(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

HI ojx,

The diapers is Pampers All Night. A new product, currently not available in Singapore yet. we usually buy from Malaysia. The design/fit is something like Pampers Baby Dry, but the absorbency i feel is better than Pampers Premium. One piece can last my girl through the night, for about 10-12 hours, without leakage. But Pampers premium can't do that for her, always leak!

let me know if you want to purchase a few pieces to try. The sizing runs a bit small, but if your baby is around 5-6mths and doesn't have thunder thighs, should fit.

Hi ojx,

Thanks for sharing your experiences.Hope bb will take well to Nan HA. Have not tried that for him yet cos want to let his rashes clear up first. So just been giving him EBM and letting him latch on when i am home.
re: crawling backwards
that happens coz he pushes himself up, chest off - his tummy would've slid back a bit. He can do these mini push-ups for up to 20 times at 1 go.. so he shuffles backwards. haha.
Still wobbly when seated... even more wobbly when standing. Very funny, like dancing.. but actually he's trying to find his balance..
Hi mummies,

Re - Feeding

Can i just check how much FM you are feeding your baby now, how many times a day? also, for solids, how much cereal/puree are you feeding your bb and how many times a day? want to check/gauge if i'm under or overfeeding my girl.I think i have a little greedy girl leh, cause i feed her cereal twice a day on top of her normal FM amount, and each time when she finish the cereal, she will make cry/noise/complain when she see me keeping the bowl away.but she's eating/drinking a lot leh, i feel...
For those mommies using PetPet diapers, do you have a problem with a faint urine smell even when the diaper is not really wet? What is your preferred diaper for night use?

Re: Feeding
Annette is just over 5 months. Her feeding schedule:

7am Latch on
11am 6oz EBM + 3 tablespons cereal + 2 cubes veg
4pm 6oz EBM
7.30pm Latch on
10.30pm Latch on

Going to start her on solids for her 7.30pm feed today. If your babyis putting on weight as per normal, then it should be okay and she probably has high metabolism.
Passing Guest,

i think the "faint" smell has always been there even without any urine smell. i do notice that smell even since petpet change to the new packaging...
i'm a mummy, thanks for the diaper offer.. My baby elephant using XL liao..

Nicholas drinking 150ml every 2 hrs.. in between the 2hrs, he will usual have 60-90ml of milk so that he can sleep. and at 11am and 4pm, he will have 4 tablespoons of cereal also and after cereal, will still feed him the usual 150ml of milk..
Hi mummies,.. finally our cny has quiet down.. has been so busy wif spring cleaning, house visitings..

Wish all mummies & babies.. GONG XI FAI CAI.. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Lib..Baby Kylie
passing guest,
what vege are u using? so far only started Keyon on Heinz Rice cereals... wat's next?

Nowadays.. he seems to 'swallow saliva' when see us eat... so poor thing!
hi gals,

Happy CNY and wishin everyone a gd health n GONG XI FA CAI!!!

kylie can hold the bottle by herself! coolz!!

Re SS:
my ss has dropped traumatically... now one day i only pump twice...can reach abt 500 in total only...think is time to stop BM for bb liao.... i now feed Ernest with similac too n he lovez it...
Hi all mummies,
I m new here to this thread. My boy is 4 months old. Would like to check with you whether your babies managed to sleep throughout the night already? For me, my boy will wake up around 3-5am for 1 feed. However in between, he will often cry or make noises such that I have to give him pacifier or carry him, this usually occurs around 3 times. So for a night, it is typical i have to wake up about 4 times. Is it normal (coz I really cannot tahan sometimes)? Thks.
hey gals,

happy new year!
so sad that i missed the massive meet-up session! when's the next one??

hi i'm a mummy,

if i'm not wrong, that's a a mag mag cup from pigeon, right lib?

hey skippy,

that's still quite good lor! i pump exclusively and i think that's about all i get a day! *sigh*
Think most babies like Similac hor? Heard it tastes very nice.

temple/passing guest:
i don't really like the new petpet. Prefer the old one... nicer design and better absorbency i feel. But the new petpet is still way better than drypers so i'm sticking with it!

re: crawling
elizabeth still has not even flipped, much less crawl and she's almost 6 mths old!! During CNY, was telling a fren that eliz has not flipped and she gave me a incredulous look and said "STILL NOT YET FLIPPED??!! AIYO!". Made me feel so stressed.
ineedmilk, eliz was born prematurely right? u should chart her development according to her EDD age, i.e. if she's 1 month earlier, look at devt for 5 mths old baby when she's 6 mths. anyway, babies develop at v different pace, so dun worry too much.

hi pepsi, my boy is in the same situation as yours! 1 milk feed but have to wake up several times to pacify his outbursts. one solution may be to let him cry it out n fall asleep by himself, but i am holding back this option till i cannot tahan, cos it's v heartpain one. hope he outgrows this..
u using the teat on the mag mag cup for Kylie huh? I oso started to let Haowen use the same cup but with the soft sprout. He's not so interested to suck but instead was chewing it. Think his gum v itchy cos his 2nd tooth seem to be popping soon - can see the white bump on the gum liao!

How u manage to reduce ss? Tough? Cos thot your LC said u must continue since your ss a lot. I'm been pumping twice a day since a mth back, now can get only abt 400ml, can see the ss getting less and less each day. Anyway, haowen coming 6MO soon so will stop soon. Hopefully can stop without engorgement/blocked ducts....
Hey mummies,
Can i ask a few questions?

My bb Kai is drink only 80ml to 100ml every 3-4 hours leh. Isn't that very little? How come huh? Although I'm not stressed about pumping enough because he drinks so little, but i'm quite concern if he's having enough. He poos at least once a day and pee 4-5 diapers (Not very heavy one).

I'm postponing Kai Kai's starting solid cause i read the 'Why Delay Solid' from the Kelly.com website. But wanna buy feeding spoon and bowl for him first. Any good ones that you all can recommend?

I'm very looking forward to the swimming gathering leh.
what's his weight now? As long as he takes in 100ml-150ml x his weight / no. of feeds in 24 hours is fine.

re: feeding spoon
i use the avent spoon. Find it quite good. Think for bowl, can just use anything..... i just use the avent 125ml bottle. Think next time eat porridge then i will use a proper bowl.

i read that to reduce ss, u can do the following:
1) stretch the time interval. Instead of 3 hourly, pump 4 hourly for 2 days, then 5 hourly in the next 2 days, etc.
2) don't empty the brs each time. If u usually pump 180ml, just pump out abt 150ml each time. Reduce each pump by 1 oz (30ml).
Supply will decrease gradually........

yes, she's 5 weeks early. But think 5 mths old baby already can flip. Going for the 6 mths checkup with doc soon... read the health booklet and it says,"can your baby flip?" if no, pls inform doctor. Worrying.
Kylie is using the mag mag training cup with the teat. dun tink will start with the sprout tt soon.. as she isnt ready yet. so far she is quite happy with this teat.. will let her con't.

re: feeding spoon
I'm using the avent spoon when at home.. bought those cute cute bowls for her to use.. when out, will use avent 125ml bottle with the combi feeding spoon with cover.
re: BBQ cum Swimming gathering

1. Seabreeze
2. Anissa
3. Small Bell
4. Lib
5. Ting Ting
6. Cakey
7. Ixwong
8. Temple
9. Cookies
11. eileenp

thanks for reminding about the swimming gathering. I put the list back so that everyone can add on.
So far Annette has taken broccoli, carrots, sweet potato, pumpkin, hardboiled egg yolk. Starting cauliflower and pear tomorrow. She has been taking solids for about 3 weeks now. It's really fun.
re: BBQ cum Swimming gathering

1. Seabreeze
2. Anissa
3. Small Bell
4. Lib
5. Ting Ting
6. Cakey
7. Ixwong
8. Temple
9. Cookies
11. eileenp

okie then i will call the mgt office tom and see which is the earliest sat that i can get the BBQ pit at ... then keep you all posted ...
passing_guest, u can start anette on d sippy cus fr d 3rd mth onwards. as 4 d cups, u get d cups fr d children's dept in any shopping centre. i gt mine fr kiddy palace jus nw.
re: BBQ cum Swimming gathering

1. Seabreeze
2. Anissa
3. Small Bell
4. Lib
5. Ting Ting
6. Cakey
7. Ixwong
8. Temple
9. Cookies
10. Applejuz
11. eileenp
12. vone
passing guest.. dunno why cannot start early? btw, mine's a rubber spout, which i think is softer than those who use hard plastic. i read on some cups that they're meant for 6 mths n above though.

ineedmilk, actually my PD mentioned that some babies skip the flipping stage, as they could be too heavy to flip. Ditto for crawling. but ur eliz quite petite size still? maybe check with ur PD just to be safe.
actually thr r 3 stages. 1st stage is wif a teat 4 bb fr d 3rd mth onwards. 2nd stage is 4 bb fr d 5th mth onwards. it's gt a sprout. d 3rd stage is fr d 8th mth onwards, it's gt a straw 4 bb 2 suck fr d cup.

d 1 which i gt can even b converted 2 a cup 4 my boy 2 use.

mmm... i hvn't heard of tt at all. any mummies can throw some light on tis??
re: BBQ cum Swimming gathering

1. Seabreeze
2. Anissa
3. Small Bell
4. Lib
5. Ting Ting
6. Cakey
7. Ixwong
8. Temple
9. Cookies
10. Applejuz
11. eileenp
12. vone
13. Nicky's Mom
gong xi fa cai everyone! hope all babies grow up healthy and strong. gal gal pretty pretty.. boy boy handsome handsome.. and everyone smart smart! hahahahaa!

eliz is around 7.2kg now.. dunno if that's considered petite. To me, she is heavy cos my arms ache! heh heh. I dunno if babies skip the flipping stage but i know that i skipped the crawling stage when i was young! My mom told me that i refused to crawl. Anyway, will chk w PD when i see him in 2 weeks time. By the way, u starting work soon rite? Or have you already started?
ineedmilk, starting work in 2 weeks' time... mixed feelings lah... now that zephan's so interactive... but much more vocal about his dislikes.. he should be 8kg already! time for me to develop his photos so that i can bring to office..
hi eileenp,
I'm using the Tollyjoy food making set (abt $17+ before discount) bowl and spoon. Find them easy to hold and use. Find a bowl that's easy to use eg. with a hole for thumb gripping.

The bbq will be at the pool side right? Since the bb won't be swiming for long (maybe 30min), is there any suitable place that we can place the bb and yet bbq? Maybe each have to bring the stroller? Sorry if the question sounds silly hehe... cos can't imagine what to do to bb at pool side besides letting her swim hehe..
It will be easier if we bring stroller. But we only need a few people to bbq. So the rest can bring bb for swim or chit chat.
hi ladies!!!

okie managed to get both the BBQ pits on 4 March (Sat) ... are the dates okie with u ladies & babies??

to answer some of your enquiry .... i suggest that we swim first in the late noon and dry our bb before we start the bbq cos the bb cant swim for too long anyway and the pit is not exactly next to the pool

i have booked both the pits so we can have the whole area to ourselves ... its q a big space there so should be able to accomodate all of us ...

for the food ... u all want pot luck or i just cater food to BBQ?? then we just split the cost ... easier that way

re: BBQ cum Swimming gathering

1. Seabreeze
2. Anissa
3. Small Bell
4. Lib
5. Ting Ting
6. Cakey
7. Ixwong
8. Temple
9. Cookies
10. Applejuz
11. eileenp
12. vone
13. Nicky's Mom

let me know ok ... so exciting heehee!!
thanks for booking. Wow, we get to use 2 pits. Let's indicate the number of people coming and the preference for pot luck or cater.

re: BBQ cum Swimming gathering (4 March Sat Afternoon)

1. Seabreeze
2. Anissa
3. Small Bell - 1 adult n 1 baby (cater)
4. Lib
5. Ting Ting
6. Cakey
7. Ixwong
8. Temple
9. Cookies
10. Applejuz
11. eileenp
12. vone
13. Nicky's Mom
re: BBQ cum Swimming gathering

1. Seabreeze
2. Anissa
3. Small Bell
4. Lib
5. Ting Ting
6. Cakey
7. Ixwong
8. Temple
9. Cookies
10. Applejuz
11. eileenp
12. vone
13. Nicky's Mom
14. snoopy (fine with pot luck or catered BBQ)

After swimming....any place to bath baby?
re: BBQ cum Swimming gathering (4 March Sat Afternoon)

1. Seabreeze
2. Anissa
3. Small Bell - 1 adult n 1 baby (cater)
4. Lib
5. Ting Ting
6. Cakey
7. Ixwong
8. Temple
9. Cookies
10. Applejuz
11. eileenp
12. vone
13. Nicky's Mom
14. snoopy (fine with pot luck or catered BBQ)

sorry to miss out your name, we post message at the same time. Do indicate the number of people.
hi Passing Guest,

just checked with my colleague and was told that baby can only take egg white first after 1 year old, if no allergy then can give egg yolk. but i think if your girl is fine, maybe should be ok lor...
re: BBQ cum Swimming gathering (4 March Sat) Swimming @ 4pm and BBQ @ 6pm

1. Seabreeze - hubby + YC (cater)
2. Anissa
3. Small Bell - 1 adult n 1 baby (cater)
4. Lib
5. Ting Ting
6. Cakey
7. Ixwong
8. Temple
9. Cookies
10. Applejuz
11. eileenp
12. vone
13. Nicky's Mom
14. snoopy (fine with pot luck or catered BBQ)

snoppy ... there is a toilet downstairs if not can use my house lor ... we have a few mummies staying in BL ... maybe we all can 'contribute' out toilets heehee
Re gathering
Aiyo, I think we are v ambitious on the agenda this time round leh :p. If we swim at 4pm, BBQ would start at what time? 5pm? Too early? From my one-time experience of bring Haowen to swim, our babies would likely feel sleepy after the swim. Not sure if we can still BBQ after that?
ixwong ...

tot thats the idea ... the zzzz and then we can BBQ heehee ... me anything lar .. otherwise just come for a swim and some makan
hee.. i also scare its too long but well maybe jus try out n c how.

re: BBQ cum Swimming gathering (4 March Sat) Swimming @ 4pm and BBQ @ 6pm

1. Seabreeze - hubby + YC (cater)
2. Anissa
3. Small Bell - 1 adult n 1 baby (cater)
4. Lib
5. Ting Ting
6. Cakey
7. Ixwong
8. Temple
9. Cookies + hubby + Ern Ray (ok with both options)
10. Applejuz
11. eileenp
12. vone
13. Nicky's Mom
14. snoopy (fine with pot luck or catered BBQ)

temple, think egg white is the more allergy-triggering one. Can start w egg yolk at ard 7-8 mths, and whites after 1 yr old.
