(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

angel ...

i had the same tot as you when i was reading the link that you provided ... so strange all of them 1st time posting and its just to praise mindschamp (??)

my opinion is that the kid only have childhood ONCE ... let it be an enjoyable and 'stress free' one for both the child and the parents ... once they start the REAL education ... its a different ball game altoghter =p

and the REAL education will start soon! understand K1 or K2 starts spelling already..

re: teaching to read
we read 1 short story to zephan every night, and a bonus of 2 storys on weekends when we have more time. at this moment, he can't read the words yet, but he memorises the text and loves to pretend he can read (i.e. flip the pages and running his finger along the sentences). i think that's a good start. Trying to see how to squeeze in a Chinese book now.

angel, there are some Christian toddler books available that are quite simple n nice to read.. (short sentences with nice pics) i found some at MPH, abt $10 plus per board book. Think there are some books by the Precious Moments series also? I'm trying to get a toddler bible for him. Now he uses the adult one which i find the font too small for him.
tingting ...

yar i usually see the K1 & K2 kids sitting around the table writing and doing assessment books while the N2 still playing around hahahahha

should tell YC that he better enjoy his last yr of play man =p
No lah...my gf happens to be a freelance journalist for Simply Her so I happen to fit the profile of the article..I have not read that article yet.
Seriously I don't know that many people lah hehe..

BTW, I wanna ask you, is your hubby still selling those thermal suits? Cos anton and anders are taking swimming classes and my pool is damn cold. So I thought I can invest in a good thermal wetsuit for both of them...can FB me or PM me to let me know..Thanks!

I actually agree with Angel but I also can understand that most mums try to give what they think its best for the child. I think as long we feel we have given the best, it doesn't matter what others think...just be the best parent you can be!!

How to teach your child to read
I actually feel teaching the child phonics helps alot in helping young children to read. When the child learns how to read the phonetic sound of each letter,we can start teaching them how to blend. What I did is I bought books from popular - a series of phonics books for toddlers.
For eg: -at , there is mat, fat, bat, catetc
-ap ,lap,cap, map,tap

once the kids knows how to blend, the kid can read on their own even though its an absolute new word. Anton's school is also following the phonics blending method. However, the teacher did tell me that it also depends on the child. If they are not interested, don't force them. Anton can read alot of words now by its own, however mainly 3 letter words. There are also a series of sight words that they have to remember as phonetically its hard to blend them.
he's not selling the thermal suits anymore as he has since left the employer & struck out on his own, just concentrating on classes. His inventory supplier doesn't provide wetsuits. Actually i saw thermal suits retailing at Arena, Metro etc.. $60 or $70 each. u try look around? Last resort, there's an Ah Pek @ Bt Merah Industrial factory area doing customised wet suits.. if u're keen on the contact i can ask my husband for it. It's a husband & wife business, only doing wetsuits.
Hi Mummies,

I've 4 tins of Similac Gain IQ Kid (900g) to let go @ S$23/tin. as I had bought the wrong milk formula for my son. If interested, pls PM me for details.

Hi Mommies, interested?

Thomson Junior Angels Club
Private Stargazing Session At the Observatory

View the night sky, be amazed by the scale of the solar system, constellations, nebulae and galaxies.

Find out interesting facts about the Sun, Earth, Moon & the other planets in the solar system. Learn more about
Eclipse & natural phenomena through a series of demonstrations.

Especially for Junior Angels Club members, we have booked the whole observatory for you and family so you can enjoy the night out
Together without jostling with the crowds.

Date : Thursday 19th February 2009
Time : 8pm - 10pm
Venue : Observatory at Science Centre - Jurong East
Fees : $15.00/participant (JAC member & family)
$20.00/participant (Non JAC member & family)
Free for children below 2 years old.
(Inclusive of : Entrance fees & Special goodie bag for children & refreshments)

Programmes : Interactive Astronomy Talk
1 hour & 20 minutes of Star Gazing Session

Closing date : 30th January 2009

Registration : By Phone 6358 0055 / 6350 8876 or

By Email [email protected] or

Download online form at www.thomsonmedical.com/junior_angel.htm

Hope to see you there!
Limited seats available, so book yours early!
hi, any of u gals letting go of baby slings cheap? Wasn't quite successful at mastering it the last round, and my old sling got lost while on loan to someone, so thinking of getting 1 or 2 preloved slings.
tks wendy! i'm due late Apr.. hopefully work stress doesn't induce an earlier delivery...
u not breastfeeding tobey anymore?
i'm still bfg him! thank God.. saves me loads $$, and melamine free.

sling nothing to do with bfg ley. I never figured how to bfg using the sling.. at most is to use sling as a nursing wrap and cover up! haha
haha.. yah lor, i thought u use the sling during church mah.. hopefully this time round can use the sling successfully..

hope to catch up with you again soon.. hey, wanna bring your boys over for a swim? we've got a wading pool and a small 1.2m deep pool at the rented place.
for tobey, i didn't use the sling much.. he's mostly in pram, and he doesn't like to be covered when bfg so i use the nursing corner, or just bo chap and breastfeed where i'm seated. Don't bring him out shopping much, so no need all these cover tactics hahaha.

re: swim
>> tks for the offer.. nowadays very windy and Deric says almost all pools are *brrrr* colddddd. Hv to really depend on weather etc. Will let u know if we decide to pop by tks.
hi trinity,
I think i got the same series of phonics book you mentioned. My gal is very very interested in the book! The only problem is my English pronouncation is not good and hence need some better person to teach her 'correctly'.
Btw in my previous post I mentioned she struggled and cried when going CC.
This week she's much better cos the main teacher of her class is back from her long holiday could interact with her much more intellectually. Hence she participates quite well now

Heard all these from DH only, probably will dropby myself next week to chat with the teacher and let her know DD's interest in Phonics in case she could arrange such activities hehe...

About the capablility of the kid, from my observation as long as the parents/teachers don't look down and compare the kids with siblings/others, they'll be fine growing up to happy adult. Problems happen when the kids can't perform well academically and pple (eg. olden era parents) start to look down on them, compare them with others, treat them differently from smarter siblings. Ususally they'll grow up with sense of insecurity and sense of inferior.
Haha,Anton likes it too but when he gets bored he will just look at the pictures instead of wanting to read the words. It has like levels 1a-1d, 2a-2d, 3a-3d
but its not the best phonics book. I bought it like for 3.90 per book at the book fair last year. I am sure there are better phonics books around. Anyway, now I use the book as a supplement. The school has the words for him to learn so I just write it down in flash card form to do the reading so he has no pictures to look at... haha

Yeah, I think as parents, its very important to interact with the teacher to maximise the potential of your child. I mean the teachers don't know what the parents do with the kids at home. Like, I mentioned to the teachers that Anton can read the time (basic ones like 1 o'clock to 12 o'clock, 15 mins and 30 mins...now learning 45 mins) so the teacher said she will challenge him in school..as different kid progesses differently, she will do it individually with Anton when there is time.

Kids will love to learn if they are not pressurised to perform. For me, I just let him to do whatever he wants to do, like colouring, tracing, reading, phonics and learning how to tell time...
I don't want to pressurise him at such a young age. I think his least favourite activity is tracing...too much effort.
2nd/ 3rd time mums,
what do u do when #1 declares that he/she doesn't love #2 ? After some months, i found that i hv no answer to that qstn.

usually happens when #2 wants to play with same toys that #1 is playing. Eg #1 has built a "castle" with his Lego, and #2 very excited to join in. Already gave #2 another lot of Lego to smash, or positioned him elsewhere, but #2 still very intent on joining #1, fingering gorgor's creations.
Gorgor not keen to share, & views #2 as a threat to his toys.
Hi Wendy,
I'm facing the same issue ever since #2 became mobile. Not only toys, books, coloring, craft work etc as well... Worst is that the #2 is very agressive and think that hitting and making his big sister scream is very fun
Wendyg and cakey
Haha, I think its a phase. Anton used to also bully anders when anders was younger, now that Anders is 16 mths old, he can defend himself and will pull Anton's hair if Anton tries to be funny with him. I think that when both of them wants to play with the same toy, we can ask them to take turns or share. In wendy's case, the second one wants to 'play' with Issac's creation, then we as parent should tell the younger one not to take it out as big brother takes alot of time and effort to build it. Try to distract him with other toys and if the #2 throws tantrum, have to bring him away from the #1. This way, #1 will know that #2 is not right and get his way all the time. We also must let #1 know that #2 is still a baby thus do not understand how tough it is to build a toy.

I think maybe by letting #2 know that its not nice to hit and make elder sister cry. They should love one another. Whenever anton tries to hit anders( that was like quite some time ago), I always tell him what happens if someone were to push him or hit him, will he like it? He will say no, then I told him not to do what he doesn't like others to do to him. Even when Anders tries to pull Anton's hair when he is trying to be funny with him, I told Anders to stop as its not nice ( he will asked when he is told)...Its hard being a parent. I am seriously going crazy trying to nurture these 2 boys. Need a holiday where there are no whining, screaming or crying....
wendy, we got zephan to memorise this: "Love one another as I love you"
then we expound on what it means, drawing reference to everyone around him. Hope it comes in useful in 1 year's time!
in the evening i asked Isaac again.. "do u love Tobey" he said YES. *faint* Kids.. their time span lasts only 5min.. at most 1hr. Most times Isaac wants Tobey around.. coz he will not allow if we suggest to leave Tobey in the care of a relative while we go home. Certain days where Tobey is with my folks & husband and I bring Isaac out, Isaac will keep asking "where's Tobey, why isn't he here with us". He knows that we're a family unit.

It's just during playtime.. (for now). Next time will be quarelling over food, i think.. gosh, these times, i really wish they can grow up to be 18 yrs old & become each other's buddy & skip this phase altogether!!

tobey just turned 1yo... he doesn't yet understand reasoning. Just "No", or we try to distract him with other toys or carry him away. My dad also tells Isaac to lend the toy for 1 minute, knowing their attention span! Isaac mostly refuses.. but if u catch him at the right time, he is willing to lend.
Don't worry...they will grow up soon. For me, its more of Anton. He is always so whiney and clingy when he is with me but when I am not around, he is the perfect child. Sometimes, I want to admit myself in a mental institution...sigh

i think the younger sibling will always want to follow the elder one.. even after they start school. being academic here, but can try to explain to isaac that tobey wants his things bcos he looks up to and loves his gorgor and wants to be like him?

sharing a sweet conversation i had with zephan the other day:

zephan: [places ear against my tummy]
me: what are you doing?
z: mei mei is talking to me.
me: what is she saying?
z: mei mei says she loves me.

really couldnt help laughing when i heard that!
u think we didn't say that already... for the Xth time....
all our theories thrown out the window one by one.. we just live day by day praying that they can play harmoniously..

mental institution with free spa & massage... want anot. let's go set one up for mummies like us. muahahahahaha.
I am contemplating to go holiday with my gf for 3 days in bali and let my hubby take care of the kids...Spa resort here I come!!!!!!!!!!
Well, I told him that if I don't go for a short holiday to rejuvenate myself, I will have to seek psychaitric treatment for adult mental abuse. I must relax my mind and soul or I will seriously have to award myself to IMH. I have to relax or I will seriously go crazy.
triniti, how come u address ur msg to urself? hehe... u need a break.. :p

Happy new year everyone!!
Dont forget to buy toto for this friday! HUAT ah!

dont worry, u are not the only one....I have been through that phase and i am so glad it got better these 2 weeks. yah.....#01 is playing well with #02....he even helped to clear didi's nose with a piece of tissue last weekend (without our knowledge) so endure for another couple of months.....it will get better....

i nearly wanted to jump last year.....gor gor was sooo whiny and clingy......well, i hope he will not revert so soon....i need a break too!
Hi Mummies,

Re: Learning to read
Just to share my experience. My girl can read rather well now, since Nov 08. She can read articles or books she has never seen before, or even my sms. My girl loves reading, and she spends half of the time reading, and the other half of her time playing.

First, if you can find time, read books with them on a regular basis. That'll create their interest in reading. My girl was also "memorise reading" her books initially, for half a year.
Next, intro phonics. I did quite similar things to what Triniti did - blending sounds. I highly recommend "Leapfrog - Talking Words Factory 1 & 2", my girl understood phonics after watching those CDs maybe 10 times.

Initially, I was cracking my head how best to teach phonics, and wanted to send her for classes. I think kids are very smart, and they learn fast. Just start with 3 letter words, like what Triniti mentioned, and then, they naturally will learn to sound out the words.

Don't give up mummies. I taught her the blending sounds for maybe 3 weeks (during times when she request I teach her), and she could sound out 3 letter words easily.

I think my girl also knows how to spell. I always spell the word "CRY" whenever I mention to hubby or friends (because I don't want to let her know my conversation), and one day, she mentioned "CRY" means to cry. I was taken aback, that she could have understood my conversation.

Re: Chinese
I would like to ask mummies how to create interest in teaching our kids Chinese. Is sending them for classes the easiest way? My girl only reads English books.

Re: Christians
Just to side track. Those who are Christians, I also recommend mummies to get "Daily Devotion" book for children. If I need to, I try to relate to things mentioned there. For example, my girl was afraid of taking school bus. I showed her the page about children being brave. It worked! And now, she says "God is with me wherever I go".

Now my girl is reading only this Daily Devotion book. I'm trying hard to get her to read other books. I hope this is a phase.
inspired! my boy has been memorising his books for the longest time.

may i know if your girl vocalised along with the DVDs or just watched silently & applied the techniques on her own?

my boy watches tv/cartoons/DVDs silently... my colleague's child 5yo will narrate each scene & be very animated, but my boy stays quiet. ?!?!?! Playhouse Disney encourages participation, but he just sits there & stares despite my prompting..
boise, thanks for sharing.. I've been very lazy with #2 and #3 when it comes to reading, phonics etc.. I've been putting them infront of the TV for the longest time hoping they learn a thing or 2!

Wendyg, my #2 and #3 also participates only when they are watching the same thing for a couple of times. But if i sit with them, they will quietly watch only. If i leave them alone to watch, they can even answer some of bob the builder's / dora etc questions.

Any ftwm with 2 or 3 kids surviving without a helper? Can tell share with me how you cope, who does the housework etc? Am going to "retrench" my helper for good end of this month. Am thinking should i order tingkat or come home after work at around 7pm and cook for the kids..
SNG mum
yeah that's me.
Isaac in full day childcare. my folks will come bring younger one over to their place (next block) every morning. They also hv the option of taking care of him at my own home. Daily abt 5pm, my dad will pick up Isaac fr the cc & bring to his place for makan. My mum cooks porridge for younger boy (1yo). As for Isaac... she gave up trying to cook for him and will ta-pao his dinner fr nearby kopitiam.

Husband and i will rush home from work daily. Earliest i reach home is abt 6.45pm. We eat ta-pao food. We prefer to ta-pao daily than to be subject to tingkat menu, and more flexible & cheaper than tingkat. Housework... laundry very fast, just load, then hang, then fold. Done by husband and me. Other chores like washing toilet, sweep/mop/ clean the fans/ wipe surfaces/ change bedsheets etc, there's a part-time helper who comes to my place once a week. We dun hv any ironing.
sng's mummy,

i shall not offer advice since i'm only with 1 kid now, but i think it's tedious to come back work to cook.i've got 1 colleague who uses the thermos pot to cook a nice soup (think u bring the items to a boil in the morning and place it in the thermos pot, and it'll be ready by evening time), the delayed timing in rice cooker to cook rice, then do a stir fry of veggies (pre-cut the day before if suitable) or egg when she goes home. Or how about pre-cooked frozen dinners like what they do in the West?

i tried tingkat before, and didnt quite like the dishes they serve. for one, you can't choose what to eat, and i find it rather soggy by the time we eat it, even if we can reheat.
Wendyg / tingting, thanks for the advise.

My concern bout tao pao food is if they are nutritious or not.. Usually the food we tao pao outside has plenty of MSG. Anyone tried tingkat ones if they are similar?

Tingting, i also thought of maybe pre-cutting the veg and stuffs, and then by the time i reach home, just steam or fry them. But that also means that the kids will have their dinner at 7.30pm earliest... Frozen pre-cook is quite a no. my dh dont like the idea of me freezing puree food last time, so i think that one is not possible.

Wendyg, i think housework wise, dh and me will try sharing. Dh says worse come to worse, we get in a part-time cleaner to help out. The only ironing we have is maybe sam's school uniform.
hi SNG mum,
We cook our own dinner now and actually some of the cooking could be quite fast. My 2yr and 3.5yr eat the same dinner stuff as us. (The 2yr still got 1 or 2 times of his own porridge during daytime.)
The main work of cooking is preparing the ingredients. And you've to make use of microwave to defroze the food fast. (Some pple dun like the idea of microwave. I use to be so but now I can't do w/o it.)
That means you've to spend time the night before to think what to cook and prepare the ingredient.. which could be very tiring after a day of work. Also might be quite diff to cook if the kids wants your attention...

Anyway some easy dinner could be
- claypot rice (using rice cooker)
- soup of vege + meat
- fried egg + meat or stuff like mushroom etc.
- fried vege + meat (with chicken stock/osyter/cao shao/mushroom source)
- baked bean + filet/egg
- marinate chicken/pork/filet then fried
- mee sua + vege + meat
Sometime we do tapao too if too busy too cook. Could be quite flexible.
wouldn't it be nice if our neighbour could cook our dinner for a fee?
my ex-neighbour used to cook daily n i can smell the aroma of her meals fr my kitchen.. think i wouldn't mind "catering" from her!

My gal don't watch TV, only DVDs - for that, also very few. For phonics, after watching some time, my hubby "played" with her forming words with cut-out big alphabets, sounding out each alphabet to form each word. At the same time, I also used some 3 letter phonics books to teach her eg words ending with ap,at, etc.

I think "memorise reading" is good, exercise their memory skills. My girl previously knows exactly when to turn the page, even though its a lengthy story (abt 10 lines per page, 10-15 page story).

My girl also narrate some of her favourite scenes, and will sing and dance together with the songs.
Hi cakey, thanks for the easy dinner tips. I guess if i want to try managing without the maid, i shouldnt be too stubborn and insist on every meal being home-cooked.

Tingting.. ya! That will be nice..
my next door neighbour and the one above me, both using the same caterer. The rest, i barely see them.
re: cheap activity/ writing/ colouring books

>> anyone can recommend where to buy cheap? Isaac can finish 1 book in a day - writing numbers, counting, circle correct answers etc. Bought $3.90 from Popular (on discount sommore). Anywhere sells $1 per book, with many pages?!?!

yah, printing fr internet is good idea.. so nice that isaac wants to do writing.. zephan can't be bothered leh.. thinking of printing something to get him to practice at home.

u want colouring books? i've got some extras from zephan's last birthday celebration in sch aug last year.
yeah sure! I'll get it fr u next month.. when i return the yaolan & pass u the sling.

<font color="aa00aa">**preggie mums**</font>
if u're not storing your baby's cord blood in private bank, can consider donating to Singapore Cord Blood Bank instead of wasting... www.scbb.org.sg. No cost to the donor, just that hv to answer a thick questionnaire before delivery (when abt 8m preg). They're in the newspapers today... Straits Times Home section, Page B7. Also in The New Paper Page 3.

hmm, interesting to donate cord blood... i don't mind that.

sure, let me know when u popping by.. tks! if tobey is still using the yaolan can still continue to use it first, cos dont think i'll need it for the 1st mth or so..
