(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

ya i tried massaging tat area for sometime then it feels ok already...it was really very sharp kind of pain...should be becos of bb position

wow, really envy you gals alrdy got milk!!! when i examine my breast when showering only notice some white residue on my nipples tats all...you mean can start pumping now?

hey girls, don't start pumping breast milk or massage your breasts now as it may stimulate contractions. We all don't want premature babies right? i was advised to start massage in week 35 onwards so as to help bf after delivery.

babyluv, your baby is bigger than mine. My baby is 2.1kg at week 31. But you only put on so little weight which is wonderful. : )

i realised that i have so many stretch marks below my big tummy recently although i have been applying stretch mark cream diligently everyday. Seems like it didn't help....
jane tan,
no worry lah..massage of the breast wont stimulate contractions but it's massage of the tummy :p if u r talking abt the antenatal class tat we attended by mrs wong

if stretch marks start already u can only reduce it...did u try the avent cream tat they gave to us during the class?
Hi Jane,
looks like we have similar EDD..mi also June 10 around there. I am aiming for 38 weeks...partly becos I gan cheong also dun wann bb to grow too big, cant come out properly. The head circumference is 30.3cm. I calculated the diameter which works out to be 9.6 cm...gulp!
Hopefully all these estimation not so accurate.

Hmm, did'nt know that bedrest will contribute to growth of bb. No wonder, quite slack nowadays keep sleeping. ;p

I also have quite alot of stretch marks at the sides of the hips. Thank God on tummy dunn have. I think the stretch mark cream will not help when the marks come out... maybe can lighten a bit but not totally eliminate them.

hey didn't know that we can start squeezing milk now?! But like what you girls say, when the breasts are stimulated, there is some weird feeling down at the tummy... dunno whether its' bb or contractions.. think better dun do anything until delivery... if not gana infection or sore breast even b4 delivery.
like what Jane Tan said, we shouldn't be pumping breast milk yet. Anyway, don't think can pump until one bottle :p I stopped when i see droplets of 'liquid' coming out (wasn't expecting it because first-timer), washed the pump and put it away. And yes, i learnt how to use and dismantle the pump
Looked so complicated from the instructions on the dismantling, but actually quite easy.

me only reach 30th week this week... still 10 more weeks to go, counting down, can't wait to take break from this dreadful office :p
no worry lah...dun tink i hv enuf milk at all...just tat lil' bit not even a drop :p just making sure everynite the milk is still there only.

ur hands pain or not when u start pumping cos it's manual one. i tink hv to use one hand to squeeze our breast n the other the press the pump rite?

same here cant wait to get outta office. some ppl already relax by now me still struggling with work, worst still HQ decided to bring the closing forward to 27th everymth which means closing tmr
but i dun care cos ive doc appt :p
agree with u gals... work is defintely not on our minds nowadays yah. Dread the long hours, the rush hours and the endless deadlines.

Just looking forward to EDD and ML! Like one of my frens who just gave birth last week, once you see the baby, er herm, what is the office?!!!
hahaha....ya i guess everyone here just cant wait to see our bb...see their smiles will really make us forget wat's at work :p i told my boss dun call me during ML cos i will off my phone :p
Hee hee.. tot I am the only one dreaded work nowadays...also looking forward to EDD.

Thinking of bb items to buy...packing hospital bag...what to eat before deliver (tim sum, high tea buffet, ice cream etc....)..meeting up with friends...
haha, i like that... what is office?? hee..

babyluv, yah, our EDD is so near and we both have big babies. where are you deliverying? mine at TMC. Hee... my gynae said my baby's head abit big. hope it's not too tough for natural birth. i don't think size got to do with early delivery as i have a friend who put on 22 kg and her delivery was delayed even though her baby was quite big also.

i also hope to deliver at week 38.

von, i went for antenatal course by Staff Nurse Chong, not Mrs Wong. She was saying that stimulating the nipples and breasts will cause contractions. She said one of her students got premature delivery due to that.

as for stretch mark cream, i didn't try the one from Avent. I used the mothercare and palmer's one. Better check below your tummy if there are any black stretch marks... very scary...i didn't notice them all this while and suddenly there were so many!! my colleague told me to check that area using a mirror since we can't really see at the mirror in front of us since our huge stomach blocks it. hee..
jane tan,
ohh...mrs wong didnt say that leh...only tummy tat i know.

for my case my gynae said my tummy still looks nice n me also take pics of my tummy :p cant see any as at now, keeping my fingers cross...phew...

aiyo...how cm everyone wants to deliver early? me will prefer late by a day :p
hands pain? no, didn't feel it... in fact, i only use one hand to hold the pump, my other hand is totally free.

yah, same here, can't really finish up what i can do for office work, and on top of that, i'm not really concentrating on work with the anticipation of seeing the BB!

wow, you had your plans all worked out before delivery! i haven't even thought of it!

High tea:
i love high tea buffet (which the thot is making me hungry now). Had tried swisshotel (stamford) and furama (near MOM), not bad.
Heard Mandarin's one of the best, but very very ex.
morning gals !

so many posts, read till blur blur .. hee hee ..

wow the pramlette looks great ! so nice. but it's different from the one we saw. i would like to have one also, but too ex ley, cannot afford...

re milk
i nvr really try squeezing. but i also got the white residue so i just clean them off when i see them.

how do we message breast for blood circulation ?

i think it's true that stimulating of breast will induce labour. Cos it's said that BFing caused our womb to contract. So better don't anyhow message.

ya i also looking forward to seeing baby but hope everything will be fine and she stay in my tum tum till at least 37,38 weeks. Also hope will have a easy labour.

nowadays tummy getting bigger, sometimes feel very frustrated cos harder to bend and do things. feel so like old woman. got backache also.

same here. been preparing things on and off. i bot my cabinet already. got the toyogo one. didn't go down to the toyogo shop. i called to asked and their price for the same 5 tier is $59, so decided to get the cold storage one and just close 1 eye to the colour :p

Have also been making arrangments to meet up with friends. Want to catch up with them before i pop or get too tired in the later weeks. there seems like so much things to do.

re bb shop at chinatown
popped over on sunday cos was nearby and it was closed ! wasted trip. sigh.

re stretchmarks
i think once it appears, will be hard to get rid off. but it will fade over time after birth, so don't worry too much abt it. only thing is can't wear bikini so soon ... but tt's fine with me cos i got no guts to wear them anyway hee hee :p
i prefer to deliver early too, err, like week 39 (because is last week of June). But hubby prefer baby to stay until week 42!

But, all these dates, it is not us to decide as we leave it to nature.
Hi all,

Just saw my gynae on Sat, at Week 32. BB is 2.1kg. Next visit, I'll do an x-ray to check the size of my pelvis. I am only 153cm, gynae said if bb is too big and my pelvis not big enough, then got to do c-section. Is this true? I m really hoping for a natural delivery...
ohh...u expert liao...

i called up Equinox liao but i tink it's mostly pastry...

just massage in circular will do..

hahah...ya lor it got so big till i cant even wash my legs...end up hv to ask my hb to scrub my back n legs for me :p

hahaha...yalor got to read fast if not really blur

yalor very nice hor...sigh...really ex lor

u didnt call the shop before going? aiyo....i might be going there ltr to get a few items.

wow....42 weeks too much already lah the most bb can be inside for 10days not more than that
ya...ur bb really big wor...let me chk with my gynae tmr since im in my 32wks now. u try to walk more
you gals are making me hungry talking about high tea..yummy... but have to resist temptations or else need to hold my breath again on the weighing maching on next wk's apointment
Wonder why they need to take weight everytime huh find it very stressful leh...

would prefer bb to come out close to EDD apparently heard bb will be better developed and easier to take care....but not really up to us as long as its smooth delivery and bb is fine tats all it matters...

surprisingly my tummy not very big leh...still can cut my toe nails yesterday...most pple say i only look like 6-7mths instead of 8mths plus
I tot i mention in my post that they were closed last Sun? The lady told me if you want to go dwn on sun better call them first.

High Tea Buffet
Long long time nver go liao...coz i scare FAT. I tried Merchant Court..like their durian puree
Pan Pacific, not bad too!
Thnking of gg for English High Tea...yummy I love scones , pastries n cakes...
Hi Von,

Yah, my bb gain 1 kg in 1 month! 1 month back (at Week 28) he was only 1.1 kg. Gynae said likely the most I can take for natural delivery is a 2.6 kg bb. Judging from the speed my bb is gaining weight, I am expecting him to exceed 3 kg....
im bringing my mum n grandma for high-tea leh....the merchant court one i called up last nite they said they dun serve durian puree during high-tea only lunch n dinner. lunch too short timing n at nite ive a wedding to attend...sigh...

where else have good food leh? goodwood is too common...how abt budget abt $30+++? anyone???

wow...tat's a lot...anyway as long as bb within 3.5kg shld be able to hv natural birth maybe just need a bit more of pushing. for me trying to control my diet see if bb can be like abt 3kg :p tat's good enuf
tt's true. not up to us to decide ... baby will decide when they want to come out hee hee ... so just got to wait till they are ready ...

I did read that small pelvis might result in difficult delivery but not sure if it's really a factor. But somehow i feel can try. Cos olden days, medical not so advance, pple also give birth like that. my mum quite small in size also gave birth to my bro who weighed close to 4kg.
but the only -ve thingy if u try natural then really cannot, will have to go emergency C section which might add up to ur hospital bill. so u might also have to consider this pt.
another thing is doc nowadays like to recommend Csection since they can arrange their schedule. So must make sure ur doc not doing it for his own advantage.

von, adora,
ya i rem u gals posting abt the shop being close but i can't rem which day. so i just try my luck. guess i wasn't lucky that day hee hee ....

re walking
yup i heard it many times. walking lots help in delivery. so now we should try to walk as much as we can within our ability.
A friend told me that she was told by her gynae would not be able to give birth naturally because she have small pelvis. so, what your gynae said could be true. However, after reading birth stories from various sites (mostly from US), seems that even gals with small pelvis also able to give birth naturally. so, hmm... but, Shane is right, doctors here always like C-section so that the schedule looks nice, something i always frown about, because sometimes, the baby is simply not ready, and probably that's one of the cause of increase of jaundice cases in Singapore.

wow, you called Equinox! i was thinking of the one at the quiet corner on the 2nd floor (if it is still around :p), where the hotel usually gives its complimentary breakfast for their guests.

me just cut my toenails last weekend! but with difficulty and 'sore ears', hubby keep nagging whether i need a pedicure seeing me trying to cut those nails!

you are right, it is not up to us to decide. bb's the one going to be the one who decides when (and in what manner) to pop, and also when to give false alarms.

yap, walking is the best form of exercise we can do at our current stage.
rmbr to call nxt time

u walk also must see wor...walk for haf hr n rest for 10mins dun walk n walk

hahaha...yalor am thinking of bringing my mum there to look see look see...actually the price alrite lah $35+++ but all pastries leh..

i called up pan pac liao...$38+++ n most likely i will be going there...kekeke..but so many women with one man (my hb :p)

wow...u still able to cut ur nails? i got it cut couple of mths ago lucky thing it's slow for toes so dun bother lah..
my nails grow pretty fast... esp the fingernails... but, i guessed it should be the last time i will need to cut those toenails for this pregnancy

attached is what i downloaded during March (was looking for one to eat). You may want to keep the document for future use.
<center><table border=1><tr><td>
List of some Buffets
buffet.doc (39.9 k)</td></tr></table></center>
fingernails yes lor but not toes :p

thnk u dearie...kekeke...

btw...i went to the chinatown shop...she said she went to 'shao mu' tat's y not open actually she does open on sunday...
ya i bot the pigeon wet tissue for my neighbour n cotton swat, cotton pad, cotton balls for my bb...i went to ask abt the pram as well...she also said pramette too costly to get liao so she intro pliko p3 complete which she's able to sell cheaper then hyperstore but me still considering.

i working out a compare price list :p u gals want to help to contribute?
is the pliko p3 similar to the pramlette ? how much is it ?

I got no info on prams ley. but will contribute if i have
Talking about buffet...hmm yum yum.
But gals, be careful of indulging on food not too suitable for us. Eg; Sashimi (my fave..but cant eat now), too much sweet stuff like desserts and pastries can be diabetic, go easy on durian stuff cos bb will absorb too much protein and grow larger.
So end up, I decided not to eat at buffets cos very boh hua! I love expensive stuff like Sashimi, oysters, ice creams, but then, cant eat too much now...watch out the weight too. So got to REN!
this pliko p3 is unlike pramette which can chg fm pram to stroller. comparing pramette is definitely better for both bb n troddler. pliko p3 cost $500+ after discount abt $450

can also contribute other items as well..kekeke...there are some things that are cheap there but if u hv discount at other plcs still comparable n at times even cheaper :p guess only mtb will do that

abt hi-tea...ive called up holiday-inn parkview...aiyo so many holiday inn hotel see liao blur also...they hv slightly increase their prices n shorten the timing. now cost $20.50+++ for wkend fm 12-4pm instead of 5pm
Actually I also love oysters...becoz we can't eat now that y I am 'targeting' at tim sum buffet or those high tea w/o those raw stuff.

You tried holiday inn buffet b4? I wanted to try that as well...
Adora, smart choice. Tim sum buffet is also very tempting. It will be good for those family gatherings.

I just tried the holiday inn (orchard rd) lunch buffet. It was quite a good variety. The sashimi is soooo fresh... I secretly ate 1 slice. The pastry selection not very impressive. It's those high sugar type like bread pudding, fruit tartlets...
The veg selection is not bad... but then like eating grass...very healthy!
It was overall quite boh hua for me... but never mind it was boss who treated.. (so hee hee!)
During luch time it can get quite crowded... quite a lot of executives love this place... so ended up quite long queue.. but people see me pregnant will give way.
wow! talking abt high tea makes me hungry.... i also made lots of plans before i give birth and mu hubby is upset... going for ktv this fri and sentosa chalet on sat and sun, then in may go picnics, gatherings,etc... also alot of baby showers to attend as 6 of my friends gave birth in late march and first week of april. busy busy... hubby angry with me for having so many activities. He didn't allow me to go ktv because he said it's too noisy and no good for baby! i nearly fainted...

everyone tells me to enjoy while i can before the baby comes... it will be tough to even watch a movie when she arrives...and we can't eat alot of stuff during confinement, so go for all the high teas you want. hee...

my friend ate durians recently and her stomach expanded so fast! baby grows.... very fast after eating durians... guess for us who have big babies, we have to cut down on durians...
nope yet to try...am thinking of going on the 7th May lor..bring mama n granny to go n eat.

wow...got ppl give way to u so good...

jane tan,
kekeke...i also eat durians but really hv to control...

ladies...my mum just told me she listened to radio regarding preggie stuffs..we can start eating coconut (meat + drinks) liao...but those who prefers not to then dun take lah..for me yummy i will go eat liao..kekeke...but rmbr take the meat (heaty) + drinks (cooling) together

somemore can sleep in aircon room provided covered ur joints tightly n shower also can...kekeke...with herbs of cos
Hi jane tan,
I will be delivering at NUH.. was actually considering TMC but then decided to settle with govt hospital. Not bad lah, NUH is rather newly renovated.
How often are you going for check up now? Mine is about 3 weeks interval, seeing gynae again on 35 weeks (2 weeks time). We will be discussing abt birth plan then.

hey definitely have to cut down on durians. It made me and bb expand too. What to do, hubby loves durian then have to accompany him to eat. Now he scard bb too fat, so we are not eating durians anymore.
About KTV, hmm, most bbs are afraid of loud beats of music even when in our womb. Esp now hearing is very developed. Unless the singing or your frens' singing is very good and not the jarring type then I guess it's fine to enjoy yourself.

Wah, you have so many activities.. you muz be very active and sociable. I am unlike you, very very nua, esp when now I am sooo heavy.
yah, i love to go out. will miss that after giving birth. i am that kind who doesn't like staying at home. will feel bored easily.

i am seeing gynae 3 weeks interval also. next apt on 6 may... week 35. hopefully i didn't put on anymore and baby also don't put on too much. in fact, 1kg is ok. 3.1 kg at week 35 ok right? 3 more weeks and she will be out...
Hi von,
I heard that program this afternoon. I was glad that we can eat the meat and the juice together. Recently, I was very very heaty, (even face was super dehydrated), I have taken 4 coconuts so far. It really works, I felt soooo refreshed after that!...but gals, only if you are heaty then can take more. I think too much juice will be too cooling.
Also the program said (BTW it was the Chinese sinseh talking), at 280 days, the bb's skin will start to develop for better or for worse... so at the last few weeks of pregnancy must take nourishing stuff like bird's nest and coconut...so that the heat will be brought down, decreasing likelihood of heat rash and skin probs.
Well, that is the Chinese medicine point of view, it's a personal choice to follow or not.
wow...u good hor can listen to program at work? my boss will be pissed off with a single sound...aiyo...dun take so much wor even if can eat.
wow...good good..nxt time u listen share more with us yeah?
Von, some working environment allow some radio and music, depends on what industry loh.

Hey, you said about bathing with herbs... how huh? In a bath tub or just wipe body with herbs? I wonder if body will be clean and if it will rid the body smells..? Apparently the strong smelling confinement food like vinegar pig trotters and those gingerly stuff has odours so strong that it will cling onto the body. Hubby was teasing me that confirm I will stink.
Wow...i also took 1 coconut the other day...hubby kept tempting me. Supper colling n nice I love it!!

I'm think of buying durian on my way home leh...actually I'm more afraid of diabetic than big bb...hee hee!

Jane Tan
I love to sing but dare not go KTV Room too..afraid the loud music might affect bb's hearing. We went to our friend's house for k-ok instead.

If I didn't increase wt does it mean bb also didn't??
yalor...sigh...actually here can also just tat my boss cant tahan music tat's all

herbs got to brew one for shower n got to shower during afternoon...once finished must faster dry n wear clothes liao. dun take galic hor...bb will hate the smell n dun want bf liao
i think more advisable 1-2 coconuts a week. Anything in excessive is no good.

we can shower? Mum was saying cant. She wanna bathe me in that herb stuff. I heard it smells good. Haha, faster dry, yah I think so, cant let the wind get into the bones or something like that.

Thanks for the buffet list... when i have time, will add on to the document i got.

Good for you, my office can't even receive radio signals. Online radio also none better, connection cannot support!

Tim sum buffet:
had a good one @ chinatown Square (5th floor), a tong luk restaurant. Price very affordable, i went there when they have the promotion about a month ago.

me too stopped going KTV after pregnant because of the loud music. It does affect, because had a bad 'cramping' &amp; 'kicking' experience during my DND early this month. Your hubby's also considering for the bb's good, so Bear with it Jane!

sigh, even my hubby is banning me from having coconuts! Instead he's letting me eat durians even though he dislikes it! Anyway, i don't feel heaty so far, probably does not require.
