(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

new lobang?! where is sun lik ?

forgot to tell you no need to rtn me the ice pack. u can keep to use or throw away. i bot from diaso one. very cheap n useful. and of cos bot during my bfg days haha!

can share ur receipe for cheesecake ? those non bake one. i feel like trying!

Hi Sally,

i always wanted to try bake cookies but never try before... anyone gg for their baking class?
As for the cupcakes, Shane ever told me its quite easy but still have nt try it.. :p

Saw the nice decorations you bought, very tempting to try... can post pic after you bake?
Any mummies interested to bake together?
Can come to my plc if any of you interested, then we can bake together? how?
Wah!! You make me so envy!! I've always wanted to bake, but I don't have an oven of my own. When I was a teenager, I often bake at home.. but now that i have my own house, dun even have an oven to grill. I tot of getting one, but i must be sure first to commit myself to bake b4 getting.. otherwise oven goes wasted.. hee
wow, really alot of colourful ingredients that you bought. I also started visiting this Phoon Huat at hougang recently due to aeron class there on saturday...but me too lazy to start from basics... instead I brought their muffin premix and mixed in butter and eggs to bake the muffin.... quite satisfied already so next step got to try to make them from scratch...
But I dun have a mixer, is it necessary to have one? lazy to buy one also...
are we still ON on the idea of kids decorating gingerbread man????
No lah, I wish. My baking not veri good lah.

BTW for Xmas Party, any tables low enough for the tods to stand n do the decoration on cookies n cupcakes? Or how?
N Sun Lik is at 33 Seah Street Singapore 188389
188389 (t: 63380980). U noe Raffles Hotel Shopping Arcade that lane, one of the shop houses there. Veri old shop. There for decades.

cool huh! So gorgeous the cupcake!

I wan to attend the baking class from BIY, but their cupcake classes all full liao. Now waiting for their dates for cookies classes to be released on 26 Nov. Shall we go together? Weekends I can onli make it cos can ask hb to jagar A. Check out: http://www.b-i-y.com/Demos%20&%20classes_Christmas%20Cookie%20Workshop%20-%20before%20annt.htm

No lah, I bake for fun. But veri sian, after baking, got to clean up n wash up the mess. kekeke

mixer will save time n energy lor. But no need to buy branded one lah, since we baking for leisure. I bought one from courts offer at S$29.90 that time, got the mixer stand n can be removed as well, n the mixer bowl. So value for money.
Yup we still on for the decorations.
i intend to bring along a small table, gd for kids but can only sit four.

the rest of the tables are all adult tables....but they can stand on the chair or sit on mummy or daddy lap.
No need la...
Dun have to join spree.... U go minitoons also have quite a BIG selection...

I want.... but... my last baking think is back in........1994?? my home econ class...

U have those steel pot....
Think some of those pot can use to bake also

Weekend har...then cannot liao...

Was telling my mum ytd..abt me no oven...
Then my mum told me..that the set of steel pots she had bought for me CAN BE USED!!!
She say put a little water at the base... then u put the pot stander...and place ur mix above... can be those muffin trys... then cover and cook over SMALL fire...
CANNOT big fire as top will chao da and inner not cook... then dunno for how long u will have a cake!!!
My hse also no oven, v sian. Cant do any baking or not. Always v gian to see the gals here doing baking. My kitchen too small to put any oven. Sighs.

Btw, good luck in ur interview!
<font color="0000ff">Sally</font>
All the cookies and cakes you make look nice. I do not have any tian fen for cooking and baking. Next time if got time I also want to go and learn.

<font color="0000ff">Pre-Nursery</font>
<font color="0000ff">Sally, Jaymom</font>
Is A and Jay starting school on 2nd Jan. Jo will start only on 24 Jan. The children will start school in batches. They need to settle the older children then the youngest children. Otherwise, cannot imagine 1st day of school everybody will be crying. hahaha......teachers headache.

How much is your bus fare? Mine still don't know. Driver will call us after they have their meeting.
I killed one of Sky's fish by mistake...
Was cleaning the muddy water PAIL (yes we keep the fish in a pail) this morning...
One of the fish refuse to be scoop out by me... and jump into the sink...and went down the pipe...while I was too shocked to react....

Sorry Sky...U onli left with 1 fish
<font color="0000ff">twinklets</font>
Cool movie poster. Where did you steal the shades from? Price tag still intact and one flower under Ashley's arm or is it pin on her top. After putting on the shades don't look like her.
May the fish lay in peace now.. -___-
Sky is awared the other fish missing?

Wow u v observant of tat tiny flower. We were at Melbourne last yr, this flower was a tulip when we donated some $ to charity on the street.
This shades got from normal shop at Melbourne. Ehh we just stepped out from shopping tat shades. This gal insist wearing it. I find this pic damn funny, abit LL kuku look. =P
Ya...was changing water this morning... see my hb say HE WILL TAKE CARE OF THE FISH!!! and now whose job is it...
Ya lor the fish very kelian....
Think I need to buy a PROPER bowl... for it....
Still thinking how to increae the oxygen level in the water... and maybe buy 1 more companion for it???

He was not home ytd la... dun think he still remember his fish.... (_ _"
how to bake with the steel pot? Over the stove????

Thanks Twinklets!
Yes I've gone for it this morning. Waited all alone for 30 minutes. Tot I kenna bluffed abt the interview. Haha.

Anyway, whatever I've studied din come out. I got so worried about the technical qns, but none was questioned. All very general. And I managed to answer all of them thankfully. Phew! Now they told me i'm confirmed for 2nd round with the higher mgmt & HR liaos. Discuss about pay already (so fast!) Just a matter which mgr I want to choose to work with. So i gotta choose and let them know who I want to work with by tomorrow. A bit wierd, I know. I'm still trying to figure out what happened earlier. So surreal!

Now so excited until cannot sleep. I still haven't slept since yesterday coz my interview came about right after my night shift...
Ya...she llve in Yishun also...
I so shocked when she told me abt her no. of children....

Ya over the stove...
Oh ya...I now remember..my gas FINISH.. been using that tank for a whopping......17months!!!
<font color="0000ff">Glayz</font>
So how do you find her massage? Did she keep changing the appointment date? A month ago she massage for my sis. Change appointment twice. When she massage for me in 05 she got 10 kids. #10 is same age as Sky and Jo. At that time she told me she is going for #11. I was shocked she really meant it when my sis told me #11 is less than 1 year old.
Ya she change a few appt....
But hor at least she inform beforehand la... and she is quite good...at least I feel my calf getting smaller...wahahahhahahaha

Ya she had a #11.... and she say someone told her #12 will be a boi...so she stop
Dun bring the table lah, will be messy. Why dun we just use empty carton boxes n put one row on the floor n cover with disposable table cloth, then let the kids do from there? Finish, can just wrap up n throw mah.

A will start on 2 Jan. Yes Jo's kindy is unique, the onli one I noe with stagger starting date for the kids. The older ones will start the earliest. I cant imagine the first week of crying n whining in the new environment with so many tods. So how is the orientation? Is it Aircon? My fren said No. Jo likes it? Bought the uniforms?

aiyo poor little fish. Go n replace one for Sky lah.


anyone comes across in the magazines or anywhere that there is this candy house made of real candies, huge when we can go inside even. I cant remember where. I read somewhere. I wan to bring A to take pics lei. Anyone can help?
i dunno to buy or not leh...
Seem like the fish become my duty liao...seem like my workload at home keep INCREASING all thanks to that man..... At home..he will let Sky SELF FEED on Jelly... then I clean up...
Bought Spring chicken...let Sky self feed also and his oily hand touch EVERYWHERE...and I clean up also...
Once I was so fed up..I told him...I will find work to do..U dun have to keep creating them...
<font color="0000ff">Sally</font>
Afternoon 3 classes pre-nursery for orientation on that day. Hb, in-laws and I are happy with the presentation slides to show us the different facilities they have. They have Language Centre, Science Centre, Expressive Arts, I can cook programme, Gymnastics. And the kids get to learn how to use the computer in K2.

All the different levels will have assembly in the multi-purpose hall every day before class start. For Jo 1st term will only have assembly with classmates. Only 2nd term they will join the whole school for assembly.

Term one probably not much studying. Just learn through play. But from term 2-4 need to pay for her Maths, Chinese, English worksheets, Creative art materials and others like name badge, report book, files. A total of S$175.14 per year. School fees S$695.50 and insurance S$3.

They also have Chinese Immersion Programme. An intensive 2 year programme. We can sign her up and she don't have to attend any other mandarin enrichment outside.
<font color="0000ff">Sally</font>
Classroom is fully aircon.
We got to visit her classroom. Full of toys sure she like it. And she saw the little playground outside can't wait to play. Also, introduce her to her English and Chinese teacher.

We were the only one who bought 3 sets of uniforms and one PE attire. All of them bought 2 sets + one. The person selling say don't have to change everyday cos it's aircon they don't really perspire. Brought Jo to visit the minature toilet. sigh.....scared of the toilet.
Then Sky will be so sad lei.

Sounds veri detailed for the syllabus. I m sure Jo will love n enjoy the class. My hb's ex colleague also put her youngest boi there, n full of praises for Jo's kindy n see a great difference in her boi compare to the two older bro n sis not from there. Her youngest boi who used to be shy n timid, becomes the most outspoken n sociable among the three n adapted veri well in Primary 1. Now in St Andrews Primary. So she veri pleased with the money spent, just felt a pity din move to that area earlier as the older ones din get a chance to study there as their youngest bro. Oops I din pay attention to wat will be taught in A's kindy. I onli noe that computer lesson will onli start in Nursery, the following year, same as using the water play pool. PN dun have. For playground, there r 3 in the school, two outdoors n one indoor specially onli for PN. Hence he wont have chance to use the outdoor playground for PN.
Schoolbus for my area will be S$90 two ways n S$80 one way.
Oh Akinesh loves the toilet cos their height mah. kekeke think he used to it from cc n also those kiddie urinal in shopping centres. Jo will get used to it.
Uniforms I bought 3 sets n one PE attire too. Mine sure must change everyday cos no air con, sure perspire. I m thinking to get another set cos the teacher wan us to put an extra set in their bags in case dirty, the teachers can change for them.
Then Sky will be so sad lei.

Sounds veri detailed for the syllabus. I m sure Jo will love n enjoy the class. My hb's ex colleague also put her youngest boi there, n full of praises for Jo's kindy n see a great difference in her boi compare to the two older bro n sis not from there. Her youngest boi who used to be shy n timid, becomes the most outspoken n sociable among the three n adapted veri well in Primary 1. Now in St Andrews Primary. So she veri pleased with the money spent, just felt a pity din move to that area earlier as the older ones din get a chance to study there as their youngest bro. Oops I din pay attention to wat will be taught in A's kindy. I onli noe that computer lesson will onli start in Nursery, the following year, same as using the water play pool. PN dun have. For playground, there r 3 in the school, two outdoors n one indoor specially onli for PN. Hence he wont have chance to use the outdoor playground for PN.
Schoolbus for my area will be S$90 two ways n S$80 one way.
Oh Akinesh loves the toilet cos their height mah. kekeke think he used to it from cc n also those kiddie urinal in shopping centres. Jo will get used to it.
Uniforms I bought 3 sets n one PE attire too. Mine sure must change everyday cos no air con, sure perspire. I m thinking to get another set cos the teacher wan us to put an extra set in their bags in case dirty, the teachers can change for them.
<font color="119911">Erlisa</font>
Congrats! Wow tat's a fast 1!

<font color="aa00aa">Sally</font>
Paisay cant find any candy house info in the internet. Check afew reputable shopping centers, no1 talk abt this. Guess U have to try to
Use ur superpower to recall back tat article liao! Keke! Anw, while searching for tat candy house, I came across some of the events which
We can bring our kids during this festive month. Last year miss the Esplanade carols, hope this year we can rem to bring her to go & hear.

<font color="ff0000">Celebrate December</font>
14 31 Dec 2007
@ Various locations at Esplanade

The spirit of Christmas comes alive this December at the Esplanade, with everything from timeless classics to the latest Christmas carols.
Join the crowds of merrymakers as they celebrate the night away & as the festivities crescendo till the end of the year.

6 pm onwards

Ticket Prices
Free Admission

Contact Info
6 828 8377

<font color="ff0000">VIVOCITY 1st ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS</font>

Vivocity, Amphitheatre, level 3

1 to 8 DEC 2007 [except 4 DEC]
7.30pm & 9pm
9 DEC 2007, 7.30pm

We are in the mood to celebrate after what has been successful first year for us.
With just $50* spending, you can join us to watch VIVOCITY : THE SPIRIT OF LIFE! an exclusive 30 min live show.
AMERICAN EXPRESS CARDMEMBERS just need to charge $30 to their cards to qualify.

Presenting a specially choreographed unique show inspired by Vivocitys energy & vitality.
Be treated to a feast of amazing musical & vocal performances, remarkable human feats & stunning visual images

Limited to a max. of 2 pairs of tickets per shopper per day on a first-come, first served basis & while stocks last

<font color="ff0000">FIREWORKS SPECTACULAR</font>
Dont miss the Fireworks Spectacular on <font color="ff0000">30 NOV 2007 @ 9.15pm</font> to mark the launch of VIVOCITY: THE SPIRIT OF LIFE!
The show is specially choreographed by a renowned Spanish Team who has collected more than 80 international awards.
Prepare to be amazed!!

<font color="0000ff">This is cool, I can bring Ash to see since Hb is working near there! Think the fireworks shd be v great!!</font>
Ya, the cupcake class all full. Ok, we will wait for the cookies class.

Playgroup or pre-nursery
bbrooster, sally, jaymon
Heh, whats the difference betw this 2? next yr for them not playgroup?
What school you gals send them?
I enroll JH to talent plus, till now still have not recv any call from the teacher regarding orientation? I did not go look for other school...maybe got to call them tomorrow ...see this lazy mummy.:p

did you enroll in talent plus for sky?
<font color="0000ff">Aries</font>
No lah. It's S$695.50 per term. Some schools term it as playgroup. Some schools term it as :

Kindergarten 1
Kindergarten 2

<font color="0000ff">or</font>

Nursery 1
Nursery 2
Kindergarten 1
Kindergarten 2

I enrolled Jo in Ascension Kindergarten. A church Kindy.

<font color="0000ff">Sally</font>
3 sets enough lah. Teacher also told us to put one set in her bag. Then the other 2 sets rotate and change everyday. And the material very easy to dry.

And the security in the school is very good. Each family can apply 2 security pass to pick up the kid. Those with cars need to be registered too.

After the orientation my hb said worth queuing at 7am for a place.

I think what they do in K1 and K2 is very close to Primary school life. Really get them prepared for Primary school.
I enrol Sky in Apple tree la...
Talent Plus TOO FAR away...anyway tot talent plus is playgroup.... not pre-nurs...
Maybe u need to check again???

But Nursary...he will go for PAP lor... But hor..is furher away than Apple tree
wow, the school sounds really good! I don't even know if E cc got teach computer for N1 or not.
I just found out her CC is PN1 PN2 N1 K1 K2.
I c the K1 K2 studying, like still very play play ley. sigh. worried.
I think it's important to prepare them for P1. i like the assembly part that AK has.
Is it full or half day ?
wow..which cc u enrol jo in?where isit? sounds very good leh..isit good?

all of u are stressing mi leh...
most of the tods here can count liao leh..
my ryan still dunno how to count yet..when i say one, two, then he will say three..after tt..no more wor..
then he oso not really toilet trained..
haiz..looks like i'm a lazi mum..must buck up liao..
dun stress urself. Riz also not toilet trained yet. I think Ryan will pick up his counting skills in no time :) Some kids are better in one way, but lacking in another.. In no time, everyone will be on par with one another.. So dun stress stress ya!
Sorry, don't mean to stress anyone abt counting, just don't understand when should we start. PPl here don't really bother about these things at such a young age. And we have to sync development with SG kids coz' maybe there Ian will go back SG to study P1.
Don't worry, ian's potty training still half way and now weather is cold here, have to stop till weather is better again.

Went for Ian's first speech assessment and has 20% delays in expressive language development, next week we going to bring him language specialist to do another assessment again.
really have to do such assessment huh?
I remember my ex-colleague whom very gd in talking 1, he started talking only at 4 YO.

Ya I totally agree with Erlisa. Dun stress on urself ok. Like my Ash now, still get a F9 for those more than 3 pcs puzzles.
Alot of kids now her age already can do puzzles like mix 2 kind together & do liao. She still clueless beyond 3 pcs.

Talk & Talk..
I think the best teaching method is simply just talk to your child. talk abt anything under the sky in our adult language. Just be a talkative parent, the child will absorb alot from these talkings eventhough he seems not showing any progress at all. 1 day he may just surprise u with a full sentence.
<font color="119911">Xmas</font> <font color="ff0000">party </font>
Date: 15 Dec
Venue: Hougang

Pls sign up! Need to cater for food. :)

1. Shane (3A1C)
2. Sally (2A1C)
3. Glayz (1A2C)
4. Caymom (2A2C)
5. Twinklets (2A1C)
6. FMN (1A2C)
7. Tangling - pls confirm
8. Cherry - (2A1C)
9. Jaymom - (2A1C)
10. Ixorarred - (2A1C)
11. kiami - (2A1C)
12. Jasmine - (2A1C)

Headcount: 21A14C (23A15C incl. TL)

<font color="0000ff">Mummies</font>,
I'm looking around for buffet to cater to us. I think I'll order those buffet for 30pax (2C=1A) might be able to get a better deal.
I'll keep all informed of the cost when I have selected something. Guess we need to book pretty soon. Was thinking of going back to Neo Garden.
<font color="aa00aa">24 Nov date</font>
sally, FMN, ONz ah. we meet at the place at 11am.

I'll see if I can give u a lift. we arrange offline.
<font color="ff0000">Shane,</font>
You mean the tods are taking the buffet as well? cay doesn't eat much when we feed her what we eat. She still can't munch well. So we still cook for her separately. Very 'ma-fun'.
It is worse if we feed her outside. She will get very distracted and it is tough for us to feed her.

Neo Garden has buffet with min pax at 20 or 25 (not the mini buffet). If we order the min 30 pax kind, that can easily feed 40 people or more.... will end up with lotsa leftovers, especially the rice/noodles.

<font color="aa00aa">Twinklets,</font>
cay can't do puzzles at all leh. Your Ash so smart.
oic. then i might just go for the 25 pax kind. will update. just hope to book soon cos quite bz at work to surf ard and i'm afraid they will say fully booked!
if that happens then maybe we have to potluck liow =P
<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
Jo will only learn computer in Kindergarten. I think Akin is learning second year of nursery. Don't worry I see Jo's kindergarten learning maths and science through play also.

How come E CC got 5 levels? I thought only 4 yrs of education before P1. Jo's class only 3 hours. Besides nursery and kindergarten her school also got kindercare (full day CC).

<font color="0000ff">forgetmenot</font>
Jo is not in CC. She is in church kindergarten. It's in Potong Pasir inside St Andrew's Village.

Jo is also not toilet train in public. Teacher ask us to wear pull up pants for her. I think they will bring her to toilet. But the teachers will have a hard time cos I tried to bring her to use the school toilet the other day and she refused.

<font color="0000ff">Pressure</font>
Thanks for reminding not to feel pressure and stressed. I was stressed when TL told me at 24 mths JJ could fix jigsaw. I straight away went to buy a 9 pcs barney jigsaw puzzle and teach her. After she pass I bought her 16 pcs Barney and Dora jigsaw. HB say I kiasu. Ask me now how, want to buy 50 pcs or not. Actually, he's sarcastically asking.

But then hor if TL didn't tell me JJ can fix I also don't know it's time to teach her jigsaw. So good and bad lah.
Jig Saw
Tell u all hor...
This jig saw thing MUST PRACTISE one...
Sky used to be able to do those 8-pc puzzle with ease..until he got bored of it...and refuse to play anymore...
Now he had problem even with those 4pc puzzles... arghhhhhh

they accept from 18 mths onwards so they are more childcare based i guess. tt y i'm not so sure how gd their curriculum is for Kindy.

i started E when she was 12 mths! Now she bored i also bored liow. And we stopped at those 6-8 pcs kind under creative brand, got animal, fruit shapes kind. She got a 9 pc board kind which she can do. but she gives up easily. guess sien liow.

sigh, in this stressful s'pore system. i think we all face such pressure one way or another.
