can pass some to me? can pass to temple - we meet up sometimes. tkss
wendyg ...

YC oso doesnt take pacificer ... i actually see no point introducing to them at such a late stage ... i mean they never knew what is a pacifier anyway ... so why intro now? weaning off the breast is already 1 'problem' next time still must wean him off pacifier ...

skippy ...

congrats!!! must be dancing around the office now right??

re: expo bb fair

so who is going when hur?? me thinking of going on sat cos going to a fren's place at Simei for BBQ in the evening ...
haha...yeah....shakin my bum bum now!!

no worry abt the addiction. like my boy he doesnt like pacifier during the day time. he only lov it when he finish his last feed then with a pacifier...he gives me a smiley face then ZZZzz....
so cute...usual day i try to give him pacifier esplly when we were out n he is cranky, he doenst like it too... dunno why....
emmie, what's the episode regarding Pris? being kpo here, if u dun mind sharing.. wanted to pass a cheque to seabreeze at the swim meet, but forgot to give her...

re: pacifiers
i think it's how parents administer the pacifier. if u always give him when he fusses or cries throughout the day, he'll develop a reliance to it at all times. but if it's at specific times, he'll know when he can use it. just like we'll carry baby when he cries during the day, but when we sleep-train at night we don't.

i think isaac needs to suckle for comfort. it's either mummy or pacifier doing the job. bet the 2, i'd prefer pacifier cos that means he won't demand i be present every night to sleep. daddy or grandparents can also do it. what happens if u plan to stop nursing him at one point? maybe a better way is to introduce new alternatives, so that his habit on one method is not too prolonged, and therefore not as entrenched n hard to kick. just my thots...
zac, ya, i can understd. my boy aso does tt esp on wkends when i m taking care of him. his daddy says tt my boy is 'bullying' me. hehe...

shao yen, i feed my boy in a highchair coz i find tt it's easier. if urs can't sit on his own yet, then mayb u put him in later.

coffeedrinker, i'll add d carrot puree into d rice cereal so tt it's kinda of like a meal like tt. 4 d puree, i buy off d shelf kind coz i gt no time 2 make. tink my blender is gathering dust liao. haiz...

angel, aiyo... megan looks so cute sitting on d bicycle. no wonder she managed 2 sell another 2 units. hehe...

skippy, gd 4 u!!
hv been giving him water in the night.. sometimes he goes right back to sleep after 2-3 ounces.. but deric is of the opinion that we should still be feeding him milk instd of water. And since EBM takes long to heat up, that's where i come into the picture... I'm also not keen on him falling asleep at the breast. In fact he does fall asleep in the cot, sometimes after protesting. Last night during the protest Deric picked him up. Then i sian liao lor..
re : nestle samples

sure wendyg... temple, will you be home this Sat? i can drop by your place to pass the samples to you to pass to wendy but need to let me know your unit.

re : pris
hi tingting, you shd read her thread on donations of diapers. her wish list of things that she needs includes bumbo, pigeon wipes etc. think i shdnt say too much in case someone ask me to get out of the thread. :p
Hi Wendyg,
Yap. Still have. you want? I stay at punggol. you too? Can pass to you.

Too many ongoings...just came back from JB...can't finish reading the postings.
The Pd basically just bend the elbow a bit then managed to fix him back. But hor...very costly... 85 bucks.
The bb gym at OCC still has slots? Interested to bring denzel for trial.
hi tingting,
I personally think that donation in the form of money is always sensitive issue lar.. cos diff to judge its usage although it seems more practical. But still i hope to make little Jordan feel better/more comfortable lor... After thinking very hard in the end I bought Jordan a set of lullaby CDs, which me (and bb too) likes alot.
she did mention that her cash would be tight once Jadon is discharged & needs all the followup outpatient treatment, which can't use medisave.. anyway i wonder how much medisave they still hv now.
Nope. he still got no appetite. haven't recovered from stomach flu.
Not SAHM. I stay at blk 176c. 646 is near punggol plaza? normally i be home at 730. tonite going out with colleague who is leaving us soon, so won't be available tonite.
176C is the white & beige blocks issit? I'm at the yellow & grey blocks. My nearest station LRT is Kadaloor. walk 10mins to Punggol Plaza.
sorry at the moment is full for this one that i am coordinating. but you can call the centre to check if there is any. They should have.

Ting Ting,
thanks for the feeding tips.

I actually tried using the Gina Ford method...but very difficult cos he does not drink alot of milk. Now that he is having tummy discomfort, my pd told me to give lactose-free FM...Worse!!

his schedule is like this:
7-8am milk
11am-milk, then cereal (3 teaspoonful....hahha, think abit too little hor)
3-4pm milk
7-8pm milk, then cereal (3 tsp..)
9pm knockout
12mn (if i am awake, i will feed milk)

can i just replace the dinner cereal with the Si Fen brown rice or porridge?
emmie, oh, i saw the list also... think she said she wasn't sure about whether really need a bumbo, cos she saw a lot of mothers got it. as for pigeon wipes, i'm not sure whether it's bcos hospital using it or Jadon may develop rashes to other brands? I just gave her benefit of the doubt...

wendy, think shouldn't keep feeding isaac too much. u know how people will associate things. if u keep feeding him when he wakes up, he'll associate that when he wakes up he'll expect to be fed. even if it's just water, it's still a habit. i don't think one night of breaking the routine (i.e. deric carrying him last night) will cause much damage.. try to go back to the routine again.
jh, me not going for the bjg trial on sunday lar.. anyways i dun intend to sign up anything so go also waste my time n the salesperson time.. haha..
as esther said... we afew for us are going to the expo fair on fri.. wat time will u be there?? wanna meet up?? ur dotter got into the contest?? hehe.. we go and support her!
tingting, just a tot.. alot of mummies got the bumpermat & the playpen & allerhand diaper bags too... does it mean she wans them too?? some things just have to use common sense to know that it's not a 'need'... Also why does she need a nappy holder/ cot organiser?? i just dump all the stuff into a plastic basket and put my diapers beside the cot still in the orginal packaging..
As for wipes... it's such an expensive item.. my hubby always calls it high class tissue paper for cleaning bb backside.. i think we all grew up with plain old water n cotton balls... and we still have our backside intact.. haha...

it's good that u give her the benefit of the doubt.. but this is just my 2cents worth...
oh by the way.. i better confess now.. cos i intend to sell it away soon (kinda useless), i do have a cot organiser... it was an impulse buy when i was shopping ard during my pregnancy time.. now it's just hanging there holding guess wat?? remote controls! haha!
but i guess i am able to buy such whimsical items cos i am not 'in need' and can just spend my money without any reservations..
hi tingting, wah! Zephan really can eat!
How heavy is Zephan now?

Hi aidanee, I'm thinking of replacing the night cereal with si shen fen brown rice powder too. Jus bought a pack yesterday. Will start this weekend!
Zac's schedule as follows:
6am - latched on
9am - 130ml ebm
12pm - 130ml ebm
1pm - 3heaped teaspoon of rice cereal
4pm - 130ml ebm
7pm - 130ml ebm
8pm - 3to4 teaspoon of rice cereal or about 3 tablespoon of porridge.
10pm - latched on then falls asleep but still wakes up 1-2x each night.

hi smallbell
are u going for the schichida trial?

hi applejuz,
u still going to the BJG trial at Bbatok or not.many mummies not going liao,left 2 of us. Cos if u r not going then I'lll also give it a miss.

hi mummies,
any one staying near Woodlands/Semb area besides me and smallbell?
haha moulinmum, i use the highclass tissue paper also.. hehe.. it's convenient though expensive lah.. except when boy poo poo then will wash his butt w water. cotton balls also not that cheap right? considering how many pieces u need to clean at one time. also, the lint tends to stick to the butt... i also buy a simple toyogo chest of drawers for his stuff, n just stack the diapers on it...

tingting, moulinmum and emmie
I received a PM from someone in the forum telling me that she had sold something to pris b4 and she saw pris driving a brand new black toyota vios. of course I dunno how true it is but just tot I shd share since u gals on this issue.
agreed... should disassociate between needs and wants. i do give her the benefit of the doubt that's why i still gave her some stuff. but just that sometimes the more you find out ... well i do hope baby Jadon will be discharged soon. he looks quite handsome.

hi temple, i stay in your next blk. wendy told me before you are my next blk neighbour.
will give you a call before dropping by.
where do u stay? cos my bb doesn't like the cereal i'm feeding her; may b's the brand. usin friso now so would like to try nestle. if it's nearby, can pick up fm u; i stay in jurong.

have 2 b there at 1.15pm. workin half day 2molo; if not can give u a lift. call me if u cannot find me.

abt Pris, din c her wish list but knew that she needed a steriliser so passed 2 seabreeze the other day ...
hi tingting,
I guess just happen that yr bb like to eat solid (my bb too) so can feed alot of solid food.. She'll even open her mouth and snatch food from us when seeing us eating..

hi Seabreeze,
How much is Taka selling for the bathrobe? Tot of getting one too after seeing HW using it and compare to my gal poorly wrapped-up in her towel (getting wet fast) after the swim..
re: Pris

okie think i better say something liao hahaha ... those mummies who have said that they wanted to contribute something earlier on ... i have emailed them to say that i knew that pris had a car and whether they are still comfy in giving anot ... so some came back and some didnt ...

personally i treat this as a gift to her but not a donation ... so since its a gift then i shant question too much ... and to be very honest i do agree that certain things in her wish list are items which are not necessary at all ... and we did highlight this to her the last time we met

anyway i will be meeting pris and passing the steraliser that jh passed to me and CDs that cakey passed to me tom ... those cash contributions will be deposited straight into jadon's KKH account at the biz center to help him off set his out patient bill when he is discharged ...

hope that this whole thingy will come to an end soon ...

yes. my blk is opposite the prime market. I see if i can pass you the cereals tomorrow morning. you wanna come over, or i go over?
hi seabreeze, can i do a funds transfer to your acc n u help me pass on to jadon's acc? yah, hope jadon will get well quickly. anyway, both pris n jadon have suffered so much, it would be nice to give them some "sweeteners" in life, not just necessities.

i'm also keen on getting a robe for zephan's swimming sessions. saw someone coordinating a bulk purchase on bathrobes in the forum, but comes with slippers leh, which i dun need...
sorry but can't help to ask something about pris... seabreeze, you were saying that pris has the car for about 5 years now and zaczac said that someone pm her to tell her that pris was driving a new black vios... could it be that the black vios is not hers but she just borrowed from someone? or this person that pm you (zaczac) just trying to be funny....

long time ago i already know that she has a car...

hmmm.... something very fishy here.... i'm totally confused...
re: bathrobe

got mine from takka bb fair at $12.90 looks q decent lar ... tot the bulk purchase one was expensive ler ...

ting ting ...

have PM you my account no liao ...

hi jh
i stay in sengkang. where do u work?

or i can mail some samples to you... but need to go home to look for an envelope.
