(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

Ladies: Gotto mothercare.sg and register to be on their mailing list & u can get a voucher from them
Good if u wan to buy something from them
I register already :p

Hi gals,

Last 2 days, when I woke up from my sleep in the night, I tend to feel very agitated or irritated, like very 'fang', dun know is this pre-natal depression ? Do you gals feel the same ?

What do you pack for your hospital stay ?
Hi forgetmenot, the Chinatown market is not that building that they are going to renovate.

Hi hytten, both creams are the same.

Hi sgmom, I've got the maternity disposable cotton undies from Watson. They have got the normal non maternity ones at a cheaper price, however, I've bought the maternity one for $4+ per pack of 7.
Flo: OK I'll check out Watson's also. I went to the watson's @ Suntec. I saw disposable maternity undies but they dun come in different sizes. So dun dare to buy, scared too small for me. Not sure if it's the same one u bot. Next time I'll check more clearly.
i'm not sure leh..but u need to check box of the diaper cream when u buy..but so far,from wat i hve seen,both is more or less the same..

they will soothe the diaper rash n protects it..

M&S got sell..but i cant remember the exact price..think 2 pcs for abt $80.....which i think is cheaper than mothercare one,right??
forgetmenot: Hmm.. yes.. $1 cheaper :p But I can get 10% disc from Mothercare coz I have Citibank card
And now I have a $5 voucher from them also. Anyway I'll go check out M&S. Their lingerie also very nice & comfy. I like
the $5 voucher is valid till when??
btw,the M&S nursing bras was featured in one of the magazines..so i thot shd be not bad lah..
anyway,i also like their lingerie...hehehe...
forgetmenot: valid till 14th March.
Ya.. now checking out their UK website. They have those nice lacy ones
I'll go try it out. If it's more comfy then maybe I'll buy from M&S instd since I have the Robinson's card.

I am also preparing my hospital bag liao
what have u prepared so far ? Do you know what TMC provide ? Do they provide pyjamas for our stay ? I dun have habit of wearing pyjamas... dunno can wear my usual tshirt and shorts or not.

For hospital bag, these are the thing I am going to bring (not sure what hospital provide leh cos I havent decided whether to deliver in tmc or mah):

1. disposable maternity undies
2. disposable breast pad
3. maternity sanitary napkins
4. toiletries (going to bath over there)
5. 1-2 set of my own clothes (tshirt and bermudas) to wear
6. bb clothes (top)
7. pair of mittens and booties
8. receiving blanket for bb

hope din miss out anything else.

mtb that are delivering in MAH or TMC, maybe u all can share a little on what the hospital will provide.... cos I was originally going to deliver in kkh so dun really know wat to expect from other hospital.
Poohy: I think sanitary pad most hospitals will give. I know MAH doesnt supply PJs so pls bring ur own. Someone said that it's better to get nursing dress coz hospitals will only discharge u upon seeing that u can pee sucessfully. And if u r given a bed-pan then wearing shorts may not be very convenient. Dun forget ur toothpaste & toothbrush & a nicer set of clothes to wear when u discharge. U may also wan to pack in ur nursing bra since hospitals will have lactation consultants to show u how to breastfeed during ur stay. Also bring a sweater/cardigan & a pair of socks, in case the hospital is too cold at nite. Also bring a pair of slippers so that u can walk ard when u are there. Hospital flrs are exceptional cold to step on. As for ur BB clothes, does that include a cap? I hear it's better to let ur BB wear a cap as his head is very soft. I think also pack in ur antenatal class notes so that ur hubby can remember how to coach u during labour :p
hi poohy,

you still have not decided which hospital to deliver ?

So far I know TMC will provide all stuff for the BB. When BB is discharged, they will give a set of BB clothing but with the TMC logo. As for the mother, I was told to bring our own PJ esp those with front opening easy to BF. I was told to bring 3 sets so probably TMC won't provide PJ. It's better to prepare dark color long pants cos menses could be heavy and long pants can keep you warm after birth.

So far I have packed :

1. 2 packs of disposable maternity undies
2. 10 pcs of disposable breast pad
3. 1 pack of large size and 1 medium size maternity sanitary napkins
4. 3 sets of PJ

BTW, my company did not mandate us to take 1 month of ML before the EDD. I intend to take one week leave before my EDD.
hi poohy, as per my antenatal class 'teacher' say TMC provide everything for the bb including mittens, booties, blankets and clothes... so no need to bring anything for bb...

for mummy, hv to bring our own clothes during hospital stay (recommended to bring PJ dresses cos pants more difficult to wear), toiletries if u prefer your own, clothes for checking out, undies, breast pad, nursing bras, socks and jackets for both daddy n mummy... as for napkins think some of the gals mention hospital will provide but if u wan, can bring your own oso...

also hv to bring documentations, IC of parents, marriage cert if u wan to register bb...
re maternity leave:
If I didnt pop early, I might also take leave ard 1 week or so before my EDD. It'll depend on my condition. If I feel alrite enuff to work, I'll continue to do so. During my antenatal class, we were told that we are not required to rush straight to hospital if our water bag breaks. But we shd be admitted to hospital within 24 hrs.

MAH's "recommendation" is that we be admitted when our cervix is dilated to 3 cms. Before that we can choose not to be warded. Of course if we cannot cope with the labour pains then by all means gets ourselves warded.

MTBs going to otr hospitals, is this also the practise in ur hospitals?
MTBs: I believe the hospital of ur choice shd have a brochure or something to tell u wat to bring. Maybe during the antenatal class they'll touch on it. If not I think next time when u visit ur gynae u can check with them. Different hospitals provides different things.
Florence, mine is also the dress kind with front buttons.

forgetmenot, chinatown complex is the one next to CK. Not the one that is closing for renovation.

poohy, you may need to bring socks and a cardigan in case the delivery suite is cold. Also you need PJs preferably with front openings for breastfeeding. I will be delivering at Mt A. They will provide toiletaries and maternity pad (the loop kind).
thanx gals for the info! Now I got better idea...

funny, most likely I will go hospital tours to tmc and mah these 2 weeks and then when I see my gynae next week... we will discuss the package ...
Still dunno which hospital to go... but I heard TMC raising cost in march and got renovation going on.

jamci, erm.. I think I prob cant share with u wat kkh provides ... cos I miss some of the antenatal class and so far I dun seems to recall them sharing abt it... so I was thinking I may have miss those class they mention such things.
poohy, hospital will most probably provide the loop maternity pad. I was told it makes sense if one is admitted to the hospital without their underwear.. emergency..how to use those stick one if you don;t even have underwear...
Hi poohy

i already booked a room with TMC, they did not mentioned of the increase in price, i guess is the usual price, i took the 1 bedded, is about $325. The hospital tour is Saturday 11 am and 2pm, call to confirm with them
Hi poohy, maybe you might want to bring your fav. CD to help you relax.

Hi tigger, don't you think that the material for the PJ is a bit transparent? Anyway I don't really care, as long as its cheap. I don't think I'm going to wear them for long, I'm not a PJ person.

Hi sgmom, the disposable maternity panties that I've bought in Watson is free size one, so I think its the same one that you've saw. Anyway, you can try in Mothercare, I've saw them display.
Flo: Coz I'm quite big in size.. so I always dun dare to risk buying free size ones. Maybe I'll check out Mothercare ones. But theirs definitely more ex la. Bo-bian. Even if I were to wear the loop kind I dun like "leng-leng"/super tight underwire. So uncomfy. Worse if end up c-section. How to wear tight tight kind.. the wound will get infection in no time. Thanks for ur help
florence, mine as not too transparent leh. maybe we bought different one. I also dun intend to wear them for long, just for the confinement period.
thanks..will go n check it out..
btw,are the PJ quite small?? I'm quite big size leh..so dunno if can fit into them or not..
are there any patterns on the PJ?

you can try metro, i bought a pack $4.50 5 pcs cotton disposable, they got sizes, i open up to take a look, quite big. got other brands too with sizes
JuneTen: Ah ya... I was at Paragon on Sunday. Shd have gone to check. I assumed they wldnt have any disposable undies for maternity use. I got Metro card somemore.
Nvr mind la.. I still got time. Got till end Mar to make sure I get everything done. Apr I'll do nothing liao, maybe except wash my PJs :p and wait for the B-day to arrive
metro oso got sell maternity disposable undies leh..i think i saw it before..it is place at the sorella counter..cos tt's the plc where i usu get those normal cotton disposable undies..
if not u wait till robinsons or john little sale..definitely got discount one..since u hve robinsons card too..
forgetmenot: I havent check out if Robinson carries :p I suppose they do if those disposables are from Sorella. I got metro card & metro voucher. I'll prob source ard first then decide on which brand to buy. I'm also a big size gal.. wearing size 12/14 now :p

Ladies: Those that have bot disposable maternity panties, are those high waist kind? Or bikini type kind? Was wondering if end up c-section, cannot wear bikini type one right? It'll press onto the surgical wound wldnt it?
same..i oso wearing size 12/14 now..but i'm oni in my 21wks..so i think i will need to wear bigger size later..

robinsons definitely have..i saw it before..
sgmom: the maternity panties are the waist kind if not i dun think it can help hold the maternity pads.. maternity pads are super long.
hytten: oh okie.. then I'll buy maternity ones. I think better play safe but those up to the waist kind (altho I hated those) juz in case end up c-section. I only have 2 PJ dresses (one of them not button front some more). Cannot imagine wat'll happen if I really end up c-section. Dunno whether can still wear my 2-pc PJs or not.
sweatcorn: dress PJs sure no problem. But I bot mostly those pants PJs. So hopefully everything smooth smooth... if not end up c-section dunno whether can still wear those PJ pants or not. Pray hard hard.
Flo: If it's so unfortunate that I have to go thru a c-section & cannot wear those PJ pants. I'll just arrow my husband to go market & buy those batik dresses for me. :p So I think I shd talk to my girl girl more often now.. ask her to be good.
Flo: If it's so unfortunate that I have to go thru a c-section & cannot wear those PJ pants. I'll just arrow my husband to go market & buy those batik dresses for me. :p So I think I shd talk to my girl girl more often now.. ask her to be good.
Twinklets: how diligent are u in doing the Kicks Count? I havent officially started leh :p I find that having 10 movements from her within 1 hr is normally no problem lor. Everyday her movements seemed quite regular. Doesnt feel that it has increased/decreased much. My gynae didnt tell me anything abt Kicks Count during my last visit (27+ wks) also leh..

I'll only be seeing my doc next thur (32 wks)... very excited.. still seemed so far away.. altho my last visit was like 3 weeks ago liao...
Aiyo so many posting.

I can only read all posting by the end of the day or before i start work.

Saturday i went to Giant and bought my disposable breast pad too. Selling at $8.90 too.

As for Kiddy Palace, Lot1 also have an outlet.
hubby and i also went shopping for stuff.... we are waiting for the taka fair before we buy the pram.... but we bought the toyoga containers, and the hangers for mittens and booties, baby detergent...
i packed my hospital bag already and we are waiting to see gynae this sat. hopefully everything is well.
depend which ward u choose in KKH.if u choose A/ B ward, they will proivde the following:

1) disposable breast pad(2pcs sample)
2) maternity sanitary napkins (loop)
3)toiletries for bb(shampo,power,wet wipe...sample)
4)new born diaper
5)toiletries for mummies(toothbrush+paste, comb, small towel)
6)receiving blanket for bb

if is a C ward one, u might have to bring ur own toiletries.

dont have to bring PJ, so far never c any1 wear their own clothes b4

heard that MAH give samples of diff infant formular.
Hi Gals,
I'm sure a lot of you guys must be taking essence of chicken, I was wondering if it is ok to take fish essence?
I thought we are suppose to bring our own receiving blankets? Those that they give out are those reuse ones?

You decided on the name of your boy yet?
Hi all,

Internet connection down for quite a few days.. did i miss anything?

Re. the stretchmarks, i thk it's better to apply it right after shower coz our body absorbs best after shower. Most body lotion indicate this so i reckon it's e same for anti-stretchmark cream..

How do i make appt for hospital tour? Do i call them up personally or thru gyne?
Hi gals!
I'm a first-time june mtb, wish to join u all in this chat room.

tankuku: i tink so too, n having been applying the cream twice a day after showers. ehehe... kiasu of me. do u mean antenatal class? such class includes hospital tour. u have to sign up with the hospital.
Good Morning everyone!!

I know KKH does provide the hospital tour daily. All you have to do is register with them. The place to register is jus beside McDonalds.

Can't remember who were asking if the Pigeon sterilizer can put the Avent bottles or not. This morning i've tried and its possible lor.
Morning gals!!!

<font color="0000ff">sgmom</font>
Thanks for the info. Yah.. me looking for the steriliser.

<font color="0000ff">meow</font>
I'm the one asking if pigeon steriliser can put avent bottles or not. Thanks for answering my question.

Think i'll get the pigeon steriliser. Just not
sure if i should buy now or later.

<font color="0000ff">cookie</font>

Good Morning ladies !!!

Yesterday was on MC as i am having very bad headache and aching pain at the pelvis. Went down to gynae for a check and he tell me again that every pain is normal as long as there is no bleeding. My bb have been kicking so hard and frequently that i can't sleep at night. Keep on toss and turn for these few days before i fall asleep at 3+.
My bb now weigh at 1.28kg at 28 weeks. I just check with my gynae yesterday and told me that there is no more second detail scanning for me. He just told me that he will be telling me more on signs to know whether bb is coming on end of Apr. Finally, the TAKA bb sales is coming.
