(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

stephy, great to hear there's no pain when massaging.

When you BF your baby, how long does your baby suckle before you switch to the other breast?

tigger88 : I will let him suckle for 15 mins on each side.. but depends, sometimes his appetite is good, I can let suckle for another 15 mins on both sides. I will only stop when he is satisfied, especially the last feed before I sleep. Make sure I clear most of my milk. Also, better nights for my CL.
stephy, does your boy falls asleep while suckling? Mine does quite often so I let him suckle for abt 25mins each breast. Hopefully he can drink more by doing that. However, he gets hungry very quickly after each feed so I suspect he is not getting enough BM...
twinklets: I dun wan to be involved la. I showed my hubby already. He also dun wan to be involved. He says his parents are very against the idea of eating black fungus so dun bet on his mom to cook. But if my mom brings, then I just eat. I dun wan to care already. They always give me opposing views, then tell me dun tell the otr party. I give up. I'll just eat watever is on the table. heck.
tigger88: Wow looks like ur confinement food very wide variety leh, i go hm tel my MIL all these then she dun have to crack her head to tink of wat to cook. So u drink red dates tea everyday till the end of confinement? A drop of water oso can't drink?
evelyn, I did drink a bit of water during my stay at the hospital. At home, I drink red date tea most of the time and sometimes milo for breakfast.

Forget to mention that my CL also cooks mee suan for me. Either for breakfast or lunch. She cooks with either pork or fish slices with some ginger, veggies and black fungus.
tigger88 : yes , he does, I will always wake him up if he stops suckle.. or try to burp him.. if he still sleep and I will stop feeding him. If the feed he is full & satisfying, he can sleep up to 4hrs.
tigger88: Looks like ur CL doing a very gd job, take care of u very well. Me saving $$$ so not hiring tis time, hopefully my maid can come in time to help me & my MIL during the confinement period, hope everything can be smooth sailing, keeps my finger crossed...
My c-section op time changed from 2pm - 4pm
Now gotta wait anotr 2 hrs to see my girl. But good thing is that I can eat breakfast later lor...
Change again! Now my op time brot forward to 1pm... eat breakfast 7am. Reach clinic 940am. Hopefull they dun change anymore liao
stephy, wow, he can sleep for so long. Even if i bottle feed my boy with 100ml of EBM, the most it can last him is 3hrs.

evelyn, since you have a maid and mil's help, there shouldnt be a problem. Dun worry too much and concentrate on enjoying motherhood.

sgmom, how come the timing keeps changing? My op supposed to schedule at 12.30pm and I was told to arrive at MAH at 7am. Dun understand why my gynae wants me to go sooo early...
Gd morn ladies,

How are u all feeling? Finally it's fri, will have 2 rest day after. Looks like it's gona b pretty quiet today since ariella, sgmom & florence all went to pop liao. Feeling really excited as it will slowly b my turn soon.

Anyway those who go KKH, can i check wats the freq of seeing ur gynae after the 36th wk? The last time i saw mine was at 32th wk, next appt is 36th so wondering wats after & also do we still do ultrasound in the last few wks of pregnancy.
morning gals!

Wow today really very quiet hor.
Guess a # of gals are busy clearing work ...

I still dun feel the excitement .. jia lak ..

Today hubby told me I must treasure these last few days tat my gal will be inside my tummy.. & I feel so guilty suddenly cos i want her to come out so muz tat i'm not treasuring these last few mmoments at all.. always complaining here pain there pain ...

Sorry gal gal ..
twinklets: i understand how u feel, hard to treasure these last moments coz we experience lots of uncomfort now. And the excitment of seeing her overwhelms everything. So u preparing anytime to go now? Due date next wk rite? When is the next time u seeing ur gynae?
Hi morning.. it really seems quiet today. Perhaps later in the afternoon the new mummies will come in to chat with us.
Wonder how those who are popping are doing now?

Hey Evelyn,
you mentioned you have a maid... is she new or been with you for long.. Is she good with looking after infants? I just employed one, waiting for her to come from Indonesia. Heard that gotta train them and set your expectations right with these maids. What's your experience so far?

I can imagine how gan cheong you are.. how's your water retention, getting any better?
Morning ladies.

Yesterday was on MC and saw so many posts when i log in today.

Oreo - Congrats to you !! Your threshold of pain is really high.

Dewdrops - Congrats to you.

Sgmom - Will be waiting to hear your birth story.

Dewdrops - Congrats to you.
ladies, sorry to intrude. i read from here that there's a metro infant fair going on...which metro is having the fair and when will it end? thanks.
Gd Morning

My check up at KKH has been every 4 weeks. My last check up was 34th week and the next is 37th which is next Thurs to measure how big my baby is.

Haha now we know who are the main contributor to the forum...

twinklets: I complain to hubby too esp these pass 3 days my abdomen hurts..very heavy..foot swell..even my sandals was tight...nvr thot i can walk that slow....take 20 min to walk to MRT when I usually that 10min...
yeah u are so rite.. so muz discomfort here how to treasure the last few moments rite?? Everynite like showing my hubby the agony look ..

Next Monday seeing Gynea ... hopefully she can give me good news tat i can pop lor ...
Btw do u feel ur stomach very very hard..
This morning so hard .. like a rock, i was hopping can get those pulling contractions but nope ...

Water retention still have leh .. Gynea gave me the pills to take for 3 days to expel water, my pee do increase abit, but not alot..i tot the water will gush out like dunno why ...

u ok ?
wat kinda abdomen pain? did u check wif ur gynea? Ur foot got swell alot? Mine really like pig trotters, swell all the way up to my thighs & pubic area. Ur thighs got swell? If got swell, must tell ur gynea k ??
Apparently my gynea seem worried abt my water retention liao .. sighs ..

Hey i walk damn slow nowadays ... i walk like a big fat penguin .. my hubby said i look like 'bu dao wong'
Talking about public transport also gek sim... I seldom take MRT and buses already. It's really a chore to walk there. Especially during rush hour where everyone rushes by. Now have been calling cab.. sometimes even when flagging down cab also we have disgusting people fighting with us...so ugly

take it easy... maybe u have to control the sodium intake. I dun think there will be water gushing out unless it's water bag break.
yeah have to take it easy man ...

these pple so jia lak 1.. *Shake head*

btw, my colleague told me tat her waterbag burst juz when she went to pee! She said her pee juz non-stop gushing out & she was still thinking 'wow pee so long still havent finish' ..
babyluv: Guess wat, tis is the 1st time im hiring a maid myself. Went to the maid agency in mid march to select but until now haven receive the work permit letter, 1st was the maid i select no passport then i reselect. After say my documents not ready, very inefficent. Anyway i will call later to check. This maid i select have 2 children herself so i guess she has a bit of experience but still u have to guide her coz the lifestyle in her country is diff fr ours. Btw mine is a filipino maid. Yar u have to set the rules right fr the beginning so they will follow. Intend to let my MIL coach her, if necessary then i interfere. So will u be working after ur maternity? So juz ur maid wif the baby after?

jannie: all metro having 20% sale for infant products but not sure when it ends. I went there on wed, nothing much coz i bought most of my stuff liao, u can take a look urself.

hytten: i did the growth scan last visit (32th wk). So ur next appt is it doing the same scan? So who is ur gynae at KKH?

twinklets: Sometimes i feel my tummy very hard oso so dat is contractions? i tot is bb moving.

sally: so u feeling better now? u mc isit becoz of the cramps u mention the last time?
yup, it's my first time hiring a maid. Like you, actually wanted a Filipino. I was thinking it will be lesser communication problem and they are smarter with kids...some of them have biodata like clinic researcher, computer engineering. But my mum, who is sharing the maid with me told me that Filipinos are difficult to control due to culture and education background. So ok lor, settle with Indonesian. This one, she is married, in her 30s with 2 kids. Not so bad, looks quite motherly. I will be on 5 mths ML.. went to extend it coz I wanna continue with BF..and also wanna spend more time with bb. Usually mum and maid will help out to look after.
Guess for Filipino not so difficult to train lah..just muz tell her to dun 'fool' around. Yah, you better go check on the applications...they will take about 2-3 weeks to arrive upon comfirmation. So maid staying with you or MIL?

I think those tummy hard stuffs are Braxton Hicks... some form of mild contractions to prepare you for labour. But it's not the least painful like labour contractions. Sometimes my stomach goes hard with a certain lump surfacing on my tummy...looks like bb's hand or head..so cute.
Twinklets - Yes, much better today after resting yesterday. Tks.

Eve - Yes, much better today but stil having the cramp on and off. Me cannot wait to give birth soon. Getting more and more tired nowadays and breatheless very easily.
babyluv: Im staying with my MIL so the maid will have constant guidance fr her. Me dun really want to depend too much on the maid, plan to take care myself for the 1st 3 mths when im at hm. After then let her take care coz by then everyone working, no choice. Actually engaging a maid all depends on luck, everyone hope to get a gd one so less headache so i keep my fingers crossed lor. My parents used to engage filipino maids when we were young, find em quite ok. So can u or ur mum speak malay if not a bit hard to communicate but mostly impt have to b patient wif em. I guess mutual respect is most impt. At least we quite lucky have mum & IL to see for us, i have some colleagues & frens left the maid all alone wif the bb coz both have to work. To be frank i dun dare allow bb alone wif maid, she is still a stranger after all. So when is ur maid coming? I hope mine can come asap so have some time to train b4 bb arrives if not sure headache.
morning everyone.....

i hve slower cooker at home...ya hor..can use tt one to cook the red dates tea..btw,do u noe wat did ur CL put in to make the red dates tea?? some pple actually put black dates in besides red dates leh...

the metro infant ends on 24 Apr.

i oso hve swollen leg.....but mine is on my right feet......i find it weird leh.....

how are u??wat happen??isit becos of ur back?

i oso hve hard tummy quite often nowadays...i supposed is braxton hicks..
same here! tummy goes hard wif certain lump too. but mine is near to the centre & breast there. I think is the body of bb. hehe

glad to hear tat!
Hi Ladies

Been reading your discussion for a while. My EDD is 15 Jun 05.

Have you gals gotten the breastpump yet? If so, which brand/type would u recommend?
sally: yar i agree wif u, sometimes when it gets so uncomfortable, juz hope can give birth immed but my time not up yet, at least have to wait until 38th wk then im comfortable wif her popping our coz i dun wan her to be undernourished. Juz tell myself to hang on for a few more wks, since endure so many mths liao, wat is a few wks more. U try to rest more often, it really helps.
Forgetmenot - My gynae say that the cramp is normal but never tell me the reason why. Yup, my mum say that black dates is better than red dates but she did not tell me the reason why.

Babyluv - same as your situation but mine is in the MRT. Recently, i am taking the MRT to go my mum's place, this very fat indian woman squeeze into the seat beside and i have to make space for her. A lot of people is staring at her as they can see that i am feeling very uncomfortable trying to make space for her. When she realise that, she did not evern feel apologetic or maybe make a little space for me. She stare at me like i am the one at fault and not her.
Eve - Yes, even though feel like popping now but i know it is not good for bb. Will endure until 38th week then will tell her to pop anytime she want. hehehe......

my mum will put the black beans inside the red date + logan too ...

is normal.. my left feet was swollen during CNY .. but right feet aint lor..
tat time put nail polish, still quite nice..
nowadays arrrghh..
Evelyn: I suppose is the same scan. KT Tan is my gynea..I heard good reviews abt her but rather disappointed when I asked her abt episiotomy. She said die die will have to. She said I don't like doctors who go by the book. Anyway I was so upset abt it I dreamt she used my kitchen scissors on me hahahah..

Twinklets: abdomen a bit "suan" that kinda feeling. My feet.. generally I am swell all over but my right foot swell is like bee stung.. the skin pulling..then it will subside in a day or 2. My Hubby enjoy seeing me walking..like a big elephant.. he will smile of laugh at me..angry...
Sighs, why Sg got this kinda pple 1.
Sally, stare bk this woman lar.

i juz bot Medela mini electric breastpump last week. It did stated "occasional use" (best use 2 times/day) but i bochup lor. Will still use 2 to 3 times per day depending my milkflow. 1 fren using till 1 year still working fine. But the motor sound is real loud man.
abdomen is liked very big & heavy rite? Need to use ur hands to support rite??
My feet skin now very dry & so itchy.. cant stop scratching though i got apply cream .. Mine din really subside ..
yeah .. i miss walking fast & running.. heheehehe

my hubby few nites back dreamt tat i was in labour. Very painful process for me. & u noe wat.. he dreamt my bb has beckham golden hair! gosh!! Like tat also can.
mothertobe/jane: i plan to get a simple manual pump coz only intend to bf for a few mths. Heard that Avent is the best for manual one. I check out many retail shops, the cheapest so far is at $59.90, anyone knows of any place selling cheaper than that???
hytten: I tink u too stress dats y have dat kind of dream. Try to relax & not tink so much. They say the labour process is so pain until u won't feel the episiotmy.
Twinklets: My tummy feels itchy too esp those part that has scratch marks..Yeah I used to walk very very fast last time.. now over take by old lady.. shame...

I;m sure you ladies read from the newspaper that pregnant lady complain no one give up their seat them them.. I think just 2 weeks ago. It was in Today's.. someone actually said he/she deserves to sit more than a pregnant woman.. I didn;t see the actualy article.. only saw the letter replying to his/her remarks...If the person who thinks that way is a woman..wait till she gets pregnant too..
Hytten - agree with you. Wait till she herself id preggie and she will know how it feels like. Such an inconsiderate person...
y put black beans leh??
ur hubby so cute....dreamt of beckham's gold hair..
aiya..he shd dreamt of gigg's curly hair mah..

i bought avent manual pump cos dunno if got milk or not......so dun wan to invest in a electric one 1st....

dun be disappointed.....maybe during labour,ur bb's head not vv big..then she will not perform episiotomy leh??
maybe u can look at things in another way..a clean cut is easier to manage than a 3rd or 4th degree tear..

the other day when i took mrt....there are 2 fat guys sitting at my side.....hence i'm being sandwiched bet them.....n i hve to keep shifting,cos not vv comfortable.....
n it does not happen once.....it happened twice....when i go back tt time..another 2 fat guys sit next to mi too....

sighez......my hubby even said tt they wan to sit next to mi so tt they dun look too fat...
Forgetmenot - Your hubby is so funny. I don't think we preggie women look fat coz we are unnaturally fat but they are naturally fat.
remember not to scratch the stretchmarks ok? Scully leave a scar. You can use some moisturisers to relieve it. When I was in 1st trimester, whole body break out into rash..so horrible..then I discovered the ultimate relieve.. the Prickly heat powder. It is really good, those that army guys use when they dun get to bathe. It is cooling and the best thing, really really cheap!

haha, your husband also equally anxious like you lah... Recently, I also having weird dreams.. heard that our dreams will be more baby related in these last few weeks. You know you gals have been telling me that most of you are inducing labour/ c- section, last two nights, I dreamt that I had induction too.. hai, my dreams going hay-wire.

I bought a pigeon electric pump. I am an ardent fan of pigeon stuff. Bought it at the Taka fair that day.. thot that on sale and relatively cheaper. It looks really compact and user friendly so buy lor.. but later on, I think I read in one of the threads that pigeon one will pump until get stuck.. dunno how true.
He last time was Beckham's fan, but now is Ryan Giggs.
bui tahan him man & imagine he told me in early in the morning when i was still kooning .. then he even can describe the whole labour process.. then bb average size wif long finger etc .. piang!

haha no way leh!! i dun like curly hair!!!
Wait ur hubby will dream one of these days. hehehehe...
Ur hubby so damn funny 1, he certainly likes to irritate u alot, so cute!

I duno why, but my mum said is good , err pu xue?I cant rem wat liao ..

my lower tummy also very itchy!! tat's where most of my stretchmarks locate.

can juz apply the snake powder over the stretchmarks??

Yeah he's very anxious man! haha!
I also got real weird dreams, but these 2 wks dun really have. I think so far i dream 4 or 5 dreams on bb liao.

your MRT incident is really so funny, burst out laughing. Actually, how often you get the same people sitting beside you twice a day.

Talking about episotomy, yup, agreed, I am sure the labour pains itself is more painful than the cut. Moreover, if you have the epidural, you cant really feel the incision.
But then I have this male colleague who says that the cut is equivalent to a 3rd degree burn pain..i hope he is scarring me only. But whatever it is, if the gynae recommends it, then respect her professional judgement lor. I think a tear wound is more difficult to heal that an incision.
