(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

Really envy you leh. Do you need to provide a letter to certified that you can take plane? But pretty true leh, fall sick then you know go where to seek doc?

Meow: Yup I'll need a letter from my doc. The clinic nurse told me that if I want I just need to give her a call. She'll prepare and get my gynae to sign. Since I havent decided yet I havent requested for one. I thot since my hubby is on biz trip, if I shd fall sick, he can check with his counterparts which doctor to visit. So I thot that shdnt be really an issue lor.
do you notice which position your babies like to hide? is there one preferred position?i realised mine like the right. it is always there... unless i am sleeping on my left. if i lie flat, it will go back to the right side again. ... strange... i thought they like to move around...
krazy: mine move everywhere.. dun notice any preferred location
Like now she is kicking my bladder.. prob telling me that I shd empty it now.

Meow: no need to envy.. in the end I might not even go Taipei. My returning flight from Taiwan is 4 hrs later than my hubby's. I dun think he'll want me to stay in Taipei for another 4 hrs on my own. But if I were to travel back 1 day earlier it seemed the whole trip is not very worthwhile coz I'll only be in Taipei from Sun evening till Wed afternoon.
I know my gal's back is on my left side no matter what. Her hands and legs will kick me on my right. When i before 30weeks, she loves to move from right to left
i hve itchy fingers..i can scratch till my skin tore one..hence i hve several scars now..even the skin are ard my neck is rough rough aft all the scratching...
but guess i hve to control it..if not,wait not nice liao..

so u still going to taipei?is gd to go n relax,cos aft bb is out,no time to go liao..
can u get the same flight as ur hubby?
i told my hubby tt i wanted to go bangkok,but he dun allow mi to go..cos need to walk alot,n there are alot of pple there too..
Dewdrops: The PD is recommended by Dr Chin's nurse coz her kids oso go there. I was complaining to her abt the queue I see @ SBCC. Hopefully i do not have an eventful delivery then after the stay @ GlenE and the necessary check by the PD there, I will do the rest of vaccination for my bb with my family GP.
hi all mommies to be,

it's been a long time since i have logged in. Been busy with work. How's everyone?

went for my checkup 2 weeks ago and gynae says my placenta is still low. if i go thru natural delivery, there will be a higher risk of excessive bleeding.

He advised that i shd go for c-section. So I will be chosing a date in early apr for my delivery.

think me too sensitive liao...i tot most MIL will make tonic soup for us when we r preggie..

btw, we r not suppose to consume raw, half cook food right? One frend of mine(she's mother of 1) told me it's ok only for beef. little bit undercook never mind. is that true?
today i had jap cuisine wf hubby, after e meal than i realise my sushi have fish roe.. alamak..wil my bb ok? start to worry liao...
and sometimes my MIL cooked chicken with lot of blood left, and she said ok one la.. cooked one..look so yukky...

im feeling itchy especially on my legs n bust. scratch until got little lumps. scared when i give birth BF bb e nurse c also scare!!
and e cordyceps(dong cong cao right?)my hubby bought a box n made soup with lean pork for me.

My gyn only gave me multi vit. leh.. no calcium pill, no folic acid, no fish oil...

r u talking abt e bb items sale? i went there last sunday n they have 20% sale, likewise seiyu..
Morning gals,

Calcium tablets and fish oil need to request from your gynae. Else they won't prescribe to you want. Think gynae dun want you to spend additional cost.

My inlaw also didn't cook any tonics for me to take. My SIL says her mum dun know all these. Even that time when she pregnant, she also didn't cook for her own daughter. Well i told my hubby, since his mum doesn't cook all these and if my mum cook birdnest, i ask hubby to pay my mum the money she spends on bird nest lor.

Actually dong cong cao can boil with black chicken and some gou qi zi(good for eyes). Taste great and is my fav. But so far drink once only.
But MIL got cook black chicken too but dunno with wat herbs lor.
hi twinklets, hyetten,
I checked with my gynae yesterday. He said that it is ok to take neurogain (fish oil) until end of pregnancy. I think should be ok also. For my first one, I also took fish oil until the very end. No problems.
morning gals...
can check with u... anyone feeling breathless at night?? keep having it for abt a week... having hard time sleep.... n feeling super super hot... don know whether it is due to the weather or ..
tankuku: Not all gynae practise prescribing all those diff vits. But I think folic is basic coz it's really hard to get sufficient folic. As for calcium, if u are hardworking at drinking those hi-cal milk like Annum and stuff, supplements are not nec. My gynae prescribed me fishoil coz I said to him before that I dun feel like eating fish during my 1st tri. As for food not fully cooked, for safety reasons also better avoid. Coz even if not for the bacterias, if gana LS then also damn xian right?
POshies: I'm also feeling breatheless recently. I guess it's becoz our BBs are getting big & in order to make space for themselves, they've pushed our organs high up towards our rib cage. That also explains why some of us gets heartburn more easily coming into 3rd tri. Wat I do is I try to sit really upright, thus lengthening myself as much as possible. As for feeling hot, I still havent really started feeling the hot flushes yet.
Morning mummies!!

<font color="0000ff">poshies</font>
I do feel hot nowadays too! Partly it's due to the weather and plus we preggies tend to feel hotter.

These few days, my bb's kicks and movements are really intense. Sometimes, don't even feel like do anything... just lie down on the bed and let him kick and kick ...
tankuku, tks for your info. maybe i will check it out @taka this weekend.

My MIL also never really cook those tonic soup for me, except chicken soup only. But it is for everyone to drink lor. Think nowsadays MIL are more blur blur in cooking tonic soups unlike the more older generation. Maybe at our generation, our DIL will be more jia jiat &amp; poor things....hahaha cos we know "NUTS" abt tonic soups.

I only know how to brew bird nests &amp; red date tea for myself.

Oreo, think u had missed my previous messages. Repeat:can you update my baby's gender. It's a girl!
<font color="0000ff">jamci</font>
Updated my EDD list already!!
Congrats on having a girl!!

Been feeling sleepy the whole morning... can't seem to keep awake.
Morning to all Mummies. Just log in and saw so many posts. I was on MC yesterday due to water retention and was in pain when walking. Nowadays, i also have difficulty sleeping at night nowadays as my bb kicking is getting harder and harder especially in the night.
<font color="0000ff">sally</font>
My bb can kick at any time of the day.
This morning woke up with a left leg cramp again... sigh... just now.. even when walking to office, was limping a little.
Sally: poor girl. Pls take care. If ur water retention problem is serious do cut down on salt intake okie. Hopefully it'll help abit.

Mummies: Yest something very amusing happened. I was sitting on the sofa with my feet raised on the coffee table. As usual I like to hug a cushion in front of me &amp; rest my arm on it. Then I realised that she was kicking quite hard so I thot it'll be fun to see her movements, thus I removed the cushion. Then she stopped. I then hug back the cushion &amp; she started kicking again.
I was so amused. I was wondering she is protesting abt the cushion blocking her "view" to the TV
Hi tankuku..

take it easy about our MIL prepare tonic soup for us. i am not expecting anything from them, the more you expect the more you get disappointed, even they do so, just treat it as bonus lor... ;) I just do my due diligence to watch my diet, sometime my sweet mum will cook me bird nest. End of the day is to deliver a healthy baby and most importantly husband understand and dotes on us, the rest...i guess is not so important...
Morning gals!!
Friday!!! Hurray!!

u must have scratched very hard ... cannot scratch so hard leh .. how abt trying to put those anti-stretchmark cream on the areas?
Yah.. must try to control.. another way is maybe cut ur nails short short .. at least wont be so jia lak when u scratch ..

So jia lak huh? will have excessive bleeding if go thr' natural.. I'm getting abit scared liao. I also have low placenta when I went for my detailed scan bk in Dec.

Early Apr .. wow very fast !!

Hmm i think nurses get used to seeing scratched busts liao lor. kekeke..
Ur hubby so nice! even made soup for you!

Same here, my gynea only prescribe me multi vit &amp; folic acid (i'm taking it till now cos at times i skip the multi vit ...
Fish oil is recommended by my fren, cos was told good for bb's eyes &amp; brain , &amp; for mummies too.

same here, my mum cook black chicken for me 1 or 2 times, but i also duno she put wat inside. But 1st time she got put Ginseng. I also duno at 1st, wait later I noe I quickly told her not to put Ginseng inside.
KEee.. actually i duno how dong cong cao look liked. Dunno whether Mom or MIL got put inside soup &amp; boiled or not.
Toking abt black chicken.. it has been a long time since I last tasted it .. *yummy*

But did u mention to Gynea abt the blood thinning &amp; may have more blood flowing out during birth? Will not pose any danger to us Mummies?

I also feel damn hot nowadays. Infact I'm occupying the whole bed now!! haha! Hubby zz next to me emit too much heat out liao, bui tahan.

As for breathless at nite, not sure yet. But do noe my mood at nite before sleeping time not very good lor. But nowadays walking do make me breathless more easier. Also feel so much heavier in the front.
Thanks for the info. I'm also taking neurogain.

My gynea asked me to stop folic asid at week 24 said I don't need it anymore. She ask if I want iron but I prefer multivitamin just in case I didn;t get enough of vitamin from daily meal. Nowadays I still throw up..esp when I am hungry and no appetite too..
I too been feeling extremely tired for the pass few weeks. liao.. just cannot keep my eyes open at work.. but lucky I am always alone in office. ehhehno one to catch me if i zzzz awhile..

I also feels hubby emit too much heat.. but ke lian him.. nvr kick him out of the room... haha. the bed feels so small coz we both hug pillow when we zzz..now he has to zzz at the edge of the bed heheh feel so bad..

came here.... i think partially because of our system and the weather. So tempted to on the fan but saw my hubby all wrapped up in his blanket.
sgmom - Tks for the advise.

hytten - My hubby also getting less and less space in the bed like yours. I have bolster on my left and right and also have pillow under my feet and also hug 1 more pillow to sleep. He always have to move into a small corner so that i have enought spce to toss and turn around in the night when i want to.

Poshies - i also feel very hot in the night and will on air-con and fan at the same time without blanket to sleep in the night.
take care k!
I also got tired legs. I bought this Scholl Refreshing Foot Spray. It is meant for fast relief for hot, tired feet.
I'll carry it around &amp; spray on my feets whenever they are tired. It helps abit though, temporary relief. Maybe u can try this too.

Hee yup i also ke lian my hubby for zz in the small mattress which he put bsides our bed. These few nites he has been carrying the mattress bk &amp; fro from our room to the small room. Really appreciate his action lor.
Same here, my hubby gotta squeeze towards the wall when he sleeps on the masterbed. Got times his head or elbow knocks against the wall. So poor thing.

U on the air con?
My hubby also all wrapped up in his blanket.
I got still on the fan, to medium. Bui tahan lor ....
i just started on fish oil this week. M i too late ?
I also stopped folic acid already. Now on calcium and multi vit. really sien of taking all these pills

Last nite had my first painful cramp. happened when i tried to stretch my leg. sigh.
<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
Not really... fish oil is meant to be a supplement esp. if you don't really eat fish.
I'm still taking multi-vits and oscal prescribed by my gyane since week 12 till now.

Cramps are part and parcel of pregnancy.. have to endure lah... no choice.. we just have to try to minimise it from ocurring too frequent.
think leg cramps, breathelessness, feeling hot etc are getting common hor. Altho I dun feel exceptionally hot but I'm the kind that is damn scared of cold one. Even using fan I'll use my quilt. Now cannot liao. Use fan no quilt.

I wldnt be going to Taiwan already. Altho I wld really love to go. Weather there for the next few days are going to be rainy with temperatures btwn 8-13 degrees. Too cold. I dun think I have the right attire to wear there. And I dun wan to end up catching a cold or something. At the same time I also notice that my "stamina" is not as good as I was during the 2nd tri.. gets tired &amp; breathless more easily than before already. Wonder if the excess travelling will be good for me also... *sob* *sob*... so no go lor...

Shane: Last time I also like u... had a bad cramp when i was actually trying to stretch. Recently my left leg is giving me some problem. Luckily after applying deep heat &amp; running my feet thru the heat massager for 2 days my leg felt so much better liao.
Get ur hubby to massage ur leg &amp; rub some deep heat for u also.. hopefully it'll help u.
<font color="0000ff">sgmom</font>
Nevermind.. this time cannot make the trip, next time can still go mah!
Besides, you can chit-chat with us when your hubby's not around during those few days.
it's ok, u can go next time. sure got chance one ..

okies. did get my hubby to msg for me, but he was in a drowsy state, rudely woken up by me
ha ha ...
Oreo: ya r always so encouraging
Ya lor.. I think this is not the time to be stubborn. Gotta think of BB first.
ok tt's gd to hear. I noticed since preggie, i don't really like to eat fish, don't know y ...

yes lor and alot of other symptoms. My gums bleed also when i brush. tt's also another preggie thingy. all due to hormones. sigh.
like june said, dun expect. my mil didnt ask, and she didnt care. she also didnt brew tonic for me. but she will brew medicine for her daughter weekly. i am not upset that she does it for her daughter,,... they are afterall mother and daughter (stronger bond)
whats worst is that, she made me take overnight food. she didnt even bother to heat up the food too.
recently, (the mummies here would know) my ils had a quarrel with my hubby cuz they didnt want to clear a room for their 1st grandchild... its very disheartening.
my mum and my god-daughter's grandma made pillows for me and my mil did nothing. to top it up, she said she wants to go for a holiday with her daughter in april when i am delivering.
now, nothing they do will surprise me anymore!
i scratched till kena scolding by my hubby...now i try not to scratch too much..

eating abit of fish roe is ok..not too worried..actually as long as all the food eat in moderation,it is fine..
i still eat beef and steak leh..

this morning,i oso have leg cramps when i stretch my right leg...
anyone taking obimin-multi-vitamin pill?
can it be taken in the afternoon?
the instructions give to mi is to be taken in the morning..but i'm wondering can take in the afternoon
hi twinklets,

ya lor, very jia lak. heard from my gynae, if have excessive bleeding and if they cant stop the bleeding, the uterus will have to be removed. But i think this is the extreme case lah..

to play safe, i will go for c-section. Will choose GA over Epi. gynae says epi not 100% painless so if I am those panicky type or cannot tolerate slight pain then better go for GA.
Twinklets - i will and buy it to try. Tks !

Sgmom - This time cannot make it. You can go with your daughter next time when you want to go. Imagine you and her can go shopping together during holiday.

Krazy - Don't be disheartened. My MIL also did not cook anything for me just occasinally dinner if she cooks and is for the whole family. As for my own Mum, i have to give her $$ before she will help me to buy the tonic and brew for me. Anyway, i heard that we can only take tonic until 8th month so i only left 1 and a half month to go. My mum don't need to brew anything for me anymore after that. My mum can even tell me if i don't have anybody to brew tonic soup (my MIL doing confinement foe me)during confinement, i can just drink DOM for the whole month. Even more sad for me as she don't really care about me. She can call and tell my hubby that she want me to be independent on myself from the day i am going to give birth unless i cannot take it anymore then she will see what she can do to help. Lucky i got my hubby's encouragement as he say he will learn to brew the tonic soup for me if his mum not cooking for me.
that is so sweet of your hubby!

all thr crap!!! lets see how they will behave when its their daughters who are pregnant! sometimes, they forget that we are also from someone's bellies...

my gynae prescribed me obimin multi vits too and nothing else. he also told me to take it in the morning but sometimes, i forget because i didnt take breakfast...
i usually take after food. i think the reason why we should take it in the morning is that, our bodies absorb nutrients the quickest in the morning.
sgmom - Regardign your movie advise, i go and watch "constantine" during CNY and my girl girl is kicking vert furiously during the whole movie and i promise myself that i am not going to another this type of horror movie until she is born BUT when there is a lion dance happen to be near-by the stall (1m away)and i just happen to stand there to buy something at the stall, she is not affected at all.
Krazy: dun be disheartened la.. I guess it's human nature that they'll be closer to their own daugthers. I nvr compare how my MIL treat me vs her daugthers. There is definitely a diff but I can ustd. Neither can I see her the same way as I wld towards my mom (eventho I tend to agrue with my mom more :p).. so I think it's the same thing la.

Sally: Wa.. ur hubby so good.. go learn brew tonic for u
My mom will be brewing tonic for me la. It's a cantonese thing. And I prefer my mom's tonic soup vs my MILs one anyway. I tend to find that those brewed by my MIL is not as strong compare to my mom's. But my hubby always find my mom's one too strong for him :p

forgetmenot: I dun think there's a problem taking it morn'g, aftern or nite. As long as u try to take it everyday.
pls dun be sad...if she realli goes for holidays with her daughter,better still..
if not,u will face her everyday when u do confinement..n dunno wat other things she will do n make u upset..

but is there anyone helping u with ur confinement??

i noe tt if i take obimin in the morning,i cannot take milk,if realli take milk in the morning,then have to wait for 2 hrs before taking obimin..nowadays i realli missed having milk n cereals for breakfast..
like wat sgmom said, i think it's ok. i'm the kind who takes only when i rem :p so sometimes i also take it at nite. but i try my best to take in am during wkg days. it's the weekends that i get lazy to take or forget abt it :p
Sally: Maybe ur girl is scared of horror movies but ok with loud noises :p I was so tempted to watch Constantine actually but decided against it. Later my girl girl got nightmare then I whole nite no need to sleep already.
<font color="0000ff">forgetmenot</font>
Your cramp is in your right leg... while mine's in my left leg...

gals, i also don't expect anything from my mil too.
See less often means less friction and conflict. She already has 2 baobei daughters who are very close to her.

gee.. sound so extreme for the excessive bleeding! *gulp* Yup better go for c section then. Do update us if u really gog to pop by early Apr. count count.. really very fast leh.

yup, agreed wif Sally. Next time go wif ur gal gal, can shopping &amp; try clothes together!!

my mum din brew anything for me. Only the 1st few times of black chicken only. During my early stage of pregnancy, she even told me i no need to take too bu cos i like very big-sized.
She scares i take too bu, i even more big-sized.

U are so lucky, ur hubby so loving towards u!

Yeah lor, i also agreed wif forgetmenot.
U wont be facing her everyday &amp; she wont able to do anything tat will effect ur emotions.
Btw, see it positively, u &amp; ur hubby can get to have ur own sweet home all by urself next time. Isnt tat sweeter?

I got take obimin, but hor in the afternoon. After lunch. Usually aro 3+. Everysince I saw Sgmom's posting on 7th mth onwards bb absorb more, I've religiously take them daily.


U can take ur milk &amp; cereals in the morning. Then wait aro 2 hrs later then take obimin. ok lar..
aro 9+ 10+ still consider morning mah ..
