(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1


Enjoying her thumbs and all!

Was reading this in a website, tot of sharing it with u gals...

What Determines Baby's Growth
1. Nutrition: Babies need the right food, and enough of it. Below-average weight gain may be normal for your child. Or it could signal the need for an extra feeding. Talk to your baby's doctor.

2. Activity: A baby who is active-who crawls or toddles-will not gain as much weight as a placid baby who chews on his toys and enjoys his wind-up swing.

3. Spurts: Babies grow in spurts. If your child seems too large or too small, chances are he will be average for his age soon.

4. Heredity: And of course, tall parents tend to have tall children. Those with slight frames usually have babies who are slender and petite.
Shes such a pretty gal with so much hair! My boy still quite botak.

I love sleeping beside my darling too. But Im quite scared that hell roll off when Im asleep.

Is she on total BM? Stress at work may cause SS to dip. Have u tried her on any FM? Can start her on cereal too, but I read that cereal should be a supplement to her diet not a replacement of any milk feed.

U bring back Aariz for the weekends? Justin loves big movements too, like throw up in the air. Hell giggle loudly.

Anyone can advise on whether I should use Avent VIA cups more than 4 times? I intend to transport EBM using that, not for freezing. Last time I bought Medela BM storage bottles and have used them many times over, yet nothing happen to my boy. How different are these cups from Medela bottles?
<table border=1><tr><td>Mummy Nick</TD><TD>Baby's Name</TD><TD>Birthdate</TD><TD>Birth Weight</TD><TD>3 mths</TD><TD>4 mths</TD><TD>5 mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>Milly</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Brenda</font></TD><TD>26/05/2005</TD><TD>3.1kg</TD><TD>5.8kg/57cm</TD><TD>6.3kg/60cm</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>LV</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Kayla</font></TD><TD>30/05/2005</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>6.5kg/66cm </TD></TR><TR><TD>Adora</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Raphael</font></TD><TD>03/06/2005</TD><TD>3.2kg</TD><TD>6.6kg/63cm</TD><TD>7.3kg</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jane Tan</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Cheryl</font></TD><TD>04/06/2005</TD><TD>3.745kg</TD><TD>6.6kg/61cm</TD><TD>7.85kg/66cm</TD><TD>8kg/67cm </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babyjun</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Cayden</font></TD><TD>07/06/2005</TD><TD>3.11kg</TD><TD>7.5kg/69cm</TD><TD>7.5kg/70cm</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bbrooster</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Joelle</font></TD><TD>14/06/2005</TD><TD>3.36kg</TD><TD>6.06kg/65cm</TD><TD>6.58kg/66.5cm</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babyluv</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Josef</font></TD><TD>15/06/2005</TD><TD>4kg</TD><TD>7.5kg/62cm</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cherry</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Ashley</font></TD><TD>16/06/2005</TD><TD>2.95kg</TD><TD>6.79kg/61cm</TD><TD>7.5kg/62cm</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rene3446</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Rene</font></TD><TD>16/06/2005</TD><TD>2.8kg</TD><TD>5.84kg/60cm</TD><TD>6.8kg/60cm</TD><TD>6.9kg/63cm </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cookie</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Justin</font></TD><TD>17/06/2005</TD><TD>3.315kg</TD><TD>6.04kg/63.8cm</TD><TD>6.42kg</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shane</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Esher</font></TD><TD>19/06/2005</TD><TD>2.93kg</TD><TD>6.2kg/58cm</TD><TD>7.25kg/62cm</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mckee</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Nicole</font></TD><TD>19/06/2005</TD><TD>2.7kg</TD><TD>5.7kg/62.5cm</TD><TD>6.45kg/65cm</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jamci</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Jacia</font></TD><TD>22/06/2005</TD><TD>3.26kg</TD><TD>6.12kg/60.5cm</TD><TD>6.6kg/61cm </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yippy</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Shawn</font></TD><TD>26/06/2005</TD><TD>3.33kg</TD><TD>6.9kg</TD><TD>7.5kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Von</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Adore</font></TD><TD>27/06/2005</TD><TD>3.015kg</TD><TD>6.1kg/60cm</TD><TD>6.5kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Erlisa</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Aariz</font></TD><TD>27/06/2005</TD><TD>2.31kg</TD><TD>5.5kg/62cm</TD><TD>6kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jane(wsj)</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Adriana</font></TD><TD>28/06/2005</TD><TD>2.95kg</TD><TD>5.86kg/58cm</TD><TD>6kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Forgetmenot</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Ryan</font></TD><TD>28/06/2005</TD><TD>3.68kg</TD><TD>6.97kg/62cm</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dunnoleh</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">JX</font></TD><TD>29/06/2005</TD><TD>3.48kg</TD><TD>7.3kg/61cm</TD><TD>8.2kg/65cm </TD></TR><TR><TD>Serrich</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Sherilyn</font></TD><TD>30/06/2005</TD><TD>3.55kg</TD><TD>5.8kg/62cm</TD><TD>6.2kg/64.5cm </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shekinah</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Shekinah</font></TD><TD>02/07/2005</TD><TD>3kg</TD><TD>6.2kg/62cm</TD><TD>6.66kg/62cm </TD></TR><TR><TD>Anns</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Ian</font></TD><TD>07/07/2005</TD><TD>3.25kg</TD><TD>5.5kg/60cm</TD><TD>5.95kg/65cm</td></tr></table>
Gymboree trial class,
1. Serrich - Kiddies Club Member
2. Cherry123
3. Erlisa
4. Shane

Tentative date &amp; Time: 20 Nov, afternoon
Tentative venue: Suntec
1. Serrich Family
2. Shane Family

we're just gg for the trial classes. don't need to sign up. i doubt i'll sign up also. I just attend the trial for fun. hee hee

as for VIA cups, i nvr use bfore. but i think should be ok just for tpt. it's made of plastic rite ?

i also get body ache when i sleep with Esher cos i'll normally bf her lying down. tt y i gave up and put her cot. now i sleep better.

i think u might have to give Justin a cue when bedtime is. Start with a standard routine and slowly he might understand ? Normally i'll feed Esher then put her to sleep. Off bedroom light. It seems she understands it's time to sleep. They tend to flip alot now. Normally i'll stop her from flipping. I put her to sleep on my bed by lying beside her, turn her to one side and pat her. After she fall asleep for sometime alrady then i transfer her to cot.

Baby Shekinah is so pretty !!! Big eyes and hair very black and dark !

Reading to baby
Was reading abt some of you reading books to baby. Today went libray and borrowed afew. Tried just now but she tried to grab the book then after awhile got bored ! oh no, seems like my little gal has no patience and infinity for reading ! ha ha ....
some people told me girls learn faster than boys in their childhood milestones

ya we try to video down every little thing she does. looking back, it's so cute!

guess i'm not alone with this difficult to sleep baby situation. I also have a hard time flipping her back. Some times, i'm so angry that i scolded her

not teething yet. or maybe i dont know hehe.. these days she like to scream and make those screeching sounds (not crying type) then she laughs at herself and feels happy. funny right..

cot too small for her. anyway i lowered her playpen to the lowest now coz she can stand. I'll put her in if i need to take a shower. She doesnt like it coz it's like jail to her haha

next sunday i cant. Only sat leh..

the shake shake backside thingy must be very cute right
when they learning crawling, the position very funny

here's pics of her standing



Yalor these classes sound v fun. I have to convince my hubby to let me spend the $$ on such stuff. Then let u gals know.

VIA cups are made of plastic. I just wonder why the product instructed not for use more than 4 times, wonder wats the rationale.

Esher is very ting1 hua4 as she grows older eh, last time u have trouble getting her to sleep. How long do u lull her to sleep? When is her bedtime? Does she have specific time ull wake her up and specific times for day-naps? Im a late bird and I think my terrible sleeping habits (sleep late wake up late) is getting into Justins system.

RE Reading to baby:
Shane, I tried borrowing books for Justin too when he was 2-3mths. Futile attempt. I feel illustrations play an impt part. These books have way too complicated drawings. Babies at this age can focus on simple drawings with big bold colours (primary colours) and pictures which are big and uncluttered. A forumer from a thread can rent out board books which maybe more suitable.

Wow!! Kayla is amazingly fast! Shell be the first to start walking. Last picture so cute, she stand s up can still turn around to pose for picture!

U r definitely not alone with Forgetmenot abt babys difficult-to-sleep situation. Justin wakes up several times at night and he cant pacify himself to sleep, but keep flipping and flipping. I also got q angry with my notti boy!

I really wonder how long we can put baby in the cot.. So Kayla no longer uses her cot? The cot I bought for Justin can be converted to a toddlers bed. Whenever I put him in the cot, hell flip and tried to crawl. Many times his legs will be stuck out of the railings. V dangerous hor.. He also grabbed the bumpers which r placed around the railings, so abit like defeat the purpose of cushioning the railings. I wonder if I should let him sleep on mattress instead.
Hi ladies,

Wow so many postings today. Didn't have time to read yet cos' went down town today. Anyway, attached a few pictures of joelle as an introduction. Pictures were taken at 3 1/2 &amp; 4 mths.

Wah.. another cute pretty baby!!!

BB flipping
have any of the BB learn how to flip from back to tummy yet? My boy simply just scream when he is on his back and wait till I flip him back to his tummy.

yes, hipcarry. My boy really loves it more than front. See picture!

Being a SAHM not really sound great leh, thou' you able to see your bb's progress. Everyday I have to think how to entertain my little boy. And its really very tiring and somemore I'm a lazy mom.. hahaha.

My boy looks chubby, but he below 25% perentile. I also Huang Lian Po.. always wear T-shirts and sweatpants. I haven't go and cut my hair yet.. now like straws.. and keeps dropping. My boy got no choice... have to look at me 24*7.. lol.
But hor, I realise whenever he see girls/ladies, he sure flash his smile to them.

BTW, how long does the hair drop thing stop!!!

Reading storybook
I think bb has very short span of interests, that's why they cannot concentrate on the whole story book. Yesterday I read a story book with Ian, I have to cuddle him and read it like a drama queen with differnt voices/hand movements...etc. And he finally able to finish the whole story with me. :p

I am dropping a lot of hair too. Kind of scary cos my hair is already so thin. Don't know when will stop too. I think your boy's weight looks alright. Handsome boy!

I like your front facing carrier. How much did u pay for it and where did u get it from? The other sling I find it soo... difficult to use. I put my baby in cradle and kangaroo position she arch so much and I felt so uncomfortable for her.
Gymboree trial class,
1. Serrich - Kiddies Club Member
2. Cherry123
3. Erlisa
4. Shane
5. Mckee - Kiddies Club Member

I think we'll go out on the day of the trial class?! definitely more people! Serrich, where's the location and tentatively what date are we looking at?


I've been reading to Nicole since 2nd month. So I think she's used to the reading. I think my part-time job now is The Storyteller. didn't know i had such a range of voice and sound effect! haha...

Hair drop
me too!! wondering when would it drop. I think it's my hb's secret prayer too! hair is really everywhere

Via cup
I use them when I'm expressing outside. cos it's very light. I've used them MORE than 4 times. cos the avent sales person said can. i'm trying to find a Chemical Engineer to ask abt the plastic in this via cup. wonder what happens when use more than 4 times.
one question though. The via cups can contain at most 190ml. now nicole already drinking 160ml. aiyo, sounds very troublesome to use 2 bottles to feed her!
ur doter is so adorable!! i love the first picture

hair drop,
my hair is dropping like no one's business too.. i have to sweep the house every now and then.. i use the magicwipes.. and the amount of hair cannot even fit in one sheet!!

reading books,
i started with showing my boy books with colourful pictures since he was 2 mths.. and he gets so excited when he gets to see many bright colours.. then i started reading to him.. he seems to enjoy looking at the pictures while i tell the story to him.. but nowadays, he seems to be easily distracted.. especially if someone is walking past.. he sure kaypo want to see who... haha

gymboree trial,
for me currently is tentative.. depends on the date and time.. coz my work schedule not fixed larh..
That front carrier is a gift from my hubby's company. It cost approx USD120. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B0009JOSNC/qid=1131773282/sr=8-4/ref=pd_bbs_4/104-4671995-6511940?v=glance&amp;s=baby&amp;n=507846
I don't find it convenient, coz'need to clips on here and there. But you won't feel backache easily as compare to sling when carry bb for approx 2 hrs while walking.
There a similar version too which one of my friend used for 3 girls already:-
Hi bbrooster,
Your girl is so adorable! Another hats-baby!

Ian is really handsome! And suave yah...know how to win the hearts of ladies *grin*

Your girl is really advanced! Can crawl and stand oredi?! Amazing...my girl can't even flip herself over. I think your little one is gonna be a sports woman next time!!

I agree with you. At first I found the baby bjorn carrier very useful, and baby enjoys being carried in it, but after i used the sling, i found it much more convenient to bring her out with it coz you can change her positions - front, back, sleep, sit. It's now a indispensable item whenever i bring her out
Hi ladies
Thank you for all your compliments.

Does your bb arch alot in the sling? I m afraid it's bad for her back. Hv u tried all the positions oredi?

Your girl is really super fast. A fast learner indeed.

Mckee &amp; Erlisa
Wow you started reading story books when she is 2 months. I haven't done that. But I sing her nursery rhymes and flashed her cards. My daughter is also easily distracted now.
Hi Gals
I am feeling so guilty now....just now my boy suddenly cried in his sleep....carried him up but he still cry non stop so I deceided to get him is pacifier which was hot from the steam sterilser. I used cool boiled water to rinse &amp; passed it to my hubby who was carrying my bb....my bb scream out loud when he suck the pacifier coz there was still some HOT water traped inside the teat..hubby was v angry w me for not checking it b4 giving to him.

My boy is sleeping soundly now...i hope this will not caused blister in his mouth. This mummy is so stupid n careless....I am feeling very very bad now!
I understand how u feel as a SAHM coz Ive been one for the last 4 plus months. V tiring to entertain baby. Justin loves motion, hell giggle when I carry him while I dance or jump, after that I end up sweaty and tired.

I like your front carrier. Currently Ive Chicco carrier. H/r it blocks half his face, unlike yours the top part is soft and can be folded.

I think our hair will stop dropping after some time. My hair has been dropping a lot the whole of last week, this week still drop but not as scary as before liao. Last week I very scared become botak!

Haha! Good idea find a chemical engineer to decipher the contents of these cups to put our minds at ease. Let me know the outcome of your research. Hehe!

VIA cups come in 2 sizes, 180ml &amp; 240ml. U can buy the bigger ones mah. Recently I bought lids for these cups from a forumer from another thread. She has lots of VIA cups to let go.

Dun blame yourself. All of us first-time mummies make mistakes and we feel terrible inside. Im sure hell be A OK. A few days ago, Justin fell from my bed and wailed hysterically. I also feel guilty, coz I left him on my bed and went for a bath. Hes still OK. Only today I muster enough courage to tell my hubby abt the fall.
wow, Kayla is really gd. so nice to see the photos of her standing up. all these milestones are just so precious.

Serrich will coordinate the gymboree class. think it's likely to be on a sunday ? Y not just add in ur name then decide later when the details are out. But it's not free. Must pay $34. But if u're a kiddies club member then $20 bucks.

i dare not say if Esher has become ting hua. she's still very fussy in the day, feedback by my MIL. But to me she seems much easier to handle now. I guess i sorta know her wants and needs and how to cater to them.

She takes abt 15mins-1hr (on bad days) to go to sleep. She normally sleeps by abt 10pm. Then i'll just let her sleep on already. She'll normally wake up btn 1-3am for feeds. sometimes if i get lucky, she wakes up only at 6am !
As for afternoon naps, when i was still on ML, i just try to get her to sleep after every feed. sometimes she sleeps, sometimes she doesn't. I think it's the same pattern with my MIL now. she'll put Esher to sleep in the yao lan after feeds and given some playtime.

haha, i can understand wat u're saying. when i was still on ML, Esher only gets out of bed when mummy does ! and that's abt 12pm sometimes ha ha

wow, Joelle is very pretty !!! big eyes, just like a doll.

don't feel bad. these things just happens. not as if we did it on purpose. as long as Raphael is ok, don't be too hard on yourself. just be extra nice to him.

for me i'm worse, sometimes i just vent my anger on Esher by talking loudly to her THEN i feel guilty after that. sigh. think tt's worse cos the action was intended ! very bad mum

Reading to baby
Mckee, u started when Nicole is 2 mths ?! wow, very gd ! Now then i start. I just hope i got the energy to do it everyday !

i actually went to the library to borrow and was very surprised they had these baby board books. very nice. nice drawings, bright colours. some are quite big and some small. i just borrowed a variety. some are even black n white, to appeal to baby i guess. Esher seems more captivated by the big books, maybe can see more. the small one, i hold it closer to her, but i think she's not so attracted, cos the pics are smaller.

Dropping hair
Mine is still dropping. sigh. i feel my hair is kinda thin now. but wat to do. can't stop ley. sorta resigned to nature liow. i asked my friend, she say maybe 8 mths then will stop ! but she not sure how true. sigh... maybe by then i'll be bald !!!!

Separation Anxiety
Esher is starting to recognise pple and places. She doesn't take too well to strangers. sigh. on one hand, i'm glad she wants me. On the other hand, i wish she was less sticky so i don't feel so 'tied down' by her.

Today brought her to see grandma (my mum). they have not met for 2 weeks. I had to run an errand so got my mum to carry her upstairs. Hubby went with me. When i rtn abt 20 mins later, i could hear her crying very badly from outside. The moment i opened the door, my heartache, her cries were so sad and hard. I dropped everything and quickly went to carry her. Then she still cry and cry as if telling me y i left her behind with a stranger in a strange plc. i have nvr hear her cry like that before. I felt so so so bad. Heart really pain. Within secs, she stopped crying after i carried but was sniffing away cos she cried so hard. sigh, think even my mum also heartache and sad that she doesn't recognise grandma. after awhile and some warming up she was ok already. can let my mum carry and play with her. Then my bro tried to carry her into his room, within secs in his room, she cried too ! sigh ... damn jia lat... so had to rtn her to me and i pacify her again. very glad that she recog me. But will be very difficult if it's me that's all she wants.
sometimes even daddy doesn't do the trick !
ur bb has alot of hair..so nice..thick n black..

Joelle so sweet n pretty...

yes..shane is right..just be more careful next time..
bbs are vv forgiving one..they will not remember it..

i think most bb has this prob, ryan oso need abit of warming up..but then sometimes oso depends on his mood one..

actually i hope tt i'm the only tt he wans..but i noe,at the end of the day..besides mi,he will oso prefer my mil cos she is the main caregiver for him in the day..

at least at night,when he cries,he will look for him..dunno y,he reject my hubby leh..last time he dun reject him one leh..
baby recognising
yup, at this age they are starting to recognise. nicole always squeals in excitement when mummy or daddy gets home. thank God she seems to enjoy pple. she's happy in mum's place, nursery, and various pple carryimg. i think it all stemmed fr young, cos i drop her at infant care, go church let workers take care, go out at any given opportunity let pple around carry her.

trial classes
are thtere other kinds we can try? do take take bb's bc no? thought maybe we can go trial after trial... hehe...
ohh... silly me... didn't knkow got big via cups!! haha... so silly.

i saw the via lids in robinsons lei... now must wait for 20% sale again.

you're in a pri or sec sch? thought maybe there's a chemistry teacher/. that might know the plastic number?!? I've no science blood in me at all, that's why having a bit of difficulty finding science friends!! haha...

yup the library has good stock of books. which one did u go to? heard not all libraries have same books to offer.
grandma bought lots of books for her at popular warehouse last time. Has those books with different materials in them. Eg something soft, furry, sticky, rough, smooth, etc. She loves to touch that part. I think it's just plain KP! haha!!!
ya she's pretty fast in her learning. But she's still tiny. After she's hospitalised last month, her drinking drops to 90ml-100ml every 3 hourly or so. And her weight is falling below 50 percentile. kind of worrying. At the hospital, the kid's mummy sharing the same room with us was surprised to see her crawling around her bed when she heard me telling the nurses she 4 months.

She doesnt sleep in cot anymore. Anyway it was a playpen made cot. so we convert to playpen now. Yesterday placed her there and went to do 'big business' But she doesnt like it too and was crying loudly for the whole time i was in toilet. I think my neighbour must be thinking what's this mummy doing letting the baby cry until like dat.

Let your baby take her time and find her way to flip. I allow my girl to learn at her pace, didnt have tummy time or anything. One fine day at 2 months, she just flipped herself. I was a little surprise at that time.

How to be a kiddies club member? But anyway i'm quite skeptical about my girl learning anything at her age. She has short attention span and probably the whole time i'll be catching her and pacifying. But nonetheless, if u all so many jie meis going together, i dont mind joining like a gathering also. But must know earlier the date so i can make arrangement coz weekends we need to go church or mil's place.
Esher is such a mummy's girl. I can imagine your heartbreaking feeling whenever she cries.
Hi Serrich

put in my name also.. gal currently five months old.

Gymboree trial class,
1. Serrich - Kiddies Club Member
2. Cherry123
3. Erlisa
4. Shane
5. Mckee - Kiddies Club Member
6. Jasmine
Which library u went to? I couldnt find board books at SengKang library leh.

Esher is so sticky to u. She is like your biggest fan. What a good feeling! True.. in a way can tie u down but u and her have a special connection. I think separation anxiety in Esher will get better as she gets older. A few more times of leaving her with people shes not familiar with, shell be ok.

U remind me of myself. I also wish that Im the only one whom my boy wants. Thats why kinda resentful of the fact that my MIL stays over all weekends and snatch my motherly duties from me.

I recently bought VIA cups from Mothercare, also got 20% discount.

Mines sec sch. Ill go back sch tmr, can ask sci teachers. Haha!

Grandma focuses so much on education too eh!

Why is Kayla hospitalized? But still, she drinks quite ok mah. 90ml to 100ml. My boy ok ok one, sometimes also drink that amt.

Justin was very cranky last night. I put him to sleep at 10.30pm. He woke up at 12am and fussed until 7am. V tiring worh..... wonder wat's wrong with him. Crying every hour like that, sometimes wanted a feed, at times nursed him he also din want.
Shane, cookie, forgetmenot
My boy is okie....luckily no blister....he seems to have forgotten the incident...sucking his pacifier happily now. I will be extra careful next time!

Esher starting to recognise pp n places liao...hee hee sometimes I wish my boy is 'sticky' to me. Yesterday brought him out for lunch w my family, my uncles, aunties carry n play w him all the time...he was v happy, seems to have forgotten his mummy.

You borrowed those BIG books from Hougang Mall Library izzit? Maybe I should go n take a look!

Now, Raphael sleeps lesser in the afternoon, sometimes he can play whole day w no afternoon naps at all.

Gymboree Trial
I am interested leh...but $34 v exp leh...maybe I sign up for kiddies club first. Actually, I filled up the application form long time ago but haven posted it...hee hee.

You stay in Sengkang? Will u b interested to attend weaning workshop at SK polyclinic? There is one on 23 Nov 9.30am. I wanted to go but they only have weekdays classes.
I stay in Punggol. What abt u? I'm interested in attending the weaning workshop too. We can go together. I heard Tampines Polyclinic has one too, last time it was held on Sat morning like 9.30am.

I can understand how u feel abt wishing your boy can 'stick' to u. Whenever my MIL comes over all weekends (from Fri to Sun evening!!), she kept playing with him and my boy also forgot abt me
My mummy calls me one jealous mom!
I stay Sengkang....but the workshop is every wed...if I go must take leave...dunno can or not. I let u know.

Hi Gals
Here are Raphael's latest pics :


ya lor..today i saw my boy toking to my mil..i vv jealous..when at hm with mi..he dun tok so much..oni smile n cry..so sian..realli dun feel like working..n be with him..

u give Raphael lotsa of tummy time??he can lift his body quite high and able to sit on his own liao leh..Ryan still cant lift his body like tt..
sighez..whenever he flip to his tummy,my mil will turn him back cos she said he will be vv xin ku..
told her tt if he is xin ku,he will cry one mah..
Hi Mummies,
Phew today was a tiring day. Brought Esher to the BJG trial. Find it not too bad. This one is more for right brain development but i wonder if Esher knows wat's going on or not
Then went out for the whole afternoon. Think she got too stimulated then cried and cried when she want to sleep. Had a hard time putting her to sleep.

Baby books
I borrowed the books from Hougang Mall library. The board books we're talking abt, i assume is those books which has hard cardboard as pages ?
The have quite a wide selection. They have a children book section and within that section there's a 'baby books' corner.

for trial classes, most hv to pay and i think they do record info. so cannot go and go. even if can, i think they might do the same thing at every trial class ! so no use also hee hee....

LV, cookie, adora,
For the kiddies club, i think if u delivered in Gleneagles, they'll give u a form to join. Not very sure, need to check with Serrich, Adora or Mckee.

Mummy's girl sounds really nice. But its very tong ku also. Like just now, she fuss and fuss, wants to sleep. Then her daddy tried to pat her, carry her, but she just cry. Only after i carry her then she quieten down and managed to go to sleep. sigh. like that very difficult ley. tt means i can't do alot of things and also can't leave her with 'strangers'. think i need to work on socialising her more. i thot i brought her out enuf. But the frequency reduce after gg back to work.

ya it feels really gd that she's attached to me. but can feel tied down lor.

i can understand how u feel abt your MIL. sigh, sometimes it's just so hard. weekends are so precious but yet taken over by MIL. is there anyway to stop her from staying over and u guys go over her place once a week ?

wow, 12-7am ?! tt's tiring. sometimes we just don't know what's wrong with them. could Justin be teething ?

i think it's better that babies can be carried by everyone ley. then at least can have some help and can also eat in peace. last week at a church wedding, my friend's son also very sticky will cry whenever he was taken away from his mummy. quite jia lat also. my friend can't even eat properly.

Weaning workshop at polyclinic
Last mth when Esher when for jab, there was one. The nurse approached us to see if we wanted to learn abt introducing solids while we waited for our no. to be called. so we agreed. not too bad, quite useful. she teach wat to introduce first, how to and what kind of food at wat mth. but now if u ask me i can't rem too much liow cos she went thru' quite fast. Then before she could finish, our turn was up, so we went in for the jab.

Milk intake
Esher milk intake has dropped. Now she takes abt 120-150ml. don't know wat's wrong ley. She used to take 180ml but MIL say must force her to con't drinking then she'll finish it. anyone encounter same situation as me ?
Raphael looks like xiao3 da4 ren2 in the second picture. He has very defined features, v handsome boy!

How many sessions for the workshop. I think for me no problem to go unless i got workshop/duties on wed.

*pAt-pAt* same thing happen to me also. Justin sometimes dun even wanna see me, prefers to see things ard him. Actually i dun mind him liking my mom, but not my MIL. I am biased against my MIL (dun see eye to eye with her mannerism &amp; ways of bringing up babies) with all the ridiculous stuff she has said all this while e.g. fingers looks like hers, his head is round becoz sleeps on the pillow she makes, head looks like her deceased husband, he is a light sleeper becoz he takes after her, the marks on his body comes from her, etc. I really wonder who is the mother lor!!! There was once while diapering him, she addressed herself as 'mummy' infront of my son. Arghh! She loves to chant this phrase in her own dialect over and over again every day -- "grandma loves grandma's grandson". She addresses my son as "grandma's grandson", as if people will not know he is her grandson. Luckily she's not the main caregiver, else my son next time will address himself as "grandma's grandson"! Errr.... i think i blabber too much..... i'm letting off steam here, cuz i've endured her since friday evening.
Both hubby &amp; I know that even if we bring baby over to MIL once a week isnt enough. She wants to be with him all weekends. The only thing that stop her from coming is tell her we got some programme on certain day. Yet shell still say since u got stuff on Sunday afternoon, I stay until Sunday after lunch then go home lor. She is very stubborn and thick-skinned. Now I totally shut myself up infront of her. Dunno whether she take that as a hint or not. Just now, before going home she bade me farewell and said see u next Friday. So sian!! How I wish I have a less sticky MIL!!!

I dunno wats wrong with Justin last night. He din sleep much in the daytime today too. I tried to put him to bed at 8.30pm, he managed to quieten down and finally sleep at 10.30pm. Keeping my fingers crossed abt him not waking up again.
I will put Raphael on the playmat when we get home every night....that is his playground. He will flip n turn...he is learning to crawl now. When he is tired he will just flip to one side &amp; rest...no worry then v clever one!
He still can't really sit....must support him.

Hee thanks for your compliments...ya time flies...now our bb have all grown up!
Raphael look so handsome ! He look ang mo-ish also ley. your hubby ang mo ? heehee...

oh dear, really very sticky ley. if me ah, don't know wat i'll do. i'll be so upset but yet can't do anything. hopefully she gets ur 'cue'. But i doubt lah she dotes on Justin so much !
Exactly!! That's why i'm so upset... becoz i can't do anything!! U r right, she knows my unhappiness (i think obvious enough) yet she dotes on him enough not to mind my displeasure.

I also got no place to put my mat. Place it in the living room. Your living room got space?
I think all of us have this MIL problem. My MIL comes over everyday without fail for a few hours. There's also good and bad. She can help me to look after my bb while I do my housework, wash bb clothings and do my marketing. On the other hand I am selfish. I want my baby to be close to me ONLY. I am afraid when I start working my baby won't be close to me. Really scared that's why I feel like quiting my job.

Poor you 12 midnight till 7a.m. it must be so tiring for you. And poor Justin don't know what's wrong with him.

Raphael so chubby and cheerful. Very cute leh. How heavy is he now? He can sit on his own and raise himself up liao. Fast huh. I hope my Joelle can do that soon. Can he crawl on his knees now? Or he's lifting his buttock and pushing himself forward.

I also have the same problem. Joelle's milk intake also has dropped. She is now taking 150ml and worst of all she can't even finish and always leave with 60ml. Couldn't even upsize her to 180ml. That's why at 4th mth Esher &amp; Joelle's weight difference is abt 600+gms. How? I am worried cos' she is not as chubby as before.
Same here, i also want my baby to be close to me. But i feel so repulsed by my MIL's actions that i wish baby wun respond in the way she likes.

When r u going back to work? I'm returning to office tmr morning.... so sian!

Shane &amp; bbrooster,
Same here, Justin also takes lesser milk, esp from the bottle. I'll be happy if he can take ard 120ml from bottle.
ha ha...my hubby not ang mo la...pure chinese.
I placed the playmat in my living room so we can watch TV and he play at the corner. You must open n air the mat leh...it took a few days to get rid of the rubbery smell.

He is not crawling yet...yep only lift up his buttocks n try to push forward.
Aiyo u r starting work liao. Ya lor very sian and no mood. I am starting work on 1st Dec but hope to extend furthermore and start next year instead.

So many of you bought the playmat. Post it for us to see leh. Is it really big? How much did you pay for it?
How i wished that Sherilyn will nt reject me after my first successful attempt on Thurs.. But anyway she just refused to latch on after my repeated attempt.. Kekeke.. I gave up trying again after 2 days..

I have nt introduced the Nestle cereals cos it stated 6mths onwards on the packaging. I bought the Earth's Best Full grain rice cereal for Sherilyn. The cereal is very fine so quite easy to dissolve in my ebm.. Me haven had time to give her cereal over the weekends lei.

Oh u never sign up wf Kiddies club arh.. Then u interested in the trial? It will take sometime for them to process ur application n send u the card lei. Come n join us lah!!

Joelle has such beautiful eyes.. And she's got very long legs.. Next x will be a tall n slim mei nu!!

Re hair loss:
My hair also dropping like siao!! I think gg to be botak soon! My hubby already told me tt he will be sending me to yunnan after tat.. Hahhaha
Re Gymboree trial:
Sorri for MIAing for a few days.. Rather busy lei so no time to chat chat wf u mommies. Anyway I have called up to check the class schedule.. Currently there is only 1 available slot for trial class, ie. on Sun, 3pm. Date to be confirmed when i have the final list of attendees (max 10 attendees per trial class).

I do not have the exact class programme but i know that they touch on infant massage, tummy x, stretching, auditory &amp; some visual activities... u can refer to this website http://www.playandmusic.com/b2c/customer/categoryDetails.jsp?dept=0 if u wish to know more but its nt a local website..

Anymore mommies interested? I am targetting to fix the class for this coming Sun, 20/11 or next Sun, 27/11. Will keep u posted on the date by tomorrow!
1. Serrich - Kiddies Club Member
2. Cherry123
3. Erlisa
4. Shane
5. Mckee - Kiddies Club Member
6. Jasmine
Hi Mummies,
May i know how much milk yr bb is drinking now? mine drinks abt 4oz ( EBM ) abt 2-3 hrs. Have u all start to give cereals when 4 mths?
Yup... go tap the brains of the science teachers!
From the sound of it, you're either language or humans teacher? hehe.. I used to teach SS/His!

Nicole was not drinking well 2weeks back. now back to normal, but no longer 3hour feeds. for 160ml. sometimes 4, sometimes 5, longest was 6! It's crazy, I can't even monitor! But thank God her sleeping thru the night still not affected. That one can stretch up to 10hours!

I guess all MIL just wanna live thru their 'motherhood' days again! For me, it's more my own mum. Cos MIL is independent lady, she sees nicole only once a month, but catches up w us via SMS! haha... my mum on the otherhand, really wants a hand in bringing up nicole, cos she just really wants the best for her! hehe.. now she wants to pay for her gym/music class if I sign up for it, and wants to get us a maid, so that her lazy daughter will have time to cook for her grand daughter! haha...
hehe... I turned the tables around that day, and I realised why MY MUM gave me such a hard time when I was growing up! never thought I'll say this, but she was really just wanting to protect me with all her rules and regulations!

Thanks so much for organising. You're already so busy... pls let me know if there's anything I can do to help

How abt we book for 27/11 first? That would give us enough lead time to find just 4 more people. I'm sure we have friends who have babies that are same age? mebbe we should find 13 people, cos at the end of the day, sure got some w last min event, or bb sick etc. What do you think.

Wah! so many of you bought it! I'm regretting a little, cos nicole is flipping and flipping now, and she needs plenty of space! but it's so EX!!!!! anyway, do enjoy the mat, it looks really lovely! esp after all that you all went thru to get it! (saw the bulk buy! WOW!)
Thanks for putting in the effort to coordinate the trial class. Luckily, I'm available on those 2 sundays.. I tot i gotta work during those days.. hee

For me, my problem is slightly different from you gals. My boy has to be "divided" among my mother and mil. I mean, she got to take care of my niece and always complain tired of taking care of her and still want to take care of my bb. Whenever my bb is away frm her, she'll often call and check on the bb. So far no surprise visits yet!! Actually i never liked my mil to take care. But to take care of her "heart", we just give in to her by letting her take care just 1 or 2 days of the weekdays. Good side of it is tt my boy not fussy on who's taking care of him. Bad side, I scared my mil overspoil him like how she did with my niece until my niece becomes very rude to her and disrespect her totally.
My mil last time is a nurse. So she tell me to do lots of things which i don't personally agree eg giving my boy panadol medicine even before going for jab. And whenever my boy got sick frm the jab, she always want to take over my role as a mother. Sometimes she make me feel lesser of a mother. Sometimes i feel oso maybe i'm too sensitive. But I can't help it if what she thinks is against my own opinion on how i want to bring up my boy...
Sometimes when i think back, it's not the motherhood that giving me stress, but the other parties that wants to get involved.
I still feel my own mom is the best. coz at least i can tell her what i like and not like .. and at least my mom often reads and educates my boy whenever she's with him as compared to my mil who's busy entertaining my niece's rants.. Also, when i bring some toys or books to entertain my boy there, end up the toys or books land in my niece's hands and not him... really heartache leh...

Sorry long posting, got to let my frustration out!!

I fed Joelle the Nestle cereal and I realise there is sucrose in the ingredient. So I just bought Gerber Rice Cereal yesterday. But when I fed her yesterday she frown and her face turned sour cos' it's tasteless. Nonetheless, I will try out Gerber for a week. If she totally rejects Gerber I will try mixing one spoon of Nestle and one spoon of Gerber to give it a little sweetness.

JOELLE is exactly 5 months old today.
reading what erlisa posted, no wonder LV doesn't weigh as much cos she is such an active gal and fast learner who can stand with support. Simply amazing!

adora, don't feel bad lah... it happens since we are all first time mothers learning... sure have to learn from mistakes sometimes.

seems like all babies laugh when we throw them high up. Mine giggle and laugh so loudly also... really enjoyable to watch her.

adora, your boy is really handsome and cute!

shekinah, your gal is so pretty. Think she has the most hair among all our babies.

anns, my baby is the other way round. She can flip from back to tummy but not tummy to back. hee..

went batam last weekend. Bought lots of clothes for baby as they are so cheap!!! only $1 a piece of top or bottom (homewear) and about $3 a dress. Bought also a sunglass at abt 80 cents and a swimming float at $3. Went DC Mall, the biggest shopping centre in batam. Socks cost about 80 cents a pair. really can't shop enough.... hee.

i can't join you all for the trial classes and gatherings... sorry. hope all will enjoy.

by the way, i let cheryl listens to Mozart music given by my sis-in-law and she quitens down and claps using her legs in rhythm, so cute. They said mozart music is good for them as their mathematics will be good. not sure how true but it sure calms her down and she can lie down for hours listening... even now when i am typing. Today i am on leave to spend time with her since i was away last weekend.

my living room has space ! That would be really ideal. BUT i got dogs and they roam ard in the living room so i can't put the mat there. they'll definitely go there and sleep on it hee hee...
i'm going to try and 'squeeze' out a area in my own room if possible to put the mat. must really take it out to use soon.

oh you're back at work already ?! wow, time flies wo us knowing huh. so how's first day at work ? are u pumping at work ?

oh the rubber smell so strong ah ... ok will do that soon !

i'll also prefer the following sunday. this sat got a wedding to attend.

it's ok, we're all here to listen. Just let it out !

my gal is drinking abt 120-150ml now. she used to take 180ml every 3hrly. but now her intervals are longer, can stretch up to 4hrs.

i also don't know how. but i reckon if they're still active and happy and gain weight, there should be nothing to worry abt. I also scared she wun be as chubby before. but no choice, can't force her to drink also.
